Makefile Makefile.old Makefile.publican

Paul W. Frields pfrields at
Tue Oct 21 23:48:34 UTC 2008

 Makefile          |  301 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 Makefile.old      |  295 ----------------------------------------------------
 Makefile.publican |   14 ++
 3 files changed, 305 insertions(+), 305 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 2a02f81926611a4b855ee1b0cdf0e5edda008122
Author: Paul W. Frields <stickster at>
Date:   Tue Oct 21 19:48:26 2008 -0400

    Rearrange Makefiles to match other modules and use fedora-doc-utils

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8bc7030..b472df2 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,14 +1,295 @@
-#Makefile for Release Notes
+# Fedora Documentation Project Per-document Makefile
+# License: GPL
+# Copyright 2005,2006 Tommy Reynolds,
+# Document-specific definitions.
+DOCBASE        	= Release_Notes
-DOC_TYPE	= Article
-DOCNAME		= Release_Notes
-PRODUCT		= Fedora
-BRAND		= fedora
+# Special legalnotice for this document:
+LEGALNOTICEBASE	=legalnotice-relnotes
+# Special basename for packaging:
+PKGNAME		=fedora-release-notes
+# Special PKGRPMFLAGS to keep Rawhide happy for f13
+PKGRPMFLAGS	=--define "_topdir ${PWD}" --define "_specdir ${PWD}" --define "_sourcedir ${PWD}" --define "_srcrpmdir ${PWD}" --define "_rpmdir ${PWD}"
+# Use a special POTBASE to keep that filename equivalent to the module
+# while still allowing ALL-CAPS filename generation.
+POTBASE		=release-notes
+# Set stylesheet modifier so we can make all locale-specific HTML builds
+# of the release notes look for their supporting files in one place.
+#XMLTOOPTS	=-m relnotes-pkg.xsl
+# List each XML file of your document in the template below.  Append the 
+# path to each file to the "XMLFILES-${1}" string.  Use a backslash if you
+# need additional lines.  Here, we have one extra file "en/para.xml"; that
+# gets written as "${1}/para.xml" because later, make(1) will need to compute
+# the necesssary filenames.  Oh, do NOT include "fdp-info.xml" because that's
+# a generated file and we already know about that one...
-#OTHER_LANGS	= as-IN bn-IN de-DE es-ES fr-FR gu-IN hi-IN it-IT ja-JP kn-IN ko-KR ml-IN mr-IN or-IN pa-IN pt-BR ru-RU si-LK ta-IN te-IN zh-CN zh-TW
+define XMLFILES_template
-COMMON_CONFIG  = /usr/share/publican
-include $(COMMON_CONFIG)/make/Makefile.common
+XMLFILES-${1}=	${1}/Architecture_specific_notes.xml \
+		${1}/Are_There_Hideous_Bugs_and_Terrible_Tigers.xml \
+		${1}/Article_Info.xml \
+		${1}/Author_Group.xml \
+		${1}/Backwards_compatibility.xml \
+		${1}/Colophon.xml \
+		${1}/Development.xml \
+		${1}/Embedded.xml \
+		${1}/Fedora_10_boot-time.xml \
+		${1}/Fedora_10_overview.xml \
+		${1}/Fedora_desktop.xml \
+		${1}/Fedora_Live_images.xml \
+		${1}/Fedora_Project.xml \
+		${1}/Feedback.xml \
+		${1}/File_servers.xml \
+		${1}/File_systems.xml \
+		${1}/Games_and_entertainment.xml \
+		${1}/Hardware_overview.xml \
+		${1}/How_are_Things_for_Developers.xml \
+		${1}/Installation_notes.xml \
+		${1}/International_language_support.xml \
+		${1}/Introduction_to_Fedora_Project_and_technical_release_notes.xml \
+		${1}/Java.xml \
+		${1}/KDE_3_development_platform_and_libraries.xml \
+		${1}/legalnotice.xml \
+		${1}/Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.xml \
+		${1}/Legal.xml \
+		${1}/Linux_kernel.xml \
+		${1}/Mail_servers.xml \
+		${1}/Multimedia.xml \
+		${1}/Networking.xml \
