web/html/docs/beta/mirror-tutorial generated-index.html, 1.1, NONE index.html, 1.1, NONE ln-legalnotice.html, 1.1, NONE rv-revhistory.html, 1.1, NONE sn-client-config.html, 1.1, NONE sn-planning-and-setup.html, 1.1, NONE sn-server-config.html, 1.1, NONE

Paul W. Frields (pfrields) fedora-extras-commits at redhat.com
Sat Oct 15 15:56:18 UTC 2005

Author: pfrields

Update of /cvs/fedora/web/html/docs/beta/mirror-tutorial
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv22428

Removed Files:
	generated-index.html index.html ln-legalnotice.html 
	rv-revhistory.html sn-client-config.html 
	sn-planning-and-setup.html sn-server-config.html 
Log Message:
Remove HTML, use PHP instead

--- generated-index.html DELETED ---

--- index.html DELETED ---

--- ln-legalnotice.html DELETED ---

--- rv-revhistory.html DELETED ---

--- sn-client-config.html DELETED ---

--- sn-planning-and-setup.html DELETED ---

--- sn-server-config.html DELETED ---

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