Publican Documentation Naming

Eric Christensen eric at
Tue Mar 31 18:20:32 UTC 2009

Earlier today the Fedora Packaging Committee (FPC) looked at two
"obstacles" to Publican-generated documentation.  The first was the
naming convention[1] and the second was how Publican handles
the .desktop in the SPEC file[2].  Both passed the FPC.

The FPC did say that we (the Docs Project) need to create a review
process to ask "is this documentation really version specific? is there
value in having multiple releases in the same dist at once?".  This is
an important test that we need to develop and handle in-house.  This is
NOT a solution to allow all Publican documents but it is a solution for
allowing release-specific documents in Fedora.

Also discussed was the multiple SRPMs that are generated by having
multiple languages for each document.  To simplify the process of
reviewing these it was suggested that we use subpackaging.  Each SRPM
for each language would be wrapped into a single package.

I'm adding these three items to the agenda for this week's Docs


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