release-notes/devel/po RELEASE-NOTES.pot, NONE, 1.1 de.po, NONE, 1.1 fr_FR.po, NONE, 1.1 it.po, NONE, 1.1 ja_JP.po, NONE, 1.1 pa.po, NONE, 1.1 pt.po, NONE, 1.1 pt_BR.po, NONE, 1.1 ru.po, NONE, 1.1 zh_CN.po, NONE, 1.1

Paul W. Frields (pfrields) fedora-docs-commits at
Tue Jun 27 21:54:45 UTC 2006

Author: pfrields

Update of /cvs/docs/release-notes/devel/po
In directory

Added Files:
	RELEASE-NOTES.pot de.po fr_FR.po it.po ja_JP.po pa.po pt.po 
	pt_BR.po ru.po zh_CN.po 
Log Message:
Add content copied from FC-5 branch; this directory is where we will builg FC-6 release notes

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-02-22 05:54-0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: en/Xorg.xml:5(title) en/Welcome.xml:5(title) en/WebServers.xml:5(title) en/SystemDaemons.xml:5(title) en/ServerTools.xml:5(title) en/SecuritySELinux.xml:5(title) en/Security.xml:5(title) en/Samba.xml:5(title) en/ProjectOverview.xml:5(title) en/Printing.xml:5(title) en/PackageNotesJava.xml:5(title) en/PackageChanges.xml:5(title) en/OverView.xml:5(title) en/Networking.xml:5(title) en/Multimedia.xml:5(title) en/Legacy.xml:5(title) en/Kernel.xml:5(title) en/Java.xml:5(title) en/Installer.xml:5(title) en/I18n.xml:5(title) en/FileSystems.xml:5(title) en/FileServers.xml:5(title) en/Feedback.xml:5(title) en/Entertainment.xml:5(title) en/Extras.xml:5(title) en/DevelToolsGCC.xml:5(title) en/DevelTools.xml:5(title) en/Desktop.xml:5(title) en/DatabaseServers.xml:5(title) en/Colophon.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecific.xml:5(title) 
msgid "Temp"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:8(title) 
msgid "X Window System (Graphics)"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:9(para) 
msgid "This section contains information related to the X Window System implementation provided with Fedora."
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:11(title) 
msgid "xorg-x11"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:12(para) 
msgid " X11 is an open source implementation of the X Window System. It provides the basic low level functionality which full fledged graphical user interfaces (GUIs) such as GNOME and KDE are designed upon."
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:13(para) 
msgid "For more information about Xorg refer to <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:15(para) 
msgid "You can use Applications => System Settings => Display or system-config-display to configure the settings. The configuration file for Xorg is located in /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:16(para) 
msgid "Modular X.Org X11R7 RC2 was released into Fedora development (rawhide) on November 16, 2005. This is the first modular release of Xorg which among several other benefits, enable users to receive updates in a faster pace and helps developers to develop and release specific components in a rapid fashion."
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:17(para) 
msgid "More information on the current status of the Xorg modularization effort in Fedora is available from <ulink url=\"/Xorg/Modularization\"></ulink>"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:21(title) 
msgid "Xorg X11R7.0 Developer Notes"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:22(para) 
msgid "X11R7.0 is included in this release and there are a number of things that software developers, and packagers in Fedora repositories need to be aware of in order to ensure that their software or software packages properly compile and work with X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R7. Some are simple changes, while others may be more involved. Here is a summary of issues that may arise and where possible, suggestions on how to fix them."
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:24(title) 
msgid "The /usr/X11R6 Directory Hierarchy"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:25(para) 
msgid "X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R7 install into /usr directly now, and no longer uses the /usr/X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R6 hierarchy. Applications which rely on files being present at fixed paths under /usr/X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R6 at compile time or at run time, must be updated to use the system PATH, or some other mechanism to dynamically determine where the files reside, or alternatively to hard code the new locations, possibly with fallbacks."
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:28(title) 
msgid "Imake"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:29(para) 
msgid "Imake is no longer used to build the X Window System, and as such is now officially deprecated. Imake, xmkmf and other utilities previously supplied by the X Window System, are still supplied in X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R7, however X.Org highly recommends that people migrate from Imake to using GNU autotools and pkg-config. imake support may vanish in a future X Window System release, so developers are strongly encouraged to transition away from it, and not use it for any new software projects."
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:32(title) 
msgid "The Systemwide <filename>app-defaults</filename> Directory"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:33(para) 
msgid "The system app-defaults directory for X resources, is now \"%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults\", which expands to /usr/share/X11/app-defaults on Fedora Core 5 and for future Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems."
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:36(title) 
msgid "xft-config Can't Be Found"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:37(para) 
msgid "Modular X now uses GNU autotools, and pkg-config for its buildsystem configuration, etc. xft-config has been deprecated for 2-3 years now, and pkgconfig *.pc files have been provided for most of this time. Applications which previously used xft-config to obtain the Cflags or libs options for building with, must now be updated to use pkg-config."
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:41(title) 
msgid "Xorg X11R7 Developer Overview"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:42(para) 
msgid "Here is a short list of some of the more developer/package visible changes that are present in X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R7:"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:45(para) 
msgid "The entire buildsystem has changed from \"Imake\" to the GNU autotools collection."
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:48(para) 
msgid "All of the libraries now install pkgconfig *.pc files, which should now always be used by software that depends on these libraries, instead of hard coding paths to them in /usr/X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R6/lib or elsewhere."
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:51(para) 
msgid "Everything is now installed directly into /usr instead of /usr/X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R6. All software which hard codes paths to anything in /usr/X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R6, must now be changed preferably to dynamically detect the proper location of the object, or to hard code the new paths that X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R7 uses by default. It is strongly advised to use autodetection methods than to hard code paths."
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:54(para) 
msgid "Every library is in its own private source RPM now, which creates a runtime binary subpackage, and a -devel subpackage. Any software package that previously picked up the development headers, etc. for X libraries by using \"Build<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Requires: (XFree86-devel|xorg-x11-devel)\", must now individually list each library dependency individually. When doing this, it is greatly preferred and strongly recommended to use \"virtual\" build dependencies instead of hard coding the library rpm package names of the xorg implementation. This means you should use: \"Build<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Requires: libXft-devel\" instead of using: \"Build<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Requires: xorg-x11-Xft-devel\". If your software truly does depend on the X.Org X11 implementation of a specific library, and there is no other clean/safe way to state the dependency, then go ahead and use the \"xorg-x11--devel\" form. By sticking to the virtual provides/requires mechanism, th!
 is makes it painless if and when the libraries move to another location in the future."
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:8(title) 
msgid "Welcome to Fedora Core"
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:10(title) 
msgid "Fedora Core Test Release"
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:11(para) 
msgid "This is a test release and is provided for developers and testers to participate and provide feedback. It is not meant for end users."
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:14(title) 
msgid "Join the Community for More Information"
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:15(para) 
msgid "Subscribe to the fedora-test and fedora-devel mailings lists to keep track of important changes in the current development versions and provide feedback to the developers. Fedora Project requests you to file bug reports and enhancements to provide a improved final release to end users. See the following document for more information."
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:16(para) 
msgid "<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>. Thank you for your participation."
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:20(title) 
msgid "Latest Release Notes on the Web"
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:21(para) 
msgid "These release notes may be updated. Visit <ulink url=\"\"></ulink> to view the latest release notes for Fedora Core ."
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:23(para) 
msgid "Refer to these webpages to find out more information about Fedora:"
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:27(ulink) 
msgid "Docs/Beats/OverView"
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:32(ulink) 
msgid "Docs/Beats/Introduction"
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:36(para) 
msgid "Fedora FAQ (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:39(para) 
msgid "Help and Support (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:42(para) 
msgid "Participate in the Fedora Project (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr ""

#: en/Welcome.xml:45(para) 
msgid "About the Fedora Project (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr ""

#: en/WebServers.xml:8(title) 
msgid "Web Servers"
msgstr ""

#: en/WebServers.xml:9(para) 
msgid "This section contains information on Web-related applications."
msgstr ""

#: en/WebServers.xml:11(title) 
msgid "httpd"
msgstr ""

#: en/WebServers.xml:12(para) 
msgid "Version 2.2 of the Apache HTTP Server is now included in Fedora Core. This release brings a number of improvements since the 2.0 series, including:"
msgstr ""

#: en/WebServers.xml:15(para) 
msgid "greatly improved caching modules (<command>mod_cache</command>, <command>mod_disk_cache</command>, <command>mod_mem_cache</command>)"
msgstr ""

#: en/WebServers.xml:18(para) 
msgid "refactored authentication and authorization support"
msgstr ""

#: en/WebServers.xml:21(para) 
msgid "support for proxy load balancing (<command>mod_proxy_balance</command>)"
msgstr ""

[...1860 lines suppressed...]
#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:39(para) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:18(para) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:34(para) 
msgid "In practical terms, this means that as little as an additional 90MB can be required for a minimal installation, while as much as an additional 175MB can be required for an \"everything\" installation. The complete packages can occupy over 7 GB of disk space."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:40(para) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:19(para) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:35(para) 
msgid "Also, keep in mind that additional space is required for any user data, and at least 5% free space should be maintained for proper system operation."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:43(title) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:21(title) 
msgid "Memory Requirements"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:44(para) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:22(para) 
msgid "This section lists the memory required to install Fedora Core ."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:45(para) 
msgid "This list is for 32-bit x86 systems:"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:48(para) 
msgid "Minimum for text-mode: 64MB"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:51(para) 
msgid "Minimum for graphical: 192MB"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:54(para) 
msgid "Recommended for graphical: 256MB"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:61(title) 
msgid "x86 Installation Notes"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:62(para) 
msgid "Installer package screen selection interface is being redesigned in the Fedora development version. Fedora Core does not provide an option to select the installation type such as Personal Desktop, Workstation, Server and custom."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:8(title) 
msgid "x86_64 Specifics for Fedora"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:9(para) 
msgid "This section covers any specific information you may need to know about Fedora Core and the x86_64 hardware platform."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:11(title) 
msgid "x86_64 Hardware Requirements"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:23(para) 
msgid "This list is for 64-bit x86_64 systems:"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:26(para) 
msgid "Minimum for text-mode: 128MB"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:29(para) 
msgid "Minimum for graphical: 256MB"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:32(para) 
msgid "Recommended for graphical: 512MB"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:39(title) 
msgid "x86_64 Installation Notes"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:40(para) 
msgid "No differences installing for x86_64."
msgstr ""

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:45(None) 
msgid "@@image: '/wiki/ntheme/img/alert.png'; md5=THIS FILE DOESN'T EXIST"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:8(title) 
msgid "PPC Specifics for Fedora"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:9(para) 
msgid "This section covers any specific information you may need to know about Fedora Core and the PPC hardware platform."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:11(title) 
msgid "PPC Hardware Requirements"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:12(para) 
msgid "This section lists the minimum PowerPC (PPC) hardware needed to install Fedora Core 4."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:15(para) 
msgid "Minimum: PowerPC G3 / POWER4"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:18(para) 
msgid "Fedora Core 5 supports only the “New World” generation of Apple Power Macintosh, shipped circa 1999 onwards."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:21(para) 
msgid "Fedora Core also supports IBM eServer pSeries, IBM RS/6000, Genesi Pegasos II, and IBM Cell Broadband Engine machines."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:24(para) 
msgid "Recommended for text-mode: 233 MHz G3 or better, 64MiB RAM."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:27(para) 
msgid "Recommended for graphical: 400 MHz G3 or better, 128MiB RAM."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:39(title) 
msgid "PPC Installation Notes"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:48(phrase) 
msgid "/!\\"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:42(para) 
msgid "<inlinemediaobject><placeholder-1/><placeholder-2/></inlinemediaobject> Currently FC5 Test Release CD 1 and Rescue ISOs do not boot on Mac hardware. See below on booting using boot.iso."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:55(para) 
msgid "The DVD or first CD of the installation set of Fedora Core is set to be bootable on supported hardware. In addition, a bootable CD images can be found in the images/ directory of the DVD or first CD. These will behave differently according to the hardware:"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:58(para) 
msgid "Apple Macintosh"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:61(para) 
msgid "The bootloader should automatically boot the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit installer. Power management support, including sleep and backlight level management, is present in the apmud package, which is in Fedora Extras. Fedora Extras for Fedora Core is configured by default for yum. Following installation, apmud can be installed by running yum install apmud."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:66(para) 
msgid "64-bit IBM eServer pSeries (POWER4/POWER5)"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:69(para) 
msgid "After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, the bootloader (yaboot) should automatically boot the 64-bit installer."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:74(para) 
msgid "32-bit CHRP (IBM RS/6000 and others)"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:77(para) 
msgid "After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, select the 'linux32' boot image at the 'boot:' prompt to start the 32-bit installer. Otherwise, the 64-bit installer is started, which does not work."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:82(para) 
msgid "Genesi Pegasos II"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:85(para) 
msgid "At the time of writing, firmware with full support for ISO9660 file systems is not yet released for the Pegasos. However, the network boot image can be used. At the Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware prompt, enter the command:"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:88(screen) 
#, no-wrap
msgid "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img "
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:91(para) 
msgid "You also need to configure Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware on the Pegasos manually to make the installed Fedora Core system bootable. To do this, you need to set the boot-device and boot-file environment variables appropriately."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:96(para) 
msgid "Network booting"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:99(para) 
msgid "There are combined images containing the installer kernel and ramdisk in the images/netboot/ directory of the install tree. These are intended for network booting with TFTP, but can be used in many ways."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:100(para) 
msgid "yaboot supports tftp booting for IBM eServer pSeries and Apple Macintosh, the use of yaboot is encouraged over the netboot images."
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:8(title) 
msgid "Archictecture Specific"
msgstr ""

#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:9(para) 
msgid "This section provides notes that are specific to the supported hardware architectures of Fedora Core."
msgstr ""

#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:0(None) 
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""

--- NEW FILE de.po ---
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-04-02 13:54+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-04-02 23:15+0200\n"
"Last-Translator:  Thomas Gier <info at>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"

#: en/Xorg.xml:5(title) en/Welcome.xml:5(title) en/WebServers.xml:5(title) en/Virtualization.xml:5(title) en/SystemDaemons.xml:5(title) en/ServerTools.xml:5(title) en/SecuritySELinux.xml:5(title) en/Security.xml:5(title) en/Samba.xml:5(title) en/ProjectOverview.xml:5(title) en/Printing.xml:5(title) en/PackageNotes.xml:5(title) en/PackageChanges.xml:5(title) en/OverView.xml:5(title) en/Networking.xml:5(title) en/Multimedia.xml:5(title) en/Legacy.xml:5(title) en/Kernel.xml:5(title) en/Java.xml:5(title) en/Installer.xml:5(title) en/I18n.xml:5(title) en/FileSystems.xml:5(title) en/FileServers.xml:5(title) en/Feedback.xml:5(title) en/Entertainment.xml:5(title) en/Extras.xml:5(title) en/DevelToolsGCC.xml:5(title) en/DevelTools.xml:5(title) en/Desktop.xml:5(title) en/DatabaseServers.xml:5(title) en/Colophon.xml:5(title) en/BackwardsCompatibility.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecific.xml:5(titl!
msgid "Temp"
msgstr "Temp"

#: en/Xorg.xml:8(title) 
msgid "X Window System (Graphics)"
msgstr "X-Window-System·(Grafik)"

#: en/Xorg.xml:9(para) 
msgid "This section contains information related to the X Window System implementation provided with Fedora."
msgstr "Dieses Kapitel enthält Informationen über die Implementierung des X Windows Systems in Fedora."

#: en/Xorg.xml:11(title) 
msgid "xorg-x11"
msgstr "xorg-x11"

#: en/Xorg.xml:12(para) 
msgid " X11 is an open source implementation of the X Window System. It provides the basic low-level functionality upon which full-fledged graphical user interfaces (GUIs) such as GNOME and KDE are designed. For more information about, refer to <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."
msgstr " X11 ist eine Open-Source-Implementierung des X-Window-Systems. Es stellt grundlegende Low-Level-Funktionalität zur Verfügung, auf der das Design umfangreicher grafischer Benutzerschnittstellen, wie GNOME oder KDE, aufbaut. Weitere Informationen über finden Sie unter <ulink·url=\"\"></ulink>."

#: en/Xorg.xml:13(para) 
msgid "You may use <emphasis>Applications > System Settings > Display</emphasis> or <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-display</emphasis> to configure the settings. The configuration file for is located in <code>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</code>."
msgstr "Sie können <emphasis>System > Administration > Anzeige</emphasis> oder <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-display</emphasis> verwenden, um die Einstellungen zu konfigurieren. Die Konfigurationsdatei für befindet sich in <code>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</code>."

#: en/Xorg.xml:14(para) 
msgid " X11R7 is the first modular release of, which, among several other benefits, promotes faster updates and helps programmers rapidly develop and release specific components. More information on the current status of the modularization effort in Fedora is available at <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."
msgstr " X11 ist das erste modulare Release von, das neben verschiedenen anderen Vorteilen, Updates schneller fördert und Programmierern hilft, sehr schnell spezielle Komponenten zu entwickeln und zu veröffentlichen. Weitere Information über den aktuellen Status der in Fedora finden Sie unter <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."

#: en/Xorg.xml:17(title) 
msgid " X11R7 End-User Notes"
msgstr " X11 Hinweise für Endbenutzer"

#: en/Xorg.xml:19(title) 
msgid "Installing Third Party Drivers"
msgstr "Treiber von Drittanbietern installieren"

#: en/Xorg.xml:20(para) 
msgid "Before you install any third party drivers from any vendor, including ATI or nVidia, please read <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."
msgstr "Bevor Sie einen Treiber eines beliebigen Anbieters, einschließlich ATI und nVidia, installieren, lesen Sie bitte <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."

#: en/Xorg.xml:25(para) 
msgid "The <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> package install scripts automatically remove the <code>RgbPath</code> line from the <code>xorg.conf</code> file if it is present. You may need to reconfigure your keyboard differently from what you are used to. You are encouraged to subscribe to the upstream <ulink url=\"mailto:xorg at\">xorg at</ulink> mailing list if you do need assistance reconfiguring your keyboard."
msgstr "Das Installationsskript des Pakets <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> entfernt automatisch die Zeile <code>RgbPath</code> aus der Datei <code>xorg.conf</code> aus der Datei <code>xorg.conf</code>, falls die Zeile vorhanden ist. Möglicherweise müssen Sie die Konfiguration Ihrer Tastatur gegenüber dem, was Sie gewohnt sind, ändern. Falls Sie Unterstützung bei der Neukonfiguration Ihrer Tastatur benötigen, empfehlen wir, die Mailingliste <ulink url=\"mailto:xorg at\">xorg at</ulink> zu abonnieren."

#: en/Xorg.xml:28(title) 
msgid " X11R7 Developer Overview"
msgstr " X11R7 Übersicht für Entwickler"

#: en/Xorg.xml:29(para) 
msgid "The following list includes some of the more visible changes for developers in X11R7:"
msgstr "Die folgende Liste enthält ein paar der offensichtlicheren Änderungen für Entwickler in X11R7:"

#: en/Xorg.xml:32(para) 
msgid "The entire buildsystem has changed from <code>imake</code> to the GNU <code>autotools</code> collection."
msgstr "Das gesamte Buildsystem wurde von <code>imake</code> auf GNU <code>autotools</code>-Sammlung umgestellt."

#: en/Xorg.xml:35(para) 
msgid "Libraries now install <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> files, which should now always be used by software that depends on these libraries, instead of hard coding paths to them in <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/lib </code> or elsewhere."
msgstr "Bibliotheken installieren nun <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code>-Dateien, die jetzt immer von Software, die von diesen Bibliotheken abhängt, verwendet werden sollte, statt Pfade für sie in <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/lib</code> oder an anderer Stelle fest einzuprogrammieren."

#: en/Xorg.xml:40(para) 
msgid "Everything is now installed directly into <code>/usr</code> instead of <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code>. All software that hard codes paths to anything in <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code> must now be changed, preferably to dynamically detect the proper location of the object. Developers are <emphasis role=\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> advised against hard-coding the new X11R7 default paths."
msgstr "Alles wird nun direkt in <code>/usr</code> statt <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code> installiert. Jede Software, die Pfade zu irgendetwas in <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code> fest einprogrammiert hat, muss nun geändert werden, vorzugsweise dahingehend, dass sie den geeigneten Ort für ein Objekt dynamisch herausfindet. Entwicklern wird <emphasis role=\"strong\">dringend</emphasis> davon abgeraten, die neuen X11R7-Standardpfade fest einzuprogrammieren."

#: en/Xorg.xml:45(para) 
msgid "Every library has its own private source RPM package, which creates a runtime binary subpackage and a <code>-devel</code> subpackage."
msgstr "Jede Bibliothek hat ihr eigenes privates Quell-RPM-Paket, das ein Runtimebinary-Unterpaket und ein <code>-devel</code>-Unterpaket erzeugt."

#: en/Xorg.xml:50(title) 
msgid " X11R7 Developer Notes"
msgstr " X11R7 Hinweise für Entwickler "

#: en/Xorg.xml:51(para) 
msgid "This section includes a summary of issues of note for developers and packagers, and suggestions on how to fix them where possible."
msgstr "Dieses Kapitel enthält eine Zusammenfassung von möglichen Problemfällen für Entwickler und Paketersteller, und Vorschläge, wie diese, wenn möglich, zu reparieren sind."

#: en/Xorg.xml:53(title) 
msgid "The /usr/X11R6/ Directory Hierarchy"
msgstr "Die /usr/X11R6/ Verzeichnishierarchie"

#: en/Xorg.xml:54(para) 
msgid "X11R7 files install into <code>/usr</code> directly now, and no longer use the <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/</code> hierarchy. Applications that rely on files being present at fixed paths under <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/</code>, either at compile time or run time, must be updated. They should now use the system <code>PATH</code>, or some other mechanism to dynamically determine where the files reside, or alternatively to hard code the new locations, possibly with fallbacks."
msgstr "X11R6-Dateien werden jetzt direkt nach <code>/usr</code> installiert und verwenden nicht mehr die <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/</code> Struktur. Anwendungen, die auf Dateien in festen Pfade unterhalb von <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/</code> angewiesen sind, entweder während der Kompilierung oder zur Laufzeit, müssen aktualisiert werden. Sie sollten jetzt den System-<code>PATH</code> oder einen anderen Mechanismus verwenden, um dynamisch herauszufinden, wo sich die Dateien befinden, oder alternativ die neuen Orte fest einzuprogrammieren, wenn möglich mit Fallbacks."

#: en/Xorg.xml:59(title) 
msgid "Imake"
msgstr "Imake"

#: en/Xorg.xml:60(para) 
msgid "The <code>imake</code> utility is no longer used to build the X Window System, and is now officially deprecated. X11R7 includes <code>imake</code>, <code>xmkmf</code>, and other build utilities previously supplied by the X Window System. X.Org highly recommends, however, that people migrate from <code>imake</code> to use GNU <code>autotools</code> and <code>pkg-config</code>. Support for <code>imake</code> may be removed in a future X Window System release, so developers are <emphasis role=\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> encouraged to transition away from it, and not use it for any new software projects."
msgstr "Die <code>imake</code>-Utility wird nicht mehr zum Bauen des X-Windows-Systems verwendet und gilt nun offiziell als veraltet. X11R7 enthält <code>imake</code>, <code>xmkmf</code> und weitere Build-Utilitys, die auch vorher schon Bestandteil des X-Windows-System waren. Nichtsdestotrotz empfiehlt X.Org dringend, dass man von <code>imake</code> migriert und GNU <code>autotools</code> sowie <code>pkg-config</code> verwendet. Unterstützung für <code>imake</code> kann aus einer zukünftigen Ausgabe des X-Window-Systems entfernt werden, so dass Entwickler <emphasis role=\"strong\">dringend</emphasis> aufgefordert werden, zu wechseln und es für neue Softwareprojekte nicht mehr zu verwenden."

