[Fedora-directory-users] allowing users to change their own passwords (solaris 10)

Susan logastellus at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 22 21:21:38 UTC 2006

Well, I've gotten authentication working for solaris 10 & FDS.  (Thank you, everybody)

As root, I can change any user's password and that works.  As a regular user, however, no luck:

-bash-3.00$ passwd
passwd: Changing password for test
passwd: Sorry, wrong passwd
Permission denied

-bash-3.00$ passwd -r ldap
passwd: Changing password for test
passwd: Sorry, wrong passwd
Permission denied

I've this aci:

(targetattr="carLicense ||description ||displayName ||facsimileTelephoneNumber ||homePhone
||homePostalAddress ||initials ||jpegPhoto ||labeledURL ||mail ||mobile ||pager ||photo
||postOfficeBox ||postalAddress ||postalCode ||preferredDeliveryMethod ||preferredLanguage
||registeredAddress ||roomNumber ||secretary ||seeAlso ||st ||street ||telephoneNumber
||telexNumber ||title ||userCertificate ||userPassword ||userSMIMECertificate
||x500UniqueIdentifier")(version 3.0; acl "Enable self write for common attributes"; allow (write)

Doesn't seem to be doing anything, even though userPassword is in there. Btw, in Linux, non-root
users can change their passwords just fine!

I've also two of these ACIs which I got from Gary Tay's site:

(target="ldap:///dc=company,dc=com")(targetattr="userPassword")(version 3.0; acl
LDAP_Naming_Services_proxy_password_read; allow (compare,search) userdn =

(targetattr =
3.0; acl LDAP_Naming_Services_deny_write_access;deny (write) userdn = "ldap:///self";)

They seem to doing nothing either, i.e. removing them neither fixes nor breaks anything.

Nothing in server/client logs either...

Any ideas?

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