[Fedora-directory-users] New install with Admin Server issues

Duncan McGreggor duncan at zenoss.com
Sun Dec 31 03:11:49 UTC 2006

Hey all,

I'm having some troubles with the Admin Server (web). First, some  

* This is my first experience with FDS
* I'm running Debian and followed the install instructions here:
* I created/installed the debian package from fedora- 
* I can run the java console application, login, create entries, etc.
* I'm a python coder, not a java one, so I have no idea about the  
java stuff.

Here are the issues I am seeing:
1) clicking on the "help" buttons on the java console results in a  
download dialog with the following message:
      The file "help" is of type application/octect-stream...
2) Clicking the "Restart" button (admin tasks) on the java console  
results in a 404
3) Attempting to visit the url http://myhost:62332/ results in a  
download dialog
4) If I download the file, open it and read it, it's a binary file.  
The file begins with the following:
      ELF              ,Ü4   8      4     
(      4   4Ä4ć   ‡              ÅÅ              
       Ä ÄË  Ë               ê ê@  D           
ê»   »            (  (Å(Å               
QÂtd                          /lib/ld-linux.so. 
2           GNU                               
    And then later in the file, there is this:
      Error: %s
       NETSITE_ROOT %s%cdsgw NETSITE_ROOT not found %s%cdist %c% 
s uxmcc ntmcc winmcc %s:%s HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE , r ,  Content-type:  
 <download_menu_block> <dsgw_menu_block> </download_menu_block> </ 
dsgw_menu_block> <download_menu_options> <option value='%s'>%s
 start-console.html not found en  Unable to open NETSITE_ROOT/ 
dist    ..%cjava%chtml%c%c%c%cstart-console.html    ..%cjava%chtml% 
cstart-console.html                                      ‡ê      
   ¸ç   HÅ   8É   ËÅ
5) I saw the following rewrite rule in /opt/fedora-ds/admin-serv/ 
      RewriteRule ^/$ /dist/download [R,L,QSA]
    I commented it out, restarted the server, and now I get a 403  
(Forbidden) when I access http://myhost:62332/
6) I set the admin server's log level to debug, and I started seeing  
these messages:
[Sun Dec 31 03:00:57 2006] [debug] mod_admserv.c(1759): [client] admserv_check_authz: uri [tasks/operation/StatusPing]  
did not begin with [commands/] - not a command
[Sun Dec 31 03:00:57 2006] [debug] mod_admserv.c(1808): [client] admserv_check_authz: execute CGI [/opt/fedora-ds/bin/ 
admin/admin/bin/statusping] args [(null)]

That's all I can think of for now. Does anyone have any clue as to  
what could be going on? Is this a java app server dealie? I tried  
searching through the docs and the FDS pages for anything that might  
clue me in, and came up empty-handed...

Other than this, though, it looks like a killer LDAP server. Looking  
forward to getting this rolled out here, and providing folks with the  
web admin link to manage their info...



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