#: en/Xorg.xml:63(title) 
msgid "The Systemwide app-defaults/ Directory"
msgstr "Das systemweite app-defaults/-Verzeichnis"

#: en/Xorg.xml:64(para) 
msgid "The system <code>app-defaults/</code> directory for X resources is now <code>%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults</code>, which expands to <code>/usr/share/X11/app-defaults/</code> on Fedora Core 5 and for future Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems."
msgstr "Das Systemverzeichnis <code>app-defaults/</code> für X Ressourcen ist nun <code>%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults</code>, was unter Fedora Core 5 und späteren Red Hat Enterprises Linuxsystemen zu <code>/usr/share/X11/app-defaults/</code> wird."

#: en/Xorg.xml:67(title) 
msgid "Correct Package Dependencies"
msgstr "Korrekte Paket-Abhängigkeiten"

#: en/Xorg.xml:68(para) 
msgid "Any software package that previously used <code>Build</code><code>Requires: (XFree86-devel|xorg-x11-devel)</code> to satisfy build dependencies must now individually list each library dependency. The preferred and recommended method is to use <emphasis>virtual</emphasis> build dependencies instead of hard coding the library package names of the <code>xorg</code> implementation. This means you should use <code>Build</code><code>Requires: libXft-devel</code> instead of <code>Build</code><code>Requires: xorg-x11-Xft-devel</code>. If your software truly does depend on the X.Org X11 implementation of a specific library, and there is no other clean or safe way to state the dependency, then use the <code>xorg-x11-devel</code> form. If you use the virtual provides/requires mechanism, you will avoid inconvenience if the libraries move to another location in the future."
msgstr "Jedes Softwarepaket, dass früher <code>Build</code><code>Requires: (XFree86-devel|xorg-x11-devel)</code> verwendet hat, um Buildabhängigkeiten zu erfüllen, muss jetzt jede Bibliotheken-Abhängigkeit einzeln auflisten. Die bevorzugte und empfohlene Methode ist, <emphasis>virtuelle</emphasis> Buildabhängigkeiten zu verwenden, statt die Namen der Bibliothekspakete der <code>xorg</code>-Implementierung fest  einzuprogrammieren. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie <code>Build</code><code>Requires: libXft-devel</code> anstelle von <code>Build</code><code>Requires: xorg-x11-Xft-devel</code> verwenden sollten. Falls Ihre Software tatsächlich von der einer bestimmten Bibliothek abhängig ist, und es keinen anderen sauberen oder sicheren Weg gibt, diese Abhängigkeit festzulegen, benutzen Sie die <code>xorg-x11-devel</code>-Form. Wenn Sie die virtuelle provides/requires-Methode verwenden, werden Sie Schwierigkeiten vermeiden, falls die Bibliotheken in Zukunf!
 t an eine andere Stelle veschoben werden."

#: en/Xorg.xml:74(title) 
msgid "xft-config"
msgstr "xft-config"

#: en/Xorg.xml:75(para) 
msgid "Modular X now uses GNU <code>autotools</code> and <code>pkg-config</code> for its buildsystem configuration and execution. The <code>xft-config</code> utility has been deprecated for some time, and <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> files have been provided for most of this time. Applications that previously used <code>xft-config</code> to obtain the <code>Cflags</code> or <code>libs</code> build options must now be updated to use <code>pkg-config</code>."
msgstr "Modulares X verwendet nun die GNU <code>autotools</code> und <code>pkg-config</code> für seine Buildsystem-Konfiguration und -Ausführung. Die <code>xft-config</code-Utility ist seit einiger Zeit veraltet und <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code>-Dateien wurden währenddessen bereitgestellt. Anwendungen, die vorher <code>xft-config</code> verwendet haben, um <code>CFlags</code> oder <code>libs</code> Buildoptionen zu erhalten, müssen nun aktualisiert werden, damit sie <code>pkg-config</code> verwenden."

#: en/Welcome.xml:8(title) 
msgid "Welcome to Fedora Core"
msgstr "Willkommen zu Fedora Core"

#: en/Welcome.xml:10(title) 
msgid "Latest Release Notes on the Web"
msgstr "Neueste Releasenotes im Web"

#: en/Welcome.xml:11(para) 
msgid "These release notes may be updated. Visit <ulink url=\"\"></ulink> to view the latest release notes for Fedora Core 5."
msgstr "Diese Releasenotes können bereits aktualisiert worden sein. Die neuesten Releasenotes zu Fedora Core 5 finden Sie unter <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."

#: en/Welcome.xml:15(para) 
msgid "You can help the Fedora Project community continue to improve Fedora if you file bug reports and enhancement requests. Refer to <ulink url=\"\"></ulink> for more information about bugs. Thank you for your participation."
msgstr "Sie können der Fedora Projekt Community bei der zukünftigen Verbesserung helfen, indem Sie Bugreports und Anfragen nach Erweiterungen abgeben. Lesen Sie <ulink url=\"\"></ulink> für weitere Informationen über Bugs. Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme."

#: en/Welcome.xml:16(para) 
msgid "To find out more general information about Fedora, refer to the following Web pages:"
msgstr "Beachten Sie die folgenden Webseiten, um mehr allgemeine Informationen über Fedora zu finden."

#: en/Welcome.xml:19(para) 
msgid "Fedora Overview (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Überblick über Fedora (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en/Welcome.xml:22(para) 
msgid "Fedora FAQ (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Fedora FAQ (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en/Welcome.xml:25(para) 
msgid "Help and Support (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Hilfe und Support (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en/Welcome.xml:28(para) 
msgid "Participate in the Fedora Project (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Am Fedora-Projekt teilnehmen (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en/Welcome.xml:31(para) 
msgid "About the Fedora Project (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Ãœber das Fedora-Projekt (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en/WebServers.xml:8(title) 
msgid "Web Servers"
msgstr "Web-Server"

#: en/WebServers.xml:9(para) 
msgid "This section contains information on Web-related applications."
msgstr "Dieses Kapitel enthält Information über Web-spezifische Applikationen."

#: en/WebServers.xml:11(title) 
msgid "httpd"
msgstr "httpd"

#: en/WebServers.xml:12(para) 
msgid "Fedora Core now includes version 2.2 of the Apache HTTP Server. This release brings a number of improvements over the 2.0 series, including:"
msgstr "Fedora Core enthält nun Version 2.2 des Apache HTTP-Servers. Dieses Release bringt gegenüber der Version 2.0 eine Menge von Verbesserungen, darunter:"

#: en/WebServers.xml:15(para) 
msgid "greatly improved caching modules (<code>mod_cache</code>, <code>mod_disk_cache</code>, <code>mod_mem_cache</code>)"
msgstr "stark verbesserte Caching-Module (<code>mod_cache</code>, <code>mod_disk_cache</code>, <code>mod_mem_cache</code>)"

#: en/WebServers.xml:18(para) 
msgid "a new structure for authentication and authorization support, replacing the security modules provided in previous versions"
msgstr "eine neue Struktur für Authentifikations und Autorisierungsunterstützung, die die Sicherheitsmodule der Vorgängerversion ersetzen"

#: en/WebServers.xml:21(para) 
msgid "support for proxy load balancing (<code>mod_proxy_balance</code>)"
msgstr "Unterstützung von Proxy-Loadbalancing (<code>mod_proxy_balance</code>)"

#: en/WebServers.xml:24(para) 
msgid "large file support for 32-bit platforms (including support for serving files larger than 2GB)"
[...2299 lines suppressed...]
msgid "Recommended for graphical: 256MiB"
msgstr "Empfehlung für grafisch: 256MiB"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:44(title) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:29(title) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:33(title) 
msgid "Hard Disk Space Requirements"
msgstr "Anforderungen an Festplattenplatz"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:45(para) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:30(para) 
msgid "The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken up by Fedora Core 5 after the installation is complete. However, additional disk space is required during the installation to support the installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> on Installation Disc 1 plus the size of the files in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> on the installed system."
msgstr "Die unten aufgeführten Anforderungen an Festplattenplatz zeigen den Festplattenplatz, der von Fedora Core 5 verwendet wird, wenn die Installation abgeschlossen ist. Jedoch wird zusätzlicher Festplattenplatz während der Installation für die Installationsumgebung benötigt. Dieser zusätzliche Festplattenplatz entspricht der Größe von <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> auf Installationsdisk 1 zuzüglich der Größe der Dateien in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> auf dem installierten System."

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:46(para) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:31(para) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:35(para) 
msgid "In practical terms, additional space requirements may range from as little as 90 MiB for a minimal installation to as much as an additional 175 MiB for an \"everything\" installation. The complete packages can occupy over 9 GB of disk space."
msgstr "Praktisch gesprochen variiert der zusätzlich benötige Plattenplatz von 90 MiB für eine Minimalinstallation bis zu einer Größe von 175 MiB für eine \"vollständige\" Installation. Die kompletten Pakete können mehr als 9 GB Plattenplatz einnehmen."

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:47(para) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:32(para) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:36(para) 
msgid "Additional space is also required for any user data, and at least 5% free space should be maintained for proper system operation."
msgstr "Weiterhin wird zusätzlicher Platz für Benutzerdaten benötigt und es sollten mindestens 5% freier Plattenplatz für ein einwandfreies Funktionieren des Systems  verfügbar sein."

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:8(title) 
msgid "x86_64 Specifics for Fedora"
msgstr "Besonderheiten in Fedora für x86_64"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:9(para) 
msgid "This section covers any specific information you may need to know about Fedora Core and the x86_64 hardware platform."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt behandelt spezielle Informationen, die Sie über Fedora Core und die x86_64-Hardwareplattform wissen müssen."

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:11(title) 
msgid "x86_64 Hardware Requirements"
msgstr "Hardwareanforderungen für x86_64"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:14(title) 
msgid "Memory Requirements"
msgstr "Speicheranforderungen"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:15(para) 
msgid "This list is for 64-bit x86_64 systems:"
msgstr "Diese Liste ist für 64-bit x86_64 Systeme:"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:21(para) 
msgid "Minimum RAM for graphical: 256MiB"
msgstr "Minimum RAM für grafisch: 256MiB"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:24(para) 
msgid "Recommended RAM for graphical: 512MiB"
msgstr "Empfehlung für grafische: 512MiB"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:36(title) 
msgid "RPM Multiarch Support on x86_64"
msgstr "Unterstützung für RPM-Multiarch unter x86_64"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:37(para) 
msgid "<emphasis role=\"strong\">RPM</emphasis> supports parallel installation of multiple architectures of the same package. A default package listing such as <code>rpm -qa</code> might appear to include duplicate packages, since the architecture is not displayed. Instead, use the <code>repoquery</code> command, part of the <code>yum-utils</code> package in Fedora Extras, which displays architecture by default. To install <code>yum-utils</code>, run the following command:"
msgstr "<emphasis role=\"strong\">RPM</emphasis> unterstützt parallele Installationen multipler Architekturen des gleichen Pakets. Es könnte so scheinen, als würde eine Standardpaketliste wie durch <code>rpm -qa</code> Pakete doppelt enthalten, da die Architektur nicht angezeigt wird. Verwenden Sie stattdessen den Befehl <code>repoquery</code>, der Teil des <code>yum-utils</code>-Pakets in Fedora Extras ist, und die Architektur standardmäßig anzeigt. Um das Paket <code>yum-utils</code> zu installieren, geben Sie folgenden Befehl ein:"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:39(screen) 
#, no-wrap
msgid "su -c 'yum install yum-utils' "
msgstr "su -c 'yum install yum-utils' "

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:40(para) 
msgid "To list all packages with their architecture using <code>rpm</code>, run the following command:"
msgstr "Um alle Pakete mit ihrer Architektur unter Verwendung von <code>rpm</code> aufzulisten, geben Sie folgenden Befehl ein:"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:41(screen) 
#, no-wrap
msgid "rpm -qa --queryformat \"%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\\n\"  "
msgstr "rpm -qa --queryformat \"%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\\n\"  "

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:8(title) 
msgid "PPC Specifics for Fedora"
msgstr "Besonderheiten in Fedora für PPC"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:9(para) 
msgid "This section covers any specific information you may need to know about Fedora Core and the PPC hardware platform."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt behandelt spezielle Informationen, die Sie über Fedora Core und die PPC-Hardwareplattform wissen müssen."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:11(title) 
msgid "PPC Hardware Requirements"
msgstr "Hardwareanforderungen für PPC"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:13(title) 
msgid "Processor and Memory"
msgstr "Porzessor und Speicher"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:16(para) 
msgid "Minimum CPU: PowerPC G3 / POWER4"
msgstr "MInimum-CPU: PowerPC G3 / POWER4"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:19(para) 
msgid "Fedora Core 5 supports only the “New World” generation of Apple Power Macintosh, shipped from circa 1999 onward."
msgstr "Fedora Core 5 unterstützt nur die \"New World\"-Generation des Apple Power Macintosh, die seit ca. 1999 ausgeliefert wird."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:22(para) 
msgid "Fedora Core 5 also supports IBM eServer pSeries, IBM RS/6000, Genesi Pegasos II, and IBM Cell Broadband Engine machines."
msgstr "Fedora Core 5 unterstützt auch IBM eServer pSeries-, IBM RS/6000-, Genesi Pegasos II-, and IBM Cell Broadband Engine-Maschinen"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:25(para) 
msgid "Recommended for text-mode: 233 MHz G3 or better, 128MiB RAM."
msgstr "Empfohlen für Text-Mode: 233 MHz G3 oder besser, 128MiB RAM"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:28(para) 
msgid "Recommended for graphical: 400 MHz G3 or better, 256MiB RAM."
msgstr "Empfohlen für grafisch: 400 MHz G3 oder besser, 256MiB RAM."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:34(para) 
msgid "The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken up by Fedora Core 5 after installation is complete. However, additional disk space is required during installation to support the installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> (on Installtion Disc 1) plus the size of the files in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> on the installed system."
msgstr "Die unten aufgeführten Anforderungen an Festplattenplatz zeigen den Festplattenplatz, der von Fedora Core 5 verwendet wird, wenn die Installation abgeschlossen ist. Jedoch wird zusätzlicher Festplattenplatz während der Installation für die Installationsumgebung benötigt. Dieser zusätzliche Festplattenplatz entspricht der Größe von <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> auf Installationsdisk 1 zuzüglich der Größe der Dateien in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> auf dem installierten System."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:40(title) 
msgid "The Apple keyboard"
msgstr "Die Apple-Tastatur"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:41(para) 
msgid "The <code>Option</code> key on Apple systems is equivalent to the <code>Alt</code> key on the PC. Where documentation and the installer refer to the <code>Alt</code> key, use the <code>Option</code> key. For some key combinations you may need to use the <code>Option</code> key in conjunction with the <code>Fn</code> key, such as <code>Option</code>-<code>Fn</code>-<code>F3</code> to switch to virtual terminal tty3."
msgstr "Die <code>Option</code>-Taste auf Applesystemen ist äquivalent zur <code>Alt</code>-Taste auf PCs. Verwenden Sie die <code>Option</code>-Taste, wenn sich die Dokumentation und die Installationsroutine auf die <code>Alt</code>-Taste beziehen. Manche Tastenkombinationen müssen die <code>Option</code>-Taste in Verbindung mit der <code>Fn</code>-Taste, wie zum Beispiel <code>Option</code>-<code>Fn</code>-<code>F3</code>, um auf den virtuellen Terminal tty3 zu wechseln."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:44(title) 
msgid "PPC Installation Notes"
msgstr "Installationshinweise für PPC"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:45(para) 
msgid "Fedora Core Installation Disc 1 is bootable on supported hardware. In addition, a bootable CD image appears in the <code>images/</code> directory of this disc. These images will behave differently according to your system hardware:"
msgstr "Von der Fedora Core 5-Installationsdisk 1 kann auf unterstützter Hardware gebootet werden. Zusätzlich befinden sich bootbare CD-Images auf dieser Disk im Verzeichnis <code>images/</code>. Diese Images verhalten sich abhängig von Ihrer Hardware unterschiedlich:"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:48(para) 
msgid "Apple Macintosh"
msgstr "Apple Macintosh"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:49(para) 
msgid "The bootloader should automatically boot the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit installer."
msgstr "Der Bootloader sollte automatisch die passende 32- oder 64-Bit-Installationsroutine booten."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:50(para) 
msgid "The default <code>gnome-power-manager</code> package includes power management support, including sleep and backlight level management. Users with more complex requirements can use the <code>apmud</code> package in Fedora Extras. Following installation, you can install <code>apmud</code> with the following command:"
msgstr "Das Standardpaket <code>gnome-power-manager</code> enthält Power-Management-Unterstützung, die Schlafmodus und Backlight-Level-Management enthält. Benutzer mit komplexeren Anforderungen können das Paket <code>apmud</code> in Fedora Extras verwenden. Anschließend an die Installation können Sie <code>apmud</code> über folgenden Befehl installieren:"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:51(screen) 
#, no-wrap
msgid "su -c 'yum install apmud' "
msgstr "su -c 'yum install apmud' "

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:54(para) 
msgid "64-bit IBM eServer pSeries (POWER4/POWER5)"
msgstr "64-bit IBM eServer pSeries (POWER4/POWER5)"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:55(para) 
msgid "After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, the bootloader (yaboot) should automatically boot the 64-bit installer."
msgstr "Nachdem die CD mit Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware gebootet wurde, sollte der Bootloader (yaboot) automatisch die 64-Bit-Installationsroutine booten."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:58(para) 
msgid "32-bit CHRP (IBM RS/6000 and others)"
msgstr "32-bit CHRP (IBM RS/6000 und andere)"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:59(para) 
msgid "After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, select the <code>linux32</code> boot image at the <code>boot:</code> prompt to start the 32-bit installer. Otherwise, the 64-bit installer starts, which does not work."
msgstr "Nachdem die CD mit Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware gebootet wurde, wählen Sie das <code>linux32</code>-Bootimage am <code>boot:</code>-Prompt, um die 32-Bit Installationsroutine zu starten. Anderenfalls startet die 64-Bit-Installationsroutine, die nicht funktioniert."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:62(para) 
msgid "Genesi Pegasos II"
msgstr "Genesi Pegasos II"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:63(para) 
msgid "At the time of writing, firmware with full support for ISO9660 file systems is not yet released for the Pegasos. However, you can use the network boot image. At the Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware prompt, enter the command:"
msgstr "Zum Redaktionsschluss ist für Pegasos noch keine Firmware mit voller Unterstützung für das ISO9660-Dateisystems veröffentlicht. Aber die können das Network-Bootimage verwenden. Geben Sie am Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware-Prompt folgenden Befehl ein:"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:64(screen) 
#, no-wrap
msgid "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img  "
msgstr "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img  "

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:65(para) 
msgid "You must also configure Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware on the Pegasos manually to make the installed Fedora Core system bootable. To do this, set the <code>boot-device</code> and <code>boot-file</code> environment variables appropriately."
msgstr "Weiterhin muss Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware auf Pegasos manuell konfiguriert werden, um das installierte Fedora Core System bootbar zu machen. Setzen Sie hierzu die Umgebungsvariablen <code>boot-device</code> und <code>boot-file</code> entsprechend."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:68(para) 
msgid "Network booting"
msgstr "Booten vom Netzwerk"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:69(para) 
msgid "You can find combined images containing the installer kernel and ramdisk in the <code>images/netboot/</code> directory of the installation tree. These are intended for network booting with TFTP, but can be used in many ways."
msgstr "Sie können kombinierte Images, die den Kernel der Installationsroutine und die Ramdisk enthalten, im Verzeichnis <code>images/netboot/</code> des Installationsbaums finden. Diese sind für das Booten vom Netzwerk gedacht, können aber auf vielfache Weise verwendet werden."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:70(para) 
msgid "<code>yaboot</code> supports TFTP booting for IBM eServer pSeries and Apple Macintosh. The Fedora Project encourages the use of <code>yaboot</code> over the <code>netboot</code> images."
msgstr "<code>yaboot</code> unterstützt TFTP-booting für IBM eServer pSeries und Apple Macintosh. Das Fedora Projekt empfiehlt, <code>yaboot</code> anstelle der <code>netboot</code>-Images zu verwenden."

#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:8(title) 
msgid "Architecture Specific Notes"
msgstr "Architektur-spezifische Hinweise"

#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:9(para) 
msgid "This section provides notes that are specific to the supported hardware architectures of Fedora Core."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt bietet Hinweise die speziell für die unterstützten Hardware-Architekturen von Fedora Core gelten."

#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:0(None) 
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "Anerkennung für Übersetzer"

--- NEW FILE fr_FR.po ---
# translation of fr_FR.po to French
# Thomas Canniot <thomas.canniot at>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: fr_FR\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-06-15 09:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-06-21 19:23+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Thomas Canniot <thomas.canniot at>\n"
"Language-Team: French\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:7(title) en_US/Welcome.xml:7(title) en_US/WebServers.xml:7(title) en_US/Virtualization.xml:7(title) en_US/SystemDaemons.xml:7(title) en_US/ServerTools.xml:7(title) en_US/SecuritySELinux.xml:7(title) en_US/Security.xml:7(title) en_US/Samba.xml:7(title) en_US/ProjectOverview.xml:7(title) en_US/Printing.xml:7(title) en_US/PackageNotes.xml:7(title) en_US/PackageChanges.xml:7(title) en_US/OverView.xml:7(title) en_US/Networking.xml:7(title) en_US/Multimedia.xml:7(title) en_US/Legacy.xml:7(title) en_US/Kernel.xml:7(title) en_US/Java.xml:7(title) en_US/Installer.xml:7(title) en_US/I18n.xml:7(title) en_US/FileSystems.xml:7(title) en_US/FileServers.xml:7(title) en_US/Feedback.xml:7(title) en_US/Entertainment.xml:7(title) en_US/Extras.xml:7(title) en_US/DevelToolsGCC.xml:7(title) en_US/DevelTools.xml:7(title) en_US/Desktop.xml:7(title) en_US/DatabaseServers.xml:7(title) en_US/Colophon.xml:7(title) en_US/BackwardsCompatibility.xml:7(title) en_US/ArchSpecificx86.xml:7(t!
 itle) en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:7(title) en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:7(title) en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:7(title)
msgid "Temp"
msgstr "Temp"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:11(title)
msgid "X Window System (Graphics)"
msgstr "Système X Window (Graphique)"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:13(para)
msgid "This section contains information related to the X Window System implementation provided with Fedora."
msgstr "Cette section contient des informations relatives à l'implémentation du système X Window dans Fedora."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:19(title)
msgid "xorg-x11"
msgstr "xorg-x11"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:21(para)
msgid " X11 is an open source implementation of the X Window System. It provides the basic low-level functionality upon which full-fledged graphical user interfaces (GUIs) such as GNOME and KDE are designed. For more information about, refer to <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."
msgstr " X11 est une implémentation libre du système X Window. Il s'occupe de fonctionnalités de bas niveau sur lesquelles des environnements graphiques d'utilisation complets comme GNOME et KDE sont développées. SI vous désirez obtenir des informations complémentaires sur, consultez la page <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:29(para)
msgid "You may use <emphasis>System > Administration > Display</emphasis> or <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-display</emphasis> to configure the settings. The configuration file for is located in <code>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</code>."
msgstr "Vous pouvez utiliser <emphasis>Bureau > Administration > Affichage</emphasis> ou <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-display</emphasis> pour configure<code>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</code>.r les paramètres. Le fichier de configuration de est le suivant : <code>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</code>."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:36(para)
msgid " X11R7 is the first modular release of, which, among several other benefits, promotes faster updates and helps programmers rapidly develop and release specific components. More information on the current status of the modularization effort in Fedora is available at <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."
msgstr " X11R7 est la première version modulaire de, qui permet, en plus d'autres avantages, de faciliter les mises à jour, le développement et la sortie de composants spécifiques. Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur l'état actuel de la modularisation de dans Fedora sur la page <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:47(title)
msgid " X11R7 End-User Notes"
msgstr "Notes de l'utilisateur final de X11R7"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:50(title)
msgid "Installing Third Party Drivers"
msgstr "Installer des drivers tiers"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:51(para)
msgid "Before you install any third party drivers from any vendor, including ATI or nVidia, please read <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."
msgstr "Avant que vous n'installiez un pilote tiers, quel que soit le vendeur, dont ATI ou nVidia, merci de lire la page <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:58(para)
msgid "The <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> package install scripts automatically remove the <code>RgbPath</code> line from the <code>xorg.conf</code> file if it is present. You may need to reconfigure your keyboard differently from what you are used to. You are encouraged to subscribe to the upstream <ulink url=\"mailto:xorg at\">xorg at</ulink> mailing list if you do need assistance reconfiguring your keyboard."
msgstr "Les scripts d'installation du paquetage <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> suppriment automatiquement la ligne <code>RgbPath</code> du fichier <code>xorg.conf</code>, si elle est présente. Vous devrez peut-être reconfigurer votre clavier différemment. Nous vous encourageons à vous abonner à la liste de diffusion <ulink url=\"mailto:xorg at\">xorg at</ulink> si vous avez besoin d'aide pour reconfigurer votre clavier."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:70(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Overview"
msgstr "Aperçu de X11R7 pour les développeur"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:72(para)
msgid "The following list includes some of the more visible changes for developers in X11R7:"
msgstr "La liste ci-dessous détaille les changements les plus visibles de X11R7 pour les développeurs :"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:79(para)
msgid "The entire buildsystem has changed from <code>imake</code> to the GNU <code>autotools</code> collection."
msgstr "Si système de compilation n'utilise plus <code>imake</code> mais les logiciels GNU de la collection <code>autotools</code>. "

