[Fedora-directory-users] Having problems with the Admin Console

Eric Brown playactor at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 21:14:16 UTC 2008

I am using FDS 1.0.4, installing from the RPM downloaded from the FDS
website for RHEL4

I used the silent install to setup the directory with the following information:

FullMachineName=   blue.ds.server.com
ConfigDirectoryLdapURL=   ldap://blue.ds.server.com:389/
SuiteSpotUserID=   ldap
SuitespotGroup=   ldap
ConfigDirectoryAdminID=   admin
ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd=   secret1234
ServerRoot=   /opt/fedora-ds
Components=   svrcore,base,slapd,admin,nsperl,perldap
AdminDomain=   ds.server.com

Components=   slapd,slapd-client
ServerPort=   389
ServerIdentifier=   grid-identity
Suffix=   dc=blue,dc=com
RootDN=   cn=Directory Manager
RootDNPwd=   1apple

SysUser= ldap
Port= 23611
ServerAdminID= admin
ServerAdminPwd= secret1234
Components= admin,admin-client

Components=   base,base-client,base-jre

Components=   nsperl

Components=   perlldap14

The silent installation completed, and I can start the slapd server,
but all of the files I have seen referenced to starting the admin
server are not in my installation.

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