
Colin Charles byte at aeon.com.my
Sun Aug 15 13:15:21 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 03:56, Karsten Wade wrote:

(In re-response, since earlier I mentioned the editor list, and now I've
re-read the post :P)

> * Should there be an editorial board?  Such a board would oversee the
> Fedora docs, make sure we are adhering to our standards, filling in
> holes, following or advancing our process, etc.

Probably a good idea

> * Separate mailing list for editors?  Or just accept that
> fedora-docs-list gets busier with traffic between editors and authors.

No, one list. Mailing list, Bugzilla, and that's enough traffic - let's
not have another list 

> * Also, much of the editing traffic can be in bugzilla, as each document
> will have it's own bug throughout it's lifecycle.

Yup, this is the way. Might I also discourage hosting documents on
external sites? Using Bugzilla's "attach file" will work

> * The board needs to have an odd number of people so that if consensus
> can't be reached, a majority vote without a tie is possible. 

Good idea :P Or we can just set Tammy or you as the tie-breaker...

> * Editorial board could just form like Voltron right now from available
> interested parties (myself included there, please), and proceed with
> some process defining.

So there's you, there's Paul, Dave probably yes, Tammy is most likely a
definite, I wouldn't mind, who else? Speak up folk :P
Colin Charles, byte at aeon.com.my
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, 
then you win." -- Mohandas Gandhi

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