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:85(para)
msgid "Libraries now install <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> files, which should now always be used by software that depends on these libraries, instead of hard coding paths to them in <code>/usr/X11R6/lib </code> or elsewhere."
msgstr "Les bibliothèques installent dorénavant les fichiers <code>*.pc</code> de <code>pkgconfig</code>, qui doivent à présent être uniquement utilisés par les logiciels qui dépendent de ces bibliothèques, plutôt que de coder le chemin en dur dans <code>/usr/X11R6/lib </code> ou dans un autre fichier."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:93(para)
msgid "Everything is now installed directly into <code>/usr</code> instead of <code>/usr/X11R6</code>. All software that hard codes paths to anything in <code>/usr/X11R6</code> must now be changed, preferably to dynamically detect the proper location of the object. Developers are <emphasis role=\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> advised against hard-coding the new X11R7 default paths."
msgstr "Tout est dorénavant installé directement dans <code>/usr</code> au lieu de <code>/usr/X11R6</code>. Tous les logiciels ayant en dur les chemins vers quelque situé dans <code>/usr/X11R6</code> doit être modifié de façon à ce qu'ils détecte l'emplacement approprié des objets. Les développeurs sont <emphasis role=\"strong\">fortement </emphasis> encouragés à ne plus coder en dur les chemins par défaut du nouveau X11R7."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:103(para)
msgid "Every library has its own private source RPM package, which creates a runtime binary subpackage and a <code>-devel</code> subpackage."
msgstr "Chaque bibliothèque à son propre paquetage RPM source, qui crée un sous-paquetages de routine binaire et un sous-paquetage <code>-devel</code>."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:112(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Notes"
msgstr "Notes des développeurs de X11R7"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:114(para)
msgid "This section includes a summary of issues of note for developers and packagers, and suggestions on how to fix them where possible."
msgstr "Cette section résume les problèmes de note pour les développeurs et les empaqueteurs et contient des suggestionssur la manière de les corriger si possible."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:120(title)
msgid "The /usr/X11R6/ Directory Hierarchy"
msgstr "La hiérarchie du répertoire /usr/X11R6/"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:122(para)
msgid "X11R7 files install into <code>/usr</code> directly now, and no longer use the <code>/usr/X11R6/</code> hierarchy. Applications that rely on files being present at fixed paths under <code>/usr/X11R6/</code>, either at compile time or run time, must be updated. They should now use the system <code>PATH</code>, or some other mechanism to dynamically determine where the files reside, or alternatively to hard code the new locations, possibly with fallbacks."
msgstr "Les fichiers de X11R7 s'installent à présent directement dans <code>/usr</code> et n'utilisent plus la hiérarchie de <code>/usr/X11R6/</code>. Doivent être mis à jour les applications qui se basent sur les fichiers dont l'adresse vers <code>/usr/X11R6/</code> est fixe, soit lors de la compilation ou de l'exécution. Ils devraient utiliser le système <code>PATH</code>, ou d'autres mécanisme pour déterminer de façon dynamique l'emplacement des fichiers, ou encore coder en dur les nouveaux emplacements, avec si possible des fallbacks."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:134(title)
msgid "Imake"
msgstr "Imake"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:136(para)
msgid "The <code>imake</code> xutility is no longer used to build the X Window System, and is now officially deprecated. X11R7 includes <code>imake</code>, <code>xmkmf</code>, and other build utilities previously supplied by the X Window System. X.Org highly recommends, however, that people migrate from <code>imake</code> to use GNU <code>autotools</code> and <code>pkg-config</code>. Support for <code>imake</code> may be removed in a future X Window System release, so developers are <emphasis role=\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> encouraged to transition away from it, and not use it for any new software projects."
msgstr "L'utilitaire <code>imake</code> n'est plus utilisé pour compiler le système X Window et est maintenant officiellement considéré comme obsolète. X11R7  inclue <code>imake</code>, <code>xmkmf</code>, et d'autres utilitaires anciennement fournis par le système X Window. Cependant, recommande fortement que les personnes utilisant <code>imake</code> change au profit des logiciels GNU <code>autotools</code> et <code>pkg-config</code>.Le support <code>imake</code> vise à être supprimer dans une future version du système X Window. Nous encourageons <emphasis role=\"strong\">fortement</emphasis> les développeurs à s'en affranchir, et de ne plus l'utiliser pour les nouveaux projets logiciels."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:151(title)
msgid "The Systemwide app-defaults/ Directory"
msgstr "Le répertoire système app-defaults/"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:153(para)
msgid "The system <code>app-defaults/</code> directory for X resources is now <code>%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults</code>, which expands to <code>/usr/share/X11/app-defaults/</code> on Fedora Core and for future Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems."
msgstr "Le répertoire système <code>app-defaults/</code> pour les ressources de X est maintenant <code>%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults</code>, qui s'élargit au répertoire <code>/usr/share/X11/app-defaults/</code> sur Fedora Core et les futures systèmes  Red Hat Enterprise Linux."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:162(title)
msgid "Correct Package Dependencies"
msgstr "Dépendances correctes des paquetages"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:164(para)
msgid "Any software package that previously used <code>Build Requires: (XFree86-devel|xorg-x11-devel)</code> to satisfy build dependencies must now individually list each library dependency. The preferred and recommended method is to use <emphasis>virtual</emphasis> build dependencies instead of hard coding the library package names of the <code>xorg</code> implementation. This means you should use <code>Build Requires: libXft-devel</code> instead of <code>Build Requires: xorg-x11-Xft-devel</code>. If your software truly does depend on the X.Org X11 implementation of a specific library, and there is no other clean or safe way to state the dependency, then use the <code>xorg-x11-devel</code> form. If you use the virtual provides/requires mechanism, you will avoid inconvenience if the libraries move to another location in the future."
msgstr "N'importe quel paquetage logiciel qui utilisait auparavant <code>Build Requires: (XFree86-devel|xorg-x11-devel)</code> pour satisfaire les dépendances de compilations doivent maintenant lister toutes les dépendances de bibliothèques. La méthode recommandée et préférée et d'utiliser la gestion virtuelle des dépendances plutôt que de coder en dure le nom de la bibliothèque <code>xorg</code> implémentée.Cela signifie que vous devriez utiliser <code>Build Requires: libXft-devel</code>  au lieu de <code>Build Requires: xorg-x11-Xft-devel</code>. Si votre logiciel dépend réellement de l'implémentation d'une bibliothèque spécifique de X.Org X11, et s'il  n'y a pas d'autres manières sûres et propore d'indiquer la dépendance, utilisez le modèle <code>xorg-x11-devel</code>. Si vous utilisez le mécanisme virtuel fournit/requiert, vous éviterez les inconvénients si la bibliothèque est amenée à être déplacée dans le future."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:182(title)
msgid "xft-config"
msgstr "xft-config"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:184(para)
msgid "Modular X now uses GNU <code>autotools</code> and <code>pkg-config</code> for its buildsystem configuration and execution. The <code>xft-config</code> utility has been deprecated for some time, and <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> files have been provided for most of this time. Applications that previously used <code>xft-config</code> to obtain the <code>Cflags</code> or <code>libs</code> build options must now be updated to use <code>pkg-config</code>."
msgstr "Le X modulaire utilise dorénavant les logiciels GNU <code>autotools</code> et <code>pkg-config</code> pour la configuration du système de compilation *.pc de et l'exécution. L'utilitaire <code>xft-config</code> est considéré obsolète pour un certain temps, et les fichiers <code>pkgconfig</code><code> sont utilisés durant cette période. Les applications qui utilisaient anciennement <code>xft-config</code> pour obtenir le <code>Cflags</code> ou les options de compilation <code>libs</code> doivent être mise à jour pour utiliser <code>pkg-config</code>."

#: en_US/Welcome.xml:11(title)
msgid "Welcome to Fedora Core"
msgstr "Bienvenue sur Fedora Core"

#: en_US/Welcome.xml:14(title)
msgid "Latest Release Notes on the Web"
msgstr "Les notes de sorties les plus récentes disponibles sur le web"

#: en_US/Welcome.xml:15(para)
msgid "These release notes may be updated. Visit <ulink url=\"\"></ulink> to view the latest release notes for Fedora Core 5."
msgstr "Ces notes de peuvent peuvent avoir été mises à jour. Rendez-vous sur <ulink url=\"\"></ulink> pour consulter les dernières notes de sorties de Fedora Core 5."

#: en_US/Welcome.xml:22(para)
msgid "You can help the Fedora Project community continue to improve Fedora if you file bug reports and enhancement requests. Refer to <ulink url=\"\"></ulink> for more information about bugs. Thank you for your participation."
msgstr "Vous pouvez aider la communauté du Projet Fedora à continuer d'améliorer Fedora en rapportant des bogues et en soumettant des demandes d'améliorations. Visitez la page <ulink url=\"\"></ulink> pour obtenir plus d'informations sur les bogues. Merci pour votre participation."

#: en_US/Welcome.xml:29(para)
msgid "To find out more general information about Fedora, refer to the following Web pages:"
msgstr "Pour obtenir des information générales sur Fedora, veuillez consulter les pages web suivantes :"

#: en_US/Welcome.xml:36(para)
msgid "Fedora Overview (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Aperçu de Fedora (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en_US/Welcome.xml:42(para)
msgid "Fedora FAQ (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Fedora FAQ (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en_US/Welcome.xml:48(para)
msgid "Help and Support (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Aide et support (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en_US/Welcome.xml:54(para)
msgid "Participate in the Fedora Project (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Participer au Projet Fedora (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en_US/Welcome.xml:60(para)
msgid "About the Fedora Project (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "A propos du Projet Fedora (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en_US/WebServers.xml:11(title)
msgid "Web Servers"
msgstr "Serveurs web"

#: en_US/WebServers.xml:13(para)
msgid "This section contains information on Web-related applications."
msgstr "Cette section contient des informations sur les applications orientée Internet"

#: en_US/WebServers.xml:18(title)
msgid "httpd"
msgstr "httpd"

#: en_US/WebServers.xml:20(para)
msgid "Fedora Core now includes version 2.2 of the Apache HTTP Server. This release brings a number of improvements over the 2.0 series, including:"
msgstr "Fedora Core inclue à présent la version 2.2 du serveur HTTP Apache. Cette version apporte un nombre importants de mise à jour par rapport à la version 2.0, dont :"

#: en_US/WebServers.xml:27(para)
msgid "greatly improved caching modules ( <code>mod_cache</code>, <code>mod_disk_cache</code>, <code>mod_mem_cache</code> )"
msgstr "gestion grandement améliorée du caches des modules ( <code>mod_cache</code>, <code>mod_disk_cache</code>, <code>mod_mem_cache</code> )"

#: en_US/WebServers.xml:33(para)
msgid "a new structure for authentication and authorization support, replacing the security modules provided in previous versions"
msgstr "une nouvelle structure pour le support de l'authentification et de l'autorisation, replaçant les modules de sécurité des version antérieures."

#: en_US/WebServers.xml:39(para)
msgid "support for proxy load balancing (<code>mod_proxy_balance</code>)"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/WebServers.xml:44(para)
[...2657 lines suppressed...]
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:19(title)
msgid "x86_64 Does Not Use a Separate SMP Kernel"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:21(para)
msgid "The default kernel in x86_64 architecture provides SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processor) capabilities to handle multiple CPUs efficiently. This architecture does not have a separate SMP kernel unlike x86 and PPC systems."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:30(title)
msgid "x86_64 Hardware Requirements"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:32(para)
msgid "In order to use specific features of Fedora Core 5 during or after installation, you may need to know details of other hardware components such as video and network cards."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:39(title)
msgid "Memory Requirements"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:41(para)
msgid "This list is for 64-bit x86_64 systems:"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:52(para)
msgid "Minimum RAM for graphical: 256MiB"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:57(para)
msgid "Recommended RAM for graphical: 512MiB"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:66(para)
msgid "The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken up by Fedora Core 5 after the installation is complete. However, additional disk space is required during the installation to support the installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> on Installation Disc 1 plus the size of the files in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> on the installed system."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:93(title)
msgid "RPM Multiarch Support on x86_64"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:95(para)
msgid "<emphasis role=\"strong\">RPM</emphasis> supports parallel installation of multiple architectures of the same package. A default package listing such as <code>rpm -qa</code> might appear to include duplicate packages, since the architecture is not displayed. Instead, use the <code>repoquery</code> command, part of the <code>yum-utils</code> package in Fedora Extras, which displays architecture by default. To install <code>yum-utils</code>, run the following command:"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:104(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "\nsu -c 'yum install yum-utils'\n"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:107(para)
msgid "To list all packages with their architecture using <code>rpm</code>, run the following command:"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:111(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "\nrpm -qa --queryformat \"%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\\n\"\n"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:115(para)
msgid "You can add this to <code>/etc/rpm/macros</code> (for a system wide setting) or <code>~/.rpmmacros</code> (for a per-user setting). It changes the default query to list the architecture:"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:120(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "\n%_query_all_fmt         %%{name}-%%{version}-%%{release}.%%{arch}\n"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:11(title)
msgid "PPC Specifics for Fedora"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:13(para)
msgid "This section covers any specific information you may need to know about Fedora Core and the PPC hardware platform."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:19(title)
msgid "PPC Hardware Requirements"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:22(title)
msgid "Processor and Memory"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:26(para)
msgid "Minimum CPU: PowerPC G3 / POWER4"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:31(para)
msgid "Fedora Core 5 supports only the “New World” generation of Apple Power Macintosh, shipped from circa 1999 onward."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:37(para)
msgid "Fedora Core 5 also supports IBM eServer pSeries, IBM RS/6000, Genesi Pegasos II, and IBM Cell Broadband Engine machines."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:44(para)
msgid "Recommended for text-mode: 233 MHz G3 or better, 128MiB RAM."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:50(para)
msgid "Recommended for graphical: 400 MHz G3 or better, 256MiB RAM."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:60(para)
msgid "The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken up by Fedora Core 5 after installation is complete. However, additional disk space is required during installation to support the installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> (on Installtion Disc 1) plus the size of the files in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> on the installed system."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:89(title)
msgid "The Apple keyboard"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:91(para)
msgid "The <code>Option</code> key on Apple systems is equivalent to the <code>Alt</code> key on the PC. Where documentation and the installer refer to the <code>Alt</code> key, use the <code>Option</code> key. For some key combinations you may need to use the <code>Option</code> key in conjunction with the <code>Fn</code> key, such as <code>Option</code> - <code>Fn</code> - <code>F3</code> to switch to virtual terminal tty3."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:103(title)
msgid "PPC Installation Notes"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:105(para)
msgid "Fedora Core Installation Disc 1 is bootable on supported hardware. In addition, a bootable CD image appears in the <code>images/</code> directory of this disc. These images will behave differently according to your system hardware:"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:115(para)
msgid "Apple Macintosh"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:118(para)
msgid "The bootloader should automatically boot the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit installer."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:122(para)
msgid "The default <code>gnome-power-manager</code> package includes power management support, including sleep and backlight level management. Users with more complex requirements can use the <code>apmud</code> package in Fedora Extras. Following installation, you can install <code>apmud</code> with the following command:"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:136(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "su -c 'yum install apmud'"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:141(para)
msgid "64-bit IBM eServer pSeries (POWER4/POWER5)"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:144(para)
msgid "After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, the bootloader (yaboot) should automatically boot the 64-bit installer."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:151(para)
msgid "32-bit CHRP (IBM RS/6000 and others)"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:154(para)
msgid "After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, select the <code>linux32</code> boot image at the <code>boot:</code> prompt to start the 32-bit installer. Otherwise, the 64-bit installer starts, which does not work."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:165(para)
msgid "Genesi Pegasos II"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:168(para)
msgid "At the time of writing, firmware with full support for ISO9660 file systems is not yet released for the Pegasos. However, you can use the network boot image. At the Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware prompt, enter the command:"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:177(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:180(para)
msgid "You must also configure Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware on the Pegasos manually to make the installed Fedora Core system bootable. To do this, set the <code>boot-device</code> and <code>boot-file</code> environment variables appropriately."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:192(para)
msgid "Network booting"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:195(para)
msgid "You can find combined images containing the installer kernel and ramdisk in the <code>images/netboot/</code> directory of the installation tree. These are intended for network booting with TFTP, but can be used in many ways."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:202(para)
msgid "<code>yaboot</code> supports TFTP booting for IBM eServer pSeries and Apple Macintosh. The Fedora Project encourages the use of <code>yaboot</code> over the <code>netboot</code> images."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:10(title)
msgid "Architecture Specific Notes"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:11(para)
msgid "This section provides notes that are specific to the supported hardware architectures of Fedora Core."
msgstr ""

#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
#: en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:0(None)
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""

--- NEW FILE it.po ---
# translation of it.po to Italiano
# Francesco Tombolini <tombo at>, 2006.
# translation of it.po to
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: it\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-06-05 20:55+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-06-13 07:44+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Francesco Tombolini <tombo at>\n"
"Language-Team: Italiano <fedora-trans-it at>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n"
"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:7(title) en_US/Welcome.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/WebServers.xml:7(title) en_US/Virtualization.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/SystemDaemons.xml:7(title) en_US/ServerTools.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/SecuritySELinux.xml:7(title) en_US/Security.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Samba.xml:7(title) en_US/ProjectOverview.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Printing.xml:7(title) en_US/PackageNotes.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/PackageChanges.xml:7(title) en_US/OverView.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Networking.xml:7(title) en_US/Multimedia.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Legacy.xml:7(title) en_US/Kernel.xml:7(title) en_US/Java.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Installer.xml:7(title) en_US/I18n.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/FileSystems.xml:7(title) en_US/FileServers.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Feedback.xml:7(title) en_US/Entertainment.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Extras.xml:7(title) en_US/DevelToolsGCC.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/DevelTools.xml:7(title) en_US/Desktop.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/DatabaseServers.xml:7(title) en_US/Colophon.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/BackwardsCompatibility.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86.xml:7(title) en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:7(title) en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:7(title)
msgid "Temp"
msgstr "Temporaneo"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:11(title)
msgid "X Window System (Graphics)"
msgstr "X Window System (Grafica)"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:13(para)
msgid ""
"This section contains information related to the X Window System "
"implementation provided with Fedora."
msgstr ""
"Questa sezione contiene le informazioni relative all'implementazione del "
"sistema X Window distribuito con Fedora."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:19(title)
msgid "xorg-x11"
msgstr "xorg-x11"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:21(para)
msgid ""
" X11 is an open source implementation of the X Window System. It "
"provides the basic low-level functionality upon which full-fledged graphical "
"user interfaces (GUIs) such as GNOME and KDE are designed. For more "
"information about, refer to <ulink url=\""
msgstr ""
" X11 è un implementazione open source del sistema X Window. Fornisce "
"quelle elementari funzionalità di basso livello sulle quali sbandierate "
"interfacce grafiche (GUIs) come GNOME e KDE sono disegnate. Per maggiori "
"informazioni su, fa riferimento a <ulink url=\"http://xorg.freedesktop."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:29(para)
msgid ""
"You may use <emphasis>System > Administration > Display</emphasis> or "
"<emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-display</emphasis> to configure the "
"settings. The configuration file for is located in <code>/etc/X11/xorg."
msgstr ""
"Puoi usare <emphasis>Applicazioni > Impostazioni di sistema > "
"Schermo</emphasis> o eseguire <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-"
"display</emphasis> per configurare le impostazioni. Il file di "
"configurazione per si trova in <code>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</code>."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:36(para)
msgid ""
" X11R7 is the first modular release of, which, among several "
"other benefits, promotes faster updates and helps programmers rapidly "
"develop and release specific components. More information on the current "
"status of the modularization effort in Fedora is available at <ulink "
msgstr ""
" X11R7 è la prima versione modulare di, che, oltre a diversi "
"altri benefici , consente aggiornamenti più veloci ed aiuta i programmatori "
"a sviluppare e rilasciare componenti specifici rapidamente. Maggiori "
"informazioni sullo status attuale dello sforzo di modularizzazione di Xorg "
"in Fedora è disponibile su <ulink url=\""

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:47(title)
msgid " X11R7 End-User Notes"
msgstr "Note su Xorg X11R7 per l'utente finale"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:50(title)
msgid "Installing Third Party Drivers"
msgstr "Installare drivers di terze parti"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:51(para)
msgid ""
"Before you install any third party drivers from any vendor, including ATI or "
"nVidia, please read <ulink url=\""
msgstr ""
"Prima di installare qualsiasi drivers di terze parti da qualunque venditore, "
"incluso ATI o nVidia, sei pregato di leggere <ulink url=\"http://"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:58(para)
msgid ""
"The <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> package install scripts automatically "
"remove the <code>RgbPath</code> line from the <code>xorg.conf</code> file if "
"it is present. You may need to reconfigure your keyboard differently from "
"what you are used to. You are encouraged to subscribe to the upstream <ulink "
"url=\"mailto:xorg at\">xorg at</ulink> mailing "
"list if you do need assistance reconfiguring your keyboard."
msgstr ""
"Gli scripts d'installazione del pacchetto <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> "
"rimuovono automaticamente la linea <code>RgbPath</code> dal file <code>xorg."
"conf</code> se presente. Potresti avere la necessità di riconfigurare la tua "
"tastiera differentemente da quella che usi. Sei incoraggiato a "
"sottoscriverti alla mailing list <ulink url=\"mailto:xorg at"
"\">xorg at</ulink> se hai bisogno di assistenza nel "
"riconfigurare la tua tastiera."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:70(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Overview"
msgstr " X11R7 anteprima per lo sviluppatore"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:72(para)
msgid ""
"The following list includes some of the more visible changes for developers "
"in X11R7:"
msgstr ""
"L'elenco seguente include alcuni fra i più evidenti cambiamenti per gli "
"sviluppatori in X11R7:"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:79(para)
msgid ""
"The entire buildsystem has changed from <code>imake</code> to the GNU "
"<code>autotools</code> collection."
msgstr ""
"L'intero sistema di compilazione è cambiato da  <code>imake</code> alla "
"collezione GNU <code>autotools</code>."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:85(para)
msgid ""
"Libraries now install <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> files, which "
"should now always be used by software that depends on these libraries, "
"instead of hard coding paths to them in <code>/usr/X11R6/lib </code> or "
msgstr ""
"Le librerie ora installano file <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</"
"code>, che ora dovrebbero essere sempre usate dal software che dipende da "
"queste librerie, invece di inglobare nel codice i percorsi a queste in "
"<code>/usr/X11R6/lib</code> o altrove."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:93(para)
msgid ""
"Everything is now installed directly into <code>/usr</code> instead of "
"<code>/usr/X11R6</code>. All software that hard codes paths to anything in "
"<code>/usr/X11R6</code> must now be changed, preferably to dynamically "
"detect the proper location of the object. Developers are <emphasis role="
"\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> advised against hard-coding the new X11R7 "
"default paths."
msgstr ""
"Tutto è ora installato direttamente in <code>/usr</code> invece di "
"<code>/usr/X11R6</code>. Tutto il software i cui percorsi sono compilati "
"all'interno del codice in <code>/usr/X11R6</code>, deve ora essere cambiato "
"preferibilmente per determinare dinamicamente l'appropriata posizione dell'oggetto. "
"Gli sviluppatori sono <emphasis role=\"strong\">fortemente</emphasis> "
"sconsigliati di inglobare nel codice i percorsi predefiniti del nuovo X11R7."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:103(para)
msgid ""
"Every library has its own private source RPM package, which creates a "
"runtime binary subpackage and a <code>-devel</code> subpackage."
msgstr ""
"Ogni libreria possiede il suo pacchetto sorgente RPM privato, che crea un "
"sottopacchetto di binari eseguibili ed un sottopacchetto <code>-devel</code>."

