press-release Makefile,1.9,1.10 pt.po,1.2,NONE

Tommy Reynolds (jtr) fedora-docs-commits at
Sun Aug 13 19:25:55 UTC 2006

Author: jtr

Update of /cvs/docs/press-release
In directory

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Removed Files:
Log Message:
Open for business

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/docs/press-release/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.9 -r1.10
--- Makefile	11 Apr 2006 00:06:06 -0000	1.9
+++ Makefile	13 Aug 2006 19:25:52 -0000	1.10
@@ -1,195 +1,34 @@
-# The ${DOC_BASE} symbol provides the basic name for this document.
-# The ${PRI_LANG} symbol gives the locale for the original language for 
-# the document.
-# The ${OTHERS} symbol is a list of additional locales into which the
-# document is to be translated.
-# OTHERS=de es it no
-# WARNING!  Make no changes below this line or you will void the
-# warranty ;-)
-# Provide some utility macros
-XMLTO	=xmlto
-XMLTOFLAGS=-m params.xsl
-XSL	=fdp-pr.xsl
-SED    =/bin/sed
-XML2PO	=xml2po
-# Define our own set of suffixes to streamline the process
-.SUFFIXES:	.txt	.pdf	.po	.pot	.xml	.xsl	.dtd	.in
-# Mark the proper virtual targets so that a "make -t all" does not create
-# an empty file called "all".
-.PHONY:	all clean distclean clobber pot help
-# The default target "all"
-all::	${DOC_BASE}.pot
-all::	$(foreach LOCALE,${LANGUAGES},${DOC_BASE}-${LOCALE}.pdf)
-# FIXME all::	$(foreach LOCALE,${LANGUAGES},${DOC_BASE}-${LOCALE}.txt)
-HFMT	=%-31s\t%s\n
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "all" "Default target; generate PDF's"
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "clean" "Delete temporary files"
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "distclean" "Delete output and temporary files"
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "clobber" "Delete output and temporary files"
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "help" "This message; use 'make help|sort'"
-# Compute the rules to transform our XML documents into both PDF and TXT
-# forms
-define	PDF_template
-.PHONY:	pdf-${1}
-pdf-${1}:: ${DOC_BASE}-${1}.pdf
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "pdf-${1}" "Generate PDF for locale '${1}'"
-${DOC_BASE}-$(1).pdf::	${DOC_BASE}-$(1).xml ${XSL}
-	LC_ALL=${1}.UTF-8 ${SED} 					\
-	       -e "s|DATE|$$(shell LC_ALL=${1} date +'%x %X')|" 	\
-	       -e "s|LANG|${1}|"					\
- >params.xsl
-	LC_ALL=${1}.UTF-8 ${XMLTO} -x ${XSL} ${XMLTOFLAGS} pdf 		\
-	       ${DOC_BASE}-$(1).xml
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "${DOC_BASE}-${1}.pdf" "Render PDF for locale '${1}'"
-	${RM} ${DOC_BASE}-${1}.pdf
-$(foreach LOCALE,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PDF_template,${LOCALE})))
-define	TXT_template
-# This assumes w3m(1) is installed.  The stock xmlto RPM uses it.
-XMLPOSTFLAGS=-p '-cols 72'
-.PHONY:	txt-${1}
-txt-${1}:: ${DOC_BASE}-${1}.txt
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "txt-${1}" "Generate text version for locale '${1}'"
-${DOC_BASE}-$(1).txt::	${DOC_BASE}-$(1).xml ${XSL}
-	LC_ALL=${1}.UTF-8 ${SED} 					\
-	       -e "s|DATE|$$(shell LC_ALL=${1} date +'%x %X')|"		\
- >params.xsl
-	       txt ${DOC_BASE}-$(1).xml
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "${DOC_BASE}-${1}.txt" "Render locale '${1}' text"
-	${RM} ${DOC_BASE}-${1}.txt
-# FIXME $(foreach LOCALE,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call TXT_template,${LOCALE})))
