fedora-hardware/hardware/hardware __init__.py, NONE, 1.1 controllers.py, NONE, 1.1 json.py, NONE, 1.1 model.py, NONE, 1.1 release.py, NONE, 1.1

Michael Patrick McGrath (mmcgrath) fedora-extras-commits at redhat.com
Thu Jan 11 20:02:57 UTC 2007

Author: mmcgrath

Update of /cvs/fedora/fedora-hardware/hardware/hardware
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv3389/hardware/hardware

Added Files:
	__init__.py controllers.py json.py model.py release.py 
Log Message:
added a ton of crap

--- NEW FILE __init__.py ---

--- NEW FILE controllers.py ---
from turbogears import controllers, expose
import sqlobject
from hardware import model
# import logging
# log = logging.getLogger("hardware.controllers")
from hardware.model import Host
from hardware.model import Device
from hardware.model import HostLinks
from sqlobject import SQLObjectNotFound

class statusBar:
    def bar(num, tot):
        for i in range (int( float(num) / tot * 50)):
            print '|'

class Root(controllers.RootController):
    def index(self):
        import time
        # log.debug("Happy TurboGears Controller Responding For Duty")
        return dict(now=time.ctime())

    def add(self, UUID, lsbRelease, OS, platform, bogomips, systemMemory, systemSwap, CPUVendor, numCPUs, CPUSpeed, language, defaultRunlevel, vendor, system):
        import time

            hostSQL = Host.byUUID(UUID)
            hostSQL.lsbRelease = lsbRelease
            hostSQL.OS = OS
            hostSQL.platform = platform
                hostSQL.bogomips = float(bogomips)
                hostSQL.bogomips = 0
            hostSQL.systemMemory = int(systemMemory)
            hostSQL.systemSwap = int(systemSwap)
            hostSQL.CPUVendor = CPUVendor
            hostSQL.numCPUs = int(numCPUs)
            hostSQL.CPUSpeed = CPUSpeed
            hostSQL.language = language
            hostSQL.defaultRunlevel = int(defaultRunlevel)
            hostSQL.vendor = vendor
            hostSQL.system = system

        except SQLObjectNotFound:
            hostSQL = Host(UUID = UUID,
                        lsbRelease = lsbRelease,
                        OS = OS,
                        platform = platform,
                        bogomips = float(bogomips),
                        systemMemory = int(systemMemory),
                        systemSwap = int(systemSwap),
                        CPUVendor = CPUVendor,
                        numCPUs = int(numCPUs),
                        CPUSpeed = CPUSpeed,
                        language = language,
                        defaultRunlevel = int(defaultRunlevel),
                        vendor = vendor,
                        system = system)

        return dict(hostObject=hostSQL)

    def addDevice(self, UUID, Description, Bus, Driver, Class):
        import time
        from mx import DateTime

            deviceSQL = Device.byDescription(Description)

        except SQLObjectNotFound:
            deviceSQL = Device(Description = Description,
                            Bus = Bus,
                            Driver = Driver,
                            Class = Class,
                            DateAdded = DateTime.now())

        link = HostLinks(hostUUID=UUID, deviceID=deviceSQL.id)

        return dict(deviceObject=deviceSQL)

    def raw(self, UUID=None):
        host = Host
        hosts = host.select('1=1')
        links = HostLinks
        return dict(Hosts=hosts, Device=Device, HostLinks=HostLinks)

    def stats(self):
        stats = {}
        stats['archs'] = Host._connection.queryAll("Select platform, count(platform) as cnt from Host group by platform order by cnt desc")
        stats['archstot'] = int(Host._connection.queryAll('select count(platform) from Host;')[0][0])
        stats['OS'] = Host._connection.queryAll("Select o_s, count(o_s) as cnt from Host group by o_s order by cnt desc")
        stats['runlevel'] = Host._connection.queryAll("Select default_runlevel, count(default_runlevel) as cnt from Host group by default_runlevel order by cnt desc")
        stats['devices'] = Host._connection.queryAll("select Device.description, count(host_links.device_id) as cnt from host_links, Device where host_links.Device_id=Device.id group by host_links.device_id order by cnt desc limit 20;")
        return dict(Host=Host, Device=Device, HostLinks=HostLinks, Stat=stats, statusBar=statusBar)

--- NEW FILE json.py ---
# A JSON-based API(view) for your app.
# Most rules would look like:
# @jsonify.when("isinstance(obj, YourClass)")
# def jsonify_yourclass(obj):
#     return [obj.val1, obj.val2]
# @jsonify can convert your objects to following types:
# lists, dicts, numbers and strings

from turbojson.jsonify import jsonify

--- NEW FILE model.py ---
from sqlobject import *
from datetime import datetime
from turbogears.database import PackageHub
from turbogears.identity.soprovider import TG_User, TG_Group, TG_Permission

hub = PackageHub("hardware")
__connection__ = hub

class Device(SQLObject):
    Description = StringCol(title="Device",alternateID=True)
    Bus = StringCol(title="Bus")
    Driver = StringCol(title="Module / Driver")
    Class = StringCol()
    DateAdded = DateTimeCol(title="Date Added")

class HostLinks(SQLObject):
    hostUUID = ForeignKey("Host")
    deviceID = IntCol(title="Device Link")

class Host(SQLObject):
    UUID = StringCol(title="UUID",alternateID=True,unique=True,notNone=True)
    lsbRelease = StringCol()
    OS = StringCol()
    platform = StringCol()
    bogomips = FloatCol()
    systemMemory = IntCol(title="System Memory")
    systemSwap = IntCol(title="System Swap Memory")
    vendor = StringCol(title="Machine Vendor")
    system = StringCol(title="Machine Model")
    CPUVendor = StringCol(title="CPU Vendor")
    numCPUs = IntCol(title="Number of CPUs")
    CPUSpeed = StringCol(title="CPU Speed")
    language = StringCol(title="Language")
    defaultRunlevel = IntCol(title="Default Runlevel")

--- NEW FILE release.py ---
# Release information about hardware

version = "1.0"

# description = "Your plan to rule the world"
# long_description = "More description about your plan"
# author = "Your Name Here"
# email = "YourEmail at YourDomain"
# copyright = "Vintage 2006 - a good year indeed"

# if it's open source, you might want to specify these
# url = "http://yourcool.site/"
# download_url = "http://yourcool.site/download"
# license = "MIT"

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