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:112(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Notes"
msgstr "Note per lo sviluppatore di X11R7"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:114(para)
msgid ""
"This section includes a summary of issues of note for developers and "
"packagers, and suggestions on how to fix them where possible."
msgstr ""
"Questa sezione include un sommario di problematiche di note per gli "
"sviluppatori ed i creatori di pacchetti, e suggerimenti su come fissarli "
[...7760 lines suppressed...]
"II, and IBM Cell Broadband Engine machines."
msgstr ""
"Fedora Core supporta anche gli IBM eServer pSeries, IBM RS/6000, Genesi "
"Pegasos II, e le macchine IBM Cell Broadband Engine."

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:44(para)
msgid "Recommended for text-mode: 233 MHz G3 or better, 128MiB RAM."
msgstr "Raccomandati per la modalità testo: 233 MHz G3 o superiore, 128MiB RAM."

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:50(para)
msgid "Recommended for graphical: 400 MHz G3 or better, 256MiB RAM."
msgstr "Raccomandati per la modalità grafica: 400 MHz G3 o superiore, 256MiB RAM."

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:60(para)
msgid ""
"The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken up "
"by Fedora Core 5 after installation is complete. However, additional disk "
"space is required during installation to support the installation "
"environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of <code>/"
"Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> (on Installtion Disc 1) plus the size of the "
"files in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> on the installed system."
msgstr ""
"I requisiti di spazio su disco sottoelencati rappresentano lo spazio "
"occupato da Fedora Core 5 dopo aver completato l'installazione. Comunque, "
"altro spazio su disco è necessario durante l'installazione per il supporto "
"dell'ambiente d'installazione. Questo spazio aggiuntivo corrisponde alla "
"grandezza di <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> (sul Disco d'installazione "
"1) più la grandezza dei files in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> sul sistema "

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:89(title)
msgid "The Apple keyboard"
msgstr "La tastiera Apple"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:91(para)
msgid ""
"The <code>Option</code> key on Apple systems is equivalent to the <code>Alt</"
"code> key on the PC. Where documentation and the installer refer to the "
"<code>Alt</code> key, use the <code>Option</code> key. For some key "
"combinations you may need to use the <code>Option</code> key in conjunction "
"with the <code>Fn</code> key, such as <code>Option</code> - <code>Fn</code> "
"- <code>F3</code> to switch to virtual terminal tty3."
msgstr ""
"Il tasto <code>Option</code> sui sistemi Apple è equivalente al tasto <code>Alt</"
"code> sul PC. Dove la documentazione o il software d'installazione si riferiscono al tasto "
"<code>Alt</code>, usa il tasto <code>Option</code>. Per alcune combinazioni di tasti "
"potresti aver bisogno di usare il tasto <code>Option</code> insieme al "
"tasto <code>Fn</code>, tipo <code>Option</code> - <code>Fn</code> "
"- <code>F3</code> per cambiare al terminale virtuale tty3."

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:103(title)
msgid "PPC Installation Notes"
msgstr "Note di installazione PPC"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:105(para)
msgid ""
"Fedora Core Installation Disc 1 is bootable on supported hardware. In "
"addition, a bootable CD image appears in the <code>images/</code> directory "
"of this disc. These images will behave differently according to your system "
msgstr ""
"Il disco 1 d'installazione di Fedora Core è avviabile sull'hardware "
"supportato. In più, un immagine di CD bootabile si può trovare nella "
"directory <code>images/</code> di questo disco. Queste immagini si "
"comporteranno differentemente a seconda dell'hardware:"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:115(para)
msgid "Apple Macintosh"
msgstr "Apple Macintosh "

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:118(para)
msgid ""
"The bootloader should automatically boot the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit "
msgstr ""
"Il bootloader avvierà automaticamente l'appropriato installer a 32-bit o 64-"
"bit. "

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:122(para)
msgid ""
"The default <code>gnome-power-manager</code> package includes power "
"management support, including sleep and backlight level management. Users "
"with more complex requirements can use the <code>apmud</code> package in "
"Fedora Extras. Following installation, you can install <code>apmud</code> "
"with the following command:"
msgstr ""
"Il pacchetto predefinito <code>gnome-power-manager</code> include il "
"supporto al power management, incluso lo sleep e la gestione del livello di "
"retroilluminazione. Gli utenti con requisiti più complessi possono usare il "
"pacchetto <code>apmud</code> in Fedora Extras. Seguendo l'installazione, "
"puoi installare <code>apmud</code> con il seguente comando:"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:136(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "su -c 'yum install apmud'"
msgstr "su -c 'yum install apmud'"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:141(para)
msgid "64-bit IBM eServer pSeries (POWER4/POWER5)"
msgstr "64-bit IBM eServer pSeries (POWER4/POWER5) "

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:144(para)
msgid ""
"After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, the "
"bootloader (yaboot) should automatically boot the 64-bit installer."
msgstr ""
"Dopo aver usato Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware per avviare il CD, "
"il bootloader (yaboot) avvierà automaticamente l'installer a 64-bit."

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:151(para)
msgid "32-bit CHRP (IBM RS/6000 and others)"
msgstr "32-bit CHRP (IBM RS/6000 ed altri) "

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:154(para)
msgid ""
"After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, select "
"the <code>linux32</code> boot image at the <code>boot:</code> prompt to "
"start the 32-bit installer. Otherwise, the 64-bit installer starts, which "
"does not work."
msgstr ""
"Dopo aver usato Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware per avviare il CD, "
"seleziona l'immagine boot <code>linux32</code> al <code>boot:</code> prompt "
"per avviare l'installer a 32-bit. Altrimenti, verrà avviato l'installer a 64-"
"bit, che non funzionerà."

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:165(para)
msgid "Genesi Pegasos II"
msgstr "Genesi Pegasos II "

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:168(para)
msgid ""
"At the time of writing, firmware with full support for ISO9660 file systems "
"is not yet released for the Pegasos. However, you can use the network boot "
"image. At the Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware prompt, enter the "
msgstr ""
"Quando questo documento è stato scritto, firmware con pieno supporto per i "
"file systems ISO9660 per Pegasos non sono ancora stati rilasciati. Comunque, "
"potrà essere usata l'immagine di avvio network boot. All'Open<emphasis role="
"\"strong\"/>Firmware prompt, inserisci il comando:"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:177(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img"
msgstr "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:180(para)
msgid ""
"You must also configure Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware on the "
"Pegasos manually to make the installed Fedora Core system bootable. To do "
"this, set the <code>boot-device</code> and <code>boot-file</code> "
"environment variables appropriately."
msgstr ""
"Avrai anche bisogno di configurare manualmente Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/"
">Firmware sul Pegasos per rendere il sistema Fedora Core installato "
"avviabile. Per farlo, dovrai impostare le variabili ambiente <code>boot-"
"device</code> e <code>boot-file</code> appropriatamente."

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:192(para)
msgid "Network booting"
msgstr "Avvio dalla rete "

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:195(para)
msgid ""
"You can find combined images containing the installer kernel and ramdisk in "
"the <code>images/netboot/</code> directory of the installation tree. These "
"are intended for network booting with TFTP, but can be used in many ways."
msgstr ""
"Ci sono immagini combinate contenenti il kernel d'installazione ed il "
"ramdisk nella directory <code>images/netboot/</code> del albero "
"d'installazione. Queste sono intese per l'avvio via network con TFTP, ma "
"possono essere usate in molti modi. "

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:202(para)
msgid ""
"<code>yaboot</code> supports TFTP booting for IBM eServer pSeries and Apple "
"Macintosh. The Fedora Project encourages the use of <code>yaboot</code> over "
"the <code>netboot</code> images."
msgstr ""
"<code>yaboot</code> supporta il TFTP booting per gli IBM eServer pSeries e "
"Apple Macintosh. Il progetto Fedora Incoraggia l'uso di <code>yaboot</code> "
"rispetto alle immagini <code>netboot</code>."

#: en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:10(title)
msgid "Architecture Specific Notes"
msgstr "Note specifiche sull'architettura"

#: en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:11(para)
msgid ""
"This section provides notes that are specific to the supported hardware "
"architectures of Fedora Core."
msgstr ""
"Questa sezione fornisce note che sono specifiche all'architettura hardware "
"supportata da Fedora Core."

#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
#: en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:0(None)
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "riconoscimenti ai traduttori"

--- NEW FILE ja_JP.po ---
# translation of release notes to Japanese
# Tatsuo "tatz" Sekine <tsekine at>, 2005, 2006
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ja_JP\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-03-08 21:18+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-03-20 00:29+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Tatsuo \"tatz\" Sekine <tsekine at>\n"
"Language-Team: Japnese <fedora-trans-ja at>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: en/Xorg.xml:5(title) en/Welcome.xml:5(title) en/WebServers.xml:5(title)
#: en/Virtualization.xml:5(title) en/SystemDaemons.xml:5(title)
#: en/ServerTools.xml:5(title) en/SecuritySELinux.xml:5(title)
#: en/Security.xml:5(title) en/Samba.xml:5(title)
#: en/ProjectOverview.xml:5(title) en/Printing.xml:5(title)
#: en/PackageNotes.xml:5(title) en/PackageChanges.xml:5(title)
#: en/OverView.xml:5(title) en/Networking.xml:5(title)
#: en/Multimedia.xml:5(title) en/Legacy.xml:5(title) en/Kernel.xml:5(title)
#: en/Java.xml:5(title) en/Installer.xml:5(title) en/I18n.xml:5(title)
#: en/FileSystems.xml:5(title) en/FileServers.xml:5(title)
#: en/Feedback.xml:5(title) en/Entertainment.xml:5(title)
#: en/Extras.xml:5(title) en/DevelToolsGCC.xml:5(title)
#: en/DevelTools.xml:5(title) en/Desktop.xml:5(title)
#: en/DatabaseServers.xml:5(title) en/Colophon.xml:5(title)
#: en/BackwardsCompatibility.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:5(title)
#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:5(title)
#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:5(title)
msgid "Temp"
msgstr "Temp"

#: en/Xorg.xml:8(title)
msgid "X Window System (Graphics)"
msgstr "X Window System (グラフィックス)"

#: en/Xorg.xml:9(para)
msgid ""
"This section contains information related to the X Window System "
"implementation provided with Fedora."
msgstr ""
"この節では、Fedora と共に提供される X Window System に関連する情報を示します。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:11(title)
msgid "xorg-x11"
msgstr "xorg-x11"

#: en/Xorg.xml:12(para)
msgid ""
" X11 is an open source implementation of the X Window System. It "
"provides the basic low-level functionality upon which full-fledged graphical "
"user interfaces (GUIs) such as GNOME and KDE are designed. For more "
"information about, refer to <ulink url=\""
msgstr ""
" X11 は X Window System のオープンソース実装の一つです。これは低レベルで"
"基本的な機能を提供し、GNOME や KDE といった本格的なグラフィカルユーザインタ"
"フェース (GUI) は、その上に設計されています。 の詳細については <ulink "
"ulink> を参照してください。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:13(para)
msgid ""
"You may use <emphasis>Applications > System Settings > Display</"
"emphasis> or <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-display</emphasis> to "
"configure the settings. The configuration file for is located in "
msgstr ""
"設定するには「アプリケーション」>「システム設定」>「画面」か "
"<application>system-config-display</application> を実行します。 の設定"
"ファイルは <filename>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</filename> です。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:14(para)
msgid ""
" X11R7 is the first modular release of, which, among several "
"other benefits, promotes faster updates and helps programmers rapidly "
"develop and release specific components. More information on the current "
"status of the modularization effort in Fedora is available at <ulink "
msgstr ""
" X11R7 はモジュール化された の最初のリリースであり、(他にいくつか"
"を促進します。Fedora における、Xorg モジュール化への取り組みに対する最新の状態"
"についての情報は <ulink url=\""
"Modularization\"></ulink> か"

#: en/Xorg.xml:17(title)
msgid " X11R7 End-User Notes"
msgstr " X11R7 利用者へのメモ"

#: en/Xorg.xml:19(title)
msgid "Installing Third Party Drivers"
msgstr "サードパーティ製ドライバのインストール"

#: en/Xorg.xml:20(para)
msgid ""
"Before you install any third party drivers from any vendor, including ATI or "
"nVidia, please read <ulink url=\""
msgstr ""
"ATI や nVidia などの他ベンダーからのサードパーティのドライバーをインストール"
"する前に、どうか <ulink url=\""
"Xorg/3rdPartyVideoDrivers</ulink> を読んでください。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:25(para)
msgid ""
"The <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> package install scripts automatically "
"remove the <code>RgbPath</code> line from the <code>xorg.conf</code> file if "
"it is present. You may need to reconfigure your keyboard differently from "
"what you are used to. You are encouraged to subscribe to the upstream <ulink "
"url=\"mailto:xorg at\">xorg at</ulink> mailing "
"list if you do need assistance reconfiguring your keyboard."
msgstr ""
"<code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> パッケージのインストールスクリプトは "
"<filename>xorg.conf</filename> から自動的に <code>RgbPath</code> 行を(それが"
"必要があるでしょう。キーボードの再設定についてどうしても助けが必要であれば、 "
"本家のメーリングリスト <ulink url=\"mailto:xorg at"
"\">xorg at</ulink> に参加するのがよいでしょう。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:28(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Overview"
msgstr "開発者のための X11R7 の概要"

#: en/Xorg.xml:29(para)
msgid ""
"The following list includes some of the more visible changes for developers "
"in X11R7:"
msgstr "以下、X11R7 での開発者から見える変更点のリストです。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:32(para)
msgid ""
"The entire buildsystem has changed from <code>imake</code> to the GNU "
"<code>autotools</code> collection."
msgstr ""
"全体のビルドシステムは、<application>imake</application> から "
"<application>GNU autotools</application> 群に変更になりました。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:35(para)
msgid ""
"Libraries now install <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> files, which "
"should now always be used by software that depends on these libraries, "
"instead of hard coding paths to them in <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/lib </"
"code> or elsewhere."
msgstr ""
"全てのライブラリは <command>pkgconfig</command> <filename>*.pc</filename> "
"トウェアは、<filename>/usr/X11R6/lib</filename> などのパスをハードコードする"
"代わりに <command>pkg-config</command> を常に使うべきです。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:40(para)
msgid ""
"Everything is now installed directly into <code>/usr</code> instead of "
"<code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code>. All software that hard codes paths to "
"anything in <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code> must now be changed, "
"preferably to dynamically detect the proper location of the object. "
"Developers are <emphasis role=\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> advised against "
"hard-coding the new X11R7 default paths."
msgstr ""
"全ては <filename>/usr/X11R6</filename> ではなく、<filename>/usr</filename> に"
"直接インストールされます。<filename>/usr/X11R6</filename> 以下へのあらゆるパ"
"クトの適切な場所を動的に検知するのがよいでしょう。X11R7 の新しくなったデフォ"
"ルトパスをハードコードなんてしないようにすることが、開発者に<emphasis role="

#: en/Xorg.xml:45(para)
msgid ""
"Every library has its own private source RPM package, which creates a "
"runtime binary subpackage and a <code>-devel</code> subpackage."
msgstr ""
"全てのライブラリは、それ自身の個々のソース RPM を持つようになり、そこから実行"
"時バイナリパッケージと <code>-devel</code> パッケージが生成されます。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:50(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Notes"
msgstr " X11R7 についての開発者へのメモ"

#: en/Xorg.xml:51(para)
msgid ""
"This section includes a summary of issues of note for developers and "
"packagers, and suggestions on how to fix them where possible."
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:53(title)
msgid "The /usr/X11R6/ Directory Hierarchy"
msgstr "/usr/X11R6/ ディレクトリ構成"

#: en/Xorg.xml:54(para)
msgid ""
"X11R7 files install into <code>/usr</code> directly now, and no longer use "
[...6770 lines suppressed...]
#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:22(para)
msgid ""
"Fedora Core 5 also supports IBM eServer pSeries, IBM RS/6000, Genesi Pegasos "
"II, and IBM Cell Broadband Engine machines."
msgstr ""
"Fedora Core は IBM eServer pSeries, IBM RS/6000, Genesi Pegasos II, IBM Cell "
"Broadband Engin マシーンもサポートします。"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:25(para)
msgid "Recommended for text-mode: 233 MHz G3 or better, 128MiB RAM."
msgstr "テキストモードでの推奨環境: 233 MHz G3 以上、128MB RAM。"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:28(para)
msgid "Recommended for graphical: 400 MHz G3 or better, 256MiB RAM."
msgstr "グラフィカルモードでの推奨環境: 400 MHz G3 以上、256MB RAM。"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:34(para)
msgid ""
"The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken up "
"by Fedora Core 5 after installation is complete. However, additional disk "
"space is required during installation to support the installation "
"environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of <code>/"
"Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> (on Installtion Disc 1) plus the size of the "
"files in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> on the installed system."
msgstr ""
"以下に示すディスク容量の要求は、インストール完了後に Fedora Core 5 が使用す"
"トール中に追加のディスク容量が必要になります。追加のディスク容量は、(CD-ROM "
"1 にある) <filename>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</filename> のサイズに、インストー"
"ル後のシステムの <filename>/var/lib/rpm</filename> 以下のファイルのサイズを加"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:40(title)
msgid "The Apple keyboard"
msgstr "Apple キーボード"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:41(para)
msgid ""
"The <code>Option</code> key on Apple systems is equivalent to the <code>Alt</"
"code> key on the PC. Where documentation and the installer refer to the "
"<code>Alt</code> key, use the <code>Option</code> key. For some key "
"combinations you may need to use the <code>Option</code> key in conjunction "
"with the <code>Fn</code> key, such as <code>Option</code>-<code>Fn</code>-"
"<code>F3</code> to switch to virtual terminal tty3."
msgstr ""
"Apple システムでの <code>Option</code> キーは PC での <code>Alt</code> キーに"
"同じです。ドキュメントやインストーラーで <code>Alt</code> キーに触れていると"
"ころでは、<code>Option</code> キーを使ってください。あるキーの組合わせにおい"
"ては、<code>Fn</code> キーと組み合わせて使う必要があるでしょう。例えば、仮想"
"ターミナル <code>tty3</code> に切り替えるためには <code>Option</code>-"
"<code>Fn</code>-<code>F3</code> を使います。"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:44(title)
msgid "PPC Installation Notes"
msgstr "PPC インストールメモ"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:45(para)
msgid ""
"Fedora Core Installation Disc 1 is bootable on supported hardware. In "
"addition, a bootable CD image appears in the <code>images/</code> directory "
"of this disc. These images will behave differently according to your system "
msgstr ""
"Fedora Core のインストールディスク 1 はサポートしているハードウェアで起動可能です。"
"それに加え、起動可能な CD イメージは1枚目の <filename>images/</filename> "

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:48(para)
msgid "Apple Macintosh"
msgstr "Apple Macintosh"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:49(para)
msgid ""
"The bootloader should automatically boot the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit "
msgstr ""
"ブートローダーが 32-bit または 64-bit インストーラのどちらか適切な方を自動的"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:50(para)
msgid ""
"The default <code>gnome-power-manager</code> package includes power "
"management support, including sleep and backlight level management. Users "
"with more complex requirements can use the <code>apmud</code> package in "
"Fedora Extras. Following installation, you can install <code>apmud</code> "
"with the following command:"
msgstr ""
"デフォルトの <filename>gnome-power-manager</filename> パッケージは、スリープ"
"ば、Fedora Extras  にある <filename>apmud</filename> パッケージが使えます。イ"
"ンストール後に次のコマンドで <filename>apmud</filename> をインストールできま"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:51(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "su -c 'yum install apmud' "
msgstr "su -c 'yum install apmud' "

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:54(para)
msgid "64-bit IBM eServer pSeries (POWER4/POWER5)"
msgstr "64-bit IBM eServer pSeries (POWER4/POWER5)"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:55(para)
msgid ""
"After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, the "
"bootloader (yaboot) should automatically boot the 64-bit installer."
msgstr ""
"CD を起動するために OpenFirmware を使用した後、ブートローダー "
"(<command>yaboot</command>) が自動的に 64-bit インストーラーを起動します。"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:58(para)
msgid "32-bit CHRP (IBM RS/6000 and others)"
msgstr "32-bit CHRP (IBM RS/6000 など)"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:59(para)
msgid ""
"After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, select "
"the <code>linux32</code> boot image at the <code>boot:</code> prompt to "
"start the 32-bit installer. Otherwise, the 64-bit installer starts, which "
"does not work."
msgstr ""
"CD を起動するために OpenFirmware を使用した後、<prompt>boot:</prompt> プロン"
"プトで起動イメージ <code>linux32</code> を選択し、32-bit インストーラーを起動"
"してください。そうしないと 64-bit インストーラーが起動されますが、これは動作"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:62(para)
msgid "Genesi Pegasos II"
msgstr "Genesi Pegasos II"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:63(para)
msgid ""
"At the time of writing, firmware with full support for ISO9660 file systems "
"is not yet released for the Pegasos. However, you can use the network boot "
"image. At the Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware prompt, enter the "
msgstr ""
"執筆時点で、ISO9660 ファイルシステムを完全にサポートした Pegasos のファーム"
"を使うことができます。OpenFirmware プロンプトで次のコマンドを入力します。"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:64(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img  "
msgstr "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img  "

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:65(para)
msgid ""
"You must also configure Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware on the "
"Pegasos manually to make the installed Fedora Core system bootable. To do "
"this, set the <code>boot-device</code> and <code>boot-file</code> "
"environment variables appropriately."
msgstr ""
"また、インストールした Fedora Core を起動可能にするように Pegasos 上の OpenFirmware "
"を手動で設定する必要があります。そうするためには、環境変数 <envar>boot-"
"device</envar> と <envar>boot-file</envar> を適切に設定する必要があります。"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:68(para)
msgid "Network booting"
msgstr "ネットワーク起動"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:69(para)
msgid ""
"You can find combined images containing the installer kernel and ramdisk in "
"the <code>images/netboot/</code> directory of the installation tree. These "
"are intended for network booting with TFTP, but can be used in many ways."
msgstr ""
"インストーラーのカーネルと ramdisk を一緒にしたイメージが、インストールツリー"
"の <filename>images/netboot/</filename> ディレクトリ以下にあります。これらは "
"TFTP を使ったネットワーク起動を対象としてはいますが、他のことにも使うことがで"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:70(para)
msgid ""
"<code>yaboot</code> supports TFTP booting for IBM eServer pSeries and Apple "
"Macintosh. The Fedora Project encourages the use of <code>yaboot</code> over "
"the <code>netboot</code> images."
msgstr ""
"<command>yaboot</command> コマンドは IBM eServer pSeries と Apple Macintosh "
"のための TFTP 起動をサポートします。<code>netboot</code> イメージに対して "
"<command>yaboot</command> を使うことを推奨します。"

#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:8(title)
msgid "Architecture Specific Notes"
msgstr "アーキテクチャ依存メモ"

#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:9(para)
msgid ""
"This section provides notes that are specific to the supported hardware "
"architectures of Fedora Core."
msgstr ""
"この節では、Fedora Core でサポートするハードウェアアーキテクチャごとの情報を提供しま"

#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:0(None)
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Fedora Japanese translation team <fedora-trans-ja at>, 2005, 2006"

