Package Maintainers Flags policy

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Thu May 21 05:23:53 UTC 2009

Ding-Yi Chen wrote:
> Using input method icons, however, solves your case and mine.

What icons? There may be standard icons for Chinese input methods, but there
are no standard icons for keyboard layouts. The language code is nonsense,
as e.g. English and German have different keyboards depending on the

> And how about multilingual countries such as India and Switzerland?

For Switzerland, the different layouts are implemented as variants of the ch
layout, so putting the ch layout up with a Swiss flag and then letting you
pick the variant (which is what KDE does) is the best way to handle it. If
you disagree with them being handled as variants, complain to the xkb
folks, they're setting it up that way.

India is a much more complex case though.

        Kevin Kofler

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