[Fedora-directory-devel] Administrative limit exceeded with no results returned

Graham Leggett minfrin at sharp.fm
Thu Sep 25 16:32:04 UTC 2008

Rich Megginson wrote:

> Not exactly.  You are most likely hitting the look through limit.  Is 
> associatedDomain indexed for equality?  Are there more than 1000 entries 
> that have the associatedDomain attribute?  In order to satisfy the NOT 
> filter (!) the database has to look through all of the records in the 
> database.

The total number of objects containing associatedDomain is 50 objects, 
and the definition for associatedDomain is the default as found in the 
pilot schema like so:

/etc/dirsrv/slapd-chandler/schema/28pilot.ldif:attributeTypes: ( 
0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.37 NAME 'associatedDomain' DESC 'Standard LDAP 
attribute type' SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'RFC 1274' )

How does the directory handle multiple queries in an "and"? I would have 
thought that (&(A)(B)) would not bother evaluating B if A evaluated to 
zero records (as is the case in the first query), and in theory 
calculating the NOT in the second half of the query should have in 
theory have searched the results left over after evaluating A (ie just 
one record in the second query).

Or have I got this wrong (or backwards)?

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