[Fedora-directory-commits] ldapserver/ldap/admin/src migrateTo11.in, NONE, 1.1

Richard Allen Megginson (rmeggins) fedora-directory-commits at redhat.com
Fri Mar 16 21:32:46 UTC 2007

Author: rmeggins

Update of /cvs/dirsec/ldapserver/ldap/admin/src
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv32489/ldapserver/ldap/admin/src

Added Files:
Log Message:
Resolves: bug 231905
Bug Description: migration: Migrate from 1.0.x to 1.1
Reviewed by: nhosoi (Thanks!)
Fix Description: The basic strategy is
1) shutdown the old servers - databases should be quiescent
2) run the migration script - this will copy all of the files (under /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-* by default) to their new FHS style locations, and fix up any entries and attributes that are obsolete or have changed (e.g. values that refer to paths)
3) service fedora-ds start
The migration script does not need to do anything to the database files - the new database code added by Noriko will handle the database upgrade automagically, but I'm leaving the database upgrade code in the script, commented out, in case we need it in the future.
This also fixes an annoying problem with automake - it would build ds_newinst.pl from ds_newinst.pl.in in the source ldap/admin/src directory, and use that version.  This is really a problem with multi platform builds, where you want to share the ldapserver source code among multiple platforms.  With the fix, built/ldap/admin/src/ds_newinst.pl is generated from srcdir/ldap/admin/src/ds_newinst.pl.in, and srcdir/ldap/admin/src/ds_newinst.pl is not written.
Platforms tested: FC6
Flag Day: no
Doc impact: Yes - we need to document migration

--- NEW FILE migrateTo11.in ---
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
# In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
# right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
# General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
# including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
# permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
# through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
# found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
# Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
# the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
# the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
# additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
# Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
# in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
# exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
# version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
# provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
# statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
# exception. 
# Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
# All rights reserved.

# cmd line parsing
use Getopt::Long;
# tempfiles
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);

# load perldap
use Mozilla::LDAP::Conn;
use Mozilla::LDAP::Utils qw(normalizeDN);
use Mozilla::LDAP::API qw(ldap_explode_dn);
use Mozilla::LDAP::LDIF;

# these are the attributes for which we will always use
# the new value, or which do not apply anymore
my %ignoreOld =
 'nsslapd-errorlog'                => 'nsslapd-errorlog',
 'nsslapd-accesslog'               => 'nsslapd-accesslog',
 'nsslapd-auditlog'                => 'nsslapd-auditlog',
 'nskeyfile'                       => 'nsKeyfile',
 'nscertfile'                      => 'nsCertfile',
 'nsslapd-pluginpath'              => 'nsslapd-pluginPath',
 'nsslapd-plugintype'              => 'nsslapd-pluginType',
 'nsslapd-pluginversion'           => 'nsslapd-pluginVersion',
 'nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-named' => 'nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-named',
# these are new attrs that we should just pass through
 'nsslapd-schemadir'               => 'nsslapd-schemadir',
 'nsslapd-lockdir'                 => 'nsslapd-lockdir',
 'nsslapd-tmpdir'                  => 'nsslapd-tmpdir',
 'nsslapd-certdir'                 => 'nsslapd-certdir',
 'nsslapd-ldapifilepath'           => 'nsslapd-ldapifilepath',
 'nsslapd-ldapilisten'             => 'nsslapd-ldapilisten',
 'nsslapd-ldapiautobind'           => 'nsslapd-ldapiautobind',
 'nsslapd-ldapimaprootdn'          => 'nsslapd-ldapimaprootdn',
 'nsslapd-ldapimaptoentries'       => 'nsslapd-ldapimaptoentries',
 'nsslapd-ldapiuidnumbertype'      => 'nsslapd-ldapiuidnumbertype',
 'nsslapd-ldapigidnumbertype'      => 'nsslapd-ldapigidnumbertype',
 'nsslapd-ldapientrysearchbase'    => 'nsslapd-ldapientrysearchbase',
 'nsslapd-ldapiautodnsuffix'       => 'nsslapd-ldapiautodnsuffix'

