changed filename 'dir' tags

Paul W. Frields stickster at
Mon Apr 30 00:15:36 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 01:39 +0200, Teta Bilianou wrote:
> I just noticed that in some occasions (eg.
> en_US/Installer.xml:210(para)), the tag <filename> is used for the
> /etc directory, whereas in the past it used to be <filename
> class=\"directory\">.
> Which one is the appropriate? Should we update it in our translations
> or should we leave it as is because it will change back in the future?

Hi Teta,

If this is the only difference in your translation, you can leave it as
it is and unmark any "fuzzy" notation.  Because we have to import the
release notes in a somewhat manual process for releases, sometimes we
miss some tags or introduce a change from the last POT.  This must have
happened between the FC6 release and the F7test4 import.  Sorry about

Paul W. Frields, RHCE                
  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
      Fedora Project: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug
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