Wiki work needed

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Wed Apr 4 17:57:36 UTC 2007

Paul W. Frields wrote:
> Can anyone accept the following mission:
> 11:12:01 < f13> stickster_work: I'm going to be lame and point out a
> wiki page that needs editing, but without doing it myself or providing
> content for you :/
> 11:12:54 < f13> stickster_work:
> this page doesn't seem to reflect the core/extras merger stuff, nor the
> wiki changes mether did around organizing Fedora Packagers and such at
> Would someone like to take the task of fixing the HelpWanted page to
> agree with Rahul's recent edits at PackageMaintainers?  The objective is
> to properly portray the package collection as being unified rather than
> split into Core and Extras.

I missed out this page. Fixed now. Karsten, you created the Join page. 
Can you merge the content with HelpWanted?


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