Self-Introduction: Stanton Finley

Stanton Finley stanfinley at
Tue Aug 16 04:26:13 UTC 2005

Stanton Max Finley 
      * Location: Tremonton, Utah, USA
      * Profession: Maintenance electrician - Industrial Computerized
        Control Systems
      * Company: The Malt-O-Meal Company
      * Goals in the Fedora Project:
              * Composing, proofreading, and editing
                installation/configuration documentation for Fedora Core
              * Composing, proofreading, and editing
                installation/configuration documentation for Fedora Core
                compatible third party software applications for parties
                who own or believe they own licenses for such software
              * Editing for grammar/writing and/or technical accuracy
              * Assisting the the dissemination, popularization and
                marketing of Fedora Core as an alternative operating
      * Historical qualifications:
              * Technical writing, quality control documentation, style
                and grammatical editing
              * Word processing, database, spreadsheet, bit-mapped and
                vector graphics
              * Web page creation, HTML, XHTML, PHP, Perl, MySQL
              * Digital art and graphics creation
              * Project Management skills
              * Author of the "Fedora Core 4 Linux Installation Notes"
                series at
              * Contributor to
      * GPG KEYID and fingerprint:
                pub   1024D/7DBFA5D2 2005-08-15
                      Key fingerprint = B5BB BFCD 2688 0A71 BB22  474E 27BD 80FC 7DBF A5D2
                uid                  Stanton Finley (stan) <stanfinley at>
                sub   2048g/9D6E797E 2005-08-15
Stanton Finley stanfinley <at>
gpg fingerprint: B5BB BFCD 2688 0A71 BB22  474E 27BD 80FC 7DBF A5D2

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