Michael Hideo-Smith

Michael H. Smith mhideo at redhat.com
Thu Jun 23 00:09:24 UTC 2005

Michael Hideo-Smith
Alderley, Australia
Red Hat Asia-Pacific

o Promote OSS Input Methods for complex text languages (scim & iiimf)
o Promote fonts

Historical Qualifications:
BFA, Filmic Writing, University of Southern CA 1995
Story Analyst, (covers) New Line Cinema, 1990-1994

o Social Security Administration, Washington Information Network I & II, 
InfoLA, InfoBrisbane, Utah QuickCourts, Arizona Quickcourts, LegalAid 

o Metrocops, Scouts, 1997, Hollowpoint, Tokyo/Kansas, Love and Rockets 
o Mermaids, Permanent-Part Time, Rising Son (short stories)

Additional Skills:
o Editor, speed-reading

What makes you an excellent match for the project?
o Love of writing and strong desire to ensure people in developing nations can 
get access to  input method writing technologies and fonts to do homeowork, 
write poetry, short stories, love letters without paying a M$ tax.

pub  1024D/1FFB1F47 2005-06-22 Michael Hideo Smith (Internationalisation) 
<mhideo at redhat.com>
     Key fingerprint = 8086 5DB8 B297 C4D6 E3BB  4FA9 4C5B D8FD 1FFB 1F47
sub  1024g/954B8DDD 2005-06-22 [expires: 2008-06-21]


Michael H. Smith       Red Hat Asia-Pacific
Ph: +61 7 3514 8103    Level 2/5 Gardner Close 
Fx: +61 7 3514 8199    Milton, QLD  4064
Mb: +61 418 182 451    Australia

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