rpms/ocaml-gettext/devel ocaml-gettext-0.2.0-20080321.patch, NONE, 1.1 ocaml-gettext.spec, NONE, 1.1 .cvsignore, 1.1, 1.2 sources, 1.1, 1.2

Richard W.M. Jones (rjones) fedora-extras-commits at redhat.com
Sun Apr 27 21:50:51 UTC 2008

Author: rjones

Update of /cvs/pkgs/rpms/ocaml-gettext/devel
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv9516/devel

Modified Files:
	.cvsignore sources 
Added Files:
	ocaml-gettext-0.2.0-20080321.patch ocaml-gettext.spec 
Log Message:
Initial import.


--- NEW FILE ocaml-gettext-0.2.0-20080321.patch ---
diff -ur ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/libgettext-camomile-ocaml/gettextCamomile.ml ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/libgettext-camomile-ocaml/gettextCamomile.ml
--- ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/libgettext-camomile-ocaml/gettextCamomile.ml	2008-03-21 16:23:39.000000000 +0000
+++ ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/libgettext-camomile-ocaml/gettextCamomile.ml	2008-03-21 16:16:06.000000000 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
-open Camomile;;
+open CamomileLibrary;;
+open Default.Camomile;;
 open GettextTypes;;
 (** Charset module, that is derived directly from the camomile library. *)
diff -ur ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/libgettext-ocaml/Makefile ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/libgettext-ocaml/Makefile
--- ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/libgettext-ocaml/Makefile	2008-03-21 16:23:38.000000000 +0000
+++ ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/libgettext-ocaml/Makefile	2008-03-21 16:16:24.000000000 +0000
@@ -137,7 +137,15 @@
 INSTALLIB +=        \
-pr_gettext.cmo: REQUIRES=ast-analyze
+pr_gettext.cmo: pr_gettext.ml
+	ocamlc \
+	  -I +camlp4 \
+	  -I $(shell ocamlc -where)/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers \
+	  -pp camlp4of.opt \
+	  camlp4lib.cma \
+	  gettextBase.cma \
+	  gettextExtension.cma \
+	  -c $< -o $@
 include ../ConfMakefile
 include ../TopMakefile
diff -ur ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/libgettext-ocaml/META.in ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/libgettext-ocaml/META.in
--- ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/libgettext-ocaml/META.in	2008-03-21 16:23:38.000000000 +0000
+++ ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/libgettext-ocaml/META.in	2008-03-21 13:26:10.000000000 +0000
@@ -41,6 +41,6 @@
 package "extract" (
   version = "@VERSION@"
-  requires = "ast-analyze gettext.extension"
+  requires = "gettext.extension"
   archive(byte) = "pr_gettext.cmo" 
diff -ur ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/libgettext-ocaml/pr_gettext.ml ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/libgettext-ocaml/pr_gettext.ml
--- ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/libgettext-ocaml/pr_gettext.ml	2008-03-21 16:23:38.000000000 +0000
+++ ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/libgettext-ocaml/pr_gettext.ml	2008-03-21 17:19:54.000000000 +0000
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 (** Camlp4 dumper to extract strings.
     @author Sylvain Le Gall
+    @author Richard W.M. Jones (translation to OCaml 3.10.X new camlp4)
 (* Extract the string which should be used for a gettext translation. Output a
@@ -48,163 +49,129 @@
 fdcngettext   _          domain     singular   plural     _          _
-open MLast;;
-open Format;;
-open GettextTypes;;
-open GettextPo;;
+open Format
+open GettextTypes
+open GettextPo
 let default_textdomain = ref None
-let add_translation t loc singular plural domain =
-  let location =
-    let (pos1,_) = loc
+module Id = struct
+  (* name is printed with the -loaded-modules switch *) 
+  let name = "pr_gettext" 
+  (* cvs id's seem to be the preferred version string *) 
+  let version = "$Id$" 
+module Make (Syntax : Camlp4.Sig.Camlp4Syntax)
+  : Camlp4.Sig.Printer(Syntax.Ast).S =
+  module Loc = Syntax.Loc
+  module Ast = Syntax.Ast
+  type t = po_content
+  let add_translation t loc singular plural domain =
+    let location = Loc.file_name loc, Loc.start_line loc in
+    let translation =
+      match plural with 
+	Some plural -> ([location],PoPlural([singular],[plural],[[""];[""]]))
+      | None -> ([location],PoSingular([singular],[""]))
-    (!Pcaml.input_file,pos1.Lexing.pos_lnum)
-  in
-  let translation =
-    match plural with 
-      Some plural -> ([location],PoPlural([singular],[plural],[[""];[""]]))
-    | None -> ([location],PoSingular([singular],[""]))
-  in
-  match domain with 
-    Some domain -> 
-      add_po_translation_domain domain t translation
-  | None -> 
-      (
-        match !default_textdomain with
-          Some domain ->
-            add_po_translation_domain domain t translation
-        | None ->
-            add_po_translation_no_domain t translation
-      )
+    match domain with 
+      Some domain -> 
+	add_po_translation_domain domain t translation
+    | None ->
+	(
+          match !default_textdomain with
+            Some domain ->
+              add_po_translation_domain domain t translation
+          | None ->
+              add_po_translation_no_domain t translation
+	)
+  let output_translations ?output_file m = 
+    let (fd,close_on_exit) = 
+      match output_file with
+	Some f -> (open_out f,true)
+      | None -> (stdout,false)
+    in
+    Marshal.to_channel fd m [];
+    flush fd;
+    if close_on_exit then
+      close_out fd
+    else
+      ()
+  class visitor = object
+    inherit Ast.fold as super
+    val t = empty_po
+    method t = t
+    method expr = function
+    | <:expr at loc< s_ $str:singular$ >>
+    | <:expr at loc< f_ $str:singular$ >> ->
+      (* Add a singular / default domain string *)
+      let t = add_translation t loc singular None None in
+      {< t = t >}
+    | <:expr at loc< sn_ $str:singular$ $str:plural$ >>
+    | <:expr at loc< fn_ $str:singular$ $str:plural$ >> ->
+      (* Add a plural / default domain string *)
+      let t = add_translation t loc singular (Some plural) None in
+      {< t = t >}
