Fedora Elections Guide - ...---... (SOS)

Nigel Jones dev at nigelj.com
Wed Oct 8 03:21:10 UTC 2008

Hi folks,

I just made a post to fedora-marketing-list inviting interested people
into helping write some fresh content for the Fedora Elections Guide, a
draft I did a few months back can be seen at
http://nigelj.fedorapeople.org/feg/ but it'll need a lot of updating
(that I don't have time for) with the new release I'm working on.

I'll be putting the Fedora branding on (so where it does GFDL, I'll
relicense it as OPL) and throw up the XML sometime soon.  But in the
mean time, anyone interested?

It'll be about a week before there is anything new to write about, but
it's a start.

- Nigel
Nigel Jones <dev at nigelj.com>

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