Introduction to a new SIG for creation of Live DVD

Bill Nottingham notting at
Mon Sep 14 18:03:16 UTC 2009

Aditya Patawari (aditya at said: 
> >  How would this be different from each LiveCD group just targeting
> > a DVD size and changing their spin appropriately?
> Actually instead of increasing the size and getting a cluttered install, I
> am planning to include an internal repository. After installation end user
> will get the normal live cd stuff and an inbuilt repo which can be used to
> install packages as per the need. It will reduce the need of internet and
> will also increase the package installation speed.

... how is that significantly different than what we have now?


- user downloads DVD iso
- user picks from arbitrary set of software
- additional software can be selected from network
- user installs

- user downloads DVD live iso
- user partitions, has to include space for all other software on DVD (!)
- user installs
- user reboots
- user can pick from arbitary set of software to add on
- additional software can be selected from network

How is this better?


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