extras-repoclosure/rpmUtils __init__.py, NONE, 1.1 arch.py, NONE, 1.1 miscutils.py, NONE, 1.1 oldUtils.py, NONE, 1.1 transaction.py, NONE, 1.1 updates.py, NONE, 1.1

Michael Schwendt (mschwendt) fedora-extras-commits at redhat.com
Tue Jul 4 18:15:31 UTC 2006

Author: mschwendt

Update of /cvs/fedora/extras-repoclosure/rpmUtils
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv6236/rpmUtils

Added Files:
	__init__.py arch.py miscutils.py oldUtils.py transaction.py 
Log Message:
include a local yum for checkForObsolete support

--- NEW FILE __init__.py ---
#!/usr/bin/python -tt

import rpm
import miscutils
import exceptions
import oldUtils

class RpmUtilsError(exceptions.Exception):
    def __init__(self, args=None):
        self.args = args


# useful functions
def getHeadersByKeyword(ts, **kwargs):
    """return list of headers from the rpmdb matching a keyword
        ex: getHeadersByKeyword(name='foo', version='1', release='1')
    lst = []
    # lifted from up2date - way to easy and useful NOT to steal - thanks adrian
    mi = ts.dbMatch()
    if kwargs.has_key('epoch'):
        del(kwargs['epoch']) # epochs don't work here for None/0/'0' reasons
    keywords = len(kwargs.keys())
    for hdr in mi:
        match = 0
        for keyword in kwargs.keys():
            if hdr[keyword] == kwargs[keyword]:
                match += 1
        if match == keywords:
    del mi
    return lst
def getIndexesByKeyword(ts, **kwargs):
    """return list of headers Indexes from the rpmdb matching a keyword
        ex: getHeadersByKeyword(name='foo', version='1', release='1')
    lst = []
    mi = ts.dbMatch()
    for keyword in kwargs.keys():
        mi.pattern(keyword, rpm.RPMMIRE_GLOB, kwargs[keyword])

    # we really shouldnt be getting multiples here, but what the heck
    for h in mi:
        instance = mi.instance()
    del mi
    return lst

class RpmDBHolder:
    def __init__(self):
        self.pkglists = []
    def addDB(self, ts):
        self.ts = ts
        self.match_on_index = 1
            # we need the find a known index so we can test if
            # rpm/rpm-python allows us to grab packages by db index.
            mi = self.ts.dbMatch()
            hdr = mi.next()
            known_index = mi.instance()
            mi = self.ts.dbMatch(0, known_index)
            hdr = mi.next()
        except (TypeError, StopIteration), e:
            self.match_on_index = 0
            self.match_on_index = 1
        self.indexdict = {}
        mi = self.ts.dbMatch()
        for hdr in mi:
            pkgtuple = self._hdr2pkgTuple(hdr)
            if not self.indexdict.has_key(pkgtuple):
                self.indexdict[pkgtuple] = []
        del mi
    def _hdr2pkgTuple(self, hdr):
        name = hdr['name']
        arch = hdr['arch']
        ver = str(hdr['version']) # convert these to strings to be sure
        rel = str(hdr['release'])
        epoch = hdr['epoch']
        if epoch is None:
            epoch = '0'
            epoch = str(epoch)
        return (name, arch, epoch, ver, rel)
    def getPkgList(self):
        return self.pkglists
    def getHdrList(self):
        hdrlist = []
        mi = self.ts.dbMatch()
        if mi:
            for hdr in mi:

        del mi
        return hdrlist
    def getNameArchPkgList(self):
        lst = []
        for (name, arch, epoch, ver, rel) in self.pkglists:
            lst.append((name, arch))
        return miscutils.unique(lst)
    def getNamePkgList(self):
        lst = []
        for (name, arch, epoch, ver, rel) in self.pkglists:
        return miscutils.unique(lst)

    def returnNewestbyNameArch(self):
        """returns the newest set of pkgs based on 'name and arch'"""
        highdict = {}
        for (n, a, e, v, r) in self.pkglists:
            if not highdict.has_key((n, a)):
                highdict[(n, a)] = (e, v, r)
                (e2, v2, r2) = highdict[(n, a)]
                rc = miscutils.compareEVR((e,v,r), (e2, v2, r2))
                if rc > 0:
                    highdict[(n, a)] = (e, v, r)
        returns = []
        for (n, a) in highdict.keys():
            (e, v, r) = highdict[(n, a)]
            returns.append((n, a, e, v ,r))
        return returns
    def returnNewestbyName(self):
        """returns the newest set of pkgs based on name"""
        highdict = {}
        for (n, a, e, v, r) in self.pkglists:
            if not highdict.has_key(n):
                highdict[n] = (a, e, v, r)
                (a2, e2, v2, r2) = highdict[n]
                rc = miscutils.compareEVR((e,v,r), (e2, v2, r2))
                if rc > 0:
                    highdict[n] = (a, e, v, r)
        returns = []
        for n in highdict.keys():
            (a, e, v, r) = highdict[n]
            returns.append((n, a, e, v ,r))
        return returns
    def installed(self, name=None, arch=None, epoch=None, ver=None, rel=None):
        if len(self.returnTupleByKeyword(name=name, arch=arch, epoch=epoch, ver=ver, rel=rel)) > 0:
            return 1
        return 0

    def returnTupleByKeyword(self, name=None, arch=None, epoch=None, ver=None, rel=None):
        """return a list of pkgtuples based on name, arch, epoch, ver and/or rel 
        completelist = self.getPkgList()
        removedict = {}
        returnlist = []
        for pkgtup in completelist:
            (n, a, e, v, r) = pkgtup
            if name is not None:
                if name != n:
                    removedict[pkgtup] = 1
            if arch is not None:
                if arch != a:
                    removedict[pkgtup] = 1
            if epoch is not None:
                if epoch != e:
                    removedict[pkgtup] = 1
            if ver is not None:
                if ver != v:
                    removedict[pkgtup] = 1
            if rel is not None:
                if rel != r:
                    removedict[pkgtup] = 1
        for pkgtup in completelist:
            if not removedict.has_key(pkgtup):
        return returnlist

    def returnHeaderByTuple(self, pkgtuple):
        """returns a list of header(s) based on the pkgtuple provided"""
        (n, a, e, v, r) = pkgtuple
        if not self.match_on_index:
            lst = getHeadersByKeyword(self.ts, name=n, arch=a, epoch=e, version=v, 
            return lst
            idxs = self.returnIndexByTuple(pkgtuple)
            idx = idxs[0]
            mi = self.ts.dbMatch(0, idx)
            hdr = mi.next()
            return [hdr]

    def returnIndexByTuple(self, pkgtuple):
        return self.indexdict[pkgtuple]
    def whatProvides(self, provname, provflag, provver):
        """uses the ts in this class to return a list of pkgtuples that match
           the provide"""
        matches = []
        checkfileprov = 0
        if provname[0] == '/':
            checkfileprov = 1
            matchingFileHdrs = self.ts.dbMatch('basenames', provname)
            matchingHdrs = self.ts.dbMatch('provides', provname)            
            matchingHdrs = self.ts.dbMatch('provides', provname)