+    | <:expr at loc< gettext $expr$ $str:singular$ >>
+    | <:expr at loc< fgettext $expr$ $str:singular$ >> ->
+      (* Add a singular / default domain string *)
+      let t = add_translation t loc singular None None in
+      {< t = t >}
+    | <:expr at loc< dgettext $expr$ $str:domain$ $str:singular$ >>
+    | <:expr at loc< fdgettext $expr$ $str:domain$ $str:singular$ >>
+    | <:expr at loc< dcgettext $expr$ $str:domain$ $str:singular$ >>
+    | <:expr at loc< fdcgettext $expr$ $str:domain$ $str:singular$ >> ->
+      (* Add a singular / defined domain string *)
+      let t = add_translation t loc singular (Some domain) None in
+      {< t = t >}
+    | <:expr at loc< nettext $expr$ $str:singular$ $str:plural$ >>
+    | <:expr at loc< fngettext $expr$ $str:singular$ $str:plural$ >> ->
+      (* Add a plural / default domain string *)
+      let t = add_translation t loc singular (Some plural) None in
+      {< t = t >}
+    | <:expr at loc< dgettext $expr$ $str:domain$ $str:singular$ $str:plural$ >>
+    | <:expr at loc< fdgettext $expr$ $str:domain$ $str:singular$ $str:plural$ >>
+    | <:expr at loc< dcgettext $expr$ $str:domain$ $str:singular$ $str:plural$ >>
+    | <:expr at loc< fdcgettext $expr$ $str:domain$ $str:singular$ $str:plural$ >> ->
+      (* Add a plural / defined domain string *)
+      let t = add_translation t loc singular (Some plural) (Some domain) in
+      {< t = t >}
-module AstGettextMatch =
-  struct
-    type t = po_content
-    let s_functions = ref [ "s_"; "f_" ]
-    let sn_functions = ref [ "sn_"; "fn_" ]
-    let gettext_functions = ref [ "gettext"; "fgettext" ]
-    let dgettext_functions = ref [ "dgettext"; "fdgettext"; "dcgettext"; "fdcgettext" ]
-    let ngettext_functions = ref [ "ngettext"; "fngettext" ]
-    let dngettext_functions = ref [ "dngettext"; "fdngettext"; "dcngettext"; "fdcngettext" ]
-    (* Check if the given node belong to the given functions *)
-    let is_like e functions = 
-      let function_name e =
-        let rec check_module e =
-          match e with
-            ExAcc(_, ExUid(_, _), e) -> check_module e
-          | ExUid(_, _) -> true
-          | _ -> false
-        in
-        match e with
-          ExLid(_, s) -> s
-        | ExAcc(_, e, ExLid(_, s)) when check_module e -> s
-        | _ -> raise Not_found
-      in
-      try
-        List.mem (function_name e) !functions
-      with Not_found ->
-        false
-    let id t x = t
-    let ctyp = id 
-    let row_field = id 
-    let class_infos = id 
-    let patt = id 
-    let expr t e = 
-      match e with
-        ExApp(_, 
-          e, ExStr(loc, singular)
-          ) when is_like e s_functions ->
-          (* Add a singular / default domain string *)
-          add_translation t loc singular None None
-      | ExApp(_, 
-          ExApp(_, e, _), ExStr(loc, singular)
-          ) when is_like e gettext_functions ->
-          (* Add a singular / default domain string *)
-          add_translation t loc singular None None
-      | ExApp(_, 
-          ExApp(_, e, ExStr(loc, singular)), ExStr(_, plural)
-          ) when is_like e sn_functions ->
-          (* Add a plural / default domain string *)
-          add_translation t loc singular (Some plural) None
-      | ExApp(_, 
-          ExApp(_, ExApp(_, e, _), ExStr(loc, singular)), ExStr(_, plural)
-          ) when is_like e ngettext_functions ->
-          (* Add a plural / default domain string *)
-          add_translation t loc singular (Some plural) None
-      | ExApp(_, 
-          ExApp(_, ExApp(_, e, _), ExStr(_, domain)), ExStr(loc, singular)
-          ) when is_like e dgettext_functions ->
-          (* Add a singular / defined domain string *)
-          add_translation t loc singular None (Some domain)
-      | ExApp(_, 
-          ExApp(_, ExApp(_, ExApp(_, e, _), ExStr(_, domain)), ExStr(loc, singular)), ExStr(_, plural)
-          ) when is_like e dngettext_functions ->
-          (* Add a plural / defined domain string *)
-          add_translation t loc singular (Some plural) (Some domain)
-      | _ ->
-          t
-    let module_type = id 
-    let sig_item = id 
-    let with_constr = id 
-    let module_expr = id 
-    let str_item = id 
-    let type_decl = id 
-    let class_type = id 
-    let class_sig_item = id 
-    let class_expr = id 
-    let class_str_item = id 
-    let interf = id 
-    let implem = id 
+    | e -> super#expr e
-module AstGettext = Pr_ast_analyze.AstAnalyze(AstGettextMatch)
-let output_translations m = 
-  let (fd,close_on_exit) = 
-    match !Pcaml.output_file with
-      Some f -> (open_out f,true)
-    | None -> (stdout,false)
-  in
-  Marshal.to_channel fd m [];
-  flush fd;
-  if close_on_exit then
-    close_out fd
-  else
-    ()
-let gettext_interf lst =
-  output_translations (AstGettext.interf empty_po lst)
-let gettext_implem lst = 
-  output_translations (AstGettext.implem empty_po lst)
-(* Register Pcaml printer *)
+  (* Called on *.mli files. *)
+  (* This was in the old code, but AFAICS interfaces can never
+   * contain translatable strings (right??).  So I've changed this
+   * to do nothing. - RWMJ 2008/03/21
+   *)
+  let print_interf ?input_file ?output_file _ = ()
+  (* Called on *.ml files. *)
+  let print_implem ?input_file ?output_file ast =
+    let visitor = (new visitor)#str_item in
+    let t = (visitor ast)#t in
+    output_translations ?output_file t
-Pcaml.print_interf := gettext_interf
-Pcaml.print_implem := gettext_implem
+(* Register the new printer. *)
+module M = Camlp4.Register.OCamlPrinter(Id)(Make) ;;
+(* XXX How to do this?
 Pcaml.add_option "-default-textdomain" 
   (Arg.String ( fun textdomain -> default_textdomain := Some textdomain ) )
   "<textdomain> Defines the default textdomain"
diff -ur ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/ocaml-gettext/Makefile ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/ocaml-gettext/Makefile
--- ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/ocaml-gettext/Makefile	2008-03-21 16:23:38.000000000 +0000
