FESCo Meeting Summary - 2009-03-06

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Fri Mar 6 19:30:13 UTC 2009

=== Members Present ===
* Brian Pepple          (bpepple)
* Jarod Wilson          (j-rod)
* Kevin Fenzi           (nirik)
* Dan Horák             (sharkcz)
* Bill Nottingham       (notting)
* Dennis Gilmore        (dgilmore)
* Josh Boyer            (jwb)
* Jon Stanley           (jds2001)

=== Members Absent ===
* David Woodhouse       (dwmw2)

== Summary ==

=== Packaging Committee Report ===

FESCo approved both
by general acclamation.

=== Features ===

FESCo reviewed three new features:

* RPM 4.7

FESCo voted 6 - 0 to approve RPM 4.7 as a Fedora 11 Feature.

* Banshee as default Media player - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/BansheeAsDefaultMediaplayer

FESCo disapproved this feature, with 4 negative votes.

* DNSSEC - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/DNSSEC

FESCo voted 6 - 0 to approve this as a Fedora 11 feature.

FESCo also reviewed 7 existing features for completeness with respect to the
feature freeze:

* MinGW Cross Compiler - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Windows_cross_compiler

FESCo approved that this feature is still fine for Fedora 11 by
general acclamation.

* SSSD - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/SSSD

FESCo voted 5 - 0 that this should remain in, due to the miscommunication
over the schedule date.

* gcc-4.4 - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/gcc4.4

FESCo agreed that this should remain in; the page should be updated
and the remaining unbuilt packages should be built.

* Intel KMS - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/IntelKMS

FESCo agreed that this should remain in; documentation can be done
by the release note freeze.

* LibLVM - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/liblvm

FESCo voted 6 - 0 to move this feature to Fedora 12.

* Multiple PAM Stacks in GDM - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/MultiplePAMStacksInGDM

FESCo agreed that this should remain in; documentation can be done
by the release note freeze.

* Systemtap Static Probes - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/SystemtapStaticProbes

FESCo voted 5 - 0 to move this feature to Fedora 12.

=== Provenpackager re-seed ===

FESCo voted 6 - 0 to change provenpackager as follows:

- it will be emptied and repopulated with the sponsor list
- new members will be discussed by the sponsor list, and voted on
  by FESCo (much in the way new sponsors are)

=== Further business ===

Further business was tabled to the next meeting.

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