Publican question

Jared Smith jaredsmith at
Mon Feb 18 14:47:11 UTC 2008

I'm sure I'll have more questions later, but I figured I'd throw this
one out here -- Is anyone else able to build PDFs using Publican?  I've
been playing with it all weekend, but I keep getting errors from FOP
when I try to build PDFs.  

(This is after I tweaked /usr/share/publican/xsl/main-pdf.xsl to pull
the import the stylesheets on the local system provided by the
docbook-style-xsl package, instead of having it pull them from the
internet every time.  I'm on a very slow internet connection, and it was
timing out while trying to download these files.)

The error I"m getting is:

SEVERE: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException:
Error(1/28716): No element mapping definition found for (Namespace URI:
"", Local Name: "destination")
Feb 18, 2008 9:25:10 AM org.apache.fop.cli.Main startFOP
SEVERE: Exception
Error(1/28716): No element mapping definition found for (Namespace URI:
"", Local Name: "destination")
        at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.startFOP(
        at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.main(

FWIW, I'm not running the very latest rawhide, but I've updated fop,
xalan, xerces, xml-commons-*, xmlgraphics-*, and the whole IcedTea stack
to the latest versions.  I'm no Java or FOP guru by any stretch of the
imagination, so I'm open to any or all suggestions at this point.


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