--- NEW FILE pa.po ---
# translation of pa2.po to Punjabi
# Amanpreet Singh Alam <apbrar at>, 2006.
# Jaswinder Singh Phulewala <jsingh at>, 2006.
# A S Alam <apbrar at>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pa2\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-05-01 12:30+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-05-01 13:27+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: A S Alam <apbrar at>\n"
"Language-Team: Punjabi <fedora-trans-pa at>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:7(title) en_US/Welcome.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/WebServers.xml:7(title) en_US/Virtualization.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/SystemDaemons.xml:7(title) en_US/ServerTools.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/SecuritySELinux.xml:7(title) en_US/Security.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Samba.xml:7(title) en_US/ProjectOverview.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Printing.xml:7(title) en_US/PackageNotes.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/PackageChanges.xml:7(title) en_US/OverView.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Networking.xml:7(title) en_US/Multimedia.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Legacy.xml:7(title) en_US/Kernel.xml:7(title) en_US/Java.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Installer.xml:7(title) en_US/I18n.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/FileSystems.xml:7(title) en_US/FileServers.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Feedback.xml:7(title) en_US/Entertainment.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/Extras.xml:7(title) en_US/DevelToolsGCC.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/DevelTools.xml:7(title) en_US/Desktop.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/DatabaseServers.xml:7(title) en_US/Colophon.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/BackwardsCompatibility.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86.xml:7(title) en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:7(title)
#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:7(title) en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:7(title)
msgid "Temp"
msgstr "ਆਰਜ਼ੀ"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:11(title)
msgid "X Window System (Graphics)"
msgstr "X ਵਿੰਡੋ ਸਿਸਟਮ (ਗਰਾਫਿਕਸ)"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:13(para)
msgid ""
"This section contains information related to the X Window System "
"implementation provided with Fedora."
msgstr ""
"ਇਹ ਭਾਗ ਵਿੱਚ X ਝਰੋਖਾ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਹੈ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਫੇਡੋਰਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਕਰਵਾਇਆ ਜਾ "
"ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:19(title)
msgid "xorg-x11"
msgstr "xorg-x11"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:21(para)
msgid ""
" X11 is an open source implementation of the X Window System. "
"It provides the basic low-level functionality upon which full-"
"fledged graphical user interfaces (GUIs) such as GNOME and KDE are "
"designed. For more information about, refer to <ulink url="
msgstr ""
" X11 X ਵਿੰਡੋ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਦੀ ਇੱਕ ਓਪਨ ਸੋਰਸ ਸਥਾਪਤੀ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਮੁੱਢਲੇ ਹੇਠਲੇ ਪੱਧਰ ਦੀ "
"ਕਾਰਜਕੁਸ਼ਲਤਾ ਮੁਹੱਈਆ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ, ਜਿਸ ਨਾਲ ਉੱਚਰ ਪੱਧਰੀ ਉਪਭੋਗੀ ਇੰਟਰਫੇਸ (GUI) ਹੈ ਜਿਵੇਂ ਗਨੋਮ "
"ਅਤੇ KDE ਬਣਾਏ ਗਏ ਹਨ। ਲਈ ਵਧੇਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲਈ <ulink url=\"http://xorg."
"\"></ulink> ਵੇਖੋ।"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:29(para)
msgid ""
"You may use <emphasis>System > Administration > Display</"
"emphasis> or <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-display</"
"emphasis> to configure the settings. The configuration file for X."
"org is located in <code>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</code>."
msgstr ""
"ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸਥਾਪਨ ਸੰਰਚਿਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ <emphasis>ਕਾਰਜ > ਸਿਸਟਮ ਸਥਾਪਨ > ਦਰਿਸ਼</"
"emphasis> ਜਾਂ <emphasisrole=\"strong\">system-config-display</"
"emphasis> ਨੂੰ ਵਰਤ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ। Xorg ਲਈ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਫਾਇਲ <code>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</"
"code> ਵਿੱਚ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:36(para)
msgid ""
" X11R7 is the first modular release of, which, among "
"several other benefits, promotes faster updates and helps "
"programmers rapidly develop and release specific components. More "
"information on the current status of the modularization effort "
"in Fedora is available at <ulink url=\""
msgstr ""
" X11R7, ਦਾ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਮੋਡੀਊਲ ਰੀਲਿਜ਼ ਹੈ, ਜੋ ਹੋਰ ਸਹੂਲਤਾਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ-ਨਾਲ, "
"ਜਲਦੀ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਪਰੋਗਰਾਮਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਰੀਲੀਜ਼ ਸਬੰਧੀ ਹਿੱਸਿਆਂ ਦੇ ਤੁਰੰਤਵਿਕਾਸ ਲਈ ਮਦਦ "
"ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ। ਫੇਡੋਰਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਾਡੀਲਰਾਈਜੇਸ਼ਨ ਉਪਰਾਲੇ ਦੀ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਸਥਿਤੀ ਲਈ ਵਧੇਰੇ "
"ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ <ulink url=\""
"ulink> ਉੱਤੇ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:47(title)
msgid " X11R7 End-User Notes"
msgstr " X11R7 ਅੰਤਮ-ਉਪਭੋਗੀ ਸੂਚਨਾ"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:50(title)
msgid "Installing Third Party Drivers"
msgstr "ਸੁਤੰਤਰ ਡਰਾਈਵਰ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:51(para)
msgid ""
"Before you install any third party drivers from any vendor, "
"including ATI or nVidia, please read <ulink url=\"http://"
msgstr ""
"ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਵਿਕਰੇਤਾ ਤੋਂ ਸੁਤੰਤਰ ਪਾਰਟੀ ਡਰਾਈਵਰ, ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ATI ਜਾਂ nVidia ਹਨ, ਇੰਸਟਾਲ "
"ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ, ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ <ulink url=\""
"Xorg/3rdPartyVideoDrivers</ulink> ਪੜ੍ਹੋ।"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:58(para)
msgid ""
"The <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> package install scripts "
"automatically remove the <code>RgbPath</code> line from the "
"<code>xorg.conf</code> file if it is present. You may need to "
"reconfigure your keyboard differently from what you are used to. You "
"are encouraged to subscribe to the upstream <ulink url=\"mailto:"
"xorg at\">xorg at</ulink> mailing list if "
"you do need assistance reconfiguring your keyboard."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:70(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Overview"
msgstr " X11R7 ਖੋਜੀ ਝਲਕ"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:72(para)
msgid ""
"The following list includes some of the more visible changes for "
"developers in X11R7:"
msgstr "ਹੇਠਲੀ ਸੂਚੀ ਵਿੱਚ X11R7 ਵਿੱਚ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਤਬਦੀਲੀਆਂ ਖੋਜੀਆਂ ਲਈ ਹਨ:"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:79(para)
msgid ""
"The entire buildsystem has changed from <code>imake</code> to the "
"GNU <code>autotools</code> collection."
msgstr ""
"ਪੂਰਾ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਸਿਸਟਮ <code>imake</code> ਤੋਂ GNU <code>autotools</code> ਲਈ ਬਦਲ "
"ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:85(para)
msgid ""
"Libraries now install <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> files, "
"which should now always be used by software that depends on these "
"libraries, instead of hard coding paths to them in <code>/usr/X11R6/"
"lib </code> or elsewhere."
msgstr ""
"ਹੁਣ ਲਾਇਬਰੇਰੀਆਂ <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ "
"ਕਰਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ, ਜੋ ਹੁਣ ਹਮੇਸ਼ਾ ਹੀ ਸਾਫਟਵੇਅਰਾਂ ਜੋ ਇਹਨਾਂ ਲਾਇਬਰੇਰੀਆਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਨਿਰਭਰ ਹਨ, ਵਲੋਂ "
"ਵਰਤੀਆਂ ਜਾਣੀਆਂ ਚਾਹੀਦੀਆਂ, ਨਾ ਕਿ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ <code>/usr/X11R6/lib</code>b ਵਿੱਚ ਜਾਂ "
"ਕਿਤੇ ਹੋਰ ਹਾਰਡ ਕੋਡਿੰਗ ਮਾਰਗ ਦੇਣਾ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:93(para)
msgid ""
"Everything is now installed directly into <code>/usr</code> instead "
"of <code>/usr/X11R6</code>. All software that hard codes paths to "
"anything in <code>/usr/X11R6</code> must now be changed, preferably "
"to dynamically detect the proper location of the object. Developers "
"are <emphasis role=\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> advised against "
"hard-coding the new X11R7 default paths."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:103(para)
msgid ""
"Every library has its own private source RPM package, which creates "
"a runtime binary subpackage and a <code>-devel</code> subpackage."
msgstr ""
"ਹਰੇਕ ਲਾਇਬਰੇਰੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਆਪਣਾ ਨਿੱਜੀ ਸਰੋਤ RPM ਪੈਕੇਜ, ਜੋ ਰਨਟਾਈਮ ਬਾਇਨਰੀ ਸਬ-ਪੈਕੇਜ <code>-"
"devel</code> ਸਬਪੈਕੇਜ ਬਣਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:112(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Notes"
msgstr " X11R7 ਖੋਜੀ ਸੂਚਨਾ"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:114(para)
msgid ""
"This section includes a summary of issues of note for developers and "
"packagers, and suggestions on how to fix them where possible."
msgstr ""
"ਇਸ ਭਾਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਖੋਜੀਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਵਾਲਿਆਂ ਲਈ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਦੇ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ "
"ਸੰਭਵ ਟਿਕਾਣੇ ਉੱਤੇ ਕਿਸ ਤਰਾਂ ਸਥਿਰ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ, ਬਾਰੇ ਸਾਰ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:120(title)
msgid "The /usr/X11R6/ Directory Hierarchy"
msgstr "/usr/X11R6/ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ ਲੜੀ"

#: en_US/Xorg.xml:122(para)
msgid ""
"X11R7 files install into <code>/usr</code> directly now, and no "
"longer use the <code>/usr/X11R6/</code> hierarchy. Applications that "
"rely on files being present at fixed paths under <code>/usr/X11R6/</"
[...6894 lines suppressed...]
msgstr ""
"ਇਹ ਭਾਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਉਹ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਹੈ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਫੇਡੋਰਾ ਕੋਰ ਅਤੇ PPC ਜੰਤਰ ਪਲੇਟਫਾਰਮ ਬਾਰੇ "
"ਜਾਣਨ ਲਈ ਫਾਇਦੇਮੰਦ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੀ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:19(title)
msgid "PPC Hardware Requirements"
msgstr "PPC ਜੰਤਰ ਲੋੜਾਂ"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:22(title)
msgid "Processor and Memory"
msgstr "ਪਰੋਸੈਸਰ ਅਤੇ ਮੈਮੋਰੀ"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:26(para)
msgid "Minimum CPU: PowerPC G3 / POWER4"
msgstr "ਘੱਟੋ-ਘੱਟ CPU: PowerPC G3 / POWER4"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:31(para)
msgid ""
"Fedora Core 5 supports only the “New World” generation of Apple "
"Power Macintosh, shipped from circa 1999 onward."
msgstr ""
"ਫੇਡੋਰਾ ਕੋਰ 5 ਸਿਰਫ਼ Apple Power Macintosh ਦੇ “New World” ਉਤਪਾਦਨ, ਜੋ ਕਿ "
"circa 1999 ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ, ਲਈ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:37(para)
msgid ""
"Fedora Core 5 also supports IBM eServer pSeries, IBM RS/6000, Genesi "
"Pegasos II, and IBM Cell Broadband Engine machines."
msgstr ""
"ਫੇਡੋਰਾ ਕੋਰ 5 IBM eServer pSeries, IBM RS/6000, Genesi Pegasos II, ਅਤੇ "
"IBM Cell ਬਰਾਡਬੈਂਡ ਇੰਜਣ ਮਸ਼ੀਨਾਂ ਲਈ ਵੀ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:44(para)
msgid "Recommended for text-mode: 233 MHz G3 or better, 128MiB RAM."
msgstr "ਪਾਠ ਢੰਗ ਲਈ ਸਿਫਾਰਸ਼ੀ: 233 MHz G3 ਜਾਂ ਵਧੀਆ, 128MiB ਰੈਮ।"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:50(para)
msgid "Recommended for graphical: 400 MHz G3 or better, 256MiB RAM."
msgstr "ਗਰਾਫੀਕਲ ਲਈ: 400 MHz G3 ਜਾਂ ਵਧੀਆ, 128MiB ਰੈਮ।"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:60(para)
msgid ""
"The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space "
"taken up by Fedora Core 5 after installation is complete. However, "
"additional disk space is required during installation to support the "
"installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to "
"the size of <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> (on Installtion "
"Disc 1) plus the size of the files in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> on "
"the installed system."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:89(title)
msgid "The Apple keyboard"
msgstr "ਐਪਲ ਕੀਬੋਰਡ"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:91(para)
msgid ""
"The <code>Option</code> key on Apple systems is equivalent to the "
"<code>Alt</code> key on the PC. Where documentation and the "
"installer refer to the <code>Alt</code> key, use the <code>Option</"
"code> key. For some key combinations you may need to use the "
"<code>Option</code> key in conjunction with the <code>Fn</code> key, "
"such as <code>Option</code> - <code>Fn</code> - <code>F3</code> to "
"switch to virtual terminal tty3."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:103(title)
msgid "PPC Installation Notes"
msgstr "PPC ਇੰਸਟਾਲੇਸ਼ਨ ਸੂਚਨਾ"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:105(para)
msgid ""
"Fedora Core Installation Disc 1 is bootable on supported hardware. "
"In addition, a bootable CD image appears in the <code>images/</code> "
"directory of this disc. These images will behave differently "
"according to your system hardware:"
msgstr ""
"ਫੇਡੋਰਾ ਕੋਰ ਇੰਸਟਾਲੇਸ਼ਨ ਡਿਸਕ 1 ਸਹਿਯੋਗੀ ਜੰਤਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਬੂਟ ਹੋਣ ਯੋਗ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਤੋਂ ਇਲਾਵਾ, ਇੱਕ ਬੂਟ "
"ਹੋਣ ਯੋਗ CD ਪ੍ਰਤੀਬਿੰਬ ਇਸ ਸੀਡੀ ਦੀ <code>images/</code> ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੀ ਹੈ। "
"ਇਹ ਪ੍ਰਤੀਬਿੰਬ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਜੰਤਰ ਮੁਤਾਬਕ ਵੱਖਰਾ ਰਵੱਈਆ ਵੇਖਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ:"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:115(para)
msgid "Apple Macintosh"
msgstr "ਐਪਲ ਮੈਕਨਾਤੋਸ਼ (Apple Macintosh)"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:118(para)
msgid ""
"The bootloader should automatically boot the appropriate 32-bit or "
"64-bit installer."
msgstr "ਬੂਟ ਲੋਡਰ ਨੂੰ ਸਵੈ-ਚਾਲਤ ਹੀ ਢੁੱਕਵਾਂ 32-ਬਿੱਟ ਜਾਂ 64-ਬਿੱਟ ਇੰਸਟਾਲਰ ਬੂਟ ਕਰਨਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:122(para)
msgid ""
"The default <code>gnome-power-manager</code> package includes power "
"management support, including sleep and backlight level management. "
"Users with more complex requirements can use the <code>apmud</code> "
"package in Fedora Extras. Following installation, you can install "
"<code>apmud</code> with the following command:"
msgstr ""
"ਮੂਲ <code>gnome-power-manager</code> ਪੈਕੇਜ ਵਿੱਚ ਊਰਜਾ ਪਰਬੰਧ ਸਹਿਯੋਗ, ਸ਼ਾਮਿਲ "
"ਹੈ, ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਮੁਅੱਤਲ ਅਤੇ ਬੈਕਲਾਇਟ ਪੱਧਰੀ ਪਰਬੰਧ ਵੀ ਸ਼ਾਮਿਲ ਹੈ। ਹੋਰ ਵੀ ਗੁੰਝਲਦਾਰ ਲੋੜਾਂ ਵਾਲੇ "
"ਉਪਭੋਗੀ ਫੇਡੋਰਾ ਐਕਸਟਰਾ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ <code>apmud</code> ਪੈਕੇਜ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ। "
"ਇੰਸਟਾਲੇਸ਼ਨ ਦੇ ਬਾਅਦ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਅੱਗੇ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਕਮਾਂਡ ਨਾਲ <code>apmud</code> ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ "

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:136(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "su -c 'yum install apmud'"
msgstr "su -c 'yum install apmud'"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:141(para)
msgid "64-bit IBM eServer pSeries (POWER4/POWER5)"
msgstr "64-ਬਿੱਟ IBM eServer pSeries (POWER4/POWER5)"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:144(para)
msgid ""
"After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, "
"the bootloader (yaboot) should automatically boot the 64-bit "
msgstr ""
"ਖੋਲੋ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>CD ਤੋਂ ਬੂਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਫਾਇਰਵੇਅਰ, ਬੂਟ "
"ਲੋਡਰ (yaboot) ਸਵੈ-ਚਾਲਤ ਹੀ 64-ਬਿੱਟ ਇੰਸਟਾਲਰ ਖੁੱਲੇਗਾ।"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:151(para)
msgid "32-bit CHRP (IBM RS/6000 and others)"
msgstr "32-bit CHRP (IBM RS/6000 ਅਤੇ ਹੋਰ)"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:154(para)
msgid ""
"After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, "
"select the <code>linux32</code> boot image at the <code>boot:</code> "
"prompt to start the 32-bit installer. Otherwise, the 64-bit "
"installer starts, which does not work."
msgstr ""
"<emphasis role=\"strong\"/> ਸੀਡੀ ਤੋਂ ਬੂਟ ਕਰਨ ਬਾਅਦ ਫਰਮਵੇਅਰ ਲਈ, <code>boot:"
"</code> ਉੱਤੇ <code>linux32</code> 32-ਬਿੱਟ ਇੰਸਟਾਲਰ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਲਿਖੋ। ਨਹੀਂ ਤਾਂ "
"64-ਬਿੱਟ ਇੰਸਟਾਲਰ ਚੱਲੇਗਾ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਕੰਮ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:165(para)
msgid "Genesi Pegasos II"
msgstr "Genesi Pegasos II"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:168(para)
msgid ""
"At the time of writing, firmware with full support for ISO9660 file "
"systems is not yet released for the Pegasos. However, you can use "
"the network boot image. At the Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/"
">Firmware prompt, enter the command:"
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:177(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img"
msgstr "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:180(para)
msgid ""
"You must also configure Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware on "
"the Pegasos manually to make the installed Fedora Core system "
"bootable. To do this, set the <code>boot-device</code> and "
"<code>boot-file</code> environment variables appropriately."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:192(para)
msgid "Network booting"
msgstr "ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਬੂਟ ਕਰਨਾ"

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:195(para)
msgid ""
"You can find combined images containing the installer kernel and "
"ramdisk in the <code>images/netboot/</code> directory of the "
"installation tree. These are intended for network booting with TFTP, "
"but can be used in many ways."
msgstr ""

#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:202(para)
msgid ""
"<code>yaboot</code> supports TFTP booting for IBM eServer pSeries "
"and Apple Macintosh. The Fedora Project encourages the use of "
"<code>yaboot</code> over the <code>netboot</code> images."
msgstr ""
"<code>yaboot</code> IBM eServer pSeries ਅਤੇ Apple Macintosh ਲਈ tftp "
"ਬੂਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਹੈ ਯਾਬੂਟ <code>yaboot</code> ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ <code>netboot</"
"code> ਪ੍ਰਤੀਬਿੰਬ ਨਾਲੋਂ ਜ਼ਿਆਦਾ ਚੰਗੀ ਮੰਨੀ ਗਈ ਹੈ।"

#: en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:11(title)
msgid "ArchSpecific"
msgstr "ArchSpecific"

#: en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:13(para)
msgid ""
"This section provides notes that are specific to the supported "
"hardware architectures of Fedora Core."
msgstr "ਇਸ ਭਾਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਫੇਡੋਰਾ ਕੋਰ ਵਲੋਂ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਜੰਤਰ ਢਾਂਚਿਆਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਗਈ ਹੈ।"

#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
#: en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:0(None)
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "ਅਮਨਪਰੀਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਆਲਮ <aalam at> 2006"

--- NEW FILE pt.po ---
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: release-notes\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-05-05 14:44+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-05-07 20:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: José Nuno Coelho Pires <jncp at>\n"
"Language-Team: pt <kde-i18n-pt at>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra:  kickstart Based alternatives manager Power  Dovecot\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: gl Memtest POWER Requires SPECSrpmbuild ProjectoMeta\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: readcd Wget TFTP include const Dave ntheme tc\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: modcache Changelog mkisofs ppc rawhide Opencontent\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: qlen Tap iproute gui list MAC Memory Gb defaults DBUS\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: TSO RPMs syslog firstboot TCPCONGESTION Red compat\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: addr VLC compund Public version Org Pup hash\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Tshimbalanga Yum FLAC CPUs xft hypervisor Uvh\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: multicast MP modproxybalance StuartElliss pack\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Technology Category Athlon PackageNotes rpmnew Xine\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: app Multimedia mlocate SMP FC graveman txt xmkmf\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: httpd pdopgsql dumpspecs Malcolm datadir usr prep\n"
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"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Chat License spot xorg arch SekineTatsuo Colophon\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Trie MAKE register kexec Player Macromedia so\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: RPMSdaHoradaInstalação Linus GB nodma Kernels\n"
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"X-POFile-SpellExtra: changelog Hybla odbc moddbd pfifofast SamFolkWilliams\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: pdopsqlite Broadband PEAR Symmetric Pegasos Build\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: exceeded Type libgcj Engine threadsafe sha SELinux\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Opteron smp pgsql Joe dmraid smb GCC LCCTYPE GCJ ecj\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Architecture pamstack org modfilter SSP pykickstart\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: yum slocate SSA ThomasGraf Imake Bittorrent pkgconfig\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Cyrix xx MULTICAST Helix cups open size Anthony guest\n"
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"X-POFile-SpellExtra: and qpl Secret Rhythm Development lib Docs firmware\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: BIC specs build which printer MLS device Processor\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Speex DmraidStatus GFS ko CFLAGS Anaconda screensaver\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: SCIM sum Fedora Flash dbx JPackage session pkg Test\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: eServer Hat PAM xmlwriter state fontconfig modasis\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Xorg printers iptables Firmware HAL Level beat SNMPv\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: IIIMF shared chips DCCP protecter updatedb THIS\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: SOPARAOPATRAO xmlreader qa Firewall Beats AppleTalk\n"
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"X-POFile-SpellExtra: modextfilter Slocate packages optional Firefox WINS\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: pdo cdrecord YoshinariTakaoka OPL Green eth libXft\n"
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"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Andrew Access RahulSundaram mysql fstack Segmentation\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: xcdroast freenode source Openoffice Orton Kdump bin\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: info memtest ArchiveTar Release Control Offloading\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: opt Karsten EXIST oldconfig ProPolice Luya Martynov\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Entertainment Sun conditional System udev Woodhouse\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Xiph New PLX ncftpget SRPMS AMD char limit locate CJK\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: power bp wget Bob stage src sbin obj gnome netboot\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: pcmciautils UP Legacy Francesco autotools tomboy\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: TommyReynolds Frields javac pdomysql Retro NEW\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: SteveDickson modmemcache Enforcement Extended\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: printconf class netatalk yaboot sufficient pwd\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: tracking ACCEPT Genesi FORTIFYSOURCE Office CHRP\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: default YuanYijun vanilla gstreamer batch DOESN mtu\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: CDT cast GDB pSeries apmud Open display moddiskcache\n"
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"X-POFile-SpellExtra: ConsoleGetopt Wireless Mac details test HostAP\n"
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"X-POFile-SpellExtra: LinuxThreads pamnologin off ipInAddrErrors Xen\n"
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"X-POFile-SpellExtra: fno SIP chinese selinux mnt Sundaram gnomemeeting\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Tatsuo ус calcomp Multilingues giflib chewing\n"
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"X-POFile-SpellExtra: JIT MyODBC Secure sisusb commons fpit リリー\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: geronimo tek liblbxutil mount japanese xmms SystemTap\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: anaconda DTP vmware pycairo RPMS libsetrans gujarati\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Takaoka ipconntracknetbiosns Gnome Kexec xfs Yapp\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Kickstart embeddedbitmap AdaptX drv Rendering Inc\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: fstab Group ROMs family apm HOME tools rmiregistry\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: revelation nodmraid perl connector fbdev type utils\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Fn pirut Mount mozilla libXevie elilo libICE\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: repoquery Sekine Yoshinari Yijun iPod unwinding\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: usbview iiimf lcms siliconmotion FireWire Corporation\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: mysqlclient Codec xauth sharp axis Marketing GnuCash\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: di Gaim xdm tseng Daemon GPG RAID ABI Autotools IMEs\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: libxkbfile hsqldb Rough CategorySecurity tty help\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: ShanHeiSun opensp chinput Hangul rpmbuild keyboard\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: gpart rhpxl ttf iSCSI gtk enno jit SAX policy libSM\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Evolution good MockObjects docs libwww Maximum\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: pegasus HTTPClient dhclient xdoclet aspell name nspr\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: fonts digitaledge squashfs Parse nfs mode sendto\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Ambassadors liboldX mockobjects queryformat koffice\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: cairo hpoj modjk umount SWING Print ukai eq libungif\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Discovery ru EE gnumeric Security treediff bash openh\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: libgpod People PyGNOME Celeron 发行注 grmiregistry\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: ekiga assign Gtk misc aqhbci FileSystems\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: libXcomposite gconftool notify vesa strict struts\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: mkdir twisted Rawhide Itanium tog VTE sync Bugzilla\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: libunwind libevent Scripting Source WPA lucene KEY\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Rahul xpath libXfontcache false Freenode DF\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: JRefactory tdfx IME werken xfwp Pinyin vga rmic efi\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: RPC korean dynapro Geronimo filesystem Communications\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Printing bsh Common Screensaver libXdamage dummy\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: initiator buildrpmtree jakarta punjabi ELILO velocity\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: xinit libiec gaim wpasupplicant text mediawiki\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: CategoryLegacy Torvalds font completion magictouch\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: imake AWT jar cyrix libXmuu Dickson OpenPegasus\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Services virge jdom neomagic mga salinfo dd evdev db\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: liboil libnotify libdaemon evolution libXfont adaptx\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: release taipeifonts Undercover set Wikipedia CRC\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: libXres xjavadoc ark openmotif frysk resutils\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: libraries libXtst kasumi rendition PL discovery\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: systemtap targeted clamav EFI libXrandr spaceorb\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: xinitrc hplip Steve libkudzu diskboot XJavaDoc anthy\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: ノート sentinel Method cdicconf aiptek Assembly\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: dhcdbd libXcursor Phone hindi libXScrnSaver\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: schedutils pinyin CA kerberos gap libXpm cdrom tamil\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: showinputmethodmenu Motif gnu libnl yumdownloader\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: xtrans Cuts avahi opal Ellis Supplicant gmime vm\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: cluster libxml libgdiplus Pretty hebrew prctl arabic\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: gimp Canna xmlrpc ficheir iscsi ODBC pfmon hpijs Bean\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: xkbdata Jakarta palmax libvirt hwconf fuse IM user\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Kudzu hyperpen Manager gsf howl JDOM libgal qtimm\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Cisneiros javacc xenU twm openCryptoki libdmx Filter\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: tables kudzu BitTorrent Spot desktop beagle\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: ZenkakuHankaku libstdcxxso dovecot synaptic VFlib\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Theora match Cryptoki libXdmcp rpmdevtools Commons\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: libdrm Hsqldb gdesklets nvi grmic Tomboy Encoding\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: scribus Share server PowerTools libX nv xbitmaps\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Rhythmbox libXfixes libXTrap xsm HP libXrender libpfm\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: libfontenc inkscape libgsf XDoclet SCI Option\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: isolinux libstdc notification hangul ZenKai libXaw\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: icu libXau Aspell repodata libxkbui Duron libXinerama\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: RELEASE wsdl fwbuilder Graf HiRes xcin cirrus WBEM\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: xfce runtime RHmember citron nsc Fev mutouch NET\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: uming bsf libvte Network jgroups apps libFS BIOS User\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: libXxf Yuan httpclient glib libXi bluefish Tommy\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: libXp libXt libXv libXext true dmc ur jamstudio\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: tanukiwrapper libsemanage lvm GDI firewalls Gecko\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: AMTU libXvMC magellan gecko naming Bugizlla netlink\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: codes istanbul xkb glint libXmu codec bool branch\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: scim libchewing savage concurrent Devices libgssapi\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: RTAS Nautilus PostgreSQL agg blogs pyblock penmount\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: sash libXss SOAP elographics dga sis fastjar le\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: librtas guifications apel rilascio icon summa Simple\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: amtu acecad edit sl voodoo\n"

