[Fedora-directory-users] Creating Replication Agreements at the Command Line (again)

Del del at babel.com.au
Thu Dec 1 08:43:02 UTC 2005

I am trying to set up a two-master replica using this script:


It creates the necessary replication objects, and then continually
reports the following error message in the log files:

[01/Dec/2005:18:55:04 +1100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn="Replication to fc3-dbw-2.babel.office"" (fc3-dbw-2:389): Replication bind to cn=repman,cn=config on consumer failed: 32 ()

(on both servers).

I assumed that this was a password problem so I tried changing the
password to cn=repman,cn=config on the server and in the
replication agreement, and now I get the error message:

[01/Dec/2005:18:41:14 +1100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn="Replication to fc3-dbw-1.babel.office"" (fc3-dbw-1:389): Replica has a different generation ID than the local data.

I tried manually forcing the replica to happen via the console and
I still get the above error message.

Any ideas?  I've tried rebuilding the DS from scratch a few times
and I still get the same thing.


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