# these are the attributes for which we will always use
# the old value
my %alwaysUseOld =
 'aci'      => 'aci'

# global vars used throughout script + subs
my $pkgname = "@package_name@";
# this is the new pkgname which may be something like
# fedora-ds-base - we have to strip off the -suffix
if ($pkgname =~ /-(core|base)$/) {
    $pkgname =~ s/-(core|base)$//;
my $oldpkgname = $pkgname;
my $oldsroot = "/opt/$oldpkgname";

# figure out the current bdb version
my $db_version=`db_verify -V`;
my ($db_major_version, $db_minor_version);
if ($db_version =~ /Berkeley DB (\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
    $db_major_version = $1;
    $db_minor_version = $2;
my $db_verstr = "bdb/${db_major_version}.${db_minor_version}/libback-ldbm";

my $debuglevel = 0;
# use like this:
# debug(3, "message");
# this will only print "message" if $debuglevel is 3 or higher (-vvv on the command line)
sub debug {
    my ($level, @rest) = @_;
    if ($level <= $debuglevel) {
        print STDERR "+" x $level, @rest;

sub getNewDbDir {
    my ($ent, $attr, $inst) = @_;
    my %objclasses = map { lc($_) => $_ } $ent->getValues('objectclass');
    my $cn = $ent->getValues('cn');
    my $newval;
    if ($objclasses{nsbackendinstance}) {
        $newval = "@localstatedir@/lib/$pkgname/$inst/db/$cn";
    } elsif (lc $cn eq 'config') {
        $newval = "@localstatedir@/lib/$pkgname/$inst/db";
    } elsif (lc $cn eq 'changelog5') {
        $newval = "@localstatedir@/lib/$pkgname/$inst/cldb";
    debug(2, "New value [$newval] for attr $attr in entry ", $ent->getDN(), "\n");
    return $newval;

sub migrateCredentials {
    my ($ent, $attr, $inst) = @_;
    my $oldval = $ent->getValues($attr);
    debug(3, "Executing migratecred -o $oldsroot/$inst -n @instconfigdir@/$inst -c $oldval . . .\n");
    my $newval = `migratecred -o $oldsroot/$inst -n @instconfigdir@/$inst -c $oldval`;
    debug(3, "Converted old value [$oldval] to new value [$newval] for attr $attr in entry ", $ent->getDN(), "\n");
    return $newval;

# these are attributes that we have to transform from
# the old value to the new value (e.g. a pathname)
# The key of this hash is the attribute name.  The value
# is an anonymous sub which takes two arguments - the entry
# and the old value.  The return value of the sub is
# the new value
my %transformAttr =
 'nsslapd-directory' => \&getNewDbDir,
 'nsslapd-db-logdirectory' => \&getNewDbDir,
 'nsslapd-changelogdir' => \&getNewDbDir,
 'nsds5replicacredentials' => \&migrateCredentials,
 'nsmultiplexorcredentials' => \&migrateCredentials

#nsslapd-directory - if same as old path, convert to new, otherwise, leave it
#nsslapd-logdirectory - if same as old path, convert to new, otherwise, leave it



#dn: cn=Internationalization Plugin
#nsslapd-pluginArg0: $inst/config/slapd-collations.conf

#dn: cn=referential integrity postoperation
#nsslapd-pluginarg1: $inst/logs/referint