#. Tag: title
#: about-fedora.xml:6
#, no-c-format
msgid "About Fedora"
msgstr "Acerca do Fedora"

#. Tag: corpauthor
#: about-fedora.xml:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "The Fedora Project community"
msgstr "A comunidade do Projecto Fedora"

#. Tag: editor
#: about-fedora.xml:10
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<firstname>Paul</firstname> <othername>W.</othername> <surname>Frields</"
msgstr "<firstname>Paul</firstname> <othername>W.</othername> <surname>Frields</surname>"

#. Tag: holder
#: about-fedora.xml:18
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fedora Foundation"
msgstr "Fundação Fedora"

#. Tag: para
#: about-fedora.xml:21
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Fedora is an open, innovative, forward looking operating system and "
"platform, based on Linux, that is always free for anyone to use, modify and "
"distribute, now and forever. It is developed by a large community of people "
"who strive to provide and maintain the very best in free, open source "
"software and standards. The Fedora Project is managed and directed by the "
"Fedora Foundation and sponsored by Red Hat, Inc."
msgstr "O Fedora é um sistema operativo e plataforma aberto, inovador e com visão de futuro, baseado no Linux, que é sempre livre para qualquer pessoa usar, modificar e distribuir, agora e para sempre. É desenvolvido por uma grande comunidade de pessoas que tentam oferecer e manter o melhor que existe no 'software' e normas de código aberto. O Projecto Fedora é gerido e dirigido pela Função Fedora e é patrocinado pelo Red Hat, Inc."

#. Tag: para
#: about-fedora.xml:30
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
[...7220 lines suppressed...]
"<command>cp /mnt/cdrom/RELEASE-NOTES* /target/directory</command> (Do this "
"only for disc 1)"
msgstr "<command>cp /mnt/cdrom/RELEASE-NOTES* /pasta/destino</command> (Faça isto apenas para o disco 1)"

#. Tag: command
#: README-en.xml:116
#, no-c-format
msgid "umount /mnt/cdrom"
msgstr "umount /mnt/cdrom"

#. Tag: title
#: README-en.xml:122
#, no-c-format

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:124
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Many computers can now automatically boot from CD-ROMs. If you have such a "
"machine (and it is properly configured) you can boot the &DISTRO; CD-ROM "
"directly. After booting, the &DISTRO; installation program will start, and "
"you will be able to install your system from the CD-ROM."
msgstr "Muitos computadores poderão arrancar automaticamente a partir dos CD-ROM's. Se tiver uma dessas máquinas (e estiver bem configurada) poderá arrancar o CD-ROM da &DISTRO; directamente. Depois do arranque, o programa de instalação do &DISTRO; irá começar, e você será capaz de instalar o seu sistema a partir do CD-ROM."

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:129
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"The <filename>images/</filename> directory contains the file <filename>boot."
"iso</filename>. This file is an ISO image that can be used to boot the "
"&DISTRO; installation program. It is a handy way to start network-based "
"installations without having to use multiple diskettes. To use "
"<filename>boot.iso</filename>, your computer must be able to boot from its "
"CD-ROM drive, and its BIOS settings must be configured to do so. You must "
"then burn <filename>boot.iso</filename> onto a recordable/rewriteable CD-ROM."
msgstr "A pasta <filename>images/</filename> contém o ficheiro <filename>boot.iso</filename>. Este ficheiro é uma imagem ISO que poderá ser usada para arrancar o programa de instalação do &DISTRO;. É uma forma útil de iniciar as instalações baseadas na rede, sem ter de usar várias disquetes. Para usar o <filename>boot.iso</filename>, o seu computador deverá ser capaz de arrancar a partir do seu leitor de CD-ROM, e a configuração da sua BIOS deverá estar configurada para o fazer. Deverá então gravar o <filename>boot.iso</filename> num CD-ROM gravável/regravável."

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:139
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Another image file contained in the <filename>images/</filename> directory "
"is <filename>diskboot.img</filename>. This file is designed for use with USB "
"pen drives (or other bootable media with a capacity larger than a diskette "
"drive). Use the <command>dd</command> command to write the image."
msgstr "Outro ficheir de imagem contido na pasta <filename>images/</filename> é o <filename>diskboot.img</filename>. Este ficheiro está desenhado para ser usado com discos USB (ou outros suportes de arranque com uma capacidade maior que uma disquete). use o comando <command>dd</command> para gravar a imagem."

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:150
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"The ability to use this image file with a USB pen drive depends on the "
"ability of your system's BIOS to boot from a USB device."
msgstr "A capacidade de usar este ficheiro de imagem com um disco ou caneta USB depende da capacidade da BIOS do seu sistema para arrancar a partir dela."

#. Tag: title
#: README-en.xml:156
#, no-c-format
msgstr "OBTER AJUDA"

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:158
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"For those that have web access, see <ulink url=\""
"\"></ulink>. In particular, access to &PROJ; mailing "
"lists can be found at:"
msgstr "Para os que tiverem acesso à Web, veja o <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>. Em particular, aceda às listas de correio do &PROJ;, que poderão ser encontradas em:"

#. Tag: ulink
#: README-en.xml:163
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Tag: title
#: README-en.xml:167
#, no-c-format

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:169
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"The communication or transfer of any information received with this product "
"may be subject to specific government export approval. User shall adhere to "
"all applicable laws, regulations and rules relating to the export or re-"
"export of technical data or products to any proscribed country listed in "
"such applicable laws, regulations and rules unless properly authorized. The "
"obligations under this paragraph shall survive in perpetuity."
msgstr "A comunicação ou transferência de qualquer informação recebida com este produto poderá estar sujeita à aprovação de exportação específica do governo. O utilizador deverá aderir a todas as leis em vigor, regulamentos e regras relacionadas com a exportação ou nova exportação de dados técnicos ou produtos para qualquer país proscrito que seja mencionado nessas leis, regulamentos e regras, a menos que sejam autorizadas convenientemente. As obrigações subjacentes a este parágrafo deverão ser perpétuas."

#. Tag: title
#: README-en.xml:179
#, no-c-format
msgid "README Feedback Procedure"
msgstr "Procedimento de Reacções ao README"

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:181
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"(This section will disappear when the final &DISTRO; release is created.)"
msgstr "(Esta secção irá desaparecer quando a versão final do &DISTRO; for criada.)"

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:184
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"If you feel that this README could be improved in some way, submit a bug "
"report in &RH;'s bug reporting system:"
msgstr "Se sentir que este README poderia ser melhorado de alguma forma, envie um relatório de erros para o sistema de comunicação de erros da &RH;:"

#. Tag: ulink
#: README-en.xml:188
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:190
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"When posting your bug, include the following information in the specified "
msgstr "Ao publicar o seu erro, inclua as seguintes informações nos campos específicos:"

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:195
#, no-c-format
msgid "<guilabel>Product:</guilabel> &DISTRO;"
msgstr "<guilabel>Produto:</guilabel> &DISTRO;"

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:199
#, no-c-format
msgid "<guilabel>Version:</guilabel> \"devel\""
msgstr "<guilabel>Versão:</guilabel> \"devel\""

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:203
#, no-c-format
msgid "<guilabel>Component:</guilabel> fedora-release"
msgstr "<guilabel>Componente:</guilabel> fedora-release"

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:207
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Summary:</guilabel> A short description of what could be improved. "
"If it includes the word \"README\", so much the better."
msgstr "<guilabel>Resumo:</guilabel> Uma breve descrição do que poderia ser melhorado. Se incluir a palavra \"README\", tanto melhor."

#. Tag: para
#: README-en.xml:213
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Description:</guilabel> A more in-depth description of what could "
"be improved."
msgstr "<guilabel>Descrição:</guilabel> Uma descrição mais aprofundada do que poderia ser melhorado."

#. Tag: holder
#: rpm-info.xml:21
#, no-c-format
msgid "Red Hat, Inc. and others"
msgstr "Red Hat, Inc. e outros"

#. Tag: title
#: rpm-info.xml:25
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fedora Core 5 Release Notes"
msgstr "Notas da Versão do Fedora Core 5"

#. Tag: title
#: rpm-info.xml:30
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fedora Core 5 发行注记"
msgstr "Fedora Core 5 发行注记"

#. Tag: title
#: rpm-info.xml:34
#, no-c-format
msgid "Note di rilascio per Fedora Core 5"
msgstr "Note di rilascio per Fedora Core 5"

#. Tag: title
#: rpm-info.xml:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fedora Core 5 Замечания к выпуску"
msgstr "Fedora Core 5 Замечания к выпуску"

#. Tag: title
#: rpm-info.xml:42
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fedora core 5 リリースノート"
msgstr "Fedora core 5 リリースノート"

--- NEW FILE pt_BR.po ---
# translation of pt_BR.po to Brazilian Portuguese
# Hugo Cisneiros <hugo at>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pt_BR\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-03-01 17:42-0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-03-05 19:38-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Hugo Cisneiros <hugo at>\n"
"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <fedora-trans-pt_BR at>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.1\n"

#: en/Xorg.xml:5(title) en/Welcome.xml:5(title) en/WebServers.xml:5(title) en/Virtualization.xml:5(title) en/SystemDaemons.xml:5(title) en/ServerTools.xml:5(title) en/SecuritySELinux.xml:5(title) en/Security.xml:5(title) en/Samba.xml:5(title) en/ProjectOverview.xml:5(title) en/Printing.xml:5(title) en/PackageNotes.xml:5(title) en/PackageChanges.xml:5(title) en/OverView.xml:5(title) en/Networking.xml:5(title) en/Multimedia.xml:5(title) en/Legacy.xml:5(title) en/Kernel.xml:5(title) en/Java.xml:5(title) en/Installer.xml:5(title) en/I18n.xml:5(title) en/FileSystems.xml:5(title) en/FileServers.xml:5(title) en/Feedback.xml:5(title) en/Entertainment.xml:5(title) en/Extras.xml:5(title) en/DevelToolsGCC.xml:5(title) en/DevelTools.xml:5(title) en/Desktop.xml:5(title) en/DatabaseServers.xml:5(title) en/Colophon.xml:5(title) en/BackwardsCompatibility.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecific.xml:5(titl!
msgid "Temp"
msgstr "Temporário"

#: en/Xorg.xml:8(title)
msgid "X Window System (Graphics)"
msgstr "X Window System (Gráfico)"

#: en/Xorg.xml:9(para)
msgid "This section contains information related to the X Window System implementation provided with Fedora."
msgstr "Esta seção contém informações relacionadas à implementação do X Window System (Sistema de Janelas X), fornecido com o Fedora."

#: en/Xorg.xml:11(title)
msgid "xorg-x11"
msgstr "xorg-x11"

#: en/Xorg.xml:12(para)
msgid " X11 is an open source implementation of the X Window System. It provides the basic low-level functionality upon which full-fledged graphical user interfaces (GUIs) such as GNOME and KDE are designed. For more information about, refer to <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."
msgstr "O X11 é uma implementação de código aberto do X Window System (Sistema de Janelas X). Ele fornece as funcionalidades de baixo nível básicas para que as interfaces gráficas de usuários (GUI) completas como por exemplo o GNOME e KDE sejam feitas. Para mais informações sobre o, visite <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."

#: en/Xorg.xml:13(para)
msgid "You may use <emphasis>Applications > System Settings > Display</emphasis> or <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-display</emphasis> to configure the settings. The configuration file for is located in <code>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</code>."
msgstr "Para configurar as opções, você pode entrar em <emphasis>Aplicações > Configurações de Sistema > Tela</emphasis> ou usar o comando <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-display</emphasis>. O arquivo de configuração do está localizado em <code>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</code>."

#: en/Xorg.xml:14(para)
msgid " X11R7 is the first modular release of, which, among several other benefits, promotes faster updates and helps programmers rapidly develop and release specific components. More information on the current status of the modularization effort in Fedora is available at <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."
msgstr "O X11R7 é a primeira versão modular do, que além de muitos outros benefícios, promove atualizações mais rápidas e ajuda os programadores a desenvolver mais rápido e lançar componentes específicos. Mais informações sobre a situação atual do esforço de modularização do no Fedora estão disponíveis em <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."

#: en/Xorg.xml:17(title)
msgid " X11R7 End-User Notes"
msgstr "Notas de Usuário do X11R7"

#: en/Xorg.xml:19(title)
msgid "Installing Third Party Drivers"
msgstr "Instalando Drivers de Terceiros"

#: en/Xorg.xml:20(para)
msgid "Before you install any third party drivers from any vendor, including ATI or nVidia, please read <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."
msgstr "Antes de você instalar qualquer driver de terceiros, incluindo os da ATI e nVidia, por favor leia a página <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."

#: en/Xorg.xml:25(para)
msgid "The <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> package install scripts automatically remove the <code>RgbPath</code> line from the <code>xorg.conf</code> file if it is present. You may need to reconfigure your keyboard differently from what you are used to. You are encouraged to subscribe to the upstream <ulink url=\"mailto:xorg at\">xorg at</ulink> mailing list if you do need assistance reconfiguring your keyboard."
msgstr "Os scripts de instalação do pacote <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> automaticamente removem a linha <code>RgbPath</code> do arquivo <code>xorg.conf</code> caso esteja presente. Você pode precisar reconfigurar seu teclado diferentemente do que está acostumado. É sugerido que você se inscreva na lista de discussão <ulink url=\"mailto:xorg at\">xorg at</ulink> caso você precise de assistência na reconfiguração do seu teclado."

#: en/Xorg.xml:28(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Overview"
msgstr "Visão Geral de Desenvolvedor do X11R7"

#: en/Xorg.xml:29(para)
msgid "The following list includes some of the more visible changes for developers in X11R7:"
msgstr "A seguinte lista inclui algumas das mudanças visíveis para os desenvolvedores no X11R7:"

#: en/Xorg.xml:32(para)
msgid "The entire buildsystem has changed from <code>imake</code> to the GNU <code>autotools</code> collection."
msgstr "Todo o sistema de compilação foi mudado da ferramenta <code>imake</code> para a coleção GNU <code>autotools</code>."

#: en/Xorg.xml:35(para)
msgid "Libraries now install <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> files, which should now always be used by software that depends on these libraries, instead of hard coding paths to them in <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/lib </code> or elsewhere."
msgstr "Agora as bibliotecas instalam arquivos <code>*.pc</code> do <code>pkgconfig</code>, que agora devem ser sempre usados por programas que dependem dessas bibliotecas, ao invés de escrever os caminhos diretamente no código como <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/lib</code> ou algo parecido."

#: en/Xorg.xml:40(para)
msgid "Everything is now installed directly into <code>/usr</code> instead of <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code>. All software that hard codes paths to anything in <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code> must now be changed, preferably to dynamically detect the proper location of the object. Developers are <emphasis role=\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> advised against hard-coding the new X11R7 default paths."
msgstr "Agora tudo é instalado diretamente em <code>/usr</code> ao invés de <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code>. Todos os programas que escrevem caminhos diretamente no código para <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code> devem ser mudados, de preferência para detectar dinamicamente a localização correta do objeto. Desenvolvedores são <emphasis role=\"strong\">fortemente</emphasis> recomendados a não escrever os caminhos diretamente no código para os novo padrões do X11R7."

#: en/Xorg.xml:45(para)
msgid "Every library has its own private source RPM package, which creates a runtime binary subpackage and a <code>-devel</code> subpackage."
msgstr "Cada biblioteca tem seu próprio pacote-fonte RPM privado, ao qual cria sub-pacotes com binários de execução e sub-pacotes <code>-devel</code>."

#: en/Xorg.xml:50(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Notes"
msgstr "Notas de Desenvolvedor do X11R7"

#: en/Xorg.xml:51(para)
msgid "This section includes a summary of issues of note for developers and packagers, and suggestions on how to fix them where possible."
msgstr "Esta seção inclui um sumário de notas de problemas para os desenvolvedores e empacotadores, com sugestões de como corrigir quando possível."

#: en/Xorg.xml:53(title)
msgid "The /usr/X11R6/ Directory Hierarchy"
msgstr "A Hierarquia de Diretório /usr/X11R6/"

#: en/Xorg.xml:54(para)
msgid "X11R7 files install into <code>/usr</code> directly now, and no longer use the <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/</code> hierarchy. Applications that rely on files being present at fixed paths under <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/</code>, either at compile time or run time, must be updated. They should now use the system <code>PATH</code>, or some other mechanism to dynamically determine where the files reside, or alternatively to hard code the new locations, possibly with fallbacks."
msgstr "Os arquivos do X11R7 agora são instalados diretamente no <code>/usr</code> e não usam mais a hierarquia <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/</code>. As aplicações que dependem de arquivos presentes em caminhos fixos dentro do <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/</code> devem ser atualizados ou no tempo de compilação, ou no tempo de execução. Elas agora devem usar o <code>PATH</code>, ou algum outro mecanismo que determina dinâmicamente onde os arquivos residem, ou alternativamente escrever as novas localizações direto no código possivelmente gerando recuos futuros."

#: en/Xorg.xml:59(title)
msgid "Imake"
msgstr "Imake"

#: en/Xorg.xml:60(para)
msgid "The <code>imake</code> utility is no longer used to build the X Window System, and is now officially deprecated. X11R7 includes <code>imake</code>, <code>xmkmf</code>, and other build utilities previously supplied by the X Window System. X.Org highly recommends, however, that people migrate from <code>imake</code> to use GNU <code>autotools</code> and <code>pkg-config</code>. Support for <code>imake</code> may be removed in a future X Window System release, so developers are <emphasis role=\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> encouraged to transition away from it, and not use it for any new software projects."
msgstr "O utilitário <code>imake</code> não é mais usado na construção do X Window System e agora está oficialmente fora-de-uso. O X11R7 inclui o <code>imake</code>, <code>xmkmf</code> e outros utilitários de compilação previamente fornecidos pelo X Window System. Entretanto, o recomenda altamente que as pessoas migrem do <code>imake</code> para usar as ferramentas GNU <code>autotools</code> e <code>pkg-config</code>. O suporte ao <code>imake</code> pode ser removido em uma futura versão do X Window System, então os desenvolvedores são <emphasis role=\"strong\">fortemente</emphasis> encorajados a mudar e não usá-lo em nenhum outro novo projeto de programa."

#: en/Xorg.xml:63(title)
msgid "The Systemwide app-defaults/ Directory"
msgstr "O Diretório Global app-defaults/"

#: en/Xorg.xml:64(para)
msgid "The system <code>app-defaults/</code> directory for X resources is now <code>%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults</code>, which expands to <code>/usr/share/X11/app-defaults/</code> on Fedora Core 5 and for future Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems."
msgstr "O diretório de sistema para recursos do X <code>app-defaults/</code> agora fica em <code>%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults</code>, que expande para <code>/usr/share/X11/app-defaults/</code> no Fedora Core 5 e para sistemas futuros do Red Hat Enterprise Linux."

#: en/Xorg.xml:67(title)
msgid "Correct Package Dependencies"
msgstr "Dependências de Pacotes Corretas"

#: en/Xorg.xml:68(para)
msgid "Any software package that previously used <code>Build</code><code>Requires: (XFree86-devel|xorg-x11-devel)</code> to satisfy build dependencies must now individually list each library dependency. The preferred and recommended method is to use <emphasis>virtual</emphasis> build dependencies instead of hard coding the library package names of the <code>xorg</code> implementation. This means you should use <code>Build</code><code>Requires: libXft-devel</code> instead of <code>Build</code><code>Requires: xorg-x11-Xft-devel</code>. If your software truly does depend on the X.Org X11 implementation of a specific library, and there is no other clean or safe way to state the dependency, then use the <code>xorg-x11-devel</code> form. If you use the virtual provides/requires mechanism, you will avoid inconvenience if the libraries move to another location in the future."
msgstr "Qualquer programa que anteriormente usou <code>Build</code><code>Requires: (XFree86-devel|xorg-x11-devel)</code> para satisfazer as dependências de compilação agora devem listar cada dependência de biblioteca individualmente. O método preferido e recomendado é o uso de dependências de compilação <emphasis>virtuais</emphasis> ao invés de escrever os nomes de pacotes de bibliotecas da implementação <code>xorg</code> diretamente no código. Isso significa que você deve usar <code>Build</code><code>Requires: libXft-devel</code> ao invés de <code>Build</code><code>Requires: xorg-x11-Xft-devel</code>. Se o seu programa depende muito de uma implementação X.Org X11 de uma biblioteca específica e não há outros meios limpos e seguros de satisfazer a dependência, então use a forma <code>xorg-x11-devel</code>. Se você usar mecanismos virtuais, você irá evitar incoveniências futuras caso as bibliotecas mudem de localização."

