more defined process

Mark Johnson mjohnson at
Sat Aug 14 00:42:12 UTC 2004

Tammy Fox wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 16:12, Karsten Wade wrote:
>>On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 10:02, Tammy Fox wrote:
>>>I still haven't finished reading the mailing list since I started my
>>>maternity leave, so forgive me if this has already been discussed.
>>Most of the good stuff has been in the last month or so. :)
>>>I am putting together a Quick Guide for this interested in learning how
>>>to participate since I get emails daily asking. It also helps define the
>>>life cycle of a tutorial.
>>This is a good idea, a gap that needs filling.  Mark Johnson is also
>>starting work on something with a name like Quick Start Guide, but it
>>has a different scope.  The purpose is to get people who know the tools
>>involved a way to get quickly started, a sort of distillation of the Doc
>>Just bringing that up because the titles are similar, but the purposes
>>are not, and there is room for both.  Just not with the same title. :)
> Mark, if you are on this list, can you add a Bugzilla entry for it and
> link it to the tracker for docs in progress? That way, no one else will
> start working on the same thing.

That's a can-do, Tammy. Gimme a day or two, as I'm still learning 
the gudzilla system:)

Mark Johnson                     <mjohnson at>
Red Hat Documentation Group      <>
Tel: 919.754.4151                Fax: 919.754.3708
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