# don't forget changelogdb and certmap.conf
# [General]
# FullMachineName=   localhost.localdomain
# SuiteSpotUserID=   nobody
# ServerRoot=    /usr/lib64/fedora-ds
# [slapd]
# ServerPort=   1100
# ServerIdentifier=   localhost
# Suffix=   dc=example,dc=com
# RootDN=   cn=Directory Manager
# RootDNPwd=  Secret123

sub createInfFileFromDseLdif {
    my $oldroot = shift;
    my $inst = shift;
    my $fname = "$oldroot/$inst/config/dse.ldif";
    my $id;
    ($id = $inst) =~ s/^slapd-//;
    open( DSELDIF, "$fname" ) || die "Can't open $fname: $!";
    my ($outfh, $inffile) = tempfile(SUFFIX => '.inf');
    my $in = new Mozilla::LDAP::LDIF(*DSELDIF) ;
    while ($ent = readOneEntry $in) {
        my $dn = $ent->getDN();
        if ($dn =~ /cn=config/) {
            print $outfh "[General]\n";
            print $outfh "FullMachineName = ", $ent->getValues('nsslapd-localhost'), "\n";
            print $outfh "SuiteSpotUserID = ", $ent->getValues('nsslapd-localuser'), "\n";
            print $outfh "ServerRoot = @serverdir@\n";
            print $outfh "[slapd]\n";
            print $outfh "RootDN = ", $ent->getValues('nsslapd-rootdn'), "\n";
            print $outfh "RootDNPwd = ", $ent->getValues('nsslapd-rootpw'), "\n";
            print $outfh "ServerPort = ", $ent->getValues('nsslapd-port'), "\n";
            print $outfh "ServerIdentifier = $id\n";
            print $outfh "Suffix = o=deleteAfterMigration\n";
            print $outfh "start_server= 0\n";
    close $outfh;
    close DSELDIF;

    return $inffile;

sub makeNewInst {
    my ($ds_newinst, $inffile) = @_;
    system ($ds_newinst, $inffile) == 0 or
        die "Could not create new instance using $ds_newinst with inffile $inffile: $?";

sub copyDatabaseDirs {
    my $srcdir = shift;
    my $destdir = shift;
    if (-d $srcdir && ! -d $destdir) {
        debug(0, "Copying database directory $srcdir to $destdir\n");
        system ("cp -p -r $srcdir $destdir") == 0 or
            die "Could not copy database directory $srcdir to $destdir: $?";
    } elsif (! -d $srcdir) {
        die "Error: database directory $srcdir does not exist";
    } else {
        debug(0, "The destination directory $destdir already exists, copying files/dirs individually\n");
        foreach my $file (glob("$srcdir/*")) {
            debug(3, "Copying $file to $destdir\n");
            if (-f $file) {
                system ("cp -p $file $destdir") == 0 or
                    die "Error: could not copy $file to $destdir: $!";
            } elsif (-d $file) {
                system ("cp -p -r $file $destdir") == 0 or
                    die "Error: could not copy $file to $destdir: $!";

sub copyDatabases {
    my $oldroot = shift;
    my $inst = shift;
    my $newdbdir = shift;

    # global config and instance specific config are children of this entry
    my $basedbdn = normalizeDN("cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config");
    # get the list of databases, their index and transaction log locations
    my $fname = "$oldroot/$inst/config/dse.ldif";
    open( DSELDIF, "$fname" ) || die "Can't open $fname: $!";
    my $in = new Mozilla::LDAP::LDIF(*DSELDIF);
    my $targetdn = normalizeDN("cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config");
    while ($ent = readOneEntry $in) {
        next if (!$ent->getDN()); # just skip root dse
        # look for the one level children of $basedbdn
        my @rdns = ldap_explode_dn($ent->getDN(), 0);
        my $parentdn = normalizeDN(join(',', @rdns[1..$#rdns]));
        if ($parentdn eq $basedbdn) {
            my $cn = $ent->getValues('cn');
            my %objclasses = map { lc($_) => $_ } $ent->getValues('objectclass');
            if ($cn eq 'config') { # global config
                debug(1, "Found ldbm database plugin config entry ", $ent->getDN(), "\n");
                my $dir = $ent->getValues('nsslapd-directory');
                my $homedir = $ent->getValues('nsslapd-db-home-directory');
                my $logdir = $ent->getValues('nsslapd-db-logdirectory');
                debug(1, "old db dir = $dir homedir = $homedir logdir = $logdir\n");
                my $srcdir = $homedir || $dir || "$oldroot/$inst/db";
                copyDatabaseDirs($srcdir, $newdbdir);
                copyDatabaseDirs($logdir, $newdbdir) if ($logdir && $logdir ne $srcdir);
            } elsif ($objclasses{nsbackendinstance}) {
                debug(1, "Found ldbm database instance entry ", $ent->getDN(), "\n");
                my $dir = $ent->getValues('nsslapd-directory');
                # the default db instance directory is
                # $oldroot/$inst/$cn
                debug(1, "old instance $cn dbdir $dir\n");
                my $srcdir = $dir || "$oldroot/$inst/db/$cn";
                copyDatabaseDirs($srcdir, "$newdbdir/$cn");
            } # else just ignore for now
    close DSELDIF;

