[Fedora-directory-users] Minimum ant version for building console code?

Nathan Kinder nkinder at redhat.com
Wed Sep 7 15:58:36 UTC 2005

Hi Kevin,

I'd recommend using Ant 1.6.2.  The 1.5.x versions will not work, as you 
have seen.

Kevin M. Myer wrote:

>My desktop machine is running Fedora Core 3.  I checked out the CVS code for
>building the consoles and followed the instructions in the Wiki to try and
>build it.  However, I'm getting an error (and am entirely new to using ant). 
>Is there a minimum ant version required to build?
>[myer at pegmatite console]$ ant
>Buildfile: build.xml
>file:/home/myer/fedora-ds/console/build.xml:51: The <fail> task doesn't support
>the nested "condition" element.
>Total time: 0 seconds
>[myer at pegmatite console]$ rpm -q ant

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