F11: xorg decision to disable Ctrl-Alt-Backspace

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Mon Mar 30 21:52:05 UTC 2009

Adam Miller wrote:
> Sticking with old decrepit ways of doing things that aren't of good
> design purely because it is tradition or "everyone knows about it" is
> no reason to stick with it.

I disagree there. Users grow habits. Breaking them is bad usability for your
existing users. This is also why usability studies using only new users are
flawed, they're looking for the perfect design given no preconceptions, but
intentionally ignoring the habit factor.

        Kevin Kofler
(who uses the classic menu rather than Kickoff in KDE 4, whose widget style
is still Bluecurve and who'll undoubtedly also disable DontZap, i.e. enable
zapping, in F11)

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