    # server automagically upgrades database if needed
#    upgradeDatabase($newdbdir);
    # fix the DBVERSION files
#    updateDBVERSION($newdbdir);
    # fix guardian files
#    updateDBguardian($newdbdir);

sub copySecurityFiles {
    my $oldroot = shift;
    my $inst = shift;
    my $destdir = shift;
    if (! -d "$oldroot/alias") {
        debug(0, "Error: security file directory $oldroot/alias not found\n");
    } elsif (! -d $destdir) {
        debug(0, "Error: new security file directory $destdir not found\n");
    } else {
        debug(1, "Copying $oldroot/alias/$inst-cert8.db to $destdir/cert8.db\n");
        system ("cp -p $oldroot/alias/$inst-cert8.db $destdir/cert8.db") == 0 or
            die "Error: could not copy $oldroot/alias/$inst-cert8.db to $destdir/cert8.db: $!";
        debug(1, "Copying $oldroot/alias/$inst-key3.db to $destdir/key3.db\n");
        system ("cp -p $oldroot/alias/$inst-key3.db $destdir/key3.db") == 0 or
            die "Error: could not copy $oldroot/alias/$inst-key3.db to $destdir/key3.db: $!";
        debug(1, "Copying $oldroot/alias/secmod.db to $destdir/secmod.db\n");
        system ("cp -p $oldroot/alias/secmod.db $destdir/secmod.db") == 0 or
            die "Error: could not copy $oldroot/alias/secmod.db to $destdir/secmod.db: $!";
        if (-f "$oldroot/alias/$inst-pin.txt") {
            debug(1, "Copying $oldroot/alias/$inst-pin.txt to $destdir/pin.txt\n");
                system ("cp -p $oldroot/alias/$inst-pin.txt $destdir/pin.txt") == 0 or
                die "Error: could not copy $oldroot/alias/$inst-pin.txt to $destdir/pin.txt: $!";
        if (-f "$oldroot/shared/config/certmap.conf") {
            debug(1, "Copying $oldroot/shared/config/certmap.conf to $destdir/certmap.conf\n");
                system ("cp -p $oldroot/shared/config/certmap.conf $destdir/certmap.conf") == 0 or
                die "Error: could not copy $oldroot/shared/config/certmap.conf to $destdir/certmap.conf: $!";

sub copyChangelogDB {
    my $oldroot = shift;
    my $inst = shift;
    my $newdbdir = shift;
    # changelog config entry
    my $cldn = normalizeDN("cn=changelog5, cn=config");
    my $fname = "$oldroot/$inst/config/dse.ldif";
    open( DSELDIF, "$fname" ) || die "Can't open $fname: $!";
    my $in = new Mozilla::LDAP::LDIF(*DSELDIF);
    while ($ent = readOneEntry $in) {
        my $targetdn = normalizeDN($ent->getDN());
        if ($targetdn eq $cldn) {
            my $oldcldir = $ent->getValues('nsslapd-changelogdir');
            debug(1, "old cldb dir = $oldcldir\n");
            my $srcdir = $oldcldir || "$oldroot/$inst/cldb";
            copyDatabaseDirs($srcdir, $newdbdir);