+		${1}/Package_changes.xml \
+		${1}/Package_notes.xml \
+		${1}/PPC_specifics_for_Fedora.xml \
+		${1}/Printing.xml \
+		${1}/Release_Notes.xml \
+		${1}/Revision_History.xml \
+		${1}/Samba_-_Windows_compatibility.xml \
+		${1}/Security.xml \
+		${1}/Server_tools.xml \
+		${1}/System_services.xml \
+		${1}/Tools.xml \
+		${1}/Updated_packages_in_Fedora_10.xml \
+		${1}/Upfront_About_Multimedia.xml \
+		${1}/Virtualization.xml \
+		${1}/Web_servers.xml \
+		${1}/Welcome_to_Fedora_10.xml \
+		${1}/Welcome_to_Fedora.xml \
+		${1}/What_Do_System_Administrators_Care_About.xml \
+		${1}/What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.xml \
+		${1}/What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.xml \
+		${1}/x86_64_specifics_for_Fedora.xml \
+		${1}/x86_specifics_for_Fedora.xml \
+		${1}/X_Window_system_-_graphics.xml
+define find-makefile-common 
+for d in docs-common ../docs-common ../../docs-common; do \
+if [ -f $$d/Makefile.common ]; then echo "$$d/Makefile.common"; break; fi; done 
+include $(shell $(find-makefile-common))
+# If you want to add additional steps to any of the 
+# targets defined in "Makefile.common", be sure to use
+# a double-colon in your rule here.  For example, to 
+# print the message "FINISHED AT LAST" after building 
+# the HTML document version, uncomment the following 
+# line:
+# These rules are for use in packaging the release notes for an ISO
+# spin.  To do so, just run "make release-pkg" and out pops a shiny
+# tarball named "${PKGNAME}-<VER>.tar.gz where <VER> is the FC
+# release (5.91, 6, etc.).
+define PKGHTML_NOCHUNKS_template
+.PHONY: pkghtml-nochunks-${1}
+pkghtml-nochunks-${1}:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${DOCBASE}-${1}.html
+$(eval PKGFILES-${1}+=${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${DOCBASE}-${1}.html)
+${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${DOCBASE}-${1}.html:: ${DOCBASE}-${1}.html
+	mkdir -p ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
+	cp ${DOCBASE}-${1}.html $$@
+$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PKGHTML_NOCHUNKS_template,${L})))
+define PKGXML_template
+.PHONY: pkgxml-${1}
+pkgxml-${1}:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/ghelp/${1}/${DOCBASE}.xml
+$(eval PKGFILES-${1}+=${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/ghelp/${1}/${DOCBASE}.xml)
+${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/ghelp/${1}/${DOCBASE}.xml:: ${XMLFILES-${1}} \
+		${XMLDEPFILES-${1}}
+	mkdir -p ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/ghelp/${1}
+	${XMLLINT} ${XMLLINTOPT} ${1}/${DOCBASE}.xml > $$@
+$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PKGXML_template,${L})))
+define PKGTXT_template
+.PHONY: pkgtxt-${1}
+pkgtxt-${1}:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${DOCBASE}-${1}.txt
+$(eval PKGFILES-${1}+=${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${DOCBASE}-${1}.txt)
+${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${DOCBASE}-${1}.txt:: ${DOCBASE}-${1}.txt
+	mkdir -p ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
+	cp ${DOCBASE}-${1}.txt $$@
+$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PKGTXT_template,${L})))
+define PKG_template
+.PHONY: release-pkg-${1}
+release-pkg-${1}:: ${PKGFILES-${1}}
+	@echo "PKGFILES-${1}=${PKGFILES-${1}}"
+$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PKG_template,${L})))
+# This could be combined with OMFVAR_template later...