+++ ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/ocaml-gettext/Makefile	2008-03-21 17:03:54.000000000 +0000
@@ -60,19 +60,21 @@
 all: ocaml-xgettext
 install: ocaml-xgettext-install
 uninstall: ocaml-xgettext-uninstall
+# mkcamlp4 is broken in 3.10
 ocaml-xgettext: $(BUILDBIN)
-	$(MKCAMLP4)                                                          \
-           -I +camlp4 pa_o.cmo                                               \
+	$(OCAMLC)                                                            \
+           -I +camlp4 camlp4lib.cma                                          \
+           unix.cma                                                          \
           `$(OCAMLFIND) query -r -predicates byte gettext.extract -i-format` \
           `$(OCAMLFIND) query -r -predicates byte gettext.extract -a-format` \
           `$(OCAMLFIND) query -r -predicates byte gettext.extract -o-format` \
+           Camlp4Bin.cmo                                                     \
           -o $@
 	$(CP) $@ $(BUILDBIN)/
 	$(CP) ocaml-xgettext $(BINDIR)/
diff -ur ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/po/fr.po ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/po/fr.po
--- ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/po/fr.po	2008-03-21 16:23:39.000000000 +0000
+++ ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/po/fr.po	2008-03-21 17:20:16.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
-# Ocaml-gettext catalog. 
-# Copyright (C) 2005 by Sylvain Le Gall <sylvain at le-gall.net>.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the ocaml-gettext package.
-# Author: Sylvain Le Gall <sylvain at le-gall.net> 2005.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: ocaml-gettext v0.1.1\n"
@@ -17,233 +11,135 @@
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1;"
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:286
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:314
 msgid " Choose how to handle failure in ocaml-gettext. Default: %s."
-msgstr " Choisir la façon de traiter les erreurs dans ocaml-gettext. Défaut : %s."
+msgstr " Choisir la fa\25595\255on de traiter les erreurs dans ocaml-gettext. D\25595\2559faut : %s."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:301
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:329
 msgid " Disable the translation perform by ocaml-gettext. Default: enable."
-msgstr " Désactive la traduction faite par ocaml-gettext. Défaut : active."
+msgstr " D\25595\2559sactive la traduction faite par ocaml-gettext. D\25595\2559faut : active."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:471
-msgid " Returns only the version string of ocaml-gettext."
-msgstr " Retourne uniquement la version de ocaml-gettext."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:462
-msgid " Returns version information on ocaml-gettext."
-msgstr " Retourne les informations sur la version de ocaml-gettext."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:490
-msgid "%s\n\nCommand: ocaml-gettext -action (%s) [options]\nWhen trying to guess language and textdomain from a \nMO file, the rules applied are: language.textdomain.mo\n\nOptions:"
-msgstr "%s"
-"Commande : ocaml-gettext -action (%s) [options]\n"
-"Lorsqu'on essaie de deviner la langue de le domaine à partir \n"
-"d'un fichier MO, les règles appliquées sont : langue.domaine.mo\n"
-"Options :"
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:292
-msgid "Action to execute. Default: none."
-msgstr "Action à exécuter. Défaut : aucune."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:195
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:219
 msgid "An empty entry has been encounter."
-msgstr "Une entrée vide a été trouvée."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:501
-msgid "An error occurs while processing."
-msgstr "Une erreur s'est produite lors du traitement."
+msgstr "Une entr\25595\2559e vide a \25595\2559t\25595\2559 trouv\25595\2559e."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:167
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:191
 msgid "Cannot find an approriate ocaml-gettext compiled file ( %s )."
-msgstr "Impossible de trouver un fichier ocaml-gettext compilé approprié ( %s )."
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver un fichier ocaml-gettext compil\25595\2559 appropri\25595\2559 ( %s )."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:229
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:253
 msgid "Cannot find string %S."
-msgstr "Impossible de trouver la chaîne %S."
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver la cha\25595\255ne %S."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:214
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:238
 msgid "Could not open file %s."
 msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier %s."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:226
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:250
 msgid "Error while merging two PO files: %S and %S cannot be merged."
-msgstr "Erreur lors de la fusion de 2 fichiers PO : %S et %S ne peuvent être fusionnés."
+msgstr "Erreur lors de la fusion de 2 fichiers PO : %S et %S ne peuvent \25595\255tre fusionn\25595\2559s."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:220
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:244
 msgid "Error while processing parsing of PO file, in msgid %S, %d index is out of bound."
-msgstr "Erreur lors du décodage du fichier PO, au niveau de msgid %S, l'indice %d est hors limite."
+msgstr "Erreur lors du d\25595\2559codage du fichier PO, au niveau de msgid %S, l'indice %d est hors limite."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:217
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:241
 msgid "Error while processing parsing of PO file: %S at %s."
-msgstr "Erreur lors du décodage du fichier PO : %S à %s."
+msgstr "Erreur lors du d\25595\2559codage du fichier PO : %S \25595\255 %s."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:180
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:204
 msgid "Error while processing parsing of content-type at %s: %S."