            # server automagically upgrades database if needed
#            upgradeDatabase($newdbdir);

    close DSELDIF;

sub fixAttrsInEntry {
    my ($ent, $inst) = @_;
    for my $attr (keys %{$ent}) {
        my $lcattr = lc $attr;
        if ($transformAttr{$lcattr}) {
            $ent->setValues($attr, &{$transformAttr{$lcattr}}($ent, $attr, $inst));

sub mergeEntries {
    my ($old, $new, $inst) = @_;
    my %inoldonly; # attrs in old entry but not new one
    my %innewonly; # attrs in new entry but not old one
    my @attrs; # attrs common to old and new
    # if the attribute exists in the old entry but not the new one
    # we should probably add it (checking for special cases first)
    # if the attribute exists in the new entry but not the old one
    # we might have to delete it from the new entry
    # first, get a list of all attributes
    foreach my $attr (keys %{$old}) {
        if (! $new->exists($attr)) {
            $inoldonly{$attr} = $attr;
        } else {
            push @attrs, $attr;
    foreach my $attr (keys %{$new}) {
        if (! $old->exists($attr)) {
            $innewonly{$attr} = $attr;
    # iterate through the attr lists
    my $cn = lc $new->getValues("cn");
    foreach my $attr (keys %inoldonly, keys %innewonly, @attrs) {
        my $lcattr = lc $attr;
        if ($ignoreOld{$lcattr}) {
            next; # use new value or just omit if attr is obsolete
        } elsif ($transformAttr{$lcattr}) {
            # only transform if the value is in the old entry
            if (!$innewonly{$attr}) {
                $new->setValues($attr, &{$transformAttr{$lcattr}}($old, $attr, $inst));
        } elsif ($cn eq "internationalization plugin" and $lcattr eq "nsslapd-pluginarg0") {
            next; # use the new value of this path name
        } elsif ($cn eq "referential integrity postoperation" and $lcattr eq "nsslapd-pluginarg1") {
            next; # use the new value of this path name
        } elsif ($innewonly{$attr}) {
            $new->remove($attr); # in new but not old - just remove it
        } else {
            $new->setValues($attr, $old->getValues($attr)); # use old value

sub mergeDseLdif {
    my $oldroot = shift;
    my $inst = shift;
    my $ent;

    # first, read in old file
    my %olddse; # map of normalized DN to Entry
    my @olddns; # the DNs in their original order
    my $fname = "$oldroot/$inst/config/dse.ldif";
    open( OLDDSELDIF, $fname ) || die "Can't open $fname: $!";
    my $in = new Mozilla::LDAP::LDIF(*OLDDSELDIF);
    while ($ent = readOneEntry $in) {
        my $dn = normalizeDN($ent->getDN());
        push @olddns, $dn;
        $olddse{$dn} = $ent;
    close OLDDSELDIF;

    # next, read in new file
    my %newdse; # map of normalized DN to Entry
    my @newdns; # the DNs in their original order that are not in olddns
    $fname = "@instconfigdir@/$inst/dse.ldif";
    open( NEWDSELDIF, $fname ) || die "Can't open $fname: $!";
    $in = new Mozilla::LDAP::LDIF(*NEWDSELDIF);
    while ($ent = readOneEntry $in) {
        my $dn = normalizeDN($ent->getDN());
        $newdse{$dn} = $ent;
        if (! exists $olddse{$dn}) {
            push @newdns, $dn;
    close NEWDSELDIF;

