Leaving docs project

Basil Mohamed Gohar abu_hurayrah at hidayahonline.org
Fri May 15 03:28:02 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Hey everyone!

I realize this isn't much more than a drop in the bucket, given that I
haven't actually contributed anything to the project at all.  However, I
am formally leaving the Docs project as I feel there's little point in
being in the group and not actually doing anything.  I've actually
harbored some degree of guilt as I've been in the group all this time
and yet never actually contributed anything of substance.

The greater purpose of my leaving the group is simply one of several
steps I'm trying to take to simplify my life and keep my mind unfilled
with unfinished projects.  I tend to acquire projects & things to do at
a greater rate than I can dispose of them, and this has wreaked havoc
with my mind and its ability to focus.

I will probably stay subscribed to the list, at least for a while, and
this in no way affects my love of Fedora Project itself.  I just feel I
have to reorganize what I have going on so I can restore myself to

I will remain an active promoter of Fedora & free software in general to
my various circles, so rest assured that I don't plan on going anywhere.

Thanks for everything!
- -- 
      Basil Mohamed Gohar
abu_hurayrah at hidayahonline.org
basilgohar on irc.freenode.net
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