        # now we have the list of pkgs installed in the rpmdb that
        # have a the provname matching, now we need to find out
        # if any/all of them match the flag/ver set
        if checkfileprov and matchingFileHdrs.count() > 0:
            for matchhdr in matchingFileHdrs:
                pkgtuple = self._hdr2pkgTuple(matchhdr)
            del matchingFileHdrs
            return miscutils.unique(matches)

        if provflag in [0, None] or provver is None: # if we've got no ver or flag
                                                     # for comparison then they all match
            for matchhdr in matchingHdrs:
                pkgtuple = self._hdr2pkgTuple(matchhdr)
            del matchingHdrs
            return miscutils.unique(matches)
        for matchhdr in matchingHdrs:
            (pkg_n, pkg_a, pkg_e, pkg_v, pkg_r) = self._hdr2pkgTuple(matchhdr)
            pkgtuple = (pkg_n, pkg_a, pkg_e, pkg_v, pkg_r)
            # break the provver up into e-v-r (e:v-r)
            (prov_e, prov_v, prov_r) = miscutils.stringToVersion(provver)
            provtuple = (provname, provflag, (prov_e, prov_v, prov_r))
            # find the provide in the header 
            providelist = self._providesList(matchhdr)
            for (name, flag, ver) in providelist:
                if name != provname: # definitely not

                match_n = name
                match_a = pkg_a # you got a better idea?
                if ver is not None:
                    (match_e, match_v, match_r) = miscutils.stringToVersion(ver)
                    match_e = pkg_e
                    match_v = pkg_v
                    match_r = pkg_r
                matchtuple = (match_n, match_a, match_e, match_v, match_r)
                # This provides matches if the version is in the requested
                # range or the providing package provides the resource
                # without a version (meaning that it matches all EVR) 
                if miscutils.rangeCheck(provtuple, matchtuple) or (match_v == None):
        del matchingHdrs
        return miscutils.unique(matches)
    def _providesList(self, hdr):
        lst = []
        names = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME]
        flags = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PROVIDEFLAGS]
        vers = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PROVIDEVERSION]
        if names is not None:
            lst = zip(names, flags, vers)
        return miscutils.unique(lst)

--- NEW FILE arch.py ---

import os

# dict mapping arch -> ( multicompat, best personality, biarch personality )
multilibArches = { "x86_64":  ( "athlon", "x86_64", "athlon" ),
                   "sparc64": ( "sparc", "sparc", "sparc64" ),
                   "ppc64":   ( "ppc", "ppc", "ppc64" ),
                   "s390x":   ( "s390", "s390x", "s390" ),
                   "ia64":    ( "i686", "ia64", "i686" )

arches = {
    # ia32
    "athlon": "i686",
    "i686": "i586",
    "i586": "i486",
    "i486": "i386",
    "i386": "noarch",
    # amd64
    "x86_64": "athlon",
    "amd64": "x86_64",
    "ia32e": "x86_64",
    # itanium
    "ia64": "i686",
    # ppc
    "ppc64pseries": "ppc64",
    "ppc64iseries": "ppc64",    
    "ppc64": "ppc",
    "ppc": "noarch",
    # s390{,x}
    "s390x": "s390",
    "s390": "noarch",
    # sparc
    "sparc64": "sparcv9",
    "sparcv9": "sparcv8",
    "sparcv8": "sparc",
    "sparc": "noarch",

    # alpha
    "alphaev6": "alphaev56",
    "alphaev56": "alphaev5",
    "alphaev5": "alpha",
    "alpha": "noarch",

# this computes the difference between myarch and targetarch
def archDifference(myarch, targetarch):
    if myarch == targetarch:
        return 1
    if arches.has_key(myarch):
        ret = archDifference(arches[myarch], targetarch)
        if ret != 0:
            return ret + 1
        return 0
    return 0

def score(arch):
    return archDifference(canonArch, arch)

def isMultiLibArch(arch=None):
    """returns true if arch is a multilib arch, false if not"""
    if arch is None:
        arch = getCanonArch()

    if not arches.has_key(arch): # or we could check if it is noarch
        return 0
    if multilibArches.has_key(arch):
        return 1
    if multilibArches.has_key(arches[arch]):
        return 1
    return 0
def getBestArchFromList(archlist, myarch=None):
        return the best arch from the list for myarch if - myarch is not given,
        then return the best arch from the list for the canonArch.
    if myarch is None:
        myarch = getCanonArch()

    if len(archlist) == 0:
        return None
    thisarch = archlist[0]
    for arch in archlist[1:]:
        val1 = archDifference(myarch, thisarch)
        val2 = archDifference(myarch, arch)
        if val1 == 0 and val2 == 0:
        if val1 < val2:
            if val1 == 0:
                thisarch = arch                
        if val2 < val1:
            if val2 != 0:
                thisarch = arch
        if val1 == val2:
    # thisarch should now be our bestarch
    # one final check to make sure we're not returning a bad arch
    val = archDifference(myarch, thisarch)
    if val == 0:
        return None

    return thisarch
def getArchList(thisarch=None):
    # this returns a list of archs that are compatible with arch given
    if not thisarch:
        thisarch = getCanonArch()
    archlist = [thisarch]
    while arches.has_key(thisarch):
        thisarch = arches[thisarch]
    return archlist

def getCanonX86Arch(arch):
    # only athlon vs i686 isn't handled with uname currently
    if arch != "i686":
        return arch

    # if we're i686 and AuthenticAMD, then we should be an athlon
    f = open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r")
    lines = f.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith("vendor") and line.find("AuthenticAMD") != -1:
            return "athlon"
        # i686 doesn't guarantee cmov, but we depend on it
        elif line.startswith("flags") and line.find("cmov") == -1:
            return "i586"

    return arch

def getCanonPPCArch(arch):
    # FIXME: should I do better handling for mac, etc?
    if arch != "ppc64":
        return arch

    machine = None
    f = open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r")
    lines = f.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        if line.find("machine") != -1:
            machine = line.split(':')[1]
    if machine is None:
        return arch

    if machine.find("CHRP IBM") != -1:
        return "ppc64pseries"
    if machine.find("iSeries") != -1:
        return "ppc64iseries"
    return arch

def getCanonX86_64Arch(arch):
    if arch != "x86_64":
        return arch

    vendor = None
    f = open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r")
    lines = f.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith("vendor_id"):
            vendor = line.split(':')[1]
    if vendor is None:
        return arch

    if vendor.find("Authentic AMD") != -1:
        return "amd64"
    if vendor.find("GenuineIntel") != -1:
        return "ia32e"
    return arch
def getCanonArch(skipRpmPlatform = 0):
    if not skipRpmPlatform and os.access("/etc/rpm/platform", os.R_OK):
            f = open("/etc/rpm/platform", "r")
            line = f.readline()
            (arch, vendor, opersys) = line.split("-", 2)
            return arch
    arch = os.uname()[4]

    if (len(arch) == 4 and arch[0] == "i" and arch[2:4] == "86"):
        return getCanonX86Arch(arch)

    if arch.startswith("ppc"):
        return getCanonPPCArch(arch)
    if arch == "x86_64":
        return getCanonX86_64Arch(arch)

    return arch

# this gets you the "compat" arch of a biarch pair
def getMultiArchInfo(arch = getCanonArch()):
    if multilibArches.has_key(arch):
        return multilibArches[arch]
    if arches.has_key(arch) and arches[arch] != "noarch":
        return getMultiArchInfo(arch = arches[arch])
    return None

# get the best usual userspace arch for the arch we're on.  this is
# our arch unless we're on an arch that uses the secondary as its
# userspace (eg ppc64, sparc64)
def getBestArch():
    arch = canonArch

    if arch == "sparc64":
        arch = "sparc"

    if arch.startswith("ppc64"):
        arch = "ppc"

    return arch

def getBaseArch(myarch=None):
    """returns 'base' arch for myarch, if specified, or canonArch if not.
       base arch is the arch before noarch in the arches dict if myarch is not
       a key in the multilibArches."""

