screenshot instructions

Dashamir Hoxha dasho at
Wed Sep 1 07:09:15 UTC 2004

On Tuesday 31 August 2004 06:46 pm, Tammy Fox wrote:
> The instructions for taking screenshots has been posted:

> Omit the username and machine information, and separate 
> what the user types  from sample command output. Also, 
> in screen tags, what the user types should be in userinput tags, 
> and what the user is shown as output should be in computeroutput
> tags.

I would suggest something like this:

* Everything inside a <screen> tag is assumed by default as 
  computeroutput, unless otherwise stated.

* The prompt should be denoted like this: <prompt>bash#</prompt>
  or <prompt>bash$</prompt> (depending on whether it is the root
  or any user). 

* Commands are placed inside a <command> element.

* The text inputed by the users, other that commands, e.g. in
  interactive programs, is placed inside a <userinput> element.

What do you think? Does it become too complicated?


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