182 pending F11 stable updates. WTF?

Rudolf Kastl che666 at gmail.com
Fri May 8 15:53:14 UTC 2009

i do not understand how this is sane anyways:

actually why not just draw a baseline and continue to upgrade rawhide.
why does it have to be frozen? the freeze is all about making sure
installation works properly and that is beeing tested with using the
released betas/rcs of the installer.
there is no sane way currently to test the f11 updates and that means
while we keep on freezing and testing an old state we are also pushing
out updates on releaseday that have seen no real testing at all. ->
process problem
in my eyes a sane approach would be to atleast have a seperate
updates-f11-prelease repo that is going to be moved to f11-updates
once the final is released. those that want to coverage check the
blocker bugs can actually do so while others can actually test the
updates in a sane way. is there any problem with that? seems pretty
trivial to me actually.
anyone from rel-eng going to comment on that? why is it done that way
when above issues are rather obvious and present since a whole while

kind regards,
Rudolf Kastl

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