    if not myarch:
        myarch = getCanonArch()

    if not arches.has_key(myarch): # this is dumb, but <shrug>
        return myarch

    if myarch == "sparc64":
        return "sparc"
    elif myarch.startswith("ppc64"):
        return "ppc"
    if isMultiLibArch(arch=myarch):
        if multilibArches.has_key(myarch):
            return myarch
            return arches[myarch]
    if arches.has_key(myarch):
        basearch = myarch
        value = arches[basearch]
        while value != 'noarch':
            basearch = value
            value = arches[basearch]
        return basearch
canonArch = getCanonArch()

--- NEW FILE miscutils.py ---
#!/usr/bin/python -tt

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Copyright 2003 Duke University

import string
import rpm
import types
import gzip
import os
import sys
import locale

import rpmUtils.transaction

def rpmOutToStr(arg):
    if type(arg) != types.StringType:
    # and arg is not None:
        arg = str(arg)
    return arg

def compareEVR((e1, v1, r1), (e2, v2, r2)):
    # return 1: a is newer than b
    # 0: a and b are the same version
    # -1: b is newer than a
    e1 = rpmOutToStr(e1)
    v1 = rpmOutToStr(v1)
    r1 = rpmOutToStr(r1)
    e2 = rpmOutToStr(e2)
    v2 = rpmOutToStr(v2)
    r2 = rpmOutToStr(r2)
    #print '%s, %s, %s vs %s, %s, %s' % (e1, v1, r1, e2, v2, r2)
    rc = rpm.labelCompare((e1, v1, r1), (e2, v2, r2))
    #print '%s, %s, %s vs %s, %s, %s = %s' % (e1, v1, r1, e2, v2, r2, rc)
    return rc

def checkSig(ts, package):
    """Takes a transaction set and a package, check it's sigs, 
    return 0 if they are all fine
    return 1 if the gpg key can't be found
    return 2 if the header is in someway damaged
    return 3 if the key is not trusted 
    return 4 if the pkg is not gpg or pgp signed"""
    value = 0
    currentflags = ts.setVSFlags(0)
    fdno = os.open(package, os.O_RDONLY)
        hdr = ts.hdrFromFdno(fdno)
    except rpm.error, e:
        if str(e) == "public key not availaiable":
            value = 1
        if str(e) == "public key not available":
            value = 1
        if str(e) == "public key not trusted":
            value = 3
        if str(e) == "error reading package header":
            value = 2
        error, siginfo = getSigInfo(hdr)
        if error == 101:
            del hdr
            value = 4
            del hdr

    except OSError, e: # if we're not opened, don't scream about it

    ts.setVSFlags(currentflags) # put things back like they were before
    return value

def getSigInfo(hdr):
    """checks signature from an hdr hand back signature information and/or
       an error code"""
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
    string = '%|DSAHEADER?{%{DSAHEADER:pgpsig}}:{%|RSAHEADER?{%{RSAHEADER:pgpsig}}:{%|SIGGPG?{%{SIGGPG:pgpsig}}:{%|SIGPGP?{%{SIGPGP:pgpsig}}:{(none)}|}|}|}|'
    siginfo = hdr.sprintf(string)
    if siginfo != '(none)':
        error = 0 
        sigtype, sigdate, sigid = siginfo.split(',')
        error = 101
        sigtype = 'MD5'
        sigdate = 'None'
        sigid = 'None'
    infotuple = (sigtype, sigdate, sigid)
    return error, infotuple

def pkgTupleFromHeader(hdr):
    """return a pkgtuple (n, a, e, v, r) from a hdr object, converts
       None epoch to 0, as well."""
    name = hdr['name']
    arch = hdr['arch']
    ver = hdr['version']
    rel = hdr['release']
    epoch = hdr['epoch']
    if epoch is None:
        epoch = '0'
    pkgtuple = (name, arch, epoch, ver, rel)
    return pkgtuple
def rangeCheck(reqtuple, pkgtuple):
    """returns true if the package epoch-ver-rel satisfy the range
       requested in the reqtuple:
       ex: foo >= 2.1-1"""
    # we only ever get here if we have a versioned prco
    # nameonly shouldn't ever raise it
    (reqn, reqf, (reqe, reqv, reqr)) = reqtuple
    (n, a, e, v, r) = pkgtuple
    #simple failures
    if reqn != n: return 0
    # and you thought we were done having fun
    # if the requested release is left out then we have
    # to remove release from the package prco to make sure the match
    # is a success - ie: if the request is EQ foo 1:3.0.0 and we have 
    # foo 1:3.0.0-15 then we have to drop the 15 so we can match
    if reqr is None:
        r = None
    if reqe is None:
        e = None
    if reqv is None: # just for the record if ver is None then we're going to segfault
        v = None
    rc = compareEVR((e, v, r), (reqe, reqv, reqr))
    if rc >= 1:
        if reqf in ['GT', 'GE', 4, 12]:
            return 1
    if rc == 0:
        if reqf in ['GE', 'LE', 'EQ', 8, 10, 12]:
            return 1
    if rc <= -1:
        if reqf in ['LT', 'LE', 2, 10]:
            return 1
    return 0

# Title: Remove duplicates from a sequence
# Submitter: Tim Peters 
# From: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52560                      
def unique(s):
    """Return a list of the elements in s, but without duplicates.

    For example, unique([1,2,3,1,2,3]) is some permutation of [1,2,3],
    unique("abcabc") some permutation of ["a", "b", "c"], and
    unique(([1, 2], [2, 3], [1, 2])) some permutation of
    [[2, 3], [1, 2]].

    For best speed, all sequence elements should be hashable.  Then
    unique() will usually work in linear time.

    If not possible, the sequence elements should enjoy a total
    ordering, and if list(s).sort() doesn't raise TypeError it's
    assumed that they do enjoy a total ordering.  Then unique() will
    usually work in O(N*log2(N)) time.

    If that's not possible either, the sequence elements must support
    equality-testing.  Then unique() will usually work in quadratic

    n = len(s)
    if n == 0:
        return []

    # Try using a dict first, as that's the fastest and will usually
    # work.  If it doesn't work, it will usually fail quickly, so it
    # usually doesn't cost much to *try* it.  It requires that all the
    # sequence elements be hashable, and support equality comparison.
    u = {}
        for x in s:
            u[x] = 1
    except TypeError:
        del u  # move on to the next method
        return u.keys()

    # We can't hash all the elements.  Second fastest is to sort,
    # which brings the equal elements together; then duplicates are
    # easy to weed out in a single pass.
    # NOTE:  Python's list.sort() was designed to be efficient in the
    # presence of many duplicate elements.  This isn't true of all
    # sort functions in all languages or libraries, so this approach
    # is more effective in Python than it may be elsewhere.
        t = list(s)
    except TypeError:
        del t  # move on to the next method
        assert n > 0
        last = t[0]
        lasti = i = 1
        while i < n:
            if t[i] != last:
                t[lasti] = last = t[i]
                lasti += 1
            i += 1
        return t[:lasti]

