[Fedora-directory-users] cert signing

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Mon Jun 20 19:21:44 UTC 2005

Jeff Falgout wrote:
> Brian K. Jones said:
>>Anyone have a procedure for self signing a certificate request from FDS
>>an existing CA cert with openssl? Also - anyone know why I can't just use
>>existing cert/key pair with FDS that was created and self-signed already -
>>if I can, how?
> openssl x509 -req -in /path/to/csr \
>         -CA /path/to/cacert \
>         -CAkey /path/to/cakey -CAcreateserial \
>         -out /path/to/signed.crt
> I just use this command to sign the csr generated from the console. I
> haven't figured out how to use an existing cert/key - I'd very much like
> to see how to do that.

This was just discussed on IRC, may as well document it here as well.

First, head into console and initialize your certificate database and 
assign a password. To do this, log into the console, select your 
directory instance and under Tasks select Manage Certificates. If you 
don't already have a certificate database created, it will prompt you 
for a password.

Now, at a unix prompt, change to your server root as a user that can 
write to the files in alias (probably root).

This assumes that the existing cert is in the file ssl-cert.pem and the 
existing key is in ssl-key.pem and your instance is named "myinstance":

# cd /opt/redhat-ds
# openssl pkcs12 -export -in ssl-cert.pem -inkey ssl-key.pem -out 
ssl-cert.p12 -name "Server-Cert"

You now have the openssl cert in a pkcs#12 file (cert and key together)

Now import it into your DS database:

# shared/bin/pk12util -i ssl-cert.p12 -d alias -P slapd-myinstance-

This will work for both Fedora and Red Hat DS.

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