rpms/flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd/devel flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd.desktop, NONE, 1.1 flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd.spec, NONE, 1.1 readme.txt, NONE, 1.1 .cvsignore, 1.1, 1.2 sources, 1.1, 1.2

Hans de Goede (jwrdegoede) fedora-extras-commits at redhat.com
Sun Nov 12 10:11:30 UTC 2006

Author: jwrdegoede

Update of /cvs/extras/rpms/flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd/devel
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv9670/devel

Modified Files:
	.cvsignore sources 
Added Files:
	flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd.spec readme.txt 
Log Message:
auto-import flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd-1.0-1 on branch devel from flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd-1.0-1.src.rpm

--- NEW FILE flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd.desktop ---
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Flight of the Amazon Queen (CD version)
Comment=Adventure Game
Exec=scummvm -f -p /usr/share/flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd queen

--- NEW FILE flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd.spec ---
Name:           flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd
Version:        1.0
Release:        1
Summary:        Flight of the Amazon Queen - Adventure Game - CD version
Group:          Amusements/Games
# For further discussion on distribution rights see:
# http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-extras-list/2006-November/msg00030.html
License:        Distributable
URL:            http://www.scummvm.org/downloads.php
# This is an ogg compressed sfx/speech variant. It has been rebuilded 
# from the original data using queenrebuild (scummvm tools).
# queenrebuild --ogg -Q -b 16 queen.1
Source0:        ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/supplementary/X/FOTAQ/queen.1c.bz2
Source1:        %{name}.desktop
Source2:        ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/supplementary/X/FOTAQ/readme.txt
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires:  desktop-file-utils
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       scummvm >= 0.9.1, hicolor-icon-theme

It is 1949 and you play Joe King, pilot for hire with his small private plane
the 'Amazon Queen'. The game is a spoof of old timey radio adventure serials,
and as it begins we find Joe in one of those typical situations. It is 11:58
and 36 seconds and counting, Joe and his date are tied up in an abandoned
warehouse ("you really know how to show a girl a good time, Joe!"), and a bomb
is set to go off at midnight!

Of course they escape, in the nick of time, and immediately set us up for the
next 'adventure'. Joe suddenly remembers that he is scheduled to fly the famous
movie star, Faye Russell, to a photo shoot in the Amazon jungle the next

This package contains the CD version, which contains additional / longer
cutscenes and voice acting, but also is much larger: 37 MB where as the also
available floppy version (package flight-of-the-amazon-queen) is only 7 MB.

%setup -q -c -T
bzip2 -dc %{SOURCE0} > queen.1c
install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE2} .

# Nothing to build data only

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}
install -p -m 644 queen.1c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications
desktop-file-install --vendor fedora            \
  --dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications \
  --add-category X-Fedora                       \


%doc readme.txt

* Sun Nov  5 2006 Hans de Goede <j.w.r.degoede at hhs.nl> 1.0-1
- Initial FE package

--- NEW FILE readme.txt ---
Flight of the Amazon Queen (Talkie)                 (C) 1995- John Passfield &
-----------------------------------                           Steve Stamatiadis

March 15 2004
	(Licence and legal stuff at the end of this file. Please read them.)

Once again, we here at ScummVM have the pleasure of bringing you yet another
classic adventure game, thanks to John Passfield and Steve Stamatiadis over at
Krome Studios in Australia. This game requires at least ScummVM 0.6.0 to play.

Flight of the Amazon Queen is a 2D point-and-click adventure game set in the 
1940s, originally published for DOS and the Amiga. 

You assume the role of Joe King, a pilot for hire who is given the job of flying
Faye Russell (a famous movie star) into the Amazon jungle for a photo shoot. Of
course, things never go according to plans. After an unfortunate turn of events
they find themselves stranded in the heart of the Amazon jungle, where Joe will
embark on a quest to rescue a kidnapped princess and in the process, discover
the true sinister intentions of a suspiciously located Lederhosen company. In a
rich 2D environment, Joe will cross paths with a variety of unlikely jungle
inhabitants including, but not limited to, a tribe of Amazon women and 6-foot-
tall pygmies.

