FedoraCommunity.org (was:Re: fedora-docs bugs)

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Fri Aug 27 22:32:55 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-08-24 at 18:57, Colin Charles wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-08-14 at 06:07, Hoyt wrote:
> > If someone hosted a static page with a URL of fedoracommunity.org 
> > gateway-style that provided a list of non-RH community-based resources, 
> > including Google search hints and un-commented links to Fedora-related sites, 
> > that should easily pass muster for mention in the README.
> No, you are mistaken

JFYI to the group, the point was resolved after Hoyt wrote the paragraph
above, with text from the guy who is a lawyer. :)


Should we add that text to a References <section> in every document that
wants to refer to sources of information outside of the guide itself?

That References <section> would include listing other Fedora docs, but
would not specify any non-Fedora URL or project name, instead suggesting
a Google search.

IMO, this is also more useful to our readers -- our docs aren't
populated with links liable to get outdated or be difficult to 
maintain, and readers get access to popular and useful sources of

- Karsten
Karsten Wade, RHCE, Tech Writer
a lemon is just a melon in disguise
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