
John J. McDonough jjmcd at fedoraproject.org
Thu Apr 2 13:42:05 UTC 2009

 en-US/Desktop.xml |  105 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 6f71f8344c111ece0c8572f8dd931b22deaab1da
Author: John J. McDonough <jjmcd at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Thu Apr 2 09:41:19 2009 -0400

    Correct tagging bug in Desktop.xml
    Unclosed package tag

diff --git a/en-US/Desktop.xml b/en-US/Desktop.xml
index 72981a9..99ae022 100644
--- a/en-US/Desktop.xml
+++ b/en-US/Desktop.xml
@@ -133,57 +133,60 @@
-		  	<listitem>
-		  		<para>
-		  			kde-plasma-networkmanagement replaces knetworkmanager. It has also been made available as an update for Fedora 10, but does not replace knetworkmanager there. Please note that the nm-applet from NetworkManager-gnome is still the default NetworkManager applet in Fedora 11. 
-		  		</para>
-		  	</listitem>
-			<listitem>
-			  <para>
-			    A KDE frontend for
-			    <package>PolicyKit</package> is now
-			    provided in the new
-			    <package>PolicyKit-kde</package>
-			    package. It replaces
-			    <package>PolicyKit-gnome</package> on the
-			    KDE Live CD. It includes both an
-			    authentication agent and an editor for
-			    authorization settings
-			    (<command>polkit-kde-authorization</command>).
-			  </para>
-			</listitem>
-			<listitem>
-			  <para>
-			    As KDE 4.2 includes a power management
-			    service,
-			    <application>PowerDevil</application>, as
-			    part of
-			    <package>kdebase-workspace</package>, the
-			    old <package>kpowersave</package> and
-			    <package>guidance-power-manager</package>
-			    packages have been dropped. Users
-			    upgrading from earlier Fedora releases
-			    should add the <application>Battery
-			    Status</application> plasmoid to their
-			    panel, which serves as a frontend for
-			    <application>PowerDevil</application>.
-			  </para>
-			</listitem>
-			<listitem>
-			  <para>
-			    The <package>kdeartwork</package> package
-			    has been split into subpackages to allow
-			    installing specific artwork items without
-			    the huge wallpapers and sounds. In Fedora
-			    9 and 10 updates, these subpackages are
-			    required by the main package to ensure
-			    upgrade paths. In Fedora 11, these
-			    artificial dependencies have been removed,
-			    thus
-			    <package>kdeartwork-wallpapers</package>
-			    and <package>kdeartwork-sounds</package
-			    can be installed or removed separately.
-			  </para>
+		    <listitem>
+		      <para>
+			kde-plasma-networkmanagement replaces
+			knetworkmanager. It has also been made
+			available as an update for Fedora 10, but does
+			not replace knetworkmanager there. Please note
+			that the nm-applet from NetworkManager-gnome
+			is still the default NetworkManager applet in
+			Fedora 11.
+		      </para>
+		    </listitem>
+		    <listitem>
+		      <para>
+			A KDE frontend for
+			<package>PolicyKit</package> is now provided
+			in the new <package>PolicyKit-kde</package>
+			package. It replaces
+			<package>PolicyKit-gnome</package> on the KDE
+			Live CD. It includes both an authentication
+			agent and an editor for authorization settings
+			(<command>polkit-kde-authorization</command>).
+		      </para>
+		    </listitem>
+		    <listitem>
+		      <para>
+			As KDE 4.2 includes a power management
+			service,
+			<application>PowerDevil</application>, as part
+			of <package>kdebase-workspace</package>, the
+			old <package>kpowersave</package> and
+			<package>guidance-power-manager</package>
+			packages have been dropped. Users upgrading
+			from earlier Fedora releases should add the
+			<application>Battery Status</application>
+			plasmoid to their panel, which serves as a
+			frontend for
+			<application>PowerDevil</application>.
+		      </para>
+		    </listitem>
+		    <listitem>
+		      <para>
+			The <package>kdeartwork</package> package has
+			been split into subpackages to allow
+			installing specific artwork items without the
+			huge wallpapers and sounds. In Fedora 9 and 10
+			updates, these subpackages are required by the
+			main package to ensure upgrade paths. In
+			Fedora 11, these artificial dependencies have
+			been removed, thus
+			<package>kdeartwork-wallpapers</package> and
+			<package>kdeartwork-sounds</package> can be
+			installed or removed separately.
+		      </para>
+		    </listitem>
 				In addition, the following changes made since the Fedora 10 release, which have been backported to Fedora 10 updates, are also part of Fedora 11: 

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