    # Brute force is all that's left.
    u = []
    for x in s:
        if x not in u:
    return u

def splitFilename(filename):
    """pass in a standard style rpm fullname and it returns
    a name, version, release, epoch, arch
    aka  foo-1.0-1.i386.rpm returns foo, 1.0, 1, i386
         1:bar-9-123a.ia64.rpm returns bar, 9, 123a, 1, ia64

    if filename[-4:] == '.rpm':
        filename = filename[:-4]
    archIndex = string.rfind(filename, '.')
    arch = filename[archIndex+1:]

    relIndex = string.rfind(filename[:archIndex], '-')
    rel = filename[relIndex+1:archIndex]

    verIndex = string.rfind(filename[:relIndex], '-')
    ver = filename[verIndex+1:relIndex]

    epochIndex = string.find(filename, ':')
    if epochIndex == -1:
        epoch = ''
        epoch = filename[:epochIndex]
    name = filename[epochIndex + 1:verIndex]
    return name, ver, rel, epoch, arch

def rpm2cpio(fdno, out=sys.stdout, bufsize=2048):
    """Performs roughly the equivalent of rpm2cpio(8).
       Reads the package from fdno, and dumps the cpio payload to out,
       using bufsize as the buffer size."""
    ts = rpmUtils.transaction.initReadOnlyTransaction()
    hdr = ts.hdrFromFdno(fdno)
    del ts
    compr = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PAYLOADCOMPRESSOR] or 'gzip'
    #if compr == 'bzip2':
        # TODO: someone implement me!
    if compr != 'gzip':
        raise rpmUtils.RpmUtilsError, \
              'Unsupported payload compressor: "%s"' % compr
    f = gzip.GzipFile(None, 'rb', None, os.fdopen(fdno, 'rb', bufsize))
    while 1:
        tmp = f.read(bufsize)
        if tmp == "": break
def formatRequire (name, version, flags):
    s = name
    if flags:
        if flags & (rpm.RPMSENSE_LESS | rpm.RPMSENSE_GREATER |
            s = s + " "
            if flags & rpm.RPMSENSE_LESS:
                s = s + "<"
            if flags & rpm.RPMSENSE_GREATER:
                s = s + ">"
            if flags & rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL:
                s = s + "="
            if version:
                s = "%s %s" %(s, version)
    return s
def stringToVersion(verstring):
    if verstring is None:
        return (None, None, None)
    i = string.find(verstring, ':')
    if i != -1:
            epoch = string.atol(verstring[:i])
        except ValueError:
            # look, garbage in the epoch field, how fun, kill it
            epoch = '0' # this is our fallback, deal
        epoch = '0'
    j = string.find(verstring, '-')
    if j != -1:
        if verstring[i + 1:j] == '':
            version = None
            version = verstring[i + 1:j]
        release = verstring[j + 1:]
        if verstring[i + 1:] == '':
            version = None
            version = verstring[i + 1:]
        release = None
    return (epoch, version, release)

def hdrFromPackage(ts, package):
    """hand back the rpm header or raise an Error if the pkg is fubar"""
        fdno = os.open(package, os.O_RDONLY)
    except OSError, e:
        raise rpmUtils.RpmUtilsError, 'Unable to open file'
        hdr = ts.hdrFromFdno(fdno)
    except rpm.error, e:
        raise rpmUtils.RpmUtilsError, "RPM Error opening Package"
    if type(hdr) != rpm.hdr:
        raise rpmUtils.RpmUtilsError, "RPM Error opening Package"
    return hdr

--- NEW FILE oldUtils.py ---
#!/usr/bin/python -tt

import rpm
import types
import os
import gzip
import sys
from gzip import write32u, FNAME

def _(msg):
    return msg

def checkheader(headerfile, name, arch):
    """check a header by opening it and comparing the results to the name and arch
       we believe it to be for. if it fails raise URLGrabError(-1)"""
    h = Header_Work(headerfile)
    fail = 0
    if h.hdr is None:
        fail = 1
        if name != h.name() or arch != h.arch():
            fail = 1
    if fail:
        raise URLGrabError(-1, _('Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s.') % (name, arch))

def checkRpmMD5(package, urlgraberror=0):
    """take a package, check it out by trying to open it, return 1 if its good
       return 0 if it's not"""
    fdno = os.open(package, os.O_RDONLY)
    except rpm.error, e:
        good = 0
        good = 1

    if urlgraberror:
        if not good:
            raise URLGrabError(-1, _('RPM %s fails md5 check') % (package)) 
        return good

def checkSig(package):
    """ take a package, check it's sigs, return 0 if they are all fine, return 
    1 if the gpg key can't be found,  2 if the header is in someway damaged,
    3 if the key is not trusted, 4 if the pkg is not gpg or pgp signed"""
    fdno = os.open(package, os.O_RDONLY)
        hdr = ts.hdrFromFdno(fdno)
    except rpm.error, e:
        if str(e) == "public key not availaiable":
            return 1
        if str(e) == "public key not available":
            return 1
        if str(e) == "public key not trusted":
            return 3
        if str(e) == "error reading package header":
            return 2
        error, siginfo = getSigInfo(hdr)
        if error == 101:
            del hdr
            return 4
            del hdr
    return 0

def getSigInfo(hdr):
    """checks if a computerhand back signature information and an error code"""
    string = '%|DSAHEADER?{%{DSAHEADER:pgpsig}}:{%|RSAHEADER?{%{RSAHEADER:pgpsig}}:{%|SIGGPG?{%{SIGGPG:pgpsig}}:{%|SIGPGP?{%{SIGPGP:pgpsig}}:{(none)}|}|}|}|'
    siginfo = hdr.sprintf(string)
    if siginfo != '(none)':
        error = 0 
        sigtype, sigdate, sigid = siginfo.split(',')
        error = 101
        sigtype = 'MD5'
        sigdate = 'None'
        sigid = 'None'
    infotuple = (sigtype, sigdate, sigid)
    return error, infotuple

def getProvides(header):
    provnames = []
    provides = header[rpm.RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME]
    if provides is None:
    elif type(provides) is types.ListType:
    return provnames
def compareEVR((e1, v1, r1), (e2, v2, r2)):
    # return 1: a is newer than b 
    # 0: a and b are the same version 
    # -1: b is newer than a 
    def rpmOutToStr(arg):
        if type(arg) != types.StringType and arg != None:
            arg = str(arg)
        return arg
    e1 = rpmOutToStr(e1)
    v1 = rpmOutToStr(v1)
    r1 = rpmOutToStr(r1)
    e2 = rpmOutToStr(e2)
    v2 = rpmOutToStr(v2)
    r2 = rpmOutToStr(r2)
    rc = rpm.labelCompare((e1, v1, r1), (e2, v2, r2))
    log(6, '%s, %s, %s vs %s, %s, %s = %s' % (e1, v1, r1, e2, v2, r2, rc))
    return rc

def formatRequire (name, version, flags):
    if flags:
        if flags & (rpm.RPMSENSE_LESS | rpm.RPMSENSE_GREATER | rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL):
            name = name + ' '
        if flags & rpm.RPMSENSE_LESS:
            name = name + '<'
        if flags & rpm.RPMSENSE_GREATER:
            name = name + '>'
        if flags & rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL:
            name = name + '='
            name = name + ' %s' % version
    return name

def openrpmdb():
        db = rpm.TransactionSet(conf.installroot)
    except rpm.error, e:
        errorlog(0, _("Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"))
    return db

