will F11 IBUS be the answer for non functional keys in Arabic layout

Muayyad AlSadi alsadi at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 16:55:44 UTC 2009



it's mentioned that IBUS will be the default IM not SCIM
but I guess in F10 for Arabic SCIM wasn't the default

the questions are
1. will IBUS be effected by the changes in rhbz #466627
2. does it need any further action as in F10 it needs a work around to
set XIM as default IM
3. will you make IBUS the default for Arabic
4. do we need to feed IBUS with Arabic layout as we did with SCIM

at last I assure you that those nonfunctional keys are important
if a fellow haven't informed about it he could write سم poison instead
of سلام peace
an that won't be funny as it's now :-)

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