-# Always generate the current date.
-params.xsl: Makefile
-	${SED} -e "s|DATE|$$(LC_ALL=${PRI_LANG} date +'%x %X')|" 	\
-	       -e "s|LANG|${PRI_LANG}|"					\
-		$< >$@.tmp && move-if-change $@.tmp $@
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "params.xsl" "Generate dynamic parameters"
-# The ${DOC_BASE}.pot target produces a new .POT file everytime the
-# original XML file is updated.
-.PHONY:	pot
-pot::	${DOC_BASE}.pot
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "pot" "Generate .POT file for translation"
-${DOC_BASE}.pot:: ${DOC_BASE}-${PRI_LANG}.xml
-	xml2po -o $@ $<
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "${DOC_BASE}.pot" "Generate .POT file for translation"
-# Compute the rules to create or update a language-specific .po file
-# any time the ${DOC_BASE}.pot file is updated.  We try to avoid losing
-# current .PO translations by calling msgmerge if a .po file already 
-# exists.
-define PO_template
-.PHONY:	po-${1}
-po-${1}::	${1}.po
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "po-${1}" "Update translations for locale '${1}'"
-.PRECIOUS: ${1}.po
-${1}.po:: ${DOC_BASE}.pot
-	@if [ ! -f ${1}.po ]; then					\
-		echo Creating pristine ${1}.po;				\
-		cp ${DOC_BASE}.pot ${1}.po;				\
-	else								\
-		echo Updating existing ${1}.po;				\
-			${1}.po $${DOC_BASE}.pot >${1}.po;		\
-	fi
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "${1}.po" "Update translations for locale '${1}'"
-$(foreach LOCALE,${OTHERS},$(eval $(call PO_template,${LOCALE})))
-# Compute the rules and targets to generate the translated XML files
-# given an updated .PO file and the source XML file.
-define NEWLANG_template
-.PHONY:	xml-${1}
-xml-${1}::	${DOC_BASE}-${1}.xml
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "xml-${1}" "Translate XML for locale '${1}'"
-${DOC_BASE}-${1}.xml:: ${DOC_BASE}-${PRI_LANG}.xml ${1}.po
-	${XML2PO} -p ${1}.po ${DOC_BASE}-${PRI_LANG}.xml >${DOC_BASE}-${1}.xml
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "${DOC_BASE}-${1}.xml" "Create XML for locale '${1}'"
-	${RM} ${DOC_BASE}-${1}.xml
-$(foreach LOCALE,${OTHERS},$(eval $(call NEWLANG_template,${LOCALE})))
-.PHONY:	xml-${PRI_LANG}
-xml-${PRI_LANG}:: ${DOC_BASE}-${PRI_LANG}.xml
-	@printf "${HFMT}" "${DOC_BASE}-${PRI_LANG}.xml" "Primary XML"
-	${RM} params.xsl
-distclean clobber:: clean
-.PHONY:	mrproper
-mrproper:: distclean
-	${RM} *.po
-	${RM} *.pdf
-	${RM} *.txt
-# End of Makefile
+# If you are a press release author, you do NOT need to do anything in
+# this directory and you MUST NOT edit this "Makefile".  You will void
+# the warranty ;-)
+# -----------------------------------------
+# Steps to add a press release:
+# 1)	Create a new directory under "releases/" such as "releases/foo".
+# 2)	Copy the "tools/Sample-makefile" to "releases/foo/Makefile".
+# 3)	Fill in the DOC_BASE, PRI_LANG and OTHERS definitions in the
+# 	"releases/foo/Makefile"
+# 4)	Key in your document as "releases/foo/${DOC_BASE}-${PRI_LANG}.xml"
+# 5)	Build your document with a simple "$ make" command.
+SUBDIRS	:=$(foreach doc,$(shell ls releases | fgrep -v CVS),releases/${doc})
+TARGETS	=all clean distclean clobber pot help po pot pdf showvars mrproper
+TARGET	=all
+	${MAKE} -C $@ ${TARGET}
+	@echo "SUBDIRS=${SUBDIRS}"
+	@echo "TARGETS=${TARGETS}"
+	@echo "TARGET=${TARGET}"

--- pt.po DELETED ---

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