Observation/Suggestion in rawhide

James Antill james at fedoraproject.org
Tue Mar 31 15:18:34 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-03-30 at 23:37 -0500, Sachin wrote:
> Hi
> Suggestion
> 1) There should be option called --size in yum which can restrict the
> space which can be used yum. This would be beneficial to machine with
> low disk space.

 This seems like a bad idea, we already do:

            dirstat = os.statvfs(po.repo.pkgdir)
            if (dirstat.f_bavail * dirstat.f_bsize) <= long(po.size):
                adderror(po, _('Insufficient space in download directory %s\n'
                        "    * free   %s\n"
                        "    * needed %s") %

...which is done as we download each package. I'm not sure exactly what
feature you want, but I assume something like doing the above check
before we download anything based on "expected total download size" and
then maybe removing some space from what we count as "free"?

James Antill - james at fedoraproject.org
"I'd just like to see a realistic approach to updates via
 packages." -- Les Mikesell

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