# this is done to make the hdr writing _more_ sane for rsync users especially
__all__ = ["GzipFile","open"]

class GzipFile(gzip.GzipFile):
    def _write_gzip_header(self):
        self.fileobj.write('\037\213')             # magic header
        self.fileobj.write('\010')                 # compression method
        fname = self.filename[:-3]
        flags = 0
        if fname:
            flags = FNAME
        write32u(self.fileobj, long(0))
        if fname:
            self.fileobj.write(fname + '\000')

def _gzipOpen(filename, mode="rb", compresslevel=9):
    return GzipFile(filename, mode, compresslevel)

class RPM_Base_Work:

    def _getTag(self, tag):
        if self.hdr is None:
            errorlog(0, _('Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong'))
            #FIXME should raise a yum error here
        return self.hdr[tag]
    def isSource(self):
        if self._getTag('sourcepackage') == 1:
            return 1
            return 0
    def name(self):
        return self._getTag('name')
    def arch(self):
        return self._getTag('arch')
    def epoch(self):
        return self._getTag('epoch')
    def version(self):
        return self._getTag('version')
    def release(self):
        return self._getTag('release')
    def evr(self):
        e = self._getTag('epoch')
        v = self._getTag('version')
        r = self._getTag('release')
        return (e, v, r)
    def nevra(self):
        n = self._getTag('name')
        e = self._getTag('epoch')
        v = self._getTag('version')
        r = self._getTag('release')
        a = self._getTag('arch')
        return (n, e, v, r, a)
    def writeHeader(self, headerdir, compress):
    # write the header out to a file with the format: name-epoch-ver-rel.arch.hdr
    # return the name of the file it just made - no real reason :)
        (name, epoch, ver, rel, arch) = self.nevra()
        if epoch is None:
            epoch = '0'
        if self.isSource():
            headerfn = "%s/%s-%s-%s-%s.src.hdr" % (headerdir, name, epoch, ver, rel)
            headerfn = "%s/%s-%s-%s-%s.%s.hdr" % (headerdir, name, epoch, ver, rel, arch)

        if compress:
            headerout = _gzipOpen(headerfn, "w")
            headerout = open(headerfn, "w")

class Header_Work(RPM_Base_Work):
    """for operating on hdrs in and out of the rpmdb
       if the first arg is a string then it's a filename
       otherwise it's an rpm hdr"""
    def __init__(self, header):
        if type(header) is types.StringType:
                fd = gzip.open(header, 'r')
                    h = rpm.headerLoad(fd.read())
                except rpm.error, e:
                    errorlog(0,_('Damaged Header %s') % header)
                    h = None
            except IOError,e:
                fd = open(header, 'r')
                    h = rpm.headerLoad(fd.read())
                except rpm.error, e:
                    errorlog(0,_('Damaged Header %s') % header)
                    h = None
            except ValueError, e:
                errorlog(0,_('Damaged Header %s') % header)
                h = None
            except zlibError, e:
                errorlog(0,_('Damaged Header %s') % header)
                h = None
            h = header
        self.hdr = h

class RPM_Work(RPM_Base_Work):
    def __init__(self, rpmfn):
        fd = os.open(rpmfn, os.O_RDONLY)
            self.hdr = ts.hdrFromFdno(fd)
        except rpm.error, e:
            errorlog(0, _('Error opening rpm %s - error %s') % (rpmfn, e))
            self.hdr = None
class Rpm_Ts_Work:
    """This should operate on groups of headers/matches/etc in the rpmdb - ideally it will 
    operate with a list of the Base objects above, so I can refer to any one object there
    not sure the best way to do this yet, more thinking involved"""
    def __init__(self, dbPath='/'):
            if conf.installroot:
                if conf.installroot != '/':
                    dbPath = conf.installroot
        except NameError, e:

        self.ts = rpm.TransactionSet(dbPath)
        self.methods = ['addInstall', 'addErase', 'run', 'check', 'order', 'hdrFromFdno',
                   'closeDB', 'dbMatch', 'setFlags', 'setVSFlags', 'setProbFilter']
    def __getattr__(self, attribute):
        if attribute in self.methods:
            return getattr(self.ts, attribute)
            raise AttributeError, attribute
    def match(self, tag = None, search = None, mire = None):
        """hands back a list of Header_Work objects"""
        hwlist = []
        # hand back the whole list of hdrs
        if mire is None and tag is None and search is None:
            hdrlist = self.ts.dbMatch()
            #just do a non-mire'd search
            if mire == None:
                hdrlist = self.ts.dbMatch(tag, search)
                # mire search
                if mire == 'glob':
                    hdrlist = self.ts.dbMatch()
                    hdrlist.pattern(tag, rpm.RPMMIRE_GLOB, search)
                elif mire == 'regex':
                    hdrlist = self.ts.dbMatch()
                    hdrlist.pattern(tag, rpm.RPMMIRE_REGEX, search)
                elif mire == 'strcmp':
                    hdrlist = self.ts.dbMatch()
                    hdrlist.pattern(tag, rpm.RPMMIRE_STRCMP, search)
                    hdrlist = self.ts.dbMatch()
                    hdrlist.pattern(tag, rpm.RPMMIRE_DEFAULT, search)
        for hdr in hdrlist:
            hdrobj = Header_Work(hdr)
        return hwlist
    def sigChecking(self, sig):
        """pass type of check you want to occur, default is to have them off"""
        if sig == 'md5':
            #turn off everything but md5 - and we need to the check the payload
        elif sig == 'none':
            # turn off everything - period
        elif sig == 'default':
            # set it back to the default
            raise AttributeError, sig

--- NEW FILE transaction.py ---

# Client code for Update Agent
# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Red Hat, Inc.  Distributed under GPL.
#         Adrian Likins <alikins at redhat.com>
# Some Edits by Seth Vidal <skvidal at phy.duke.edu>
# a couple of classes wrapping up transactions so that we  
#    can share transactions instead of creating new ones all over

import rpm
import miscutils
from sets import Set

read_ts = None
ts = None

# wrapper/proxy class for rpm.Transaction so we can
# instrument it, etc easily
class TransactionWrapper:
    def __init__(self, root='/'):
        self.ts = rpm.TransactionSet(root)
        self._methods = ['dbMatch',
        self.tsflags = []

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if attr in self._methods:
            return self.getMethod(attr)
            raise AttributeError, attr

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.ts
    def getMethod(self, method):
        # in theory, we can override this with
        # profile/etc info
        return getattr(self.ts, method)

    # push/pop methods so we dont lose the previous
    # set value, and we can potentiall debug a bit
    # easier
    def pushVSFlags(self, flags):

    def popVSFlags(self):
        del self.tsflags[-1]

    def addTsFlag(self, flag):
        curflags = self.ts.setFlags(0)
        self.ts.setFlags(curflags | flag)
    def test(self, cb, conf={}):
        """tests the ts we've setup, takes a callback function and a conf dict 
           for flags and what not"""
        # I don't like this function - it should test, sure - but not
        # with this conf dict, we should be doing that beforehand and
        # we should be packing this information away elsewhere.
        if conf.has_key('diskspacecheck'):
            if conf['diskspacecheck'] == 0:
        tserrors = self.ts.run(cb.callback, '')
        reserrors = []
        if tserrors:
            for (descr, (etype, mount, need)) in tserrors:
        return reserrors
    def returnLeafNodes(self):
        """returns a list of package tuples (n,a,e,v,r) that are not required by
           any other package on the system"""
        req = {}
        orphan = []
        mi = self.dbMatch()
        if mi is None: # this is REALLY unlikely but let's just say it for the moment
            return orphan    
        for h in mi:
            tup = miscutils.pkgTupleFromHeader(h)    
            if not h[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME]:
            for r in h[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME]:
                if not req.has_key(r):
                    req[r] = Set()
        mi = self.dbMatch()
        if mi is None:
            return orphan
        for h in mi:
            preq = 0
            tup = miscutils.pkgTupleFromHeader(h)
            for p in h[rpm.RPMTAG_PROVIDES] + h[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]:
                if req.has_key(p):
                    # Don't count a package that provides its require
                    s = req[p]
                    if len(s) > 1 or tup not in s:
                        preq = preq + 1
            if preq == 0:
        return orphan

def initReadOnlyTransaction(root='/'):
    read_ts =  TransactionWrapper(root=root)
    return read_ts

