LTSPFS_TOKEN atom [was: Re: LTSP5 (fc9-chroot on RHEL5) : Local devices ?]

Reinald Gfuellner Reinald.Gfuellner at
Tue Jan 13 10:19:59 UTC 2009

I installed group, membership and file-permissions for
/dev/fuse and /opt/ltsp/i386/bin/fusermount on
CentOS/RHLE/ltsp-server-5.1.13-2.el5.rpm but without success :

  RHLE5.2_$ /usr/bin/ltspfs K12LTSP5_Client1:/dev/sda1 /tmp/mnt
  Couldn't read LTSPFS_TOKEN atom.

Could someone please explain what this message means ?
What options do I have today to use LocalDevices on FC9-Backport
on native CentOS/RHLE ?


PS: ltsp-server-5.1.13-2.el5.rpm does not contain a fuse-group.
K12LTSP5 has an empty one: Gnome-USB-PnP works without membership under
a non privileged account for me, so
seems to be obsolet to me (?)

Peter Hartmann schrieb:
>> also happens to root at RHEL after "/usr/bin/ltspfs client1:/dev/sda1
>> /tmp/mnt" (client1 runs K12LTSP5).  fusermount is suid 0.
> Hmm I'd set up a user and add them to the fuse group anyway just to be
> sure. ( Also, since Warren suggested it.)   You might want to ask him
> about it anyway since it's his work.  Just so you know, I know of at
> least one person on the ltsp lists who is pretty vocal with his
> opinion that this is a waste of time so.....
> Peter
> 2009/1/12 Reinald Gfuellner <Reinald.Gfuellner at>:
>>Thanks for your reply , Peter
>>ltspfs: "Couldn't read LTPFS TOLKEN atom."
>> also happens to root at RHEL after "/usr/bin/ltspfs client1:/dev/sda1
>> /tmp/mnt" (client1 runs K12LTSP5).  fusermount is suid 0.  Could it be
>> that options were required ? (which?)
>>It's difficult to tell because FC9-Backport for RHEL
>>( is very different
>>from K12LTSP 5 and I could not find much specific documentation.
>>But there are different udev-rules (^ no /tmp/drives) and lbuscd -
>>Event-Handler seems to be missing.
>>I don't know if it is the only choice to use FC9-Backport for RHEL at
>>all. The alternative would be to run the k12-CentOS respin on all our
>>servers, to have virtual k12ltsp5-servers or to cancel local USB-support
>>for our students.
>>Peter Hartmann schrieb:
>>>hi Reinald ,
>>>I did find some information.  Did you add your users to the fuse group?
>>>2009/1/8 Reinald Gfuellner <Reinald.Gfuellner at>:
>>>>Sound works great but I can't access an USB-Stick in fedora9-ltsp-chroot
>>>>on native RHEL5.2.
>>>>On the server:
>>>>- fuse-Module was loaded by hand
>>>>On the client:
>>>>- /dev/sda1 can be mounted by hand
>>>>- no /tmp/drives
>>>>- ltspd runs (though there is no ltspinfod like in k12ltsp )
>>>>In a gnome session:
>>>>- /usr/bin/ltspfs client1:/dev/sda1 /tmp/mnt :
>>>> "Couldn't read LTPFS TOLKEN atom."
>>>>- no ~/Drives
>>>>Is there an Explanation how PnP should work ?
>>>>Thanks for any hint !

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Reinald Gfuellner     
Institute for Real-Time Computer Systems (RCS)     fon +49-89-289-23564
Technische Universitaet Muenchen, D-80290 Muenchen fax +49-89-289-23555
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