-msgstr "Erreur lors du décodage du champs content-type à %s : %S."
+msgstr "Erreur lors du d\25595\2559codage du champs content-type \25595\255 %s : %S."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:172
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:196
 msgid "Error while processing parsing of options at %s: %S."
-msgstr "Erreur lors du décodage des options à %s : %S."
+msgstr "Erreur lors du d\25595\2559codage des options \25595\255 %s : %S."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:176
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:200
 msgid "Error while processing parsing of plural at %s: %S."
-msgstr "Erreur lors du décodage de la forme plurielle à %s : %S."
+msgstr "Erreur lors du d\25595\2559codage de la forme plurielle \25595\255 %s : %S."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:223
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:247
 msgid "Error while trying to load PO file %s, file doesn't exist."
 msgstr "Erreur lors du chargement du fichier PO %s, le fichier n'existe pas."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:288
-msgid "Invalid action: %s."
-msgstr "Action invalide : %s."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:192
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:216
 msgid "Junk at the end of the plural form id %S: %s."
-msgstr "Caractères non utilisé à la fin de la forme plurielle %S : %s."
+msgstr "Caract\25595\2558res non utilis\25595\2559 \25595\255 la fin de la forme plurielle %S : %s."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:184
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:208
 msgid "MO file provided is not encoded following ocaml-gettext convention."
-msgstr "Le fichier MO fourni ne suit pas les règles de la librairie ocaml-gettext."
+msgstr "Le fichier MO fourni ne suit pas les r\25595\2558gles de la librairie ocaml-gettext."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:197
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:221
 msgid "Number of strings is negative."
-msgstr "Le nombre de chaîne de caractères est négatif."
+msgstr "Le nombre de cha\25595\255ne de caract\25595\2558res est n\25595\2559gatif."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:170
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:194
 msgid "Ocaml-gettext library is not initialized"
-msgstr "La librairie ocaml-gettext n'est pas initialisée."
+msgstr "La librairie ocaml-gettext n'est pas initialis\25595\2559e."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:199
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:223
 msgid "Offset of string table is out of bound ([%ld,%ld] should be in [%ld,%ld])."
-msgstr "Le décalage de la table de chaîne de caractère est hors limite ( [%ld,%ld] devrait être dans l'intervalle [%ld,%ld] )."
+msgstr "Le d\25595\2559calage de la table de cha\25595\255ne de caract\25595\2558re est hors limite ( [%ld,%ld] devrait \25595\255tre dans l'intervalle [%ld,%ld] )."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:202
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:226
 msgid "Offset of translation table is out of bound ([%ld,%ld] should be in [%ld,%dl])."
-msgstr "Le décalage de la table de chaîne de traduction est hors limite ( [%ld,%ld] devrait être dans l'intervalle [%ld,%ld] )."
+msgstr "Le d\25595\2559calage de la table de cha\25595\255ne de traduction est hors limite ( [%ld,%ld] devrait \25595\255tre dans l'intervalle [%ld,%ld] )."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:208
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:232
 msgid "Out of bound access when trying to find a string (%d < %d)."
-msgstr "Accès hors limite lors de la recherche d'une chaîne de caractère ( %d < %d )."
+msgstr "Acc\25595\2558s hors limite lors de la recherche d'une cha\25595\255ne de caract\25595\2558re ( %d < %d )."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:211
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:235
 msgid "Out of bound access when trying to find a translation (%d < %d)."
-msgstr "Accès hors limite lors de la recherche d'une traduction ( %d < %d )."
+msgstr "Acc\25595\2558s hors limite lors de la recherche d'une traduction ( %d < %d )."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:159
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:183
 msgid "Problem reading file %s: %s."
-msgstr "Problème lors de la lecture du fichier %s : %s."
+msgstr "Probl\25595\2558me lors de la lecture du fichier %s : %s."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:161
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:185
 msgid "Problem while extracting %s: command %S exits with code %d."
-msgstr "Problème lors de l'extraction %s : la commande %S s'est terminée avec le code de sortie %d."
+msgstr "Probl\25595\2558me lors de l'extraction %s : la commande %S s'est termin\25595\2559e avec le code de sortie %d."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:164
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:188
 msgid "Problem while extracting %s: command %S killed by signal %d."
-msgstr "Problème lors de l'extraction %s : la commande %S a été tuée avec le signal %d."
+msgstr "Probl\25595\2558me lors de l'extraction %s : la commande %S a \25595\2559t\25595\2559 tu\25595\2559e avec le signal %d."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:205
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:229
 msgid "Translation table and string table overlap ([%ld,%ld] and [%ld,%ld] have a non empty intersection)."
-msgstr "Les tables de traduction et de chaîne de caractères se recouvrent ( [%ld,%ld] et [%ld,%ld] ont une intersection non vide )."
+msgstr "Les tables de traduction et de cha\25595\255ne de caract\25595\2558res se recouvrent ( [%ld,%ld] et [%ld,%ld] ont une intersection non vide )."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:186
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:210
 msgid "Trying to fetch the plural form %d of a singular form %S."
-msgstr "Tentative de récupération de la forme plurielle %d d'une forme singulière %S."