--- NEW FILE updates.py ---
#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Copyright 2004 Duke University

import rpmUtils.miscutils
import rpmUtils.arch
import rpmUtils

class Updates:
    """This class computes and keeps track of updates and obsoletes.
       initialize, add installed packages, add available packages (both as
       unique lists of name, epoch, ver, rel, arch tuples), add an optional dict
       of obsoleting packages with obsoletes and what they obsolete ie:
        foo, i386, 0, 1.1, 1: bar >= 1.1."""

    def __init__(self, instlist, availlist):
        self.changeTup = [] # storage list tuple of updates or obsoletes
                            # (oldpkg, newpkg, ['update'|'obsolete'])

        self.installed = instlist # list of installed pkgs (n, a, e, v, r)
        self.available = availlist # list of available pkgs (n, a, e, v, r)
        self.rawobsoletes = {} # dict of obsoleting package->[what it obsoletes]
        self.exactarch = 1 # don't change archs by default
        self.exactarchlist = ['kernel', 'kernel-smp', 'glibc', 'kernel-hugemem',
                              'kernel-enterprise', 'kernel-bigmem', 'kernel-BOOT']
        self.myarch = rpmUtils.arch.getCanonArch() # this is for debugging only 
                                                   # set this if you want to 
                                                   # test on some other arch
                                                   # otherwise leave it alone
        # make some dicts from installed and available
        self.installdict = self.makeNADict(self.installed, 1)
        self.availdict = self.makeNADict(self.available, 1)

        # holder for our updates dict
        self.updatesdict = {}
        #debug, ignore me
        self.debug = 0

    def debugprint(self, msg):
        if self.debug:
            print msg
    def makeNADict(self, pkglist, Nonelists):
        """return lists of (e,v,r) tuples as value of a dict keyed on (n, a)
            optionally will return a (n, None) entry with all the a for that
            n in tuples of (a,e,v,r)"""
        returndict = {}
        for (n, a, e, v, r) in pkglist:
            if not returndict.has_key((n, a)):
                returndict[(n, a)] = []
            returndict[(n, a)].append((e,v,r))

            if Nonelists:
                if not returndict.has_key((n, None)):
                    returndict[(n, None)] = []
                returndict[(n, None)].append((a, e, v, r))
        return returndict

    def returnNewest(self, evrlist):
        """takes a list of (e, v, r) tuples and returns the newest one"""
        if len(evrlist)==0:
            raise rpmUtils.RpmUtilsError, "Zero Length List in returnNewest call"
        if len(evrlist)==1:
            return evrlist[0]
        (new_e, new_v, new_r) = evrlist[0] # we'll call the first ones 'newest'
        for (e, v, r) in evrlist[1:]:
            rc = rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((e, v, r), (new_e, new_v, new_r))
            if rc > 0:
                new_e = e
                new_v = v
                new_r = r
        return (new_e, new_v, new_r)

    def returnHighestVerFromAllArchsByName(self, name, archlist, pkglist):
        """returns a list of package tuples in a list (n, a, e, v, r)
           takes a package name, a list of archs, and a list of pkgs in
           (n, a, e, v, r) form."""
        # go through list and throw out all pkgs not in archlist
        matchlist = []
        for (n, a, e, v, r) in pkglist:
            if name == n:
                if a in archlist:
                    matchlist.append((n, a, e, v, r))

        if len(matchlist) == 0:
            return []
        # get all the evr's in a tuple list for returning the highest
        verlist = []
        for (n, a, e, v, r) in matchlist:

        (high_e, high_v, high_r) = self.returnNewest(verlist)
        returnlist = []
        for (n, a, e, v, r) in matchlist:
            if (high_e, high_v, high_r) == (e, v, r):
        return returnlist
    def condenseUpdates(self):
        """remove any accidental duplicates in updates"""
        for tup in self.updatesdict.keys():
            if len(self.updatesdict[tup]) > 1:
                mylist = self.updatesdict[tup]
                self.updatesdict[tup] = rpmUtils.miscutils.unique(mylist)
    def checkForObsolete(self, pkglist, newest=1):
        """accept a list of packages to check to see if anything obsoletes them
           return an obsoleted_dict in the format of makeObsoletedDict"""
        obsdict = {} # obseleting package > [obsoleted package]
        pkgdict = self.makeNADict(pkglist, 1)
        # this needs to keep arch in mind
        # if foo.i386 obsoletes bar
        # it needs to obsoletes bar.i386 preferentially, not bar.x86_64
        # if there is only one bar and only one foo then obsolete it, but try to
        # match the arch.
        # look through all the obsoleting packages look for multiple archs per name
        # if you find it look for the packages they obsolete
        for pkgtup in self.rawobsoletes.keys():
            (name, arch, epoch, ver, rel) = pkgtup
            for (obs_n, flag, (obs_e, obs_v, obs_r)) in self.rawobsoletes[(pkgtup)]:
                if flag in [None, 0]: # unversioned obsolete
                    if pkgdict.has_key((obs_n, None)):
                        for (rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r) in pkgdict[(obs_n, None)]:
                            if not obsdict.has_key(pkgtup):
                                obsdict[pkgtup] = []
                            obsdict[pkgtup].append((obs_n, rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r))

                else: # versioned obsolete
                    if pkgdict.has_key((obs_n, None)):
                        for (rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r) in pkgdict[(obs_n, None)]:
                            if rpmUtils.miscutils.rangeCheck((obs_n, flag, (obs_e, \
                                                        obs_v, obs_r)), (obs_n,\
                                                        rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)):
                                # make sure the obsoleting pkg is not already installed
                                if not obsdict.has_key(pkgtup):
                                    obsdict[pkgtup] = []
                                obsdict[pkgtup].append((obs_n, rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r))
        obslist = obsdict.keys()
        if newest:
            obslist = self._reduceListNewestByNameArch(obslist)

        returndict = {}
        for new in obslist:
            for old in obsdict[new]:
                if not returndict.has_key(old):
                    returndict[old] = []
        return returndict
    def doObsoletes(self):
        """figures out what things available obsolete things installed, returns
           them in a dict attribute of the class."""

