rpms/anthy/FC-4 .cvsignore, 1.5, 1.6 anthy.spec, 1.9, 1.10 sources, 1.5, 1.6

Matthias Saou thias at spam.spam.spam.spam.spam.spam.spam.egg.and.spam.freshrpms.net
Mon Aug 1 13:57:31 UTC 2005

Akira TAGOH wrote :

> > > +Obsoletes:	anthy-libs
> PH> Shouldn't there be a "Provides: anthy-libs = %{name}-%{version}" there
> PH> too, for any packages that depend on the way anthy used to be packaged?
> PH> rpmlint is likely to complain about this as it stands anyway.
> Good point. thank you for catching this up. will add it
> soon.

And the obsoletes should be versionned too, like :

Obsoletes: anthy-libs <= last-known-version-release

i.e. :

Obsoletes : anthy-libs < 6700-2

I'd suggest the release of 2 since having %{?dist} gives releases like
"1.fc4" which are >1 but <2. The reason for this is to be able to
re-introduce the anthy-libs package at a later date if that is ever needed
or decided. No one can predict the future, but by being careful we can
avoid potential problems ;-)


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