+msgstr "Tentative de r\25595\2559cup\25595\2559ration de la forme plurielle %d d'une forme singuli\25595\2558re %S."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:189
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:213
 msgid "Trying to fetch the plural form %d of plural form %s."
-msgstr "Tentative de récupération de la forme plurielle %d de la forme plurielle %d."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:78
-msgid "You cannot specify a output filename and more than one \nfilename : all the compiled file will have the same output filename"
-msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas spécifier un seul fichier de sortie et plus d'un \n nom de fichier en entrée : tous les fichiers compilés vont avoir le même nom de fichier de sortie."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:74
-msgid "You cannot specify at the same time a language, a textdomain \nand provide more than one file to install/uninstall : all files\nwill have the same destination filename."
-msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas spécifier à la fois un langage, un domaine de texte et donner plus d'un fichier à installer/désinstaller : tous les fichiers vont avoir la même destination."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:69
-msgid "You must specify one action."
-msgstr "Vous devez spécifier une action."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:375
-msgid "category Category to use when installing a MO file. Default: %s."
-msgstr "categorie Catégorie à utiliser lors de de l'installation d'un fichier MO. Défaut : %s."
+msgstr "Tentative de r\25595\2559cup\25595\2559ration de la forme plurielle %d de la forme plurielle %d."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:413
-msgid "category Category to use when uninstalling a MO file.  Default: %s."
-msgstr "category Catégorie à utiliser lors de la désinstallation d'un fichier MO. Défaut : %s."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:301
-msgid "cmd Command to extract translatable strings from an OCaml source file. Default: %s."
-msgstr "cmd Commande pour extraire les chaînes de caractères traductibles d'un fichier source OCaml. Défaut : %s."
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:256
+msgid "Unable to parse the POSIX language environment variable %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:361
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:389
 msgid "codeset Set the default codeset for outputting string with ocaml-gettext. Default: %s."
-msgstr "codeset Défini le jeux de caractères à utiliser pour écrire les traductions. Défaut : %s."
+msgstr "codeset D\25595\2559fini le jeux de caract\25595\2558res \25595\255 utiliser pour \25595\2559crire les traductions. D\25595\2559faut : %s."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:338
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:366
 msgid "dir Add a search dir for ocaml-gettext files. Default: %s."
-msgstr "dir Ajoute une répertoire de recherche pour les fichiers ocaml-gettext. Défaut : %s."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:394
-msgid "dirname Base dir used when installing a MO file. Default: %s."
-msgstr "dir Répertoire de base à utiliser lors de l'installation d'un fichier MO. Défaut : %s."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:432
-msgid "dirname Base dir used when uninstalling a MO file. Default: %s."
-msgstr "dir Répertoire de base à utiliser lors de la désinstallation d'un fichier MO. Défaut : %s."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:452
-msgid "extension Backup extension to use when moving PO file which have been merged. Default: %s."
-msgstr "extension Extension à utiliser lors de la sauvegarde d'un fichier PO qui a été fusionné. Défaut : %s."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:357
-msgid "filename MO file to write when compiling a PO file. Default: name of the PO file with \\\".mo\\\" extension."
-msgstr "fichier Fichier MO à écrire lors de la compilation d'un fichier PO. Défaut : nom du fichier PO avec une extension en \\\".mo\\\"."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:442
-msgid "filename POT file to use as a master for merging PO file. Default: %s."
-msgstr "fichier Fichier POT à utiliser comme fichier maître lors de la fusion d'un fichier PO. Défaut : %s."
+msgstr "dir Ajoute une r\25595\2559pertoire de recherche pour les fichiers ocaml-gettext. D\25595\2559faut : %s."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:347
-msgid "filename POT file to write when extracting translatable strings. Default: %s."
-msgstr "fichier Fichier POT à écrire lors de l'extraction des chaînes traductibles. Défaut : %s."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:331
-msgid "filename options Per filename option used when extracting strings from the specified filename. Default: %s."
-msgstr "fichier options Options à utiliser lors de l'extraction des chaînes de caractères du fichier spécifié. Défaut : %s."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:366
-msgid "language Language to use when installing a MO file. Default: try to guess it from the name of the MO file."
-msgstr "language Langage à utiliser lors de l'installation d'un fichier MO. Défaut : extrait du nom du fichier MO."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:404
-msgid "language Language to use when uninstalling a MO file. Default: try to guess it from the name of the MO file."
-msgstr "language Langage à utiliser lors de la désinstallation d'un fichier MO. Défaut : extrait du nom du fichier MO."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:347
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:375
 msgid "language Set the default language for ocaml-gettext. Default: %s."
-msgstr "language Défini le langage par défaut pour ocaml-gettext. Défaut : %s."
+msgstr "language D\25595\2559fini le langage par d\25595\2559faut pour ocaml-gettext. D\25595\2559faut : %s."
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:154
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:178
 msgid "line %d character %d"