        obsdict = {} # obseleting package -> [obsoleted package]
        # this needs to keep arch in mind
        # if foo.i386 obsoletes bar
        # it needs to obsoletes bar.i386 preferentially, not bar.x86_64
        # if there is only one bar and only one foo then obsolete it, but try to
        # match the arch.
        # look through all the obsoleting packages look for multiple archs per name
        # if you find it look for the packages they obsolete
        for pkgtup in self.rawobsoletes.keys():
            (name, arch, epoch, ver, rel) = pkgtup
            for (obs_n, flag, (obs_e, obs_v, obs_r)) in self.rawobsoletes[(pkgtup)]:
                if flag in [None, 0]: # unversioned obsolete
                    if self.installdict.has_key((obs_n, None)):
                        for (rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r) in self.installdict[(obs_n, None)]:
                            # make sure the obsoleting pkg is not already installed
                            willInstall = 1
                            if self.installdict.has_key((name, None)):
                                for (ins_a, ins_e, ins_v, ins_r) in self.installdict[(name, None)]:
                                    pkgver = (epoch, ver, rel)
                                    installedver = (ins_e, ins_v, ins_r)
                                    if self.returnNewest((pkgver, installedver)) == installedver:
                                        willInstall = 0
                            if willInstall:
                                if not obsdict.has_key(pkgtup):
                                    obsdict[pkgtup] = []
                                obsdict[pkgtup].append((obs_n, rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r))

                else: # versioned obsolete
                    if self.installdict.has_key((obs_n, None)):
                        for (rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r) in self.installdict[(obs_n, None)]:
                            if rpmUtils.miscutils.rangeCheck((obs_n, flag, (obs_e, \
                                                        obs_v, obs_r)), (obs_n,\
                                                        rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)):
                                # make sure the obsoleting pkg is not already installed
                                willInstall = 1
                                if self.installdict.has_key((name, None)):
                                    for (ins_a, ins_e, ins_v, ins_r) in self.installdict[(name, None)]:
                                        pkgver = (epoch, ver, rel)
                                        installedver = (ins_e, ins_v, ins_r)
                                        if self.returnNewest((pkgver, installedver)) == installedver:
                                            willInstall = 0
                                if willInstall:
                                    if not obsdict.has_key(pkgtup):
                                        obsdict[pkgtup] = []
                                    obsdict[pkgtup].append((obs_n, rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r))
        self.obsoletes = obsdict

    def makeObsoletedDict(self):
        """creates a dict of obsoleted packages -> [obsoleting package], this
           is to make it easier to look up what package obsoletes what item in 
           the rpmdb"""
        self.obsoleted_dict = {}
        for new in self.obsoletes.keys():
            for old in self.obsoletes[new]:
                if not self.obsoleted_dict.has_key(old):
                    self.obsoleted_dict[old] = []
    def doUpdates(self):
        """check for key lists as populated then commit acts of evil to
           determine what is updated and/or obsoleted, populate self.updatesdict
        # best bet is to chew through the pkgs and throw out the new ones early
        # then deal with the ones where there are a single pkg installed and a 
        # single pkg available
        # then deal with the multiples

        # we should take the whole list as a 'newlist' and remove those entries
        # which are clearly:
        #   1. updates 
        #   2. identical to the ones in ourdb
        #   3. not in our archdict at all
        simpleupdate = []
        complexupdate = []
        updatedict = {} # (old n, a, e, v, r) : [(new n, a, e, v, r)]
                        # make the new ones a list b/c while we _shouldn't_
                        # have multiple updaters, we might and well, it needs
                        # to be solved one way or the other <sigh>
        newpkgs = []
        newpkgs = self.availdict
        archlist = rpmUtils.arch.getArchList(self.myarch)
        for (n, a) in newpkgs.keys():
            # remove stuff not in our archdict
            # high log here
            if a is None:
                for (arch, e,v,r) in newpkgs[(n, a)]:
                    if arch not in archlist:
                        newpkgs[(n, a)].remove((arch, e,v,r))
            if a not in archlist:
                # high log here
                del newpkgs[(n, a)]

        # remove the older stuff - if we're doing an update we only want the
        # newest evrs                
        for (n, a) in newpkgs.keys():
            if a is None:

            (new_e,new_v,new_r) = self.returnNewest(newpkgs[(n, a)])
            for (e, v, r) in newpkgs[(n, a)]:
                if (new_e, new_v, new_r) != (e, v, r):
                    newpkgs[(n, a)].remove((e, v, r))

        for (n, a) in newpkgs.keys():
            if a is None: # the None archs are only for lookups
            # simple ones - look for exact matches or older stuff
            if self.installdict.has_key((n, a)):
                for (rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r) in self.installdict[(n, a)]:
                        (e, v, r) = self.returnNewest(newpkgs[(n,a)])
                    except rpmUtils.RpmUtilsError:
                        rc = rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((e, v, r), (rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r))
                        if rc <= 0:
                                newpkgs[(n, a)].remove((e, v, r))
                            except ValueError:

        # get rid of all the empty dict entries:
        for nakey in newpkgs.keys():
            if len(newpkgs[nakey]) == 0:
                del newpkgs[nakey]

        # ok at this point our newpkgs list should be thinned, we should have only
        # the newest e,v,r's and only archs we can actually use
        for (n, a) in newpkgs.keys():
            if a is None: # the None archs are only for lookups
            if self.installdict.has_key((n, None)):
                installarchs = []
                availarchs = []
                for (a, e, v ,r) in newpkgs[(n, None)]:
                for (a, e, v, r) in self.installdict[(n, None)]:

                if len(availarchs) > 1 or len(installarchs) > 1:
                    self.debugprint('putting %s in complex update' % n)
                    #log(4, 'putting %s in simple update list' % name)
                    self.debugprint('putting %s in simple update' % n)
                    simpleupdate.append((n, a))

        # we have our lists to work with now
        # simple cases
        for (n, a) in simpleupdate:
            # try to be as precise as possible
            if n in self.exactarchlist:
                if self.installdict.has_key((n, a)):
                    (rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r) = self.returnNewest(self.installdict[(n, a)])
                    if newpkgs.has_key((n,a)):
                        (e, v, r) = self.returnNewest(newpkgs[(n, a)])
                        rc = rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((e, v, r), (rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r))
                        if rc > 0:
                            # this is definitely an update - put it in the dict
                            if not updatedict.has_key((n, a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)):
                                updatedict[(n, a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)] = []
                            updatedict[(n, a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)].append((n, a, e, v, r))
                # we could only have 1 arch in our rpmdb and 1 arch of pkg 
                # available - so we shouldn't have to worry about the lists, here
                # we just need to find the arch of the installed pkg so we can 
                # check it's (e, v, r)
                (rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r) = self.installdict[(n, None)][0]
                if newpkgs.has_key((n, None)):
                    for (a, e, v, r) in newpkgs[(n, None)]:
                        rc = rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((e, v, r), (rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r))
                        if rc > 0:
                            # this is definitely an update - put it in the dict
                            if not updatedict.has_key((n, rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)):
                                updatedict[(n, rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)] = []
                            updatedict[(n, rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)].append((n, a, e, v, r))

        # complex cases

        # we're multilib/biarch
        # we need to check the name.arch in two different trees
        # one for the multiarch itself and one for the compat arch
        # ie: x86_64 and athlon(i686-i386) - we don't want to descend
        # x86_64->i686 
        archlists = []
        if rpmUtils.arch.isMultiLibArch(arch=self.myarch):
            if rpmUtils.arch.multilibArches.has_key(self.myarch):
                biarches = [self.myarch]
                biarches = [self.myarch, rpmUtils.arch.arches[self.myarch]]

            multicompat = rpmUtils.arch.getMultiArchInfo(self.myarch)[0]
            multiarchlist = rpmUtils.arch.getArchList(multicompat)
            archlists = [ biarches, multiarchlist ]
            archlists = [ archlist ]
        for n in complexupdate:
            for thisarchlist in archlists:
                # we need to get the highest version and the archs that have it
                # of the installed pkgs            
                tmplist = []
                for (a, e, v, r) in self.installdict[(n, None)]:
                    tmplist.append((n, a, e, v, r))

                highestinstalledpkgs = self.returnHighestVerFromAllArchsByName(n,
                                         thisarchlist, tmplist)
                tmplist = []
                for (a, e, v, r) in newpkgs[(n, None)]:
                    tmplist.append((n, a, e, v, r))                        
                highestavailablepkgs = self.returnHighestVerFromAllArchsByName(n,
                                         thisarchlist, tmplist)

                hapdict = self.makeNADict(highestavailablepkgs, 0)
                hipdict = self.makeNADict(highestinstalledpkgs, 0)