+define PKGOMFVAR_template
+$(foreach F,${OMFINFILES},$(eval PKGOMFFILES-${1}+=$(patsubst \
+,$(if $(findstring ${PRI_LANG},${1}),%-C.omf,%-${1}.omf), \
+	${F})))
+	@echo "PKGOMFFILES-${1}=\"${PKGOMFFILES-${1}}\""
+$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PKGOMFVAR_template,${L})))
+define PKGOMF_DOC_template
+.PHONY: pkgomf-${1}-${2}
+ifeq "${2}" "${PRI_LANG}"
+pkgomf-${1}-${2}:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${1}-C.omf
+${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${1}-C.omf:: ${2}/${1}.omf
+	mkdir -p ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
+	cp ${2}/${1}.omf $$@
+pkgomf-${1}-${2}:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${1}-${2}.omf
+${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${1}-${2}.omf:: ${2}/${1}.omf
+	mkdir -p ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
+	cp ${2}/${1}.omf $$@
+$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES}, \
+	$(foreach F,$(patsubst,%,${OMFINFILES}), \
+		$(eval $(call PKGOMF_DOC_template,${F},${L}))))
+define PKGOMF_template
+.PHONY: pkgomf-${1}
+pkgomf-${1}::  $(foreach F,${PKGOMFFILES-${1}},${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${F})
+$(eval PKGFILES-${1}+=$(foreach F,${PKGOMFFILES-${1}},${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${F}))
+$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PKGOMF_template,${L})))
+.PHONY: release-pkg
+release-pkg:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz
+${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz:: $(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},${PKGFILES-${L}})
+	cp -a --parents css/*css fedora.css stylesheet-images/*png ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
+	cp -a README-Accessibility ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
+	tar czf ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
+	${RM} -rf ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz
+	${RM} -rf ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
+	@printf ${TFMT} 'release-pkg' 'Make a tarball suitable for import to Core'
+# To build the SRPM, you must build "make release-pkg" in the following
+# modules and copy the resulting tarball to this module:
+#   about-fedora/
+#   homepage/
+#   readme/
+#   readme-burning-isos/
+#   readme-live-image/
+# Make sure that each external module's rpm-info defines the latest
+# version the same as in this module's specfile.
+FDPCVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous at
+	test -d homepage && (cd homepage ; cvs up) || \
+		cvs -d ${FDPCVSROOT} co homepage-devel-dir
+	(cd homepage ; make release-pkg)
+	cp -u homepage/$@ .
+	rm -f homepage-${VERSION}.tar.gz
+	rm -rf homepage
+	test -d about-fedora && (cd about-fedora ; cvs up) || \
+		cvs -d ${FDPCVSROOT} co about-fedora-devel-dir
+	(cd about-fedora ; make release-pkg)
+	cp -u about-fedora/$@ .
+	rm -f about-fedora-${VERSION}.tar.gz
+	rm -rf about-fedora
+	test -d readme && (cd readme ; cvs up) || \
+		cvs -d ${FDPCVSROOT} co readme-devel-dir
+	(cd readme ; make release-pkg)
+	cp -u readme/$@ .
+	rm -f README-${VERSION}.tar.gz
+	rm -rf readme
+	test -d readme-burning-isos && (cd readme-burning-isos ; cvs up) || \
+		cvs -d ${FDPCVSROOT} co readme-burning-isos-devel-dir
+	(cd readme-burning-isos ; make release-pkg)
+	cp -u readme-burning-isos/$@ .
+	rm -rf readme-burning-isos
+	test -d readme-live-image && (cd readme-live-image ; cvs up) || \
+		cvs -d ${FDPCVSROOT} co readme-live-image-devel-dir
+	(cd readme-live-image ; make release-pkg)
+	cp -u readme-live-image/$@ .