-msgstr "la ligne %d au caractère %d"
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:311
-msgid "options Default option used when extracting translatable strings. Default: %S."
-msgstr "options Options par défaut à utiliser lors de l'extraction des chaînes de caractères traductibles. Défaut : %S."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:385
-msgid "textdomain Textdomain to use when installing a MO file. Default: try to guess it from the name of the MO file."
-msgstr "textdomain Domaine de texte à utiliser lors de l'installation d'un fichier MO. Défaut : extrait du nom de fichier MO."
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:423
-msgid "textdomain Textdomain to use when uninstalling a MO file. Default: try to guess it from the name of the MO file."
-msgstr "textdomain Domaine de texte à utiliser lors de la désinstallation d'un fichier MO. Défaut : extrait du nom du fichier MO."
+msgstr "la ligne %d au caract\25595\2558re %d"
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:317
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:345
 msgid "textdomain dir Set a dir to search ocaml-gettext files for the specified domain. Default: %s."
-msgstr "textdomain dir Défini un répertoire de recherche des fichiers ocaml-gettext pour le domaine de texte spécifié. Défaut : %s."
+msgstr "textdomain dir D\25595\2559fini un r\25595\2559pertoire de recherche des fichiers ocaml-gettext pour le domaine de texte sp\25595\2559cifi\25595\2559. D\25595\2559faut : %s."
diff -ur ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/po/ocaml-gettext.pot ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/po/ocaml-gettext.pot
--- ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/po/ocaml-gettext.pot	2008-03-21 16:23:39.000000000 +0000
+++ ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/po/ocaml-gettext.pot	2008-03-21 17:20:16.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# Ocaml-gettext catalog. 
-# Copyright (C) 2005 by Sylvain Le Gall <sylvain at le-gall.net>.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the ocaml-gettext package.
-# Author: Sylvain Le Gall <sylvain at le-gall.net> 2005.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-03-15 22:18+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-21 17:20+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -17,227 +17,135 @@
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:286
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:314
 msgid " Choose how to handle failure in ocaml-gettext. Default: %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:301
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:329
 msgid " Disable the translation perform by ocaml-gettext. Default: enable."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:471
-msgid " Returns only the version string of ocaml-gettext."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:462
-msgid " Returns version information on ocaml-gettext."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:490
-msgid "%s\n\nCommand: ocaml-gettext -action (%s) [options]\nWhen trying to guess language and textdomain from a \nMO file, the rules applied are: language.textdomain.mo\n\nOptions:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:292
-msgid "Action to execute. Default: none."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:195
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:219
 msgid "An empty entry has been encounter."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:501
-msgid "An error occurs while processing."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:167
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:191
 msgid "Cannot find an approriate ocaml-gettext compiled file ( %s )."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:229
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:253
 msgid "Cannot find string %S."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:214
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:238
 msgid "Could not open file %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:226
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:250
 msgid "Error while merging two PO files: %S and %S cannot be merged."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:220
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:244
 msgid "Error while processing parsing of PO file, in msgid %S, %d index is out of bound."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:217
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:241
 msgid "Error while processing parsing of PO file: %S at %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:180
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:204
 msgid "Error while processing parsing of content-type at %s: %S."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:172
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:196
 msgid "Error while processing parsing of options at %s: %S."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:176
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:200
 msgid "Error while processing parsing of plural at %s: %S."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:223
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:247
 msgid "Error while trying to load PO file %s, file doesn't exist."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:288
-msgid "Invalid action: %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:192
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:216
 msgid "Junk at the end of the plural form id %S: %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:184
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:208
 msgid "MO file provided is not encoded following ocaml-gettext convention."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:197
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:221
 msgid "Number of strings is negative."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:170
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:194
 msgid "Ocaml-gettext library is not initialized"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:199