                # now we have the two sets of pkgs
                if n in self.exactarchlist:
                    for (n, a) in hipdict:
                        if hapdict.has_key((n, a)):
                            self.debugprint('processing %s.%s' % (n, a))
                            # we've got a match - get our versions and compare
                            (rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r) = hipdict[(n, a)][0] # only ever going to be first one
                            (e, v, r) = hapdict[(n, a)][0] # there can be only one
                            rc = rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((e, v, r), (rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r))
                            if rc > 0:
                                # this is definitely an update - put it in the dict
                                if not updatedict.has_key((n, a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)):
                                    updatedict[(n, a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)] = []
                                updatedict[(n, a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)].append((n, a, e, v, r))
                    self.debugprint('processing %s' % n)
                    # this is where we have to have an arch contest if there
                    # is more than one arch updating with the highest ver
                    instarchs = []
                    availarchs = []
                    for (n,a) in hipdict.keys():
                    for (n,a) in hapdict.keys():
                    rpm_a = rpmUtils.arch.getBestArchFromList(instarchs, myarch=self.myarch)
                    a = rpmUtils.arch.getBestArchFromList(availarchs, myarch=self.myarch)

                    if rpm_a is None or a is None:
                    (rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r) = hipdict[(n, rpm_a)][0] # there can be just one
                    (e, v, r) = hapdict[(n, a)][0] # just one, I'm sure, I swear!

                    rc = rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((e, v, r), (rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r))

                    if rc > 0:
                        # this is definitely an update - put it in the dict
                        if not updatedict.has_key((n, rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)):
                            updatedict[(n, rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)] = []
                        updatedict[(n, rpm_a, rpm_e, rpm_v, rpm_r)].append((n, a, e, v, r))
        self.updatesdict = updatedict                    
    def makeUpdatingDict(self):
        """creates a dict of available packages -> [installed package], this
           is to make it easier to look up what package  will be updating what
           in the rpmdb"""
        self.updating_dict = {}
        for old in self.updatesdict.keys():
            for new in self.updatesdict[old]:
                if not self.updating_dict.has_key(new):
                    self.updating_dict[new] = []

    def reduceListByNameArch(self, pkglist, name=None, arch=None):
        """returns a set of pkg naevr tuples reduced based on name or arch"""
        returnlist = []
        if name or arch:
            for (n, a, e, v, r) in pkglist:
                if name:
                    if name == n:
                        returnlist.append((n, a, e, v, r))
                if arch:
                    if arch == a:
                        returnlist.append((n, a, e, v, r))
            returnlist = pkglist

        return returnlist
    def getUpdatesTuples(self, name=None, arch=None):
        """returns updates for packages in a list of tuples of:
          (updating naevr, installed naevr)"""
        returnlist = []
        for oldtup in self.updatesdict.keys():
            (old_n, old_a, old_e, old_v, old_r) = oldtup
            for newtup in self.updatesdict[oldtup]:
                returnlist.append((newtup, oldtup))
        tmplist = []
        if name:
            for ((n, a, e, v, r), oldtup) in returnlist:
                if name != n:
                    tmplist.append(((n, a, e, v, r), oldtup))
        if arch:
            for ((n, a, e, v, r), oldtup) in returnlist:
                if arch != a:
                    tmplist.append(((n, a, e, v, r), oldtup))

        for item in tmplist:
            except ValueError:
        return returnlist            

    def getUpdatesList(self, name=None, arch=None):
        """returns updating packages in a list of (naevr) tuples"""
        returnlist = []

        for oldtup in self.updatesdict.keys():
            for newtup in self.updatesdict[oldtup]:
        returnlist = self.reduceListByNameArch(returnlist, name, arch)
        return returnlist
    def getObsoletesTuples(self, newest=0, name=None, arch=None):
        """returns obsoletes for packages in a list of tuples of:
           (obsoleting naevr, installed naevr). You can specify name and/or
           arch of the installed package to narrow the results.
           You can also specify newest=1 to get the set of newest pkgs (name, arch)
           sorted, that obsolete something"""
        tmplist = []
        obslist = self.obsoletes.keys()
        if newest:
            obslist = self._reduceListNewestByNameArch(obslist)
        for obstup in obslist:
            for rpmtup in self.obsoletes[obstup]:
                tmplist.append((obstup, rpmtup))
        returnlist = []
        if name or arch:
            for (obstup, (n, a, e, v, r)) in tmplist:
                if name:
                    if name == n:
                        returnlist.append((obstup, (n, a, e, v, r)))
                if arch:
                    if arch == a:
                        returnlist.append((obstup, (n, a, e, v, r)))
            returnlist = tmplist

        return returnlist
    def getObsoletesList(self, newest=0, name=None, arch=None):
        """returns obsoleting packages in a list of naevr tuples of just the
           packages that obsolete something that is installed. You can specify
           name and/or arch of the obsoleting packaging to narrow the results.
           You can also specify newest=1 to get the set of newest pkgs (name, arch)
           sorted, that obsolete something"""
        tmplist = self.obsoletes.keys()
        if newest:
            tmplist = self._reduceListNewestByNameArch(tmplist)

        returnlist = self.reduceListByNameArch(tmplist, name, arch)
        return returnlist
    def getObsoletedList(self, newest=0, name=None):
        """returns a list of pkgtuples obsoleting the package in name"""
        returnlist = []
        for new in self.obsoletes.keys():
            for obstup in self.obsoletes[new]:
                (n, a, e, v, r) = obstup
                if n == name:
        return returnlist

    def getOthersList(self, name=None, arch=None):
        """returns a naevr tuple of the packages that are neither installed
           nor an update - this may include something that obsoletes an installed
        updates = {}
        inst = {}
        tmplist = []
        for pkgtup in self.getUpdatesList():
            updates[pkgtup] = 1
        for pkgtup in self.installed:
            inst[pkgtup] = 1
        for pkgtup in self.available:
            if not updates.has_key(pkgtup) and not inst.has_key(pkgtup):

        returnlist = self.reduceListByNameArch(tmplist, name, arch)
        return returnlist

    def _reduceListNewestByNameArch(self, tuplelist):
        """return list of newest packages based on name, arch matching
           this means(in name.arch form): foo.i386 and foo.noarch are not 
           compared to each other for highest version only foo.i386 and 
           foo.i386 will be compared"""
        highdict = {}
        for pkgtup in tuplelist:
            (n, a, e, v, r) = pkgtup
            if not highdict.has_key((n, a)):
                highdict[(n, a)] = pkgtup
                pkgtup2 = highdict[(n, a)]
                (n2, a2, e2, v2, r2) = pkgtup2
                rc = rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((e,v,r), (e2, v2, r2))
                if rc > 0:
                    highdict[(n, a)] = pkgtup
        return highdict.values()

#    def getProblems(self):
#        """return list of problems:
#           - Packages that are both obsoleted and updated.
#           - Packages that have multiple obsoletes.
#           - Packages that _still_ have multiple updates
#        """


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