PDF format guides

Dimitris Glezos dimitris at glezos.com
Sat Mar 3 13:25:24 UTC 2007

O/H John Babich έγραψε:
> On 3/1/07, Karsten Wade <kwade at redhat.com> wrote:
>> Here is the one I built this morning using htmldoc, as per Dimitris
>> suggestion:
> I uploaded a quick PDF I created with no attempt to beautify it. I took
> your no-chunks HTML and just printed it using cups-PDF. I didn't see
> any graphics in your web page, except for admonitions icons,  so you
> won't see any in the doc.

So we now have two ways to create PDFs. One is `htmldoc` and the other is

Although none of them at the time is integrated into our toolchain, they are not
bad at all to manually create some PDFs and upload them to fedora.redhat.com/docs/.

I prefer the second way for three reasons: It works, it gives us with no extra
work a high-quality PDF and CSS is effective there, so we can control the output
pretty well before getting the PDF.

I'll investigate producing PDFs from `make html-nochunks` and see whether the
CSS property `page-break-before:` works and try to make it more usable a bit.

Does anyone know whether we can use it from the command-line?


Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos at jabber.org, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B

"He who gives up functionality for ease of use
loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous)

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