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:223
 msgid "Offset of string table is out of bound ([%ld,%ld] should be in [%ld,%ld])."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:202
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:226
 msgid "Offset of translation table is out of bound ([%ld,%ld] should be in [%ld,%dl])."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:208
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:232
 msgid "Out of bound access when trying to find a string (%d < %d)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:211
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:235
 msgid "Out of bound access when trying to find a translation (%d < %d)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:159
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:183
 msgid "Problem reading file %s: %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:161
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:185
 msgid "Problem while extracting %s: command %S exits with code %d."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:164
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:188
 msgid "Problem while extracting %s: command %S killed by signal %d."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:205
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:229
 msgid "Translation table and string table overlap ([%ld,%ld] and [%ld,%ld] have a non empty intersection)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:186
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:210
 msgid "Trying to fetch the plural form %d of a singular form %S."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:189
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:213
 msgid "Trying to fetch the plural form %d of plural form %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:78
-msgid "You cannot specify a output filename and more than one \nfilename : all the compiled file will have the same output filename"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:74
-msgid "You cannot specify at the same time a language, a textdomain \nand provide more than one file to install/uninstall : all files\nwill have the same destination filename."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:69
-msgid "You must specify one action."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:375
-msgid "category Category to use when installing a MO file. Default: %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:413
-msgid "category Category to use when uninstalling a MO file.  Default: %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:301
-msgid "cmd Command to extract translatable strings from an OCaml source file. Default: %s."
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:256
+msgid "Unable to parse the POSIX language environment variable %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:361
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:389
 msgid "codeset Set the default codeset for outputting string with ocaml-gettext. Default: %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:338
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:366
 msgid "dir Add a search dir for ocaml-gettext files. Default: %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:394
-msgid "dirname Base dir used when installing a MO file. Default: %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:432
-msgid "dirname Base dir used when uninstalling a MO file. Default: %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:452
-msgid "extension Backup extension to use when moving PO file which have been merged. Default: %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:357
-msgid "filename MO file to write when compiling a PO file. Default: name of the PO file with \\\".mo\\\" extension."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:442
-msgid "filename POT file to use as a master for merging PO file. Default: %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:347
-msgid "filename POT file to write when extracting translatable strings. Default: %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:331
-msgid "filename options Per filename option used when extracting strings from the specified filename. Default: %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:366
-msgid "language Language to use when installing a MO file. Default: try to guess it from the name of the MO file."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:404
-msgid "language Language to use when uninstalling a MO file. Default: try to guess it from the name of the MO file."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:347
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:375
 msgid "language Set the default language for ocaml-gettext. Default: %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:154
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:178
 msgid "line %d character %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:311
-msgid "options Default option used when extracting translatable strings. Default: %S."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:385
-msgid "textdomain Textdomain to use when installing a MO file. Default: try to guess it from the name of the MO file."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ocaml-gettext/ocaml-gettext.ml:423
-msgid "textdomain Textdomain to use when uninstalling a MO file. Default: try to guess it from the name of the MO file."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:317
+#: ../libgettext-ocaml/gettext.ml:345
 msgid "textdomain dir Set a dir to search ocaml-gettext files for the specified domain. Default: %s."
 msgstr ""
diff -ur ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/po/POTFILES ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/po/POTFILES
--- ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.orig/po/POTFILES	2008-03-21 16:23:39.000000000 +0000
+++ ocaml-gettext-0.2.0/po/POTFILES	2008-03-21 17:20:14.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,2 +1 @@

--- NEW FILE ocaml-gettext.spec ---
%define opt %(test -x %{_bindir}/ocamlopt && echo 1 || echo 0)
%define debug_package %{nil}

%define alphatag 20080321patch

Name:           ocaml-gettext
Version:        0.2.0
Release:        3.%{alphatag}%{?dist}
Summary:        OCaml library for i18n

Group:          Development/Libraries
License:        LGPLv2+ with exceptions
URL:            http://sylvain.le-gall.net/ocaml-gettext.html
Source0:        http://sylvain.le-gall.net/download/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)

Patch0:         ocaml-gettext-0.2.0-20080321.patch

BuildRequires:  ocaml >= 3.10.0
BuildRequires:  ocaml-findlib-devel
BuildRequires:  ocaml-ocamldoc
BuildRequires:  ocaml-camlp4-devel
BuildRequires:  ocaml-fileutils-devel
BuildRequires:  ocaml-camlidl-devel
BuildRequires:  docbook-style-xsl
BuildRequires:  libxslt
BuildRequires:  libxml2
BuildRequires:  chrpath
BuildRequires:  autoconf

# When https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=438486 is fixed
# we can remove the ifarch ppc64 stuff in this file.  In the meantime
# we have to build without camomile on ppc64.
%ifnarch ppc64
BuildRequires:  ocaml-camomile-devel >= 0.7.1
BuildRequires:  ocaml-camomile-data

%define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
%define __find_requires /usr/lib/rpm/ocaml-find-requires.sh -i Asttypes -i Parsetree
%define __find_provides /usr/lib/rpm/ocaml-find-provides.sh -i Pr_gettext

Ocaml-gettext provides support for internationalization of Ocaml

Constraints :

* provides a pure Ocaml implementation,
* the API should be as close as possible to GNU gettext,
* provides a way to automatically extract translatable
  strings from Ocaml source code.

%package        devel
Summary:        Development files for %{name}
Group:          Development/Libraries
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

%description    devel
The %{name}-devel package contains libraries and signature files for
developing applications that use %{name}.

%ifnarch ppc64
%package        camomile
Summary:        Parts of %{name} which depend on Camomile
Group:          Development/Libraries
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

%description    camomile
The %{name}-camomile package contains the parts of %{name} which
depend on Camomile.

%package        camomile-devel
Summary:        Development files for %{name}-camomile
Group:          Development/Libraries
Requires:       %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}

%description    camomile-devel
The %{name}-camomile-devel package contains libraries and
signature files for developing applications that use

%setup -q
%patch0 -p1

%ifnarch ppc64
./configure \
  --libdir=%{_libdir} \
./configure \
  --libdir=%{_libdir} \
  --disable-doc \
  --disable-camomile \
# --with-docbook-stylesheet=/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets


# make install in the package is screwed up completely.  Install
# by hand instead.
export OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ocaml
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}

ocamlfind install gettext build/lib/gettext/*
ocamlfind install gettext-stub build/lib/gettext-stub/*
%ifnarch ppc64
ocamlfind install gettext-camomile build/lib/gettext-camomile/*
install -m 0755 build/bin/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/

strip $OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR/stublibs/dll*.so
chrpath --delete $OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR/stublibs/dll*.so
strip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/ocaml-gettext


%if %opt
%exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/gettext/*.a
%exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/gettext/*.cmxa
%exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/gettext-stub/*.a
%exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/gettext-stub/*.cmxa

%files devel
# %doc build/share/doc/html/*
%if %opt

%ifnarch ppc64
%files camomile
%if %opt
%exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/gettext-camomile/*.a
%exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/gettext-camomile/*.cmxa

%files camomile-devel
%if %opt

* Sat Apr 26 2008 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat.com> - 0.2.0-3.20080321patch
- Change the naming scheme to conform with "Snapshot packages" guideline.
- Don't duplicate all the docs in camomile-devel.
- Disable documentation.  Wants 'fop', but 'fop' throws a giant Java
  exception when present.

* Thu Apr 17 2008 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat.com> - 0.2.0-2rwmj20080321
- Build camomile subpackages because the camomile dependency is
  rather large.  However we can't build camomile on ppc64 yet so
  don't build those subpackages there.

* Fri Mar 21 2008 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat.com> - 0.2.0-1rwmj20080321
- Initial RPM release.

Index: .cvsignore
RCS file: /cvs/pkgs/rpms/ocaml-gettext/devel/.cvsignore,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- .cvsignore	27 Apr 2008 16:31:44 -0000	1.1
+++ .cvsignore	27 Apr 2008 21:50:16 -0000	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Index: sources
RCS file: /cvs/pkgs/rpms/ocaml-gettext/devel/sources,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- sources	27 Apr 2008 16:31:44 -0000	1.1
+++ sources	27 Apr 2008 21:50:16 -0000	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+4e95d69e6910c4c0dcafb7e2f8dc5491  ocaml-gettext-0.2.0.tar.gz

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