renaming DocsProject => Docs_Project

Karsten 'quaid' Wade kwade at
Thu Aug 28 01:03:29 UTC 2008

Today I am embracing both the moniker "Docs"[1] and the new naming
scheme for the wiki.  The time has come to rename all of the DocsProject
project space to come in line with the new naming conventions.  This way
we'll be a reference implementation before we start asking others to do
the same.

Here is the process I've thought of.  Suggestions?

1. Start with DocsProject and click through to each first link.
2. In each subsequent page, pull up the page of what links here.
3. Move the page then edit each of the what-links-here pages.
4. Ensure each page is in Category:Docs Project.
4.1. Make other improvements
5. Wash, rinse, repeat

I'm commencing immediately, unless anyone stops me. ;-D

cheers - Karsten


In professional technical writing, there is 'documentation' and the
'documentation project.'  *yawn*  I'm over that inconsistency.  General
techies say 'docs', Fedora says 'docs', and 'Docs Project' we are.
Karsten Wade, Sr. Developer Community Mgr.
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