#: en/Xorg.xml:74(title)
msgid "xft-config"
msgstr "xft-config"

#: en/Xorg.xml:75(para)
msgid "Modular X now uses GNU <code>autotools</code> and <code>pkg-config</code> for its buildsystem configuration and execution. The <code>xft-config</code> utility has been deprecated for some time, and <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> files have been provided for most of this time. Applications that previously used <code>xft-config</code> to obtain the <code>Cflags</code> or <code>libs</code> build options must now be updated to use <code>pkg-config</code>."
msgstr "O X modular agora usa as ferramentas GNU <code>autotools</code> e <code>pkg-config</code> para configuração e execução do seu sistema de compilação. O utilitário <code>xft-config</code> está sem uso há algum tempo e os arquivos <code>*.pc</code> do <code>pkgconfig</code> estão sendo fornecidos por um bom tempo. Aplicações que antes usavam o <code>xft-config</code> para obter as opções de construção <code>Cflags</code> ou <code>libs</code> agora devem ser atualizadas para usar o <code>pkg-config</code>."

#: en/Welcome.xml:8(title)
msgid "Welcome to Fedora Core"
msgstr "Bem vindo ao Fedora Core"

#: en/Welcome.xml:10(title)
msgid "Latest Release Notes on the Web"
msgstr "Últimas Notas de Versão na Web"

#: en/Welcome.xml:11(para)
msgid "These release notes may be updated. Visit <ulink url=\"\"></ulink> to view the latest release notes for Fedora Core 5."
msgstr "Estas notas de versão podem ser atualizadas. Visite <ulink url=\"\"></ulink> para ver as últimas notas de versão para o Fedora Core 5."

#: en/Welcome.xml:15(para)
msgid "You can help the Fedora Project community continue to improve Fedora if you file bug reports and enhancement requests. Refer to <ulink url=\"\"></ulink> for more information about bugs. Thank you for your participation."
msgstr "Você pode ajudar a comunidade do Projeto Fedora a continuar aperfeiçoando o Fedora ao relatar bugs ou pedir por aprimoramentos. Visite <ulink url=\"\"></ulink> para mais informações sobre bugs. Obrigado por sua participação. "

#: en/Welcome.xml:16(para)
msgid "To find out more general information about Fedora, refer to the following Web pages:"
msgstr "Para encontrar mais informações gerais sobre o Fedora, veja as seguintes páginas Web:"

#: en/Welcome.xml:19(para)
msgid "Fedora Overview (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Visão Geral do Fedora (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en/Welcome.xml:22(para)
msgid "Fedora FAQ (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "FAQ do Fedora (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en/Welcome.xml:25(para)
msgid "Help and Support (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Ajuda e Suporte (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en/Welcome.xml:28(para)
msgid "Participate in the Fedora Project (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Participe no Projeto Fedora (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en/Welcome.xml:31(para)
msgid "About the Fedora Project (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"
msgstr "Sobre o Projeto Fedora (<ulink url=\"\"></ulink>)"

#: en/WebServers.xml:8(title)
msgid "Web Servers"
msgstr "Servidores Web"

#: en/WebServers.xml:9(para)
msgid "This section contains information on Web-related applications."
msgstr "Esta seção contém informações sobre aplicações relacionadas à Web."

#: en/WebServers.xml:11(title)
msgid "httpd"
msgstr "httpd"

#: en/WebServers.xml:12(para)
msgid "Fedora Core now includes version 2.2 of the Apache HTTP Server. This release brings a number of improvements over the 2.0 series, including:"
msgstr "O Fedora Core agora inclui a versão 2.2 do Servidor HTTP Apache. Esta versão traz alguns aprimoramentos em relação a série 2.0, incluindo:"

#: en/WebServers.xml:15(para)
msgid "greatly improved caching modules (<code>mod_cache</code>, <code>mod_disk_cache</code>, <code>mod_mem_cache</code>)"
msgstr "módulos de caching bastante aprimorados (<code>mod_cache</code>, <code>mod_disk_cache</code>, <code>mod_mem_cache</code>)"

#: en/WebServers.xml:18(para)
msgid "a new structure for authentication and authorization support, replacing the security modules provided in previous versions"
msgstr "uma nova estrutura de suporte a autenticação e autorização, substituindo os módulos de segurança fornecidos em versões passadas"

#: en/WebServers.xml:21(para)
msgid "support for proxy load balancing (<code>mod_proxy_balance</code>)"
msgstr "suporte a balanceamento de carga de proxy (<code>mod_proxy_balance</code>)"

#: en/WebServers.xml:24(para)
[...2299 lines suppressed...]
msgid "Recommended for graphical: 256MiB"
msgstr "Recomendado para a interface gráfica: 256MiB"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:44(title) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:29(title) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:33(title)
msgid "Hard Disk Space Requirements"
msgstr "Exigências de Espaco no Disco Rígido"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:45(para) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:30(para)
msgid "The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken up by Fedora Core 5 after the installation is complete. However, additional disk space is required during the installation to support the installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> on Installation Disc 1 plus the size of the files in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> on the installed system."
msgstr "As exigências de espaço em disco listadas abaixo representam o espaço em disco usado pelo Fedora Core 5 depois que uma instalação é completada. Entretando, espaço em disco adicional é necessário durante a instalação para suportar o ambiente do instalador. Este espaço em disco adicional corresponde ao tamanho do arquivo <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> no Disco de Instalação 1, mais o tamanho dos arquivos do diretório <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> no sistema instalado."

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:46(para) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:31(para) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:35(para)
msgid "In practical terms, additional space requirements may range from as little as 90 MiB for a minimal installation to as much as an additional 175 MiB for an \"everything\" installation. The complete packages can occupy over 9 GB of disk space."
msgstr "Em termos práticos, as exigências de espaço adicional podem ir de 90 MiB para uma instalação mínima, até 175 MiB para uma instalação de \"tudo\". Os pacotes completos podem ocupar mais de 9 GB de espaço em disco."

#: en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:47(para) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:32(para) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:36(para)
msgid "Additional space is also required for any user data, and at least 5% free space should be maintained for proper system operation."
msgstr "Espaço adicional também pode ser necessário para dados do usuário e ao menos 5% de espaço livre deve ser mantido para uma operação apropriada do sistema."

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:8(title)
msgid "x86_64 Specifics for Fedora"
msgstr "Casos específicos para x86_64 no Fedora"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:9(para)
msgid "This section covers any specific information you may need to know about Fedora Core and the x86_64 hardware platform."
msgstr "Esta seção cobre qualquer informação específica que você possa precisar saber sobre o Fedora Core e a plataforma de hardware x86_64."

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:11(title)
msgid "x86_64 Hardware Requirements"
msgstr "Exigências para Hardwares x86_64"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:14(title)
msgid "Memory Requirements"
msgstr "Exigências de Memória"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:15(para)
msgid "This list is for 64-bit x86_64 systems:"
msgstr "Esta lista é para sistemas x86_64 de 64-bits:"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:21(para)
msgid "Minimum RAM for graphical: 256MiB"
msgstr "Memória RAM mínima para a interface gráfica: 256MiB"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:24(para)
msgid "Recommended RAM for graphical: 512MiB"
msgstr "Memória RAM recomendada para a interface gráfica: 512MiB"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:36(title)
msgid "RPM Multiarch Support on x86_64"
msgstr "Suporte a Multiarquitetura RPM em x86_64"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:37(para)
msgid "<emphasis role=\"strong\">RPM</emphasis> supports parallel installation of multiple architectures of the same package. A default package listing such as <code>rpm -qa</code> might appear to include duplicate packages, since the architecture is not displayed. Instead, use the <code>repoquery</code> command, part of the <code>yum-utils</code> package in Fedora Extras, which displays architecture by default. To install <code>yum-utils</code>, run the following command:"
msgstr "O <emphasis role=\"strong\">RPM</emphasis> suporta a instalação paralela de múltiplas arquiteturas de um mesmo pacote. Um pacote padrão listado com <code>rpm -qa</code> pode aparecer com pacotes duplicados, já que a arquitetura não é mostrada. Ao invés disso, use o comando <code>repoquery</code>, parte do pacote <code>yum-utils</code> no Fedora Extras, o qual mostra a arquitetura por padrão. Para instalar o <code>yum-utils</code>, execute o seguinte comando:"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:39(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "su -c 'yum install yum-utils' "
msgstr "su -c 'yum install yum-utils' "

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:40(para)
msgid "To list all packages with their architecture using <code>rpm</code>, run the following command:"
msgstr "Para listar todos os pacotes com suas arquiteturas utilizando o <code>rpm</code>, execute o seguinte comando:"

#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:41(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "rpm -qa --queryformat \"%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\\n\"  "
msgstr "rpm -qa --queryformat \"%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\\n\"  "

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:8(title)
msgid "PPC Specifics for Fedora"
msgstr "Casos específicos para PPC no Fedora"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:9(para)
msgid "This section covers any specific information you may need to know about Fedora Core and the PPC hardware platform."
msgstr "Esta seção cobre qualquer informação específica que você possa precisar saber sobre o Fedora e a plataforma de hardware PPC."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:11(title)
msgid "PPC Hardware Requirements"
msgstr "Exigências para Hardwares PPC"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:13(title)
msgid "Processor and Memory"
msgstr "Processador e Memória"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:16(para)
msgid "Minimum CPU: PowerPC G3 / POWER4"
msgstr "Processador Mínimo: PowerPC G3 / POWER4"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:19(para)
msgid "Fedora Core 5 supports only the “New World” generation of Apple Power Macintosh, shipped from circa 1999 onward."
msgstr "O Fedora Core 5 suporta apenas a geração “Novo Mundo”  do Apple Power Macintosh, distribuído a partir do circa de 1999 em diante."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:22(para)
msgid "Fedora Core 5 also supports IBM eServer pSeries, IBM RS/6000, Genesi Pegasos II, and IBM Cell Broadband Engine machines."
msgstr "O Fedora Core 5 também suporta máquinas IBM eServer pSeries, IBM RS/6000, Genesi Pegasos II e IBM Cell Broadband Engine."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:25(para)
msgid "Recommended for text-mode: 233 MHz G3 or better, 128MiB RAM."
msgstr "Recomendado para modo texto: G3 de 233MHz ou superior, 128MiB de RAM."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:28(para)
msgid "Recommended for graphical: 400 MHz G3 or better, 256MiB RAM."
msgstr "Recomendado para a interface gráfica: G3 de 400MHz ou superior, 256MiB de RAM."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:34(para)
msgid "The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken up by Fedora Core 5 after installation is complete. However, additional disk space is required during installation to support the installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> (on Installtion Disc 1) plus the size of the files in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> on the installed system."
msgstr "As exigências de espaço em disco listadas abaixo representam o espaço em disco usado pelo Fedora Core 5 depois que uma instalação é completada. Entretando, espaço em disco adicional é necessário durante a instalação para suportar o ambiente do instalador. Este espaço em disco adicional corresponde ao tamanho do arquivo <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> no Disco de Instalação 1, mais o tamanho dos arquivos do diretório <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> no sistema instalado."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:40(title)
msgid "The Apple keyboard"
msgstr "O teclado Apple"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:41(para)
msgid "The <code>Option</code> key on Apple systems is equivalent to the <code>Alt</code> key on the PC. Where documentation and the installer refer to the <code>Alt</code> key, use the <code>Option</code> key. For some key combinations you may need to use the <code>Option</code> key in conjunction with the <code>Fn</code> key, such as <code>Option</code>-<code>Fn</code>-<code>F3</code> to switch to virtual terminal tty3."
msgstr "A tecla <code>Opção</code> em sistemas Apple é equivalente à tecla <code>Alt</code> no PC. Quando a documentação e o instalador se referirem à tecla <code>Alt</code>, use a tecla <code>Option</code>. Para algumas combinações de teclas, você pode precisar usar a tecla <code>Option</code> em conjunto com a tecla <code>Fn</code>, como por exemplo <code>Option</code>-<code>Fn</code>-<code>F3</code> para mudar para o terminal virtual tty3."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:44(title)
msgid "PPC Installation Notes"
msgstr "Notas de Instalação em PPC"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:45(para)
msgid "Fedora Core Installation Disc 1 is bootable on supported hardware. In addition, a bootable CD image appears in the <code>images/</code> directory of this disc. These images will behave differently according to your system hardware:"
msgstr "O Disco de Instalação 1 do Fedora Core é inicializável em hardwares que o suportam. Além disso, a imagem inicializável do CD está no diretório <code>images</code> do disco. Estas imagens podem se comportar diferentemente de acordo com o seu hardware:"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:48(para)
msgid "Apple Macintosh"
msgstr "Apple Macintosh"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:49(para)
msgid "The bootloader should automatically boot the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit installer."
msgstr "O carregador de inicialização deve fazer a inicialização automaticamente para o instalador apropriado (de 32-bits ou 64-bits)."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:50(para)
msgid "The default <code>gnome-power-manager</code> package includes power management support, including sleep and backlight level management. Users with more complex requirements can use the <code>apmud</code> package in Fedora Extras. Following installation, you can install <code>apmud</code> with the following command:"
msgstr "O pacote padrão <code>gnome-power-manager</code> inclui suporte ao gerenciamento de energia, incluindo gerenciamento de níveis das funções sleep e backlight. Usuários com necessidades mais complexas podem usar o pacote <code>apmud</code> no Fedora Extras. Depois da instalação, você pode instalar o <code>apmud</code> com o seguinte comando:"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:51(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "su -c 'yum install apmud' "
msgstr "su -c 'yum install apmud' "

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:54(para)
msgid "64-bit IBM eServer pSeries (POWER4/POWER5)"
msgstr "IBM eServer pSeries de 64-bits (POWER4/POWER5)."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:55(para)
msgid "After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, the bootloader (yaboot) should automatically boot the 64-bit installer."
msgstr "Depois de usar o Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware para inicializar pelo CD, o carregador de inicialização (yaboot) deve automaticamente iniciar o instalador de 64-bits."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:58(para)
msgid "32-bit CHRP (IBM RS/6000 and others)"
msgstr "CHRP de 32-bits (IBM RS/6000 e outros). "

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:59(para)
msgid "After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, select the <code>linux32</code> boot image at the <code>boot:</code> prompt to start the 32-bit installer. Otherwise, the 64-bit installer starts, which does not work."
msgstr "Depois de usar o  Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware para inicializar pelo CD, selecione a imagem de inicialização <code>linux32</code> no prompt <code>boot:</code> para iniciar o instalador de 32-bits. Caso contrário, o instalador de 64-bits inicia  e não funciona."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:62(para)
msgid "Genesi Pegasos II"
msgstr "Genesi Pegasos II. "

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:63(para)
msgid "At the time of writing, firmware with full support for ISO9660 file systems is not yet released for the Pegasos. However, you can use the network boot image. At the Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware prompt, enter the command:"
msgstr "Nesta época, firmware com suporte total para sistemas de arquivos ISO9660 ainda não foi lançado para o Pegasos. Entretanto, você pode usar uma imagem de inicialização pela rede. No prompt do Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware, digite o comando:"

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:64(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img  "
msgstr "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img  "

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:65(para)
msgid "You must also configure Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware on the Pegasos manually to make the installed Fedora Core system bootable. To do this, set the <code>boot-device</code> and <code>boot-file</code> environment variables appropriately."
msgstr "Você também pode configurar o Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware no Pegasos para tornar o sistema do Fedora Core inicializável manualmente. Para fazer isto, use as variáveis de ambiente <code>boot-device</code> e <code>boot-file</code> apropriadamente."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:68(para)
msgid "Network booting"
msgstr "Inicialização pela Rede. "

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:69(para)
msgid "You can find combined images containing the installer kernel and ramdisk in the <code>images/netboot/</code> directory of the installation tree. These are intended for network booting with TFTP, but can be used in many ways."
msgstr "Você pode encontrar imagens combinadas contendo o kernel do instalador e o ramdisk no diretório <code>images/netboot/</code> da árvore de instalação. Estes têm como objetivo a inicialização pela rede via TFTP, mas podem ser usados de muitas maneiras."

#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:70(para)
msgid "<code>yaboot</code> supports TFTP booting for IBM eServer pSeries and Apple Macintosh. The Fedora Project encourages the use of <code>yaboot</code> over the <code>netboot</code> images."
msgstr "O <code>yaboot</code> suporta inicialização via TFTP para IBM eServer pSeries e Apple Macintosh. O Projeto Fedora encoraja o uso do <code>yaboot</code> ao invés das imagens <code>netboot</code>."

#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:8(title)
msgid "Architecture Specific Notes"
msgstr "Notas Específicas de Arquitetura"

#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:9(para)
msgid "This section provides notes that are specific to the supported hardware architectures of Fedora Core."
msgstr "Esta seção fornece notas específicas para as arquiteturas de hardware suportadas no Fedora Core."

#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:0(None)
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "Hugo Cisneiros <hugo at>, 2006"

--- NEW FILE ru.po ---
# translation of ru.po to Russian
# Andrew Martynov <andrewm at>, 2006.
# Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ru\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-03-14 13:19+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-03-14 22:17+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Andrew Martynov <andrewm at>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <fedora-trans-ru at>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.1\n"

#: en/Xorg.xml:5(title) en/Welcome.xml:5(title) en/WebServers.xml:5(title)
#: en/Virtualization.xml:5(title) en/SystemDaemons.xml:5(title)
#: en/ServerTools.xml:5(title) en/SecuritySELinux.xml:5(title)
#: en/Security.xml:5(title) en/Samba.xml:5(title)
#: en/ProjectOverview.xml:5(title) en/Printing.xml:5(title)
#: en/PackageNotes.xml:5(title) en/PackageChanges.xml:5(title)
#: en/OverView.xml:5(title) en/Networking.xml:5(title)
#: en/Multimedia.xml:5(title) en/Legacy.xml:5(title) en/Kernel.xml:5(title)
#: en/Java.xml:5(title) en/Installer.xml:5(title) en/I18n.xml:5(title)
#: en/FileSystems.xml:5(title) en/FileServers.xml:5(title)
#: en/Feedback.xml:5(title) en/Entertainment.xml:5(title)
#: en/Extras.xml:5(title) en/DevelToolsGCC.xml:5(title)
#: en/DevelTools.xml:5(title) en/Desktop.xml:5(title)
#: en/DatabaseServers.xml:5(title) en/Colophon.xml:5(title)
#: en/BackwardsCompatibility.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:5(title)
#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:5(title)
#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:5(title)
msgid "Temp"
msgstr ""

#: en/Xorg.xml:8(title)
msgid "X Window System (Graphics)"
msgstr "Система X Window (Графическая)"

#: en/Xorg.xml:9(para)
msgid ""
"This section contains information related to the X Window System "
"implementation provided with Fedora."
msgstr ""
"В этом разделе описывается информация, относящаяся к реализации X Window "
"System в составе Fedora."

#: en/Xorg.xml:11(title)
msgid "xorg-x11"
msgstr "xorg-x11"

#: en/Xorg.xml:12(para)
msgid ""
" X11 is an open source implementation of the X Window System. It "
"provides the basic low-level functionality upon which full-fledged graphical "
"user interfaces (GUIs) such as GNOME and KDE are designed. For more "
"information about, refer to <ulink url=\""
msgstr ""
" X11 — это открытая реализация системы X Window System. Она "
"предоставляет основную низкоуровневую функциональность, на которой основаны "
"графические пользовательские интерфейсы (GUI), такие как GNOME и KDE. "
"Дополнительную информацию о Xorg вы можете найти по ссылке <ulink url="

#: en/Xorg.xml:13(para)
msgid ""
"You may use <emphasis>Applications > System Settings > Display</"
"emphasis> or <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-display</emphasis> to "
"configure the settings. The configuration file for is located in "
msgstr ""
"Для настройки этих параметров вы можете использовать <emphasis>Приложения => "
"Системные Параметры => Дисплей</emphasis> или <emphasis role=\"strong"
"\">system-config-display</emphasis>. Конфигурационный файл Xorg находится в "

#: en/Xorg.xml:14(para)
msgid ""
" X11R7 is the first modular release of, which, among several "
"other benefits, promotes faster updates and helps programmers rapidly "
"develop and release specific components. More information on the current "
"status of the modularization effort in Fedora is available at <ulink "
msgstr ""
" X11R7 - это первый модульный выпуск Среди множества прочих "
"приемуществ он позволяет пользователям получать обновления с более высокой "
"скоростью, в тоже время помогая разработчикам быстрее подготавливать и "
"выпускать конкретные компоненты. Дополнительную информацию о текущем "
"состоянии дел в процессе разделения на модули в Fedora вы можете найти "
"на странице <ulink url=\"/Xorg/Modularization\">"

#: en/Xorg.xml:17(title)
msgid " X11R7 End-User Notes"
msgstr " X11R7 Замечания для пользователей"

#: en/Xorg.xml:19(title)
msgid "Installing Third Party Drivers"
msgstr "Установка сторонних драйверов"

#: en/Xorg.xml:20(para)
msgid ""
"Before you install any third party drivers from any vendor, including ATI or "
"nVidia, please read <ulink url=\""
msgstr ""
"До того как вы установите сторонний драйвер любого производителя, включая "
"ATI или nVidia, прочтите <ulink url=\""

#: en/Xorg.xml:25(para)
msgid ""
"The <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> package install scripts automatically "
"remove the <code>RgbPath</code> line from the <code>xorg.conf</code> file if "
"it is present. You may need to reconfigure your keyboard differently from "
"what you are used to. You are encouraged to subscribe to the upstream <ulink "
"url=\"mailto:xorg at\">xorg at</ulink> mailing "
"list if you do need assistance reconfiguring your keyboard."
msgstr ""
"Сценарий установки пакета <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> автоматически "
"удаляет строку <code>RgbPath</code> из файла <code>xorg.conf</code>, если "
"она присутсвует. Вам может потребоваться иначе чем раньше настроить "
"клавиатуру. Если вам требуется помощь в изменении настройки клавиатуры, то "
"вам рекомендуется подписаться на список рассылки <ulink url=\"mailto:"
"xorg at\">xorg at</ulink>."

#: en/Xorg.xml:28(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Overview"
msgstr " X11R7 Обзор для разработчиков"

#: en/Xorg.xml:29(para)
msgid ""
"The following list includes some of the more visible changes for developers "
"in X11R7:"
msgstr ""
"Здесь приведен краткий список наиболее заметных изменений для разработчиков, "
"присутствующих в X11R7:"

#: en/Xorg.xml:32(para)
msgid ""
"The entire buildsystem has changed from <code>imake</code> to the GNU "
"<code>autotools</code> collection."
msgstr ""
"Подсистема сборки теперь изменена с <code>imake</code> на набор утилит GNU "

#: en/Xorg.xml:35(para)
msgid ""
"Libraries now install <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> files, which "
"should now always be used by software that depends on these libraries, "
"instead of hard coding paths to them in <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/lib </"
"code> or elsewhere."
msgstr ""
"Все библиотеки теперь устанавливают файлы <code>pkgconfig</code> <code>*.pc</"
"code>, которые теперь должны всегда использоваться программами, зависящими "
"от этих библиотек, вместо жесткой привязки к путям в каталоге <code>/usr/"
"X11</code><code>R6/lib</code> или любых других."

#: en/Xorg.xml:40(para)
msgid ""
"Everything is now installed directly into <code>/usr</code> instead of "
"<code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code>. All software that hard codes paths to "
"anything in <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code> must now be changed, "
"preferably to dynamically detect the proper location of the object. "
"Developers are <emphasis role=\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> advised against "
"hard-coding the new X11R7 default paths."
msgstr ""
"Теперь всё устанавливается в каталог <code>/usr</code> вместо <code>/usr/"
"X11</code><code>R6</code>. Все программы, в которых жестко зашиты пути к "
"каталогам в <code>/usr/X11R6</code>, должны теперь изменены, чтобы "
"автоматически, что предпочительно, определять корректное расположение "
"объекта. Разработчикам <emphasis role=\"strong\">настоятельно</emphasis> "
"рекомендуется не использовать жесткую привязку к новым путям каталогов X11R7."

