Mission statement questions

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Thu Dec 17 21:54:09 UTC 2009

We have a mission as a sub-project:


  The mission of the Fedora Documentation Project is to provide
  documentation to users and developers to improve the overall usage
  of Fedora. We do that by explaining the usage of certain pieces of
  software or systems, provide written accounts of special events
  (releases, etc), and provide recommendations on setting of software
  or systems (security, performance, etc).

At a few reads, I don't really recognize any of the content.  It has a
few sentences that introduce newer ideas than I recall being in
there.  One is welcome in my mind (special events), one is an odd duck
(provide recommendations).

Also, some content is missing that I recall from before.  The gist
was, the project has a goal to produce 100% FLOSS content, tools, and
processes.  This goal fits in to the overall Fedora Project objective
of being entirely rebuildable from source.

Anyone know the history of the transition of the mission content?  Was
this discussed and I missed it?

Otherwise, I'd like to discuss this mission statement.

I posted some questions on these right here:


With a recommendation for an update here:


Your thoughts are appreciated.  It's _our_ mission, after all.

- Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:                Red Hat Community Architecture 
uri:                  http://quaid.fedorapeople.org
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