[Fedora-directory-users] Stress tool to FDS

Noriko Hosoi nhosoi at redhat.com
Wed Feb 14 18:07:14 UTC 2007

Renato Ribeiro da Silva wrote:
> Is there any stress tool to FDS? I need to simulate a large number of binds and searches in Directory.
> Thanks in advance,
> Renato.
> --
> Fedora-directory-users mailing list
> Fedora-directory-users at redhat.com
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Please take a look at /opt/fedora-ds/shared/bin/{rsearch, ldclt} if they 
meet your requirements.
Usage: rsearch -D binddn -w bindpw -s suffix -f filter [options]
-\?       -- print Usage (this message)
-H        -- print Usage (this message)
-h host   -- ldap server host  (default: localhost)
-p port   -- ldap server port  (default: 389)
-S scope  -- search SCOPE [0,1,or 2]  (default: 2)
-b        -- bind before every operation
-u        -- don't unbind -- just close the connection
-L        -- set linger -- connection discarded when closed
-N        -- No operation -- just bind (ignore mdc)
-v        -- verbose
-y        -- nodelay
-q        -- quiet
-l        -- logging
-m        -- operaton: modify non-indexed attr (description). -B required
-M        -- operaton: modify indexed attr (telephonenumber). -B required
-d        -- operaton: delete. -B required
-c        -- operaton: compare. -B required
-i file   -- name file; used for the search filter
-B file   -- [DN and] UID file (use '-B \?' to see the format)
-A attrs  -- list of attributes for search request
-a file   -- list of attributes for search request in a file
          -- (use '-a \?' to see the format ; -a & -A are mutually 
-n number -- (reserved for future use)
-j number -- sample interval, in seconds  (default: 10)
-t number -- threads  (default: 1)
-T number -- Time limit, in seconds; cmd stops when exceeds <number>
-V        -- show running average
-C num    -- take num samples, then stop
-R num    -- drop connection & reconnect every num searches
-x        -- Use -B file for binding; ignored if -B is not given
usage: ldclt [-qQvV] [-E <max errors>]
             [-b <base DN>] [-h <host>] [-p <port>] [-t <timeout>]
             [-D <bind DN>] [-w <passwd>]
             [-e <execParams>] [-a <max pending>]
             [-n <nb threads>] [-i <nb times>] [-N <nb samples>]
             [-I <err number>] [-T <total>]
             [-r <low> -R <high>]
             [-f <filter>] [-s <scope>]
             [-S <slave>] [-P<master port>]
             [-W <waitsec>] [-Z <certfile>]

        This tool is a ldap client targetted to validate the reliability of
        the product under test under hard use.

        The valid options are:
         -a  Asynchronous mode, with max pending operations.
         -b  Give the base DN to use. Default "o=sun,c=us".
         -D  Bind DN. See -w
         -E  Max errors allowed.                   Default 1000.
         -e  Execution parameters:
                add         : ldap_add() entries.
                append      : append entries to the genldif file.
                ascii       : ascii 7-bits strings.
                attreplace=name:mask    : replace attribute of existing 
                attrlist=name:name:name : specify list of attribs to 
                attrsonly=0|1  : ldap_search() parameter. Set 0 to read 
                bindeach    : ldap_bind() for each operation.
                bindonly    : only bind/unbind, no other operation is 
                close       : will close() the fd, rather than 
                cltcertname=name : name of the SSL client certificate
                commoncounter    : all threads share the same counter.
                counteach   : count each operation not only successful ones.
                delete                : ldap_delete() entries.
                dontsleeponserverdown : will loop very fast if server down.
                emailPerson           : objectclass=emailPerson (-e add 
                esearch               : exact search.
                genldif=filename      : generates a ldif file
                imagesdir=path        : specify where are the images.
                incr                  : incremental values.
                inetOrgPerson         : objectclass=inetOrgPerson (-e 
add only).
                keydbfile=file        : filename of the key database
                keydbpin=password     : password for accessing the key 
                noglobalstats         : don't print periodical global 
                noloop                : does not loop the incremental 
                object=filename       : build object from input file
                person                : objectclass=person (-e add only).
                random                : random filters, etc...
                randomattrlist=name:name:name : random select attrib in 
the list
                randombase             : random base DN.
                randombaselow=value    : low value for random generator.
                randombasehigh=value   : high value for random generator.
                randombinddn           : random bind DN.
                randombinddnfromfile=fine : retrieve bind DN & passwd 
from file
                randombinddnlow=value  : low value for random generator.
                randombinddnhigh=value : high value for random generator.
                rdn=attrname:value     : alternate for -f.
                referral=on|off|rebind : change referral behaviour.
                scalab01               : activates scalab01 scenario.
                scalab01_cnxduration   : maximum connection duration.
                scalab01_maxcnxnb      : modem pool size.
                scalab01_wait          : sleep() between 2 attempts to 
                smoothshutdown         : main thread waits till the 
worker threads exit.
                string      : create random strings rather than random 
                v2          : ldap v2.
                withnewparent : rename with newparent specified as argument.
         -f  Filter for searches.
         -h  Host to connect.                      Default "localhost".
         -i  Number of times inactivity allowed.   Default 3 (30 seconds)
         -I  Ignore errors (cf. -E).               Default none.
         -n  Number of threads.                    Default 10.
         -N  Number of samples (10 seconds each).  Default infinite.
         -p  Server port.                          Default 389.
         -P  Master port (to check replication).   Default 16000.
         -q  Quiet mode. See option -I.
         -Q  Super quiet mode.
         -r  Range's low value.
         -R  Range's high value.
         -s  Scope. May be base, subtree or one.   Default subtree.
         -S  Slave to check.
         -t  LDAP operations timeout. Default 30 seconds.
         -T  Total number of operations per thread.        Default infinite.
         -v  Verbose.
         -V  Very verbose.
         -w  Bind passwd. See -D.
         -W  Wait between two operations.          Default 0 seconds.
         -Z  certfile. Turn on SSL and use certfile as the certificate DB

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