#: en/Xorg.xml:45(para)
msgid ""
"Every library has its own private source RPM package, which creates a "
"runtime binary subpackage and a <code>-devel</code> subpackage."
msgstr ""
"Теперь каждая библиотека имеет свой собственный пакет с исходным кодом, "
"который формирует бинарный пакет для исполнения и <code>-devel</code> пакет."

#: en/Xorg.xml:50(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Notes"
msgstr " X11R7 Замечания разработчикам"

#: en/Xorg.xml:51(para)
msgid ""
"This section includes a summary of issues of note for developers and "
"packagers, and suggestions on how to fix them where possible."
msgstr ""
"В этом разделе приведены обобщенные замечания для разработчиков и создателей "
"пакетов, по возможности, с советами по решению проблем."

[...12134 lines suppressed...]
#~ msgid "The package changelog can be retrieved using the following command"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Для того чтобы получить журнал изменений в пакете выполните следующую "
#~ "команду:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "rpm -q --changelog <kernel-version>"
#~ msgstr "rpm -q --changelog <kernel-version>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "ln -s /usr/src/kernels/kernel-<all-the-rest> /usr/src/linux"
#~ msgstr "ln -s /usr/src/kernels/kernel-<all-the-rest> /usr/src/linux"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "1. Obtain the kernel-<version>.src.rpm file from one of the "
#~ "following sources:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "1. Получите файл kernel-<version>.src.rpm из одного из источников:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "2. Install <command>kernel-<version>.src.rpm</command> using the "
#~ "command:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "2. Установите пакет <command>kernel-<version>.src.rpm</command> "
#~ "командой:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The kernel source tree is then located in the <command>/usr/src/redhat/"
#~ "BUILD/kernel-<version>/</command> directory. It is common practice "
#~ "to move the resulting linux-<version> directory to the <command>/"
#~ "usr/src/</command> tree; while not strictly necessary, do this to match "
#~ "the generally-available documentation."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Дерево исходных кодов ядра расположено в каталоге <command>/usr/src/"
#~ "redhat/BUILD/kernel-<version>/</command>. Общей практикой является "
#~ "перемещение полученного каталога linux-<version> в каталог <command>/"
#~ "usr/src/</command>; выполнение этого шага необязательно, после него вы "
#~ "сможете использовать общеупотребительную документацию."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "6. Issue the following command:"
#~ msgstr "Введите следующую команду:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "dmraid "
#~ msgstr "dmraid"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Edit content directly at <ulink url=\"/Docs/Beats\">Docs/Beats</ulink>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Отредактировать непосредственно страницу <ulink url=\"http://"
#~ "\">"
#~ "Beats</ulink>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Fedora Core and Fedora Extras provide a selection of games that cover a "
#~ "variety of genres. By default, Fedora Core includes a small package of "
#~ "games for GNOME (called <command>gnome-games</command>). For a list of "
#~ "other games that are available for installation through <command>yum</"
#~ "command>, open a terminal and enter the following command:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "В состав &FC; и &FEX; включен набор игровых программ разных жанров. По "
#~ "умолчанию, &FC; включает небольшой пакет игр для GNOME (называемый "
#~ "<filename>gnome-games</filename>). Для просмотра списка других игр, "
#~ "которые можно доустановить при помощи утилиты <command>yum</command>, "
#~ "откройте окно терминала и введите команду:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "yum install <packagename>"
#~ msgstr "yum install <packagename>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Where <packagename> is the name of the package you want to install. "
#~ "For example, if you wanted to install the abiword package, the command "
#~ "<code>yum install abiword</code> automatically installs the package and "
#~ "all dependencies."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Где <packagename> - это имя пакета, который вы хотите установить. "
#~ "Например, если вы хотите установить пакет, команда <code>yum install "
#~ "abiword</code> выполнит установку пакета и всех зависимостей "
#~ "автоматически."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "system-config-mouse configuration utility has been dropped from this "
#~ "release since synaptic and 3 button mouse configuration is being done "
#~ "automatically during installation and serial mice are not formally "
#~ "supported in Fedora Core anymore."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Утилита настройки мыши <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-mouse</"
#~ "emphasis> удалена из этого выпуска, т.к. настройка 3х кнопочные мыши и "
#~ "сенсорной панели synaptic выполныется автоматически. Мыши с "
#~ "последовательным интерфейсом более не поддерживаются."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Fedora includes several system libraries and software for compatibility "
#~ "with older software. These software are part of the \"Legacy Software "
#~ "Development\" group which are not installed by default. Users who require "
#~ "this functionality can select this group during installation or run the "
#~ "following the command post-installation."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Fedora Core включает унаследованные системные библиотеки для "
#~ "совместимости с устаревшими программами. Это ПО является частью группы "
#~ "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Legacy Software Development</emphasis>, которая "
#~ "по умолчанию не устанавливается. Пользователи, которым требуется подобная "
#~ "функциональность, могут выбрать эту группу в процессе установки системы "
#~ "или запустив следующую команду на установленной системе."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken "
#~ "up by Fedora Core after the installation is complete. However, additional "
#~ "disk space is required during the installation to support the "
#~ "installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the "
#~ "size of /Fedora/base/stage2.img (on CD-ROM 1) plus the size of the files "
#~ "in /var/lib/rpm on the installed system."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "В перечисленных ниже требованиях к дисковому пространству учитывается "
#~ "размер, занимаемый системой Fedora Core 5 после завершения установки. "
#~ "Однако для работы самой программы установки необходимо дополнительное "
#~ "дисковое пространство. Размер этого пространства соответствует размеру "
#~ "файла <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> (на первом установочном диске) "
#~ "плюс размер файлов в каталоге <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> в установленной "
#~ "системе."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "In practical terms, this means that as little as an additional 90MB can "
#~ "be required for a minimal installation, while as much as an additional "
#~ "175MB can be required for an \"everything\" installation. The complete "
#~ "packages can occupy over 7 GB of disk space."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "В числовом выражении это означает, что для минимальной установки может "
#~ "потребоваться дополнительно 90 Мбайт, а для полной установки – "
#~ "дополнительно 175 Мбайт."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Also, keep in mind that additional space is required for any user data, "
#~ "and at least 5% free space should be maintained for proper system "
#~ "operation."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Также, не забывайте о том, что данные пользователя тоже занимают место на "
#~ "диске, помимо этого для корректной работы системы должно быть свободно "
#~ "как минимум 5% дискового пространства."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The DVD or first CD of the installation set of Fedora Core is set to be "
#~ "bootable on supported hardware. In addition, a bootable CD images can be "
#~ "found in the images/ directory of the DVD or first CD. These will behave "
#~ "differently according to the hardware:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "DVD или первый CD установочного набора &FC; сделан загрузочным на "
#~ "поддерживаемом оборудовании. Кроме этого, образы загрузочных компакт-"
#~ "дисков можно найти на DVD или первом CD в каталоге <filename>images/</"
#~ "filename>. Их работа различается в зависимости от оборудования:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The bootloader should automatically boot the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit "
#~ "installer. Power management support, including sleep and backlight level "
#~ "management, is present in the apmud package, which is in Fedora Extras. "
#~ "Fedora Extras for Fedora Core is configured by default for yum. Following "
#~ "installation, apmud can be installed by running yum install apmud."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Загрузчик автоматически запустит соответствующую 32-х или 64-разрядную "
#~ "версию программы установки. Поддержка управления питанием, включая "
#~ "управление \"спящим режимом\" и уровнем подсветки, представлена в пакете "
#~ "<filename>apmud</filename> из состава &FEX;. По умолчанию, в "
#~ "<command>yum</command> репозитарий &FEX; настроен для &FC;. После "
#~ "установки пакет <filename>apmud</filename> может быть установлен командой "
#~ "<command>yum install apmud</command>."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are combined images containing the installer kernel and ramdisk in "
#~ "the images/netboot/ directory of the install tree. These are intended for "
#~ "network booting with TFTP, but can be used in many ways."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "В каталоге <filename>images/netboot/</filename> дерева установки собраны "
#~ "образа установочного ядра и ramdisk. Они предназначены для загрузки по "
#~ "сети с использованием TFTP, но могут использоваться и инымы способами."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "yaboot supports tftp booting for IBM eServer pSeries and Apple Macintosh, "
#~ "the use of yaboot is encouraged over the netboot images."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Команда <command>yaboot</command> поддерживает загрузку по tftp на "
#~ "серверах IBM eServer pSeries и Apple Macintosh. Использование "
#~ "<command>yaboot</command> является предпочтительным вариантом по "
#~ "сравнению с сетевыми загрузочными образами."

--- NEW FILE zh_CN.po ---
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: RELEASE-NOTES\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-03-06 04:02+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-03-06 04:21+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Yuan Yijun <bbbush.yuan at>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: en/Xorg.xml:5(title) en/Welcome.xml:5(title) en/WebServers.xml:5(title)
#: en/Virtualization.xml:5(title) en/SystemDaemons.xml:5(title)
#: en/ServerTools.xml:5(title) en/SecuritySELinux.xml:5(title)
#: en/Security.xml:5(title) en/Samba.xml:5(title)
#: en/ProjectOverview.xml:5(title) en/Printing.xml:5(title)
#: en/PackageNotes.xml:5(title) en/PackageChanges.xml:5(title)
#: en/OverView.xml:5(title) en/Networking.xml:5(title)
#: en/Multimedia.xml:5(title) en/Legacy.xml:5(title) en/Kernel.xml:5(title)
#: en/Java.xml:5(title) en/Installer.xml:5(title) en/I18n.xml:5(title)
#: en/FileSystems.xml:5(title) en/FileServers.xml:5(title)
#: en/Feedback.xml:5(title) en/Entertainment.xml:5(title)
#: en/Extras.xml:5(title) en/DevelToolsGCC.xml:5(title)
#: en/DevelTools.xml:5(title) en/Desktop.xml:5(title)
#: en/DatabaseServers.xml:5(title) en/Colophon.xml:5(title)
#: en/BackwardsCompatibility.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:5(title)
#: en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:5(title)
#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:5(title)
msgid "Temp"
msgstr "Temp"

#: en/Xorg.xml:8(title)
msgid "X Window System (Graphics)"
msgstr "X 窗口系统 (图形界面)"

#: en/Xorg.xml:9(para)
msgid ""
"This section contains information related to the X Window System "
"implementation provided with Fedora."
msgstr "这一节包含了与 Fedora 的 X 窗口系统实现有关的信息。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:11(title)
msgid "xorg-x11"
msgstr "xorg-x11"

#: en/Xorg.xml:12(para)
msgid ""
" X11 is an open source implementation of the X Window System. It "
"provides the basic low-level functionality upon which full-fledged graphical "
"user interfaces (GUIs) such as GNOME and KDE are designed. For more "
"information about, refer to <ulink url=\""
msgstr ""
" X11 是 X 窗口系统的开源实现。它提供了基本的底层功能,全功能的图形用户环"
"境 (GUI) 类似 GNOME 和 KDE 都基于它。请参考 <ulink url=\"http://xorg."

#: en/Xorg.xml:13(para)
msgid ""
"You may use <emphasis>Applications > System Settings > Display</"
"emphasis> or <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-display</emphasis> to "
"configure the settings. The configuration file for is located in "
msgstr ""
"您可以用 Applications > System Settings > Display 或运行 "
"<command>system-config-display</command> 来设置。Xorg 的配置文件是 "

#: en/Xorg.xml:14(para)
msgid ""
" X11R7 is the first modular release of, which, among several "
"other benefits, promotes faster updates and helps programmers rapidly "
"develop and release specific components. More information on the current "
"status of the modularization effort in Fedora is available at <ulink "
msgstr ""
" X11R7 是 的首个模块化版本,它带来了快速更新,使程序员可以快速开发"
"和发布新组件的好处,当然还有更多。Fedora 中 模块化的更多信息请参考 "
"<ulink url=\"\">http://"

#: en/Xorg.xml:17(title)
msgid " X11R7 End-User Notes"
msgstr " X11R7 用户要点"

#: en/Xorg.xml:19(title)
msgid "Installing Third Party Drivers"
msgstr "安装第三方驱动"

#: en/Xorg.xml:20(para)
msgid ""
"Before you install any third party drivers from any vendor, including ATI or "
"nVidia, please read <ulink url=\""
msgstr ""
"在安装任何厂商(包括 ATI 或 nVidia)发布的任何第三方驱动前,请参考 <ulink url="

#: en/Xorg.xml:25(para)
msgid ""
"The <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> package install scripts automatically "
"remove the <code>RgbPath</code> line from the <code>xorg.conf</code> file if "
"it is present. You may need to reconfigure your keyboard differently from "
"what you are used to. You are encouraged to subscribe to the upstream <ulink "
"url=\"mailto:xorg at\">xorg at</ulink> mailing "
"list if you do need assistance reconfiguring your keyboard."
msgstr ""
"<code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> 软件包安装脚本会自动将 <code>xorg.conf</"
"code> 中的 <code>RgbPath</code> 一行删掉。您也许需要重新配置键盘为其他类型,"
"如果需要帮助,建议订阅开发者 <ulink url=\"mailto:xorg at"
"\">xorg at</ulink> 邮件列表。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:28(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Overview"
msgstr " X11R7 开发者概览"

#: en/Xorg.xml:29(para)
msgid ""
"The following list includes some of the more visible changes for developers "
"in X11R7:"
msgstr "下面的列表是 X11R7 中对开发者影响较大的变动:"

#: en/Xorg.xml:32(para)
msgid ""
"The entire buildsystem has changed from <code>imake</code> to the GNU "
"<code>autotools</code> collection."
msgstr "整个编译系统从 <command>imake</command> 变为 GNU autotools 工具集。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:35(para)
msgid ""
"Libraries now install <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> files, which "
"should now always be used by software that depends on these libraries, "
"instead of hard coding paths to them in <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/lib </"
"code> or elsewhere."
msgstr ""
"所有库文件都将安装 <command>pkgconfig</command><filename>*.pc</filename> 文"
"件,依赖这些库的软件包应当使用它们,而不是硬编码 <filename>/usr/X11R6/lib</"
"filename> 或什么其他路径。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:40(para)
msgid ""
"Everything is now installed directly into <code>/usr</code> instead of "
"<code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code>. All software that hard codes paths to "
"anything in <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6</code> must now be changed, "
"preferably to dynamically detect the proper location of the object. "
"Developers are <emphasis role=\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> advised against "
"hard-coding the new X11R7 default paths."
msgstr ""
"所有内容都直接安装到 <filename>/usr</filename> 目录而不是 <filename>/usr/"
"X11R6</filename>。所有硬编码任何 <filename>/usr/X11R6</filename> 路径的软件包"
"都必须修改,最好动态探测正确的路径,或者将 X11R7 新的默认路径硬编码。强烈建议"

#: en/Xorg.xml:45(para)
msgid ""
"Every library has its own private source RPM package, which creates a "
"runtime binary subpackage and a <code>-devel</code> subpackage."
msgstr ""
"每个库文件都有自己的源代码 RPM,从中生成一个运行时二进制软件包,以及一个 "
"<code>-devel</code> 子软件包。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:50(title)
msgid " X11R7 Developer Notes"
msgstr "Xorg X11R7 开发者注记"

#: en/Xorg.xml:51(para)
msgid ""
"This section includes a summary of issues of note for developers and "
"packagers, and suggestions on how to fix them where possible."
msgstr "这一节包含针对开发者和打包者的问题小结,以及如何应对的建议。"

#: en/Xorg.xml:53(title)
msgid "The /usr/X11R6/ Directory Hierarchy"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/X11R6</filename> 目录层次"

#: en/Xorg.xml:54(para)
msgid ""
"X11R7 files install into <code>/usr</code> directly now, and no longer use "
"the <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/</code> hierarchy. Applications that rely "
"on files being present at fixed paths under <code>/usr/X11</code><code>R6/</"
"code>, either at compile time or run time, must be updated. They should now "
"use the system <code>PATH</code>, or some other mechanism to dynamically "
"determine where the files reside, or alternatively to hard code the new "
"locations, possibly with fallbacks."
msgstr ""
"X11R7 现在直接安装到 <filename>/usr</filename> 目录,不再使用 <filename>/usr/"
"X11R6</filename> 层次。在编译期或运行时依赖于 <filename>/usr/X11R6</"
"filename> 固定路径的应用程序必须进行更新,来使用系统 <envar>PATH</envar> (路"

#: en/Xorg.xml:59(title)
msgid "Imake"
msgstr "Imake"

#: en/Xorg.xml:60(para)
[...7286 lines suppressed...]

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "SCIM has replaced IIIMF as the language input framework in Fedora Core in "
#~ "this release."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<inlinemediaobject><placeholder-1/><placeholder-2/></inlinemediaobject> 本"
#~ "次 Fedora Core 的发布中 SCIM 替换了 IIIMF 作为语言输入法的框架。"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Version 2 of Netatalk uses a different method to store file resource "
#~ "forks from the previous version, and may require a different file name "
#~ "encoding scheme. Please read the documentation and plan your migration "
#~ "before upgrading."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Netatalk 的第二版使用与第一版不同的方法来保存文件资源,可能需要不同的文件"
#~ "名编码方式。请阅读文档,在升级前做好打算。"

#~ msgid "Feedback"
#~ msgstr "反馈"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Thanks for your interest in helping us with the release notes by "
#~ "providing feedback. This section explains how you can give that feedback."
#~ msgstr "感谢您帮助我们改进发行注记并反馈我们。这一节解释如何发送反馈。"

#~ msgid "Release Notes Feedback Procedure"
#~ msgstr "发行注记反馈过程"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Edit content directly at <ulink url=\"/Docs/Beats\">Docs/Beats</ulink>"
#~ msgstr "直接编辑 <ulink url=\"/Docs/Beats\">Docs/Beats</ulink> 的内容"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "A <ulink url=\"/DocsProject/ReleaseNotes/Beats\">release note beat</"
#~ "ulink> is an area of the release notes that is the responsibility of one "
#~ "or more content contributors to oversee."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "一个<ulink url=\"/DocsProject/ReleaseNotes/Beats\">发行注记 beat</ulink> "
#~ "是发行注记的基本组成,是一个或多个贡献者共同维护的。"

#~ msgid "yum groupinfo \"Games and Entertainment\""
#~ msgstr "yum groupinfo \"Games and Entertainment\""

#~ msgid ""
#~ "For help using <command>yum</command> to install the assorted game "
#~ "packages, refer to the guide available at:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "要查看用 <command>yum</command> 安装这些游戏软件包的方法,可以参考这里的教"
#~ "程:"

#~ msgid ""
#~ msgstr ""

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Fedora Extras is part of the larger Fedora Project and is a volunteer-"
#~ "based community effort to create a repository of packages that compliment "
#~ "Fedora Core. The Fedora Extras repository is enabled by default."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Fedora Extras 是 Fedora Project 的一部分,是志愿者为主的社区成果,目的是创"
#~ "建与 Fedora Core 配合的软件仓库。Fedora Extras 仓库默认被启用。"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you would like to install any software available from Fedora extras "
#~ "you can use yum."
#~ msgstr "如果需要安装 Fedora Extras 中的软件,可以使用 yum。"

#~ msgid "yum install <packagename>"
#~ msgstr "yum install <packagename>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Where <packagename> is the name of the package you want to install. "
#~ "For example, if you wanted to install the abiword package, the command "
#~ "<code>yum install abiword</code> automatically installs the package and "
#~ "all dependencies."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "这里 <packagename> 是要安装的软件包的名字。例如,如果想安装 abiword "
#~ "软件包,命令 <code>yum install abiword</code> 将自动安装软件包及其依赖关"
#~ "系。"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "GNOME 2.13.2 and KDE 3.5 Release Candidate 2 has been included in Fedora "
#~ "Core 5 test 2. GNOME 2.14 (or a release candidate) is scheduled to be "
#~ "available as part of Fedora Core 5."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "GNOME 2.13.2 和 KDE 3.5 候选发布 2 被包含于 Fedora Core &LOCALVER; 中。"
#~ "GNOME 2.14 (或候选发布) 到时将成为 Fedora Core 5 的一部分。"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The current test release has GNOME 2.12.1, together with some previews of "
#~ "technology from the forthcoming GNOME 2.14. Feedback on these packages is "
#~ "especially appreciated."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "本次测试发布包含 GNOME 2.12.1,以及一些未来的 GNOME 2.14 中的技术前瞻内"
#~ "容。有关这些软件包的反馈将非常受欢迎。"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "system-config-mouse Removed"
#~ msgstr "system-config-securitylevel"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "system-config-mouse configuration utility has been dropped from this "
#~ "release since synaptic and 3 button mouse configuration is being done "
#~ "automatically during installation and serial mice are not formally "
#~ "supported in Fedora Core anymore."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<application>system-config-monitor</application> 配置工具在本次发布中被移"
#~ "除,因为三键鼠标在安装过程中被自动配置,而串行鼠标不再为 Fedora Core 所支持。"

#~ msgid "No changes of note."
#~ msgstr "æ— æ›´æ–°"

#~ msgid "Draft"
#~ msgstr "草案"

#~ msgid "This is a draft, so it is incomplete and imperfect."
#~ msgstr "文档为草案,不完整也不完善。"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Fedora includes several system libraries and software for compatibility "
#~ "with older software. These software are part of the \"Legacy Software "
#~ "Development\" group which are not installed by default. Users who require "
#~ "this functionality can select this group during installation or run the "
#~ "following the command post-installation."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Fedora Core 包含兼容旧软件包的过时系统库。这些软件属于\"Legacy Software "
#~ "Development\"组,默认不被安装。需要这些功能的用户可以在安装中选择这个组,"
#~ "或者安装后运行命令:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The following information represents the minimum hardware requirements "
#~ "necessary to successfully install Fedora Core ."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "下列信息包含了要安装 Fedora Core &DISTROVER; test1 所需的最小的硬件需"
#~ "求。"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The compatibility/availability of other hardware components (such as "
#~ "video and network cards) may be required for specific installation modes "
#~ "and/or post-installation usage."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "对于特定的安装方式和/或安装后用途,可能需要满足其他硬件组件 (例如显卡和网"
#~ "卡) 的相容性。"

#~ msgid "CPU Requirements"
#~ msgstr "CPU 需求"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "This section lists the disk space required to install Fedora Core ."
#~ msgstr "这一章列出了安装 Fedora Core &DISTROVER; test1 的内存需求"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "This section lists the memory required to install Fedora Core ."
#~ msgstr "这一章列出了安装 Fedora Core &DISTROVER; test1 的内存需求"

#~ msgid "This list is for 32-bit x86 systems:"
#~ msgstr "此列表针对 32 位 x86 系统:"

#~ msgid "Minimum for text-mode: 64MB"
#~ msgstr "文本模式最小值:64MiB"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Installer package screen selection interface is being redesigned in the "
#~ "Fedora development version. Fedora Core does not provide an option to "
#~ "select the installation type such as Personal Desktop, Workstation, "
#~ "Server and custom."
#~ msgstr "安装程序正在重新设计。Fedora Core &LOCALVER; 未提供安装类型选项。"

#~ msgid "x86_64 Installation Notes"
#~ msgstr "x86_64 安装要点"

#~ msgid "No differences installing for x86_64."
#~ msgstr "X86_64 安装与此相同。"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This section lists the minimum PowerPC (PPC) hardware needed to install "
#~ "Fedora Core 4."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "这一章列出了在 PowerPC (PPC) 上安装 Fedora Core &LOCALVER; 的最小硬件需"
#~ "求。"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The bootloader should automatically boot the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit "
#~ "installer. Power management support, including sleep and backlight level "
#~ "management, is present in the apmud package, which is in Fedora Extras. "
#~ "Fedora Extras for Fedora Core is configured by default for yum. Following "
#~ "installation, apmud can be installed by running yum install apmud."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "引导程序自动启动适当的 32 位或 64 位安装程序。电源管理支持,包括休眠和背光"
#~ "级别管理,包含在 <command>apmud</command> 软件包中,可以在 Fedora Extras 中找"
#~ "到。与 Fedora Core 匹配的 Fedora Extras 默认已为 <command>yum</command> 配置好"
#~ "了。安装系统后,可以在终端中运行 <command>yum install apmud</command> 来安"
#~ "装 <command>apmud</command>。"

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