+	rm -f readme-live-image-${VERSION}.tar.gz
+	rm -rf readme-live-image
+.PHONY: release-srpm
+release-srpm:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}.src.rpm
+${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}.src.rpm::  ${SPECFILE} \
+		${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz \
+		homepage-${VERSION}.tar.gz \
+		about-fedora-${VERSION}.tar.gz \
+		README-${VERSION}.tar.gz \
+		readme-live-image-${VERSION}.tar.gz
+	rpmbuild -bs ${PKGRPMFLAGS} ${SPECFILE}
+	${RM} -rf ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}.src.rpm
+	@printf ${TFMT} 'release-srpm' 'Make a SRPM suitable for import to Core'
diff --git a/Makefile.old b/Makefile.old
deleted file mode 100644
index b472df2..0000000
--- a/Makefile.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-# Fedora Documentation Project Per-document Makefile
-# License: GPL
-# Copyright 2005,2006 Tommy Reynolds,
-# Document-specific definitions.
-DOCBASE        	= Release_Notes
-# Special legalnotice for this document:
-LEGALNOTICEBASE	=legalnotice-relnotes
-# Special basename for packaging:
-PKGNAME		=fedora-release-notes
-# Special PKGRPMFLAGS to keep Rawhide happy for f13
-PKGRPMFLAGS	=--define "_topdir ${PWD}" --define "_specdir ${PWD}" --define "_sourcedir ${PWD}" --define "_srcrpmdir ${PWD}" --define "_rpmdir ${PWD}"
-# Use a special POTBASE to keep that filename equivalent to the module
-# while still allowing ALL-CAPS filename generation.
-POTBASE		=release-notes
-# Set stylesheet modifier so we can make all locale-specific HTML builds
-# of the release notes look for their supporting files in one place.
-#XMLTOOPTS	=-m relnotes-pkg.xsl
-# List each XML file of your document in the template below.  Append the 
-# path to each file to the "XMLFILES-${1}" string.  Use a backslash if you
-# need additional lines.  Here, we have one extra file "en/para.xml"; that
-# gets written as "${1}/para.xml" because later, make(1) will need to compute
-# the necesssary filenames.  Oh, do NOT include "fdp-info.xml" because that's
-# a generated file and we already know about that one...
-define XMLFILES_template
-XMLFILES-${1}=	${1}/Architecture_specific_notes.xml \
-		${1}/Are_There_Hideous_Bugs_and_Terrible_Tigers.xml \
-		${1}/Article_Info.xml \
-		${1}/Author_Group.xml \
-		${1}/Backwards_compatibility.xml \
-		${1}/Colophon.xml \
-		${1}/Development.xml \
-		${1}/Embedded.xml \
-		${1}/Fedora_10_boot-time.xml \
-		${1}/Fedora_10_overview.xml \
-		${1}/Fedora_desktop.xml \
-		${1}/Fedora_Live_images.xml \
-		${1}/Fedora_Project.xml \
-		${1}/Feedback.xml \
-		${1}/File_servers.xml \
-		${1}/File_systems.xml \
-		${1}/Games_and_entertainment.xml \
-		${1}/Hardware_overview.xml \
-		${1}/How_are_Things_for_Developers.xml \
-		${1}/Installation_notes.xml \
-		${1}/International_language_support.xml \
-		${1}/Introduction_to_Fedora_Project_and_technical_release_notes.xml \
-		${1}/Java.xml \
-		${1}/KDE_3_development_platform_and_libraries.xml \
-		${1}/legalnotice.xml \
-		${1}/Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.xml \
-		${1}/Legal.xml \
-		${1}/Linux_kernel.xml \
-		${1}/Mail_servers.xml \
-		${1}/Multimedia.xml \
-		${1}/Networking.xml \
-		${1}/Package_changes.xml \
-		${1}/Package_notes.xml \
-		${1}/PPC_specifics_for_Fedora.xml \
-		${1}/Printing.xml \
-		${1}/Release_Notes.xml \
-		${1}/Revision_History.xml \
-		${1}/Samba_-_Windows_compatibility.xml \
-		${1}/Security.xml \
-		${1}/Server_tools.xml \
-		${1}/System_services.xml \
-		${1}/Tools.xml \
-		${1}/Updated_packages_in_Fedora_10.xml \
-		${1}/Upfront_About_Multimedia.xml \
-		${1}/Virtualization.xml \
-		${1}/Web_servers.xml \
-		${1}/Welcome_to_Fedora_10.xml \
-		${1}/Welcome_to_Fedora.xml \
-		${1}/What_Do_System_Administrators_Care_About.xml \
-		${1}/What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.xml \
-		${1}/What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.xml \
-		${1}/x86_64_specifics_for_Fedora.xml \
-		${1}/x86_specifics_for_Fedora.xml \
-		${1}/X_Window_system_-_graphics.xml
-define find-makefile-common 
-for d in docs-common ../docs-common ../../docs-common; do \
-if [ -f $$d/Makefile.common ]; then echo "$$d/Makefile.common"; break; fi; done 
-include $(shell $(find-makefile-common))
-# If you want to add additional steps to any of the 
-# targets defined in "Makefile.common", be sure to use
-# a double-colon in your rule here.  For example, to 
-# print the message "FINISHED AT LAST" after building 
-# the HTML document version, uncomment the following 
-# line:
-# These rules are for use in packaging the release notes for an ISO
-# spin.  To do so, just run "make release-pkg" and out pops a shiny
-# tarball named "${PKGNAME}-<VER>.tar.gz where <VER> is the FC
-# release (5.91, 6, etc.).
