Fedora websites mailing list and Wiki ownership

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Sun Oct 30 18:54:17 UTC 2005


We have been managing feedback on the official Fedora websites, 
currently http://fedora.redhat.com and http://fedoraproject.org/wiki 
through bugzilla and discussions in the marketing list. It makes sense 
to have a independent mailing list -> fedora-websites-list which can 
also be used for discussing wiki pages. The wiki has good amount of 
community buy-in and the amount of content being added is growing 
rapidly. While this is indeed a positive development we need to make 
sure the content is organized and kept updated.

Patrick Barnes has been keeping a good eye on this in general and I 
guess we can declare him the wiki master which is essentially the role 
he is performing .Going ahead, it might be a good idea to introduce a 
concept of "ownership" to each of the wiki pages.  Every page would have 
a comment on top which declares the owner. Everyone in the edit group 
should have their own wiki pages filled out with atleast the contact 
information . Every page is also subscribed atleast by the owner of that 
page to monitor changes and keep the content relevant and updated.

This process would help us make sure that unmaintained pages are marked 
as such and provide hints to users on what could be potentially 
outdated. It would also provide a list of pages that new wiki users can 
take care of and it provides accountability for the wiki itself.

Suggestions welcome.


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