[Fedora-directory-users] ldapmodify to add OU failed, and led to "ldap_search: Operations error"

ken k.brown at bbk.ac.uk
Wed Jun 11 18:39:19 UTC 2008

Rich Megginson wrote:

>> ========================
>> ldapmodify -a -B "dc=bbk,dc=ac,dc=uk"

> Why are you using the -B option here?  In mozldap ldapmodify, -B means 
> "bulk online import" which means
> 1) wipe out the database
> 2) use the database import code to import the given LDIF

That's my error!    A simple typo. Probably the result of my 
habit of cutting and pasting commands from one place to another.

One of those things that I didn't spot in two days of worrying 
about the command because when I looked at it I must have 
assumed it said what I intended it to say rather than what it 
actually said.


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