-define PKGHTML_NOCHUNKS_template
-.PHONY: pkghtml-nochunks-${1}
-pkghtml-nochunks-${1}:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${DOCBASE}-${1}.html
-$(eval PKGFILES-${1}+=${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${DOCBASE}-${1}.html)
-${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${DOCBASE}-${1}.html:: ${DOCBASE}-${1}.html
-	mkdir -p ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
-	cp ${DOCBASE}-${1}.html $$@
-$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PKGHTML_NOCHUNKS_template,${L})))
-define PKGXML_template
-.PHONY: pkgxml-${1}
-pkgxml-${1}:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/ghelp/${1}/${DOCBASE}.xml
-$(eval PKGFILES-${1}+=${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/ghelp/${1}/${DOCBASE}.xml)
-${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/ghelp/${1}/${DOCBASE}.xml:: ${XMLFILES-${1}} \
-		${XMLDEPFILES-${1}}
-	mkdir -p ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/ghelp/${1}
-	${XMLLINT} ${XMLLINTOPT} ${1}/${DOCBASE}.xml > $$@
-$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PKGXML_template,${L})))
-define PKGTXT_template
-.PHONY: pkgtxt-${1}
-pkgtxt-${1}:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${DOCBASE}-${1}.txt
-$(eval PKGFILES-${1}+=${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${DOCBASE}-${1}.txt)
-${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${DOCBASE}-${1}.txt:: ${DOCBASE}-${1}.txt
-	mkdir -p ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
-	cp ${DOCBASE}-${1}.txt $$@
-$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PKGTXT_template,${L})))
-define PKG_template
-.PHONY: release-pkg-${1}
-release-pkg-${1}:: ${PKGFILES-${1}}
-	@echo "PKGFILES-${1}=${PKGFILES-${1}}"
-$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PKG_template,${L})))
-# This could be combined with OMFVAR_template later...
