More questions

Jim Kronebusch jim at
Tue Apr 24 13:19:39 UTC 2007

> In the meaner meantime, I've got a config-file-munging set of Perl
> scripts that get Samba/LDAP running on a server. It asks the right
> questions and puts the right stuff in config files. It's definitely
> not a polished solution and I've been waiting for years now for it to
> become obsolete. Nevertheless, quite a few people have found it
> useful. It lives at
> --matt

I'll just quick make the claim that Matt's work on the Samba/LDAP installer is awesome.
 Many users from the k12ltsp at mailing list and I am sure others all over have
used this and find it awesome...and most importantly simple.  The only thing missing
here is a standard and easy to configure/use GUI LDAP/SAMBA management tool.  I know
there darn near hundreds of tools out there, but most are missing something.  Matt has
included excellent tools for the command line to bulk-import users and such.  But an
admin should not have to use a mixture of gui apps and command line to accomplish
something.  Not that it doesn't work, but it isn't as easy or consistent.  I have tried
at least a dozen different tools to admin Samba/LDAP still can't find an all in one
solution.  I'll just quick list what such a tool should be able to do:

Bulk import Users (all imports should be able to be from a text file and have the
ability to import all applicable fields or just a single field and populate all others
with custom defaults when left null)
-Bulk import Groups
-Bulk remove Users
-Bulk remove Groups
-Export current user and group base for move to a new system or to re-import after a
server rebuild
-Set custom defaults per user/group (ie: home folder location, privileges, default
shell, etc)
-Be able to show a tree view of users/groups
-Allow selection of single or multiple users and groups and allow drag and drop to new
location (ie move users from group to group) not very important to me but I have talked
to many users who would like this feature.
-And a huge option for larger districts would be to allow management of custom menus by
group (for larger installs where an LTSP cluster might server grades k-12 and staff, an
admin would want to offer a different application set to grades k-3 than for 4-7 and
maybe 8-12 and also offer a different set to staff and teachers.

Thanks again Matt for all your work with Samba/LDAP.

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