Buyer Beware: A Major Change in NFS (in Rawhide) is about to happen

Ray Van Dolson rayvd at
Wed Oct 28 22:42:39 UTC 2009

> > If, for whatever reason, I need to export a file system that doesn't 
> > live in /export, would I still be able to mount it?
> With the '/ *(ro,fsid=0)' entry, Yes, you would be able to mount other
> exported directories.. 
> With the '/export *(ro,fsid=0)' entry, No, the client will only see 
> directories under '/export'. The rest of the filesystem would not be
> seen...

I suppose you could bind mount that other directory to be inside of
/export though and expose it that way?

> I hope this helps... 
> steved.

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