Game Quickstart
You need ScummVM version 0.6.0 or newer to play this game, which can be
downloaded at http://www.scummvm.org/.

ScummVM runs on many platforms, including many Unices and BSDs, Windows,
Mac OS X, Windows CE and others. However note that some platforms may not (yet)
be capable of playing all games. Please see the ScummVM Compatibility List for
information on newer versions.

You should always read the instructions included with the latest version of
ScummVM, but for here is a quick three-step guide for the impatient:

 1) Unzip the game to a directory and install ScummVM
 2) After running ScummVM, click the 'Add Game' button and browse to the 
    directory you just created.
 3) After adding the game to the list, on future plays simply select it
    from the 'Game List' and click 'Start'!

You can access the in-game save/load and options menu by using the 'Journal'
inventory item.

            James 'Ender' Brown,
            Project Co-Leader,
            ScummVM (http://www.scummvm.org/)

Neither of the game authors, nor ScummVM provide support for this game.
Walkthroughs and hints can easily be found online, but the in case of
technical problems, feel free to ask for help on the ScummVM forums.

Special Thanks:

          A full list of credits for ScummVM can be found in its README file,
however the following people deserve special credit... and as usual, the first
thanks should go to the creators of this game!

Steve Stamatiadis (www.spacecaptainsteve.com)
John Passfield	  (www.passfieldgames.com)

Thanks for, obviously, making a great game and giving us the honour of rewriting
the engine and releasing it as freeware.

Traditionally the next set of credits go to those who dug through the original
PC-release C source (which was a rather interesting port of the original Amiga 
AMOS version itself!) and re-engineered a new engine:
  David Eriksson, Gregory Montoir and Joost Peters.

Final credit goes to everybody else on the ScummVM team and my co-lead developer
Max Horn, who has kept everything running whilst I've been on a heat-induced
vacation thanks to a boiling summer here in Western Australia.
The Legal Stuff:

  Basically, give this game away, share it with your friends. Don't remove this
Readme, or pretend that you wrote it. You can include it in a software
collection, like a Linux distribution or coverdisk (which may be sold), but
using it in things like commercial adventure game collections without asking is
just playing dirty. You can modify the gamedata for such purposes as compressing
audio. This preamble is not legally binding, but is to clarify the intent of
the following licence.

 1) You may distribute this game for free on any medium, provided this Readme
and all associated copyright notices and disclaimers are left intact.

 2) You may charge a reasonable copying fee for this archive, and may
distribute it in aggregate as part of a larger and possibly commercial software
distribution (such as a Linux distribution or magazine coverdisk). You must
provide proper attribution and ensure that this Readme and all associated
copyright notices and disclaimers are left intact.

 3) You may not charge a fee for the game itself. This includes reselling the
game as an individual item.

 4) You may modify the game as you wish.  You may also distribute modified
versions under the terms set forth in this licence, but with the additional
requirement that the work is marked with a prominent notice which states that
it is a modified version.

 5) All game content is (C) John Passfield and Steven Stamatiadis.
    The ScummVM engine is (C) The ScummVM Team (www.scummvm.org).


Index: .cvsignore
RCS file: /cvs/extras/rpms/flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd/devel/.cvsignore,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- .cvsignore	12 Nov 2006 09:51:13 -0000	1.1
+++ .cvsignore	12 Nov 2006 10:11:00 -0000	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Index: sources
RCS file: /cvs/extras/rpms/flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd/devel/sources,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- sources	12 Nov 2006 09:51:13 -0000	1.1
+++ sources	12 Nov 2006 10:11:00 -0000	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+10c38ba9fd533c29cf8a26424d27a9f8  queen.1c.bz2

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