    # temp file for new, merged dse.ldif
    my ($dsefh, $tmpdse) = tempfile(SUFFIX => '.ldif');
    # now, compare entries
    # if the entry exists in the old tree but not the new, add it
    # if the entry exists in the new tree but not the old, delete it
    # otherwise, merge the entries
    # @olddns contains the dns in the old dse.ldif, including ones that
    # may also be in the new dse.ldif
    # @newdns contains dns that are only in the new dse.ldif
    for my $dn (@olddns, @newdns) {
        my $oldent = $olddse{$dn};
        my $newent = $newdse{$dn};
        my $outputent;
        if ($oldent && !$newent) {
            # may have to fix up some values in the old entry
            fixAttrsInEntry($oldent, $inst);
            # output $oldent
            $outputent = $oldent;
        } elsif (!$oldent && $newent) {
            next if ($dn =~ /o=deleteAfterMigration/i);
            # output $newent
            $outputent = $newent;
        } else { #merge
            # $newent will contain the merged entry
            mergeEntries($oldent, $newent, $inst);
            $outputent = $newent;
        # special fix for rootDSE - perldap doesn't like "" for a dn
        if (! $outputent->getDN()) {
            my $ary = $outputent->getLDIFrecords();
            shift @$ary; # remove "dn"
            shift @$ary; # remove the empty dn value
            print $dsefh "dn:\n";
            print $dsefh (Mozilla::LDAP::LDIF::pack_LDIF (78, $ary), "\n");
        } else {
            Mozilla::LDAP::LDIF::put_LDIF($dsefh, 78, $outputent);
    close $dsefh;

    return $tmpdse;

sub usage {
    print STDERR <<EOF;
Usage: $0 [-h] [-v....v] [-o /path/to/oldserverroot] [-i slapd-instance ... -i slapd-instanceN]


This script will copy instances (data and configuration) from the old
server root directory to their new FHS locations.  This script does a
copy only - the data in the old instances will be left untouched.  The
old instances must be shutdown first to ensure that the databases are
copied safely.  The new instances will not be started by migration,
but can be started after running migration by doing

 service $pkgname start


You will not be able to use the console or Admin Express to manage
instances that have been migrated.  You will be able to use the web
applications such as the Directory Server Gateway, Directory Express,
and Org Chart.

If you have configured your main database or replication changelog
database to use separate partitions for log files and index files,
this configuration will not be migrated.  All of your data
will be copied to the standard FHS location
@localstatedir@/lib/$pkgname/slapd-INSTANCE/db (or cldb).


-v   Increase the verbosity - you can specify this more than once
     (e.g. -vvvv) for more output
-o   The old server root directory (default $oldsroot)
-i   Instance to migrate - by default, all instances in $oldsroot
     will be migrated, but you can specify one or more if you do
     not want all of them (e.g. -i slapd-inst1 -i slapd-inst2)
-h   This message


	exit 1;

# Main script begins here

my @instances; # the instances to migrate

# process command line options
Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(bundling)); # bundling allows -vvvvvv
GetOptions('verbose|v+' => \$debuglevel,
           'instance|i=s' => \@instances,
           'oldsroot|o=s' => \$oldsroot,
           'help|h' => sub { &usage });

# get list of instances to migrate
if (! @instances) {
    # an instance must be a directory called $oldsroot/slapd-something and the file
    # $oldsroot/slapd-something/config/dse.ldif must exist
    @instances = grep { -d && -f "$_/config/dse.ldif" && ($_ =~ s,$oldsroot/,,) } glob("$oldsroot/slapd-*");

die "No instances found to migrate" unless (@instances);

# find ds_newinst.pl - in same directory as this script or in PATH
my $ds_newinst;
($ds_newinst = $0) =~ s|/[^/]+$|/ds_newinst.pl|;
if (! -x $ds_newinst) {
    $ds_newinst = "ds_newinst.pl"; # just get from path

# for each instance
foreach my $inst (@instances) {
# set instance specific defaults
    my $newdbdir = "@localstatedir@/lib/$pkgname/$inst/db";
    my $newcertdir = "@instconfigdir@/$inst";
    my $newcldbdir = "@localstatedir@/lib/$pkgname/$inst/cldb";

# extract the information needed for ds_newinst.pl
    my $inffile = createInfFileFromDseLdif($oldsroot, $inst);
    debug(2, "Using inffile $inffile created from $oldsroot/$inst\n");

# create the new instance
    makeNewInst($ds_newinst, $inffile);

# copy over the files/directories
# copy the databases
    copyDatabases($oldsroot, $inst, $newdbdir);

# copy the security related files
    copySecurityFiles($oldsroot, $inst, $newcertdir);

# copy the repl changelog database
    copyChangelogDB($oldsroot, $inst, $newcldbdir);

# merge the old info into the new dse.ldif
    my $tmpdse = mergeDseLdif($oldsroot, $inst);

# get user/group of new dse
    my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $uid, $gid, @rest) = stat "@instconfigdir@/$inst/dse.ldif";
# save the original new dse.ldif
    system("cp -p @instconfigdir@/$inst/dse.ldif @instconfigdir@/$inst/dse.ldif.premigrate");
# copy the new one
    system("cp $tmpdse @instconfigdir@/$inst/dse.ldif");
# change owner/group
    chmod $mode, "@instconfigdir@/$inst/dse.ldif";
    chown $uid, $gid, "@instconfigdir@/$inst/dse.ldif";

# remove the temp one

debug(0, "\n\nDone!  Migration is complete.\n");
debug(0, "You can start your new servers with: service fedora-ds start\n");

# the server automagically upgrades the databases, so these are not needed for now
# sub upgradeDatabase {
#     my $newdbdir = shift;
#     # now, recover the database to flush the data from the log file(s)
#     # into the .db4 (index) files
#     debug(0, "Recovering and flushing log files in $newdbdir . . .\n");
#     my $vflag = "";
#     if ($debuglevel > 2) {
#         $vflag = "-v";
#     }
#     system("db42_recover $vflag -h $newdbdir") == 0 or
#         die "Error: could not recover the db files in $newdbdir: $!";
#     # then, remove the log file(s) (log.xxxxx) and the old memory region files (__db.XXX files)
#     debug(0, "Removing old log and memory region files in $newdbdir . . .\n");
#     system("rm -f $newdbdir/log.* $newdbdir/__db.*") == 0 or
#         die "Error: could not remove log and mem region files in $newdbdir: $!";
#     # finally, upgrade the index files
#     debug(0, "Upgrading all database files in $newdbdir . . .\n");
#     for my $dbfile (<$newdbdir/*/*.db4>) {
#         debug(2, "Upgrading database file $dbfile . . .\n");
#         system("db_upgrade -h $newdbdir $dbfile") == 0 or
#             die "Error: could not upgrade database file $dbfile: $!";
#     }
#     for my $dbfile (<$newdbdir/*.db4>) {
#         debug(2, "Upgrading database file $dbfile . . .\n");
#         system("db_upgrade -h $newdbdir $dbfile") == 0 or
#             die "Error: could not upgrade database file $dbfile: $!";
#     }
# }

# sub updateDBVERSION {
#     my $newdbdir = shift;
#     my $fname = "$newdbdir/DBVERSION";
#     my @flist = ($fname);
#     push @flist, glob("$newdbdir/*/DBVERSION");
#     for $fname (@flist) {
#         if (-f $fname) {
#             debug(2, "Updating $fname to $db_verstr\n");
#             open(FNAME, ">$fname") or die "Can't write $fname: $!";
#             print FNAME $db_verstr, "\n";
#             close FNAME;
#         } else {
#             debug(0, "No $fname - skipping\n");
#         }
#     }
# }

# sub updateDBguardian {
#     my $newdbdir = shift;
#     my $fname = "$newdbdir/guardian";
#     my @flist = ($fname);
#     push @flist, glob("$newdbdir/*/guardian");
#     for $fname (@flist) {
#         if (-f $fname) {
#             debug(2, "Updating $fname to $db_verstr\n");
#             open(FNAME, "$fname") or die "Can't read $fname: $!";
#             my @lines = <FNAME>;
#             close FNAME;
#             open(FNAME, ">$fname") or die "Can't write $fname: $!";
#             for (@lines) {
#                 if (/^version:/) {
#                     print FNAME "version:$db_verstr\n";
#                 } else {
#                     print FNAME;
#                 }
#             }
#             close FNAME;
#         } else {
#             debug(0, "No $fname - skipping\n");
#         }
#     }
# }

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