-define PKGOMFVAR_template
-$(foreach F,${OMFINFILES},$(eval PKGOMFFILES-${1}+=$(patsubst \
-,$(if $(findstring ${PRI_LANG},${1}),%-C.omf,%-${1}.omf), \
-	${F})))
-	@echo "PKGOMFFILES-${1}=\"${PKGOMFFILES-${1}}\""
-$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PKGOMFVAR_template,${L})))
-define PKGOMF_DOC_template
-.PHONY: pkgomf-${1}-${2}
-ifeq "${2}" "${PRI_LANG}"
-pkgomf-${1}-${2}:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${1}-C.omf
-${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${1}-C.omf:: ${2}/${1}.omf
-	mkdir -p ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
-	cp ${2}/${1}.omf $$@
-pkgomf-${1}-${2}:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${1}-${2}.omf
-${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${1}-${2}.omf:: ${2}/${1}.omf
-	mkdir -p ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
-	cp ${2}/${1}.omf $$@
-$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES}, \
-	$(foreach F,$(patsubst,%,${OMFINFILES}), \
-		$(eval $(call PKGOMF_DOC_template,${F},${L}))))
-define PKGOMF_template
-.PHONY: pkgomf-${1}
-pkgomf-${1}::  $(foreach F,${PKGOMFFILES-${1}},${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${F})
-$(eval PKGFILES-${1}+=$(foreach F,${PKGOMFFILES-${1}},${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}/${F}))
-$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call PKGOMF_template,${L})))
-.PHONY: release-pkg
-release-pkg:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz
-${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz:: $(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},${PKGFILES-${L}})
-	cp -a --parents css/*css fedora.css stylesheet-images/*png ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
-	cp -a README-Accessibility ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
-	tar czf ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
-	${RM} -rf ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz
-	${RM} -rf ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}
-	@printf ${TFMT} 'release-pkg' 'Make a tarball suitable for import to Core'
-# To build the SRPM, you must build "make release-pkg" in the following
-# modules and copy the resulting tarball to this module:
-#   about-fedora/
-#   homepage/
-#   readme/
-#   readme-burning-isos/
-#   readme-live-image/
-# Make sure that each external module's rpm-info defines the latest
-# version the same as in this module's specfile.
-FDPCVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous at
-	test -d homepage && (cd homepage ; cvs up) || \
-		cvs -d ${FDPCVSROOT} co homepage-devel-dir
-	(cd homepage ; make release-pkg)
-	cp -u homepage/$@ .
-	rm -f homepage-${VERSION}.tar.gz
-	rm -rf homepage
-	test -d about-fedora && (cd about-fedora ; cvs up) || \
-		cvs -d ${FDPCVSROOT} co about-fedora-devel-dir
-	(cd about-fedora ; make release-pkg)
-	cp -u about-fedora/$@ .
-	rm -f about-fedora-${VERSION}.tar.gz
-	rm -rf about-fedora
-	test -d readme && (cd readme ; cvs up) || \
-		cvs -d ${FDPCVSROOT} co readme-devel-dir
-	(cd readme ; make release-pkg)
-	cp -u readme/$@ .
-	rm -f README-${VERSION}.tar.gz
-	rm -rf readme
-	test -d readme-burning-isos && (cd readme-burning-isos ; cvs up) || \
-		cvs -d ${FDPCVSROOT} co readme-burning-isos-devel-dir
-	(cd readme-burning-isos ; make release-pkg)
-	cp -u readme-burning-isos/$@ .
-	rm -rf readme-burning-isos
-	test -d readme-live-image && (cd readme-live-image ; cvs up) || \
-		cvs -d ${FDPCVSROOT} co readme-live-image-devel-dir
-	(cd readme-live-image ; make release-pkg)
-	cp -u readme-live-image/$@ .
-	rm -f readme-live-image-${VERSION}.tar.gz
-	rm -rf readme-live-image
-.PHONY: release-srpm
-release-srpm:: ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}.src.rpm
-${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}.src.rpm::  ${SPECFILE} \
-		${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz \
-		homepage-${VERSION}.tar.gz \
-		about-fedora-${VERSION}.tar.gz \
-		README-${VERSION}.tar.gz \
-		readme-live-image-${VERSION}.tar.gz
-	rpmbuild -bs ${PKGRPMFLAGS} ${SPECFILE}
-	${RM} -rf ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}.src.rpm
-	@printf ${TFMT} 'release-srpm' 'Make a SRPM suitable for import to Core'
diff --git a/Makefile.publican b/Makefile.publican
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bc7030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.publican
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#Makefile for Release Notes
+DOC_TYPE	= Article
+DOCNAME		= Release_Notes
+PRODUCT		= Fedora
+BRAND		= fedora
+#OTHER_LANGS	= as-IN bn-IN de-DE es-ES fr-FR gu-IN hi-IN it-IT ja-JP kn-IN ko-KR ml-IN mr-IN or-IN pa-IN pt-BR ru-RU si-LK ta-IN te-IN zh-CN zh-TW
+COMMON_CONFIG  = /usr/share/publican
+include $(COMMON_CONFIG)/make/Makefile.common

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