[Fedora-directory-users] FDS, SNMP & Cacti...

HAWKER, Dan dan.hawker at astrium.eads.net
Mon Jan 8 16:20:27 UTC 2007

Hmmm, had a bounce back from this address. Will try it again and forward to
the FDS list also...


Hi Richard,

As requested please find attached a tarball with my template and its
accompanying perl script. If you can pop that onto the wiki so that I can
link to it, that'd be great.

Regarding a Howto:SNMPMonitoring, have rustled up a quick one on the wiki.
Should be at http://directory.fedora.redhat.com/wiki/Howto:SNMPMonitoring

Think its all there, but no doubt there will be ommissions and errors :)



Dan Hawker
Linux System Administrator


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