[389-users] SASL mapping question

Prashanth Sundaram psundaram at wgen.net
Mon Sep 21 15:59:10 UTC 2009

Dear All,

I have few questions related to SASL mapping in 389-ds. I am using Windows
AD as kerberos server and here¹s the tree in both 389-ds and AD.

In Active Directory:
Users are located in different OU¹s like FullTime, PartTime, Contractors
example: ou=FullTime, OU=Users, OU=CompanyName,DC=ADDomain,DC=com

In 389-DS
Users are located only in one OU
example: ou=People,DC=ldapdomain,DC=com


1. Is my SASL mapping correct?
nsSaslMapRegexString: \(.*\)@ldapdomain.com
nsSaslFilterTemplate: (objectclass=user)

2. Since users are in sub-ou in ADDomain, do I have to create separate SASL
mapping for each out? If, so then how will the 389-ds know if the user is in
PartTime OU and not in  FullTime OU.

3. How many SASL mapping should I have? By default I see 4 listed, should I
remove all others? I have read the RFCs which correspond but not sure why I
need them.

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