[389-users] which platform to choose

Mikael Kermorgant mikael.kermorgant at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 16:03:55 UTC 2009


After having used 389 directory server 1.2.1 in a virtualized
environment based on a fedora core 11 xen domU over a centos 5.3 dom0,
and faced some rare and random crashes, I'd like to change our setup.

Our main distributions which we'd like to use are debian lenny,
centos, and we're seriously testing xenserver 5.5 which supports both.

I've read in the past that it was recommended to use FC6 binaries when
using centos 5, but I can't find the page anymore. Moreover, I've
found some howtos with different setups :

* http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/DirectoryServerSetup?action=show&redirect=HowTos%2FDirectoryServerSetup.

* http://www.linuxmail.info/389-directory-server-setup-howto-centos-5/

* http://www.howtoforge.com/centos-directory-server-on-centos5.2

>From what I've read, I prefer the first one as it comes from centos'
own wiki. Any opinion against that ?
Do you know if there are issues with replication with fedora ds on
other fedora boxes ?


Mikael Kermorgant

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