[Fedora-directory-commits] dsgw/config orgchart.tmpl,NONE,1.1

Nathan Kinder (nkinder) fedora-directory-commits at redhat.com
Fri Jan 11 21:58:12 UTC 2008

Author: nkinder

Update of /cvs/dirsec/dsgw/config
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv20288/config

Added Files:
Log Message:
Added orgchart to dsgw.

--- NEW FILE orgchart.tmpl ---
# This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
# In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
# right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
# General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
# including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
# permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
# through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
# found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
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# statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
# exception. 
# Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
#  Configuration file for Directory Server Org Chart
#  ----------------------------------------------------------

#   Blank lines in this file, as well as lines that
#   start with at least one "#" character, are both ignored.
#   Name/Value pairs below are (and need to be) separated with
#   one or more tabs  (or spaces)
#ldap-host       localhost
#ldap-port       389
#ldap-search-base       dc=example,dc=com

ldap-host               @host@
ldap-port               @port@
ldap-search-base        @suffix@

#  If you would like to have the phonebook icon visible, you must
#  supply the partial phonebook URL below, which will have each
#  given user's DN attribute value concatenated to the end.
#  For example, you could specify below something close to:
#      url-phonebook-base      http://hostname.domain.com/dsgw/bin/dosearch?context=default&hp=localhost&dn=

#   A name that has no value after it equates to "" for the value, 
#   like the two below settings.
#   Not listing an entire name/value pair at all in this file
#   sets its value to "" as well.
#   So the below two names therefore don't even need to be in this file
#   (but are here to show them as possible options that can be changed).
#   Having no value below for "ldap-bind-dn" and "ldap-bind-pass"
#   indicates that you want anonymous binding to the LDAP server.


#   Allowed values for below icon-related setting:
#	forefront	means show this icon next to the person's name 
#	layer		means show this icon inside the person's floating layer
#	no			means never show this icon anywhere, but MyOrgChart settings can override this setting.
#	disabled	means never show this icon. Period. So MyOrgChart will not even show this icon as a setting.

icons-aim-visible		disabled
icons-email-visible		layer
#icons-phonebook-visible		forefront
icons-phonebook-visible		disabled
icons-locator-visible		disabled

#  There is also the same concept below for a person-locator
#  type application, to show graphically where a given employee's office is located.
#  You also specify the partial URL, up until where the user's URL-
#  encoded cn value will be concatenated.
#	url-locator-base        http://hostname.domain.com/submit.cgi?empfullname=

#  This is where you specify which specific LDAP attributes
#  from your LDAP server that you would like used for both org chart
#  generation as well as final display values.
#  The value of the attribute specified for "attrib-job-title" will
#  be listed below anybody's name that is listed in their own box.
#  If you don't specify this setting in this file, the default used
#  will be "title".
#  For "attrib-farleft-rdn", this specifies which attribute you are
#  using as the leftmost RDN for the DN's of your user entries.

attrib-job-title    title
attrib-manager      manager
attrib-farleft-rdn  uid

#  This is where you specify the maximum levels that are allowed
#  to be generated for any given org chart, and the MyOrgChart version
#  of this setting will never be allowed to be higher than the below.
#  A "level" is defined as a reporting level, meaning that if you 
#  generate an org chart for a given director, all direct reports to him
#  (whether they have people below them or not) are level 1, people below
#  any of them are level 2, etc.
#  So a setting of 1 would list the full name of the user entered, and
#  then just people that directly report to that person only.
#  The purpose of having this configuration setting is to give you
#  control over users that may try to generate an org chart on the
#  CEO of a company, and heavily tax the LDAP server to generate
#  an org chart that may be thousands of people deep.
#  If this setting is not listed below, the default is 3.
#  The valid range of values for this setting would be a minimum of 1,
#  with no hard-coded maximum.

max-levels-drawn	3

#  The below setting relates to whether a specific assumption should be made
#  on all values that you currently have stored for your manager LDAP attribute. 
#  The assumption:	That all user entries are stored in LDAP on the
#			same flat level location, at least for a given
#			group of people that org charts will be generated for.
#  So when you enter:
#	Steve Jones
#  to generate an org chart on, which let's say equates to this DN:
#	uid=sjones, ou=People, dc=acme, dc=com
#  then should this application assume that the manager attrib value
#  of this entry is in this same location as Steve Jones:
#	manager =  "uid=XXXXXX, ou=People, dc=acme, dc=com" 
#  or is it possible that the manager's LDAP entry is at another level?
#  The below two options for this setting specifies one of two scenarios, 
#  based on how you have configured your directory information tree:
#  Either the value:
#	same		This means assume the same location (such as 
#			"ou=People, dc=acme, dc=com" above) that the inital
#			user entry is found at for all subsequent entries
#			involved in drawing that given org chart.
#			In other words, this setting assumes a totally
#			flat namespace, at least for all users that will
#			be in a given generated org chart.
#	search		This means there is no guarantee that other entries
#			that need to be discovered to draw the org chart
#			are in the same area of the directory tree, so when
#			searching the manager attribute DN values for a given
#			exact uid, search like this instead:  
#				manager = "uid=sjones,*"
#			This will be much more expensive of a search, so
#			if you fit this scenario, at least make sure on your LDAP
#			server that you have the substring index created for your
#			manager attribute, to make drawing the org chart as fast
#			as possible.
#  Default value (if this setting is not listed in this file):  same

manager-DN-location	same

#	This setting helps you configure against users entering LDAP  
#	queries for "A" or "MI" and then taxing the LDAP server by asking
#	for thousands of search results back.
#	The value you specify below for "min-chars-searchstring" means
#	that the user must enter AT LEAST this many characters for 
#	their request to even make it to the LDAP server.  If they type
#	less characters than this setting, they will get a message that
#	they need to enter at least X characters to search, where X will
#	be the below value.
#	NOTE: This setting purposely does not apply to allowing a user
#	to search for an exact UID (to avoid search results).  The logic
#	is that:
#	[1] Search LDAP for an equality search of (uid=XXXX), regardless
#	of both this below setting / how many characters were entered.
#	[2] If this single LDAP entry was not found, then make sure the
#	number of characters entered for the search are at least the below
#	number of characters, before sending a broader search to LDAP. 
#	If this setting is not configured below (the line is absent),
#	the default value used is 4.

min-chars-searchstring		4

#	Allowed characters in search filters.  If the user enters a search that
#	contains a character not in the allowed-filter-chars list, the user
#	will be notified the search needs